Some Kind of Magick.

Masahiro Mino

Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi in all legal aspects, while I who am a mere creature owns nothing.

Tags: AU, non-canon, horror, romance, spiritual, angst, hurt/comfort, mature (you know who you are).

Notes: Hello my pretties! Welcome to another chapter of my Fanfic! I've decided to add more to this late twisted Halloween Tale. This story was written originally as a drabble and will return to such at some points. Enjoy tonight's harvest moon!

Song: Type O Negative - All Hallows Eve.

Chapter 6: Witchy Business.

It was well into the night when Kagome arrived at the location her printed map brought her to. It was an old abandoned house at the edge of town, nicknamed the Haus of Adiemina. She wore a dark cloke that obscured her face and feet. She saw other girls dressed similarly to her, wandering up the winding path to the old hillside house giggling about what was to come.

Pumpkins grinning with flaming tongues smiled at her as she followed them up the cobblestone path to the house. Once Kagome arrived inside, the massive Bavarian Cedar doors swung closed behind her. Kagome saw the girls removing their hoods and delighting themselves in refreshments laid out on a long table.

Kagome lifted her veil and strolled around the receiving room, eyes gazing over the ancient Adieminan artifacts. She was indeed glad she did her homework before coming here. This particular house was once home to a coven of elder witches who had passed long before the date of her birth.

Kagome gazed over the confections laid out on the long table, many of which looked appetizing to her. Though she'd liked to have tried one, something in her mind suggested otherwise. She abandoned the tasty delights and focused her attention on the bookshelf nearby. She'd just found an exciting title when the coven's prodigy decided to make herself present at that very moment.

"Welcome to the Hause of Ademina! My mothers in the further world will surely be happy with such a large turnout this quarter. Hopefully, many of you make it through the night and become of one us! I only know you ladies as your pen names from the blog "Bride of Darkness." None the less, I'm so delighted to meet all of you in person! As you've guessed, I am AdieminaRose, but you may address me by my real name, Lilith."

Lilith moved effortlessly across the room as if she were a ghost through the small group of girls. The room quickly filled with murmurs. Black Byrd leaned her head forward slightly to get a better view of Lilith. She looked beautiful with that petrified ashen colored skin as it contrasted with her wiry chin-length raven hair.

Lilith was considered admirable to the many eyes that ogled over her lanky form. Kagome found herself drawn to the pretty witch. Something about her resonated with Kagome's soul. Lilith donned a tight-fitting sheer black dress that hid nothing from the eyes. A sinful, yet elegant display Kagome thought. Lilith tapped a crystal ball at the center of the room with her long, pitch-black nails.

"Let us begin with the trials!" Lilith announced.

End of Trials.

Kagome watched the girls around her drop like flies. In a blink of an eye the contest was over, and only she remained with her hand over the black flame. The flame suddenly snuffed out, and she pulled her hand back. Strangely she felt nothing, no sensation of pain, nor warmth.

She flipped her hand over and looked over the flesh. Her palm remained unscathed. The two girl's on the floor were quickly carried out from the room by few faceless servants.

"Now that the unworthy have been filtered out we can get on with the process," announced Lilith as she carefully unwrapped the ceremonial dagger from its black cloth.

"Go and secure the goat inside the sanguine chamber," the witch instructed to the faceless attendants. Kagome paused at those words, watching as the servants around her left on command. Lilith regarded the uncomfortable stare she was receiving with a kind smile.

"You've exceeded the others brilliantly! The goddess of the harvest is undoubtedly pleased with you. In the past, the vast batches of new witches my sisters' chose often bred bad apples due to inadequate selection methods. I, however, happen to be more careful with each gathering trial.

"It has been at least a hundred years since the last witch joined the Adiemina Coven. Only one daughter shall be born on this night, and that is you, dear. Did you know sweet BlackByrd, that particular goats are related to demon princes?" Kagome shook her head, eyes full with amazement.

"Come along then! You will learn many things this night as you bathe in blood and establish your bond with your chosen demon. Oh, I cannot wait!" Lilith revealed excitedly, leading the girl by the arm into another room.

Adieminan Grimoire.

"Now then, let's get started! Here dear, cut your palm with this and feed your blood to my book." Lilith voiced nonchalantly standing by a gorgon podium, handing an obsidian dagger to Kagome. She obeyed, holding her wrist out over the waiting mouth of the demonic artifact.

Here before her was a hell-forged demonic magic book bound in an unnatural leather. Leather so elegant, not even human nor animal skin could rival it. Such a sacred object could never be created so correctly in reality, but she knew better as she looked at the petrified ash-black tongue surrounded by serrated rows of deadly teeth lurking inside.

She felt the bite of the dagger upon her wrist but did not falter in her duty. Her expression remained determined as the sleek blade glided through her flesh like butter, allowing a few drops of bright blood to drip down her palm and land in the mouth of the grimoire. The book instantly woke, lips twitching and tongue flailing as it let out a few garbled screeches.

It was enjoying the pure blood it was fed. Kagome smirked at the book's actions. The grimoire had enough guts to demand more in a shrill tone. Lilith rolled her eyes at the book's prolonged dramatics and eventually flicked a corner of its leathery skin.

"Now that's quite enough, Grimmy darling! Do my bidding, or else!" Warned Lilith as she eyed the book.

The book calmed down with growling curses and unlocked itself. The pages spun ominously by themselves, flipping over each other until it finally steadied. Lilith picked up the book and read the page over a few times before nodding to herself.

"Ah, L'Incubo! Tsk, quite a demanding, lustful, and jealous breed, but devoted none the less. This a proper choice for one with high psychic dreams." Lilith spoke to herself. She then placed "Grimmy" back down and thanked it. It mumbled in response before petrifying itself once more.

"Do please excuse that little display you saw. Demon books! What can I say, they, have a mind of their own sometimes." Lilith explained as she began orchestrating the servants who set up the ceremony.

Sanguine Chamber.

Black Byrd stood outside of the newly formed summoning circle made of charcoal salt and black herbs. She felt the anointing oils Lilith had dressed her in dripping down her forehead. Her deep gray eyes observed the flicker of the candles placed around the ring, then found a hanging goat upside down facing her.

She pitied the creature a moment before she entered the circle calmly and free of impending thoughts. She raised her right hand while her left clenched the ceremonial dagger tightly like Lilith had shown her earlier.

The animal did not make any movements when she curled her left hand around one of its great horns, but it stared at her. She saw her determined expression staring back at her inside of its black orbs. Those eyes themselves were an oddity, one that gave her a feeling she couldn't shake.

"I will be his bride of darkness. I will give into the night world, open-hearted. I'll embrace him as his power fulfills my desires. This possession is mine, not his. I am in control; he is not. This demon will be my tool to obtain my deepest longing."

"He will obey, respect, and devote himself to only my whims. I will not be able to break the chains, and my soul will be bound to him for eternity! Give me the power I desire, help me take revenge upon those who murdered my brother!" She recited strongly.

Lilith moved her gloved fingers between the deeply carved creases of the snake pillar that she clung to feverishly with a groan. Her eyes rolled back, and her toes curled the moment the dagger cut through the flesh of the goat's throat. A heart crushing scream of pain left the animal, and its bound body writhed in agony.

Lilith bit her black lip in enjoyment at the scene of the blood spraying out all over the nude girl across from her. Kagome did not blink as the blood hit her face, she continued to hold the goat still as the dark, sinful rivulets dripped down her cheeks, lips, and breasts.

Lilith nodded her head proudly. Those sinfully thick jet gems of hers glanced around the room in delight, her black lips pulling back with the hint of a smile as the bright lights of the individually lit candles brightened intensely.

The hot blood poured from the wound, coating Kagome's body as she closed her eyes and ignored the metallic smell. The surge of magic had lasted only a moment. Many candle lights dimmed extensively, dangerously close to being snuffed out by a chilling breeze that entered the room through an open window behind her.

"You've done well Black Byrd. He is impressed." Complemented Lilith as she removed her arms from the pillar and walked up behind the girl. Kagome felt Lilith's wings wrap around her waist, enjoying the feeling of her claws gliding through the blood on her skin. Lilith placed a blessed kiss upon Kagome's lips, drawing symbols in the blood across her abdomen.

"It is done. You will see the results in about two years." Lilith said in an official tone.

She licked her lips in delight while holding the bloody dagger in her hands over a pendant in the box one of her servants held. The necklace glowed ominously the moment the blood touched its surface. Lilith handed the dagger off to another waiting servant with an incline of her head. She then turned to a bloody Kagome. The girl said nothing as she stared deep into the eyes of the dead goat hanging in the middle of the room.

"Pay the beast no mind, for it was only a small sacrifice for your future as a true witch. Here dear, bless this and surrender your new power over." Lilith encouraged as she handed the girl the small demonic pendant from the box.

"What is it?" Kagome said as she brought it to her lips. The moment her lips met the jewelry, she felt her powers slipping from her mouth into it. Her mind began to soar and within her mind images of a dark demon smiling filled her vision.

"It is the palm of a sinner's tree, one of many demonic gems. It is a rare memory suppressor. Unfortunately, this is for your benefit since our business together has ended. You will forget this place, our meeting, and your vow. The amulet must lessen your wait for your demon and help you return to a normal life, for a time. Until the night the gate opens, and he can come to earth to finalize your vow."

"Wait, how will I know who he is? How will he find me?" Kagome asked groggily.

Kagome felt her knees growing weak as a ceremonial blanket wrapped around her. She felt the world around her fading out. Her only comfort was Lilith's voice within the darkness.

"Fear not my young witch, he already knows you. On the night of the full blood moon, your memories shall return. That is the night your demon will come to claim you. Enjoy, and thanks for using Brides0fDarkness.c0m! I do so look forward to seeing your progress in the future, Kagome."

Everything went black after that.


Hours later, upon the dark morn of All Hollow's Eve, Kagome woke to herself screaming. Her horrific dreams melted away and she glanced around. She found herself lying naked in the darkness of a subway underpass. She pulled the strange blanket wrapped around her tighter around her shivering body.

She groggily sat up in the shadows, glancing around to the dim light fixture a few feet away. She heard footsteps to her left and crawled across stray wet autumn leaves covering concrete. She peeked around the corner just as a fat cop who'd only come from the donut shop nearby rounded the corner.

Officer Sergio Cannoli had just come from an early morning snack run. His shift was about to end in fifteen minutes, and he couldn't wait to surprise his wife Ladonna with her favorite cheese rolls. His dark mustache possessed a dusting of white powder from a dozen strawberry donuts he previously consumed.

"Help me," A voice croaked suddenly.

The cop jumped slightly high for his weight with an audible scream. He dropped the pink box which caused all of his precious cargo inside to splatter out onto the ground, wasted. Kagome smelled the sweetness of the frosting and felt her belly rumble.

Cannoli trembled as his porky fingers fiddled with his belt that was under his large tummy, before grasping the end of his flashlight. He pulled it free and flipped it on. His wrist shook as he set the light right on the blood covered girl at his feet.

"Aaaaaah!" Officer Cannoli screamed again. The girl frightened girl flinched back with tears rolling down her cheeks. Cannoli quickly silenced himself as a look of dutiful concern came over him. He struggled a little as he squatted down near the girl.

"Hey, you okay?" Cannoli asked through his powder covered mustache. When the girl reached out to him weakly, he saw that her hand was bleeding. He immediately radioed for back up before shimming his jacket off of himself.

He knelt with some difficulty, then he wrapped her up in his oversized coat and scooped her up into his great arms. He carried the girl out of the tunnel, ignoring the spice of the oils and the pungent scent of blood upon her. He heard the sound of squad cars no more than a block away.

"You're gonna be fine." The cop assured as fellow cops pulled up. Four cops exited their cars, and the EMT's arrived just after. They hopped out of their ambulance rounding the back and pulled out a stretcher. They followed the cops toward Officer Cannoli and the bloodied girl in his flabby arms. She passed out the moment they laid her on the cot.

Haven Hills Hospital.

When noon came, Kagome awoke in a hospital bed. She tried to move but felt a pinch on her arm. She glanced down at the I.V drip on her arm. With a sigh, she glanced around at the bright blue room looking for her mother. In the corner, she found her sleeping in a chair with a pink knitted blanket over her. Kagome's eyes widened as she realized her mother's face was wet with tears.

She must have waited all night here for me. I wish I could remember what happened. How did I end up in that tunnel, naked? Oh, that cop must have saved me.

Feeling tired again Kagome relaxed back into the bed shutting her eyes.

Maybe when I wake up, I'll remember more.

Kagome drifted off to sleep unaware of the pendant nestled between her breasts, nor the demon lurking deep in her dreams.


Until the next full moon, MM!