The timeline of this story does not exactly follow the timeline events on the show, so if you're looking for accuracy you will not find it in this fic. :) I do want to clarify that the first few chapters are going to be dark. Self Harm, eating disorders, depression and suicide will all be held somewhere within these chapters; please if this triggers you... Don't read it.

I also want to clarify that I am not a doctor or nurse and I have no medical knowlegde so forgive me if it's not realistic in that area. :) I want to thank all of my readers for constantly believing in me. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

It had been three weeks since Neal had died and still the blonde had not left her bed. To say she was depressed was an understatement; she was broken to the core. She knew that her family worried about her often begging for her to unlock the door.

She stared at the wall not able to cry tears anymore. She missed him too much for her to deal with, she felt like her whole world was falling apart. "I don't think I can do this anymore." She whispered into the silence of the room. The blonde snapped her fingers and a gray cloud of magic carried her to Neal's grave.

Fresh tears fell down pale cheeks as sobs wracked through her frail body, the cold air nipping at her skin. Cold fingers reached into her coat pocket as they wrapped around the sleek sharp pocket knife. "I'm sorry Neal. I just can't live without you." She paused as she placed the blade to her skinny wrist. Anger, sadness, grief, guilt, and abandonment all hit her at once as she dug the blade into her skin dragging it down in a vertical line down her wrist.

Drops of blood turned into streams cascading down Neal's grave as the blonde cried out in pain.

Regina despite not personally knowing the man that held such a big piece of Emma's heart, she often found herself visiting his grave and paying her respect. She admitted that at first she couldn't stand him and wanted him to leave at once. As time passed she realized that her son loved the man and that she had never seen her son so happy before.

When Neal died and then Emma locked herself in her house, the brunette watched as her son's world fell apart and that happiness turned to hopelessness. Tears fell down her cheeks as she felt the impact that one single man had on the lives of the people that she loved most. Although she would never admit it out loud, she loved and cared about Emma.

She lifted her head as she heard a cry of pain and that's when she saw the blonde's body next to Neal's grave. "Emma?" Flowers fell to the ground as feet began to run towards the sobbing body, her voice became hoarse and desperate as she saw how much blood was surrounding Emma. "Emma! Oh god! What did you do?!" She yelled as she tried to put pressure on the wound.

"I'm sorry. Tell Henry I love him." The blonde said as her eyes closed and tears fell down her face.

The brunette shook her head as she pulled the blonde in her arms tightly, "no, Emma you do not get to do this. You are not going to die." She told the blonde as she flicked her wrist and a purple cloud transported them to the hospital.

"I need help!" Regina screamed as she held the broken savior in her arms. It wasn't long before Emma was placed on a gurney and rushed in the back to be treated. The brunette tried to follow demanding to be with Emma.

"Regina, I need you to let me do my job and I can't do that with you yelling orders at me. I need you to trust me." Doc said firmly as he looked deeply into scared and broken brown eyes.

The brunette finally nodded her head as her voice lowered, "please doc. Please save her."

"Ma, what happened? Where's my mom?" Henry asked as he ran into the waiting room and immediately wrapped his arms around the brunette. Tears fell down his face as he saw all the blood covering Regina's silk white shirt.

Regina sat down with her son just as the blonde's parents came in worry written in their features. "Today, I went to go pay my respects and when I got there I heard a scream of pain and that's when I found Emma. I think she was trying to end her life." She said as tears threatened to fall as she remembered finding the blonde bleeding on the cold ground.

The whole family took in shaky breaths as everything hit them at once. Mary Margaret cried in her husband's arms.

Henry cried as his hands clenched into fists as anger and sadness clouded his thoughts."Why does everyone want to leave me?!" His anger turned into sobs as Regina and his grandparents embraced him.

"Henry, no one is leaving you. We all love you and so does Emma… she's just broken right now. She's forgotten how loved she really is." David told his grandson as he felt the boy hold onto him even tighter. "We need to make your mom see that she's not alone… just like you are not alone."

Hours passed and finally Doc walked into the waiting room to find Henry asleep with his head on Regina's lap. Mary Margaret was the first one to realize that he had walked into the room.

"Emma is stable. Thankfully she didn't cut through anything major; I believe that her magic is healing her physically. She has a long recovery ahead of her in regards to her mental health." Doc said as he wiped his brow with a handkerchief.

Everyone let out a relieved breath as they were happy that the blonde was alive and stable. Mary Margaret placed her hand protectively over her bulging stomach as she was already nearing the end of 9 months. "Can we see her?" She asked anxiously

Doc nodded his head, "two at a time please."

Mary Margaret and David walked into the hospital room and felt tears roll down her cheeks as she saw her daughter just staring at the ceiling. "Emma. We're here and we love you so much." She said as she walked over and placed a kiss on the top of her daughter's head.

Emma didn't pull away but she also didn't lean into the kiss either. She just felt numb as if everyone's words were empty. Her lips trembled as she said the one question that silenced the room. "Where's Neal? I want Neal."

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think and maybe what you would like to see in this story. I will try to update tonight.