A/N: I don't own Warhammer 40k and Strike Witches. Also this is a displace fic. To those who do not know what displace is, it means dimensionally misplaced. In other words some guy cosplay as character from a franchise for example a Space Marine, Spartan, Naruto etc. Anyway, one of the main reasons why people gets displace is because of the Merchant. The Merchant is a void Dweller, in other words he goes into other universes displacing people and stuff. How does he displace other people? He sells life-like merchandise to cosplayers who are interested into buying his merchandise. Those who truly want to make a displace story, please do not limit yourselves to the Merchant for your character displacement. The possibilities of making a displace is limitless in the multiverse the only limit is yourself. Let your imagination go wild.

P.S: I am not the founder of Displaced. Flutterwitch is.


Chapter 1: Where the fuck are we!?

"Hey, Philip. You, ready?" A Voice said.

"Yeah give me a moment to put this armor on!" I shouted over as I strap on parts of my cardboard Terminator Armor. "You know how long it takes to put on Terminator armor on."

After five minutes, I finally strap the last piece of my armor. The Pauldron, with the Salamanders chapter insignia on it.

'Done…and now for the Skull helmet.' I thought. I grab the helmet on my bed and put it over my head.

The only thing that is missing for my costume was a Crozius Arcanum and a Storm Bolter. Putting that thought away, I make my way downstairs carefully due to how bulky the armor is. But in all seriousness, its retarded.

Anyway, it took me more than three minutes to walk down the stairs without falling over and hit my face repeatedly on the stairs.

Once I reach to the bottom, I see a Raven Guard Assault Marine standing at the living room as it was my friend Ian.

"Took you long enough." Ian said impatiently.

"You do know how long it takes to put on Terminator armor." I deadpan.

"Yeah, whatever." Ian said and walks away but stops for the moment. "Oh and by the way, we just receive a parcel from some random mailman."

"I don't remember anyone sending me a parcel." I said.

"You don't? Ah well its ours now." Ian said as he makes his way to the living room. I walk into the living room and see two more Astartes sitting on the sofa watching TV. One was a Blood Angel Techmarine with a Jumpack that has a six servo harness attach to it and the other marine was an Assault Marine of the Space Wolves Chapter.

"Sup guys!" I greeted.

"Hey Ian." The Techmarine greeted back.

"Sup." The Assault Marine replied.

"I wasn't really expecting you to add a couple of servo harness to your costume Evan." I said.

"Eh, got nothing better to do." Evan replied.

I turn my attention to the Space Wolf. "What about you Ramirez?"

"Hm? Nothing much." He answered. "You going to open that parcel?"

"Yeah, but where is it?" I ask.

"In the garage." Ramirez answered.

I head towards the garage only to find a large crate in the middle of the room.

"This isn't a parcel, it's a fucking crate!" I said.

"They're both the same." Ian said.

"Fuck no." I replied.

"Anyway, let just open the crate and see what's inside it" Evan said as he tosses a crowbar at which I catch easily. In an instant, I smash the crate open. Revealing its contents.

"It's that what I think it is?" Ramirez ask.

"A bunch of Adeptus Astartes weapons!" Evan shouted in excitement. He picks up a life size Bolt Pistol and an Omnissian Power Axe.

"Man look at the detail of this!" Ramirez said as he closely examines his Power Claws.

"Yeah no kidding man." Ian replied while he examines his newly acquired Bolter and Chainsword.

While the others ogled at their new items, I pick up a Master Crafted Storm Bolter and a Crozius Arcanum. But I notice a note on the Storm Bolter and read out loud.

Dear Astartes,

I hope you received this crate full of Astartes weapons. You may keep it as it all yours now. Also say hello to the others for and have a nice trip. ;D

"What?" I said with a confuse tone? "It doesn't say the name of the sender and what did he mean by trip?" I ask. On cue every single weapons prop starts to glow.

"What the fuck is happening to our weapons!?" Ian mid-shouted.

"This is some warpish shit going on here!"

"WITCHCRAFT!" Ramirez shouted.

Before I could say anything, the glow brightens, blinding me instantly until my mind went blank.


501st Joint Fighter Wing HQ, Britannia

10:21 AM…

It was a normal day, to normal for Eila's taste. It's been a week since the last Neuroi attack. Not only that, the attacks has become more frantic than before. It put her on the edge because of this. So instead she increases her efforts on her foresight so that she can predict the next Neuroi attack.

'Sanya.' She thought. Every time she said her name, her heart starts to rise. She had known the Orussian girl for more than two years. To her, She was more than a close friend, she was something else to her.

Then came Miyafuji. She's young but inexperience, but she holds great potential with her magic.

She looks at her Tarot cards that are spread out on her table. She later lets out a stressed sigh and reshuffles her Tarot cards. After she reshuffles her card, she noticed one of the seventy-two cards was different.

'The Tower? An unexpected change is coming…' She thought but notice four cards showing something different.

The first card showed some sort of insignia, it showed what looks like a droplet of blood with wings on the sides.

'What does that even mean?' She thought. She than looks at the second card.

The card show a white Raven which confuse her even more.

'A Raven?' Eila thought confused.

She picks up the third card which confuses her even more than the previous one.

'A wolf?' She looked at the card closely as she can see a grey diamond piece with gold trimming behind the wolf head and several strange letters inscribe on the diamond she never heard or seen before.

She puts the card away and looks up to the fourth card.

It showed the skull of a great ferocious beast. Behind the skull were several volcanoes and a banner saying 'Salamanders'.

Eila puts the card down as process of what the cards told her.

"A Tower card and four cards with pictures I never seen or heard off. What does this mean at all?" Eila softly muttered as she looks at the cards again and sighs.

Before she could pack her cards, she hears four deep metallic voices spoke in unison.

"For Russ! For the wolftime!"

"Victorus aut Mortis!"

"Into the fires of battle, unto the anvil of war!"

"For the Emperor and Sanguinius! Death! DEATH!"

Before Eila could even process what happen just now, the base alarm rang throughout the base getting her attention.

'Neuroi? At this time?' She thought and exits her room to find a familiar chestnut haired Karlslander.

"What's happening Trude!?" Eila asked.

"Several Neuroi squads has been spotted near the borders and are approaching a nearby village. Because of this, we're going to pair up with the 502nd. This might be largest Neuroi force we face." Trude said and continues sprinting towards the base hangar.

Without a second thought, Eila follows Trude to the hangar.


"Aw, my head." I groaned as I rub my throbbing head. I slowly stand up and look around my surroundings only to find myself in some sort of grassland. "Where the hell am I!?"

I pause for the moment as I heard my voice. 'What's wrong with my voice?' I thought. 'It sounds like that of a Space Marine?"

I look at my armor for the moment and notice that it was reflecting sunlight. Strange, I decided to tap my armor.


I just stare at my armor while my brain tries to process that my cardboard Terminator Armor just turn into real ceramite plasteel and adamantium armor.

"Okay calm down Philip. In this kind of situations, you do not panic. Instead," I squealed in delight and dance around. "I GOT FUCKING TERMINATOR ARMOR!"

I calm myself down from my initial excitement. That's one life goal complete. I don't know this is a gift from God or something but I'm damn happy to use real life Terminator armor.

Back to the matter at hand, I need to find the rest of my friends. I look at the ground again and found my Storm Bolter and Crozius Arcanum.

Before I could start my search, I hear a distant roar of a rocket and look up into the air and see three familiar figures in the air.

'That's got to be them.' I thought. "Hey over here!" I shouted out catching my friends attention. Before I could react, a Raven Guard fell flat on the ground about an inch away from me, causing me to wince a bit.

"Why can't I just fucking land this shit!?" He groaned.

I simply stared at Ian's misfortune and laugh my ass off. I soon lost it as the same fate happens to Ramirez and Evan.

"You guys alright?" I asked while wheezing.

"Of course not you idiot!" Ian said and plucks his head out of the ground. "I just fell from fifty feet in the air and landed face flat on the ground! How is that not okay?"

"Okay, I get it you're in pain. But seriously, where are we anyway.

Ian gets back up again and looks around. "I'm not sure. It looks like the grasslands of Europe. I think we're in Europe maybe Ireland."

I look around for the moment and sigh. "You got your stuff?"

"My Bolter and Chainsword? Yes." Ian answered. "The rest got their stuff to."

"What were you guys doing anyway?" I ask and glance at Evan and Ramirez who are on the ground.

"We were trying to learn how to use our jump packs. We got the jumping part. But the landing…Not so much."

"I see." I later look at my Storm Bolter for the moment until a idea pop in my head. I point my Storm Bolter at a rock and pull the trigger.


I stared at the smoking barrel of the Bolter and look back at where the rock was only to find a sizzling hole.

"Dude….did you're Storm Bolter just fired a live Bolter round?" Ian asks.

"Yeah it did." I look at my Storm Bolter and fire a three round burst again. "My god, I love that sound." I continuously fire my Storm Bolter for a minute.

"Should be empty now." Ian said.

I detach the box magazine from my Bolter only to find it filled with more Bolter rounds.

"It's still full man." I said. "I think we got infinite ammo."

"Okay that just unrealistic at all." Ian said.

"Whatever." I said and see Ramirez and Evan testing their weapons out. "Hey Ian, you try using your Bolter?"

"My Bolter? Not yet. But I'll test it out." Ian whips his Bolter out and aims at a nearby tree. "Bolter firing test in 3...2...1" He pulls the trigger and fires a five round burst. "It works. I still have to test my Chainsword. But I'll do it later."

"Good cause we're moving. See that smoke there." I said and point at the small pillar of smoke. "When there's smoke, there are people. Maybe they can help us."

"I hope so." Ian said and sees Ramirez and Evan walking towards them.

"So we're heading to where that smoke is?" Ramirez asks.

"Yes." I answered. "While we're walking, you can practice on your landing."


"Good. Now let's move." I said and head off to where the smoke is.

(2 hours later…)

"Just over this Hill guys." I announced.

"Finally." Ramirez said and jumps into the air and lands perfectly on top of the hill. Soon Ian and Evan did the same and lands perfectly except for Evan who wobbled a bit but recovers nonetheless.

"Hey Philip, you got to see this." Evan said.

"What is it Ev-." I ask as I reach to the top and see something that made me stop in mid-sentence.

A Town, a town that is in ruins. The streets were filled what looks like a spider Walker xenos with red and black hexagonal pattern. In the air was filled with the same xenos but in a different shape which resembles that of a small jet fighter. And to add the cherry on the cake was girls. No seriously, a large group of young girls below the age of 20 are fighting this xenos with WWII Era weapons and using what look like a WWII plane engine or something attach to their legs. Also they aren't even wearing pants!

What kind of world did Slaanesh put us in!

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Evan asked.

"If there's xenos in the air and on land and are firing red lasers of death at a bunch of young girls who are in the air with WWII guns and are not wearing pants. Yes." I answered.

"This most probably Slaanesh work or maybe I'm tripping out? Somebody hit me please?" Ramirez asks.

Ian, who was closest to Ramirez, hits him at the back of his head with his Bolter.

"Welp at least I know I'm not dreaming." Ramirez said.

I continue to watch the battle taking place in the air in awe but one of the xenos beams hits one of the girls weapon thus creating an explosion and later crash into a chapel.

"Shit! Do you think she survive that?" Ian asks.

In an instant, Ramirez Jump pack roars to life and sends him into the air.

"Where the hell is he going?" Ian asks.

"The xenos are converging at where that girl crashed." Evan announced.

"You two go and assist Ramirez now. I'll catch up with you guys." I said.

"What about you?" Ian asked.

"I'm going deal with those xenos at the other streets." I said as I walk towards the town entrance with my Storm Bolter armed.

"Good luck man." Ian said before he takes off into the air with Evan.

"I don't need luck as I have Terminator armor." I said smugly.


"Nipa, watch out!" Eila shouted over the comms.

The Suomus girl turns around and sees a Neuroi beam heading straight for her.

Before Nipa could use her Shield, the beam cuts through her MG42 and Striker unit which explodes sending piece of shrapnel through her abdomen and Legs.

She screams in pain as she falls straight down to the ground and crash into the roof of a chapel and her vision black out.

Later, Nipa slowly wakes up and finds herself in the ruins of the chapel.

She later tries to stand up but a sudden pain shots from her left arm and finds it dislocated.

Grimacing to the pain, she looks at her Striker unit only to find it wreck beyond recognition. She lets out a stressed sigh. So she decides to crawl to a nearby wall and waits for the battle to be over.

Before she could move, another pain shots from her abdomen causing her squeak in pain. She looks at her abdomen and finds a large red stain on her clothes. She takes out a small medkit from her pocket and applies a bandage around her waist.

The wall behind Nipa suddenly explodes catching her by surprise. The smoke later clears only to reveal a ground-type Neuroi. Paralyze in fear, the Neuroi red hexagonal spots starts to glow. W

The glow later dies down all of the sudden making Nipa confuse for the moment until she hears the roar of a rocket.

'A rocket?' She thought.

Suddenly the roof above the Neuroi breaks apart and reveals a massive armored figure with some sort of rocket device strap to its back. Also its claws crackles with electricity.

"DIE XENO FILTH!" The armored figure metallic voice said and plunges its claws into the Neuroi thus causing it to let out a inhumane screech.

The stranger continues his assault as he continues to stab the Neuroi. Each stab sends a jolt of electricity which cause the Neuroi to spasm a bit. The Neuroi attempts to shake the stranger off its back but to no avail.

"NOW DIE!" It yelled at the top of his lungs and stabs the Neuroi with both claws sending a massive jolt of electricity thus destroying the Neuroi core.

The Neuroi lets out a final screech before it explodes into a shower of light particles. Nipa could only stare at her savior in awe and fear. She slowly observes the armor. It was nothing she neither ever seen nor heard off but it would have made the Karlslanders a run for their money. The armor was painted sky blue with a bit of gold painted on the sides of its oversize pauldron. Not only that, on its left shoulder was painted yellow and had the drawing of a ferocious wolf trapped in a eternal snarl.

The stranger later turns its attention to her causing fear to grip her heart. She tries to crawl away but a she squeak in pain again, remembering that her left arm is dislocated and bleeding badly, her vision starts to become fuzzy for a bit. Before she could fall on the ground, the giant carries her much to her surprise.

Again, she hears the same roar of a rocket echoing throughout the chapel and was instantly in the air with the giant. The giant looks at her with concern and spoke again.

"You're going to be okay." It spoke.

Soon Nipa's eyes closed and her conscious soon embrace the sweet bliss of sleep.

A/N: There you have it folks, the first chapter of Strike Marines. The last few parts of the chapter was shitty to me and had no way to change it so instead I had to go with this idea.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and look forward to more. Oh and praise the God Emperor!