It's so weird to think that this story is almost is the LAST chapter. I decided to make it the last because, well. I didn't want to end on Chapter 36...

Master of the house,

Quick to catch your eye.

Never wants a passerby to pass him by.

Cornelius Snow, 34

Reigning President of Panem

"Have they loaded the hovercrafts?" I ask.

"Yes, they're about halfway to 13 right now."

If I had to describe my life in two words right now, I think I'd have to go with these: Fucking. Perfect.

This whole thing went on without a hitch! I was expecting some kind of trouble from those brats that have been on my tail the entirety of this year, but they were so caught up in their wedding that they didn't even have time to notice something fishy was going on! This is possibly the best day of my life, and dare I say it: I'm happy.

"Perfect. Let the reigning mayor there know that they will have eighteen new citizens coming. Though, I guess with the Averway baby it'll be nineteen."

"Yes Mr. President."

I like the sound of that.

My plan is simple. When District 13 agreed to go underground, they were written off the face of Panem. They don't abide in the Hunger Games, they don't watch the Hunger Games, but they do have to pay taxes every year for not participating. They also must throw a party in the Victor's honor, and though they never have seen the children's face...they know their names.

So, me being the brilliant man that I am, came up with a different idea. Change the children's names.

I smile as I look over the list that is sitting before me. 19 different aliases, and just like that Katherine Farrow and Clyde Averway, or should I say Emily and Micah Coin, are out of my hair!

I know what you're thinking, why send them away? Because I have somewhat of a heart, you know. These children have already been through the grind of a Hunger Games, it isn't their fault that I took over. They just have to much power and sway among the districts. They're respected, even more so than the President. I couldn't have that.

A successful takeover leaves the people with no other options than the one taking over. Ms. Farrow was a threat to me reign, she had to be taken anew. Why just stop there? I have a vision, you see, a vision of a new Hunger Games. A new wave of terror that sweeps Panem. A way for a new legacy to take over this country. A legacy that will send shivers down the spine of anyone who dares to talk negatively of Cornelius Snow. I will reign supreme.

A knock at the door awakens me to my surroundings. I'm sitting in Bryley's old office, and it smells like fratboy. Cologne of the cheap variety fills my nostrils, as the gaudy and ugly eccentric blue office chair that I'm currently sitting on has a rip in the cushion. Yes, I will be redecorating.

"Come in."

Sadie walks into the room in sweatpants and a t-shirt. She looks at me with disgust as she strolls over to the desk and sits at the chair opposite of me. I smile at her, and she flips me off. She's spunky. It's why I chose her.

"You wanted to see me?" she ask with a very annoyed tone.

"Yes my dear, we need to go over the arrangements of this marriage."

She freezes as she stares at me with concern. I love that she's not scared of me. I get up from the ugly chair and walk across the room to the in office bar that Bryley built for celebrations like these. I pull out the oldest scotch I can find and pour two glasses, and walk them back to the desk. I hand Sadie one of the glasses, and then lean back in my chair. She takes the shot down in one gulp, and then walks over to the bar and pours another glass.

"Well, someone's a happy little bugger, aren't you?" I ask.

"You ruined my life. You ruined me." she said.

"Relax," I say. "I have no intentions of actually being with you. You can see whoever you please, so long as you know that I will too. There will come a time when I will need an heir, but that's to be worked out after you're of age." I say.

She pauses as she takes a sip of the scotch that she poured herself.

"Then why did I have to do this? Was this just some power play?"

"I need someone like you, Sadie. Someone brave, someone smart, someone powerful. You're a brilliant girl. Someone that I need on my side. With a little help from you, we could rule this country down to the core. We would be feared, and revered. The Snows."

She rolls her eyes. "I'm honestly not interested in this."

"Are you interested in the fact that I poisoned the scotch before I gave you yours? You have about 15 minutes left unless you agree to my terms."

She goes wide eyed for a second, and then begins to laugh. She throws her head back, and begins to laugh so hard she actually begins to cough. She falls out of the chair,due to the fact she is laughing so hard.

"I don't understand what is funny?" I ask.

"I've thought about killing myself since the moment I was forced into this marriage." she says in between fits of laughter. "Thank you for doing what I was far too scared to do!"

Twelve minutes go by, and she still isn't budging. She's beginning to sweat as her body is trying to fight off the bacteria, and failing.

Thirteen minutes past, and now I'm getting worried. I think I might have underestimated her hate of me.

Fourteen minutes pass, and I've had enough. I uncork the vial, and pry open her mouth and pour the antidote in. She begins to soothe, and her fever begins to go down. She is exhausted, however. This is why I need her on my side. This is why I have to force her to join me. She's devoted to her causes. To the ones she loves.

To the ones she loves.

"Harmony, can you please send young Daniel in?"

Sadie's eyes are wide with terror as 5 minutes later, Daniel enters the room. He is excited and eager, and totally caught off guard when I pull the pistol out and aim it at him.

"Sir, I'm confused what is going on!?" ask Daniel in fear.

"Submit Sadie." I whisper as she stares wide eyed.

"Okay!" she says in a rush of terror.

"Great." I unclick the gun and slide it back into my desk. I wave my hand dismissively at the boy who's been a loyal follower this whole time. "You may go."

-7 months later-

Oh she's got him wrapped around her finger.

She's the center of his whole world.

His heart, belongs to that sweet little,

Beautiful, wonderful, perfect all American Girl.

Katherine Farrow (Emily Coin), 19

Victor of the 17th Games/Birthing Mother


Giving birth in an underground warehouse is not the lavish luxury that you'd think. I'm currently on a stretcher being pushed up several ramps to get to the damn hospital wing. Who's idea was it not to have an elevator? They should be bombed. Like, they should have to go stand outside in the wreckage and experience what the district did!

"Kat-I mean Emily, baby, just breathe." says Clyde as he reaches for my hand.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU HORNDOG!" I scream as I slap away his hand.

That whole breathing thing? Yeah, it's all a lie. Doesn't work. It still feels like you're trying to cram a bowling ball out of your stomach as the baby is shifting. This is not a good day, this is not a good day at all.

"Emily! I'm here!" screams Lorena as she is by my side, literally out of no where. "Is there anything I can do?"


When we finally arrive at the hospital section of the building structure, medical advisors are breathing heavy, not able to catch their breath. The nurse brings a wheelchair over to me, and I wait for them to come and help my down, but no one moves.

"Oh please, don't let the woman who's about to shove a human out of her bother you." I say as I climb down. Clyde finally wising up and helping me into the chair. I'm wheeled into a room, where again, I have to get up and get into the bed. Five minutes later, the Doctor finally comes in.

"Emily, my name is Doctor Shields, I have good news and bad news."

"As long as I get my epidural, you can tell me my dog just died and I would be okay." I say hopeful as the sweat beads are falling down my face.

"Well that's the bad news." says the Doctor. "We are unable to get medical services like that here. They're considered a luxury."

Are. You. Kidding. Me.

"The good news is we can put you to sleep, or we can do a C-section and-"


-3 hours later-

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Coin. It's a girl."

The most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life walks into the room with the nurse wrapped in a pink blanket. The baby has a full head of hair, and has Clyde's eyes. This is going to be difficult to explain to the Doctor. Because though Clyde looks a certain way, this baby looks like old Clyde, not Clyde 2.0.

"She's beautiful." says Clyde as he touches our daughter's blonde hair. She has her eyes closed, and she is so tiny. So fragile. This is it, I'm responsible for another human being. I'm this tiny human's soul survival.

"What are we going to name her?" he ask.

"How did we not think of this!?" I say out loud. "We are going to be awful parents. Oh my gosh, we can't even name our child."

"Ms. Coin, I assure you, you are not the only person who doesn't have a name yet upon birthing the child."

It takes me a minute to remember that Ms. Coin is me. Funny how when I would walk in the Capitol, I would pray no one noticed me. Now, I would love to hear my actual name other than when it's just in our apartment.

"I've always liked the name Alma." says Clyde.

"That's really cute." I say as I touch my baby's cheek. She's so beautiful. I still can't believe she came out of this tragic year. That something good came out of something so disastrous.

"Welcome to the world Alma Coin." I say as Clyde and I look at each other and smile.

"Get in close for a picture!" says the nurse as she instructs Clyde to sit on the bed. "1, 2, 3!" The flash goes off, and frozen in history is the happiest day of my life.

-2 years later-

Wake me up inside.

Wake me up inside.

Call my name and save me from the dark.

Sadie Amaya-Snow, 18


Can someone explain to me how I got here? I'm still confused. Here I am, sitting as the first lady of Panem, pregnant, and 18 years old. Had I known that the Hunger Games were going to do this to me, I would have died in the bloodbath.

That's the thing about life though, it screws you over if you aren't in the lucky few. Those who say people find their own happiness are full of shit. Yes, that's right. Full of shit. If that were the case, where is mine? Can someone show me the bright side of this all. I'm carrying a monster's seed, forced against my will into a loveless marriage, and forced to listen to his constant paranoia of who is out to get him.

Everyone is out to get him. It's kind of impossible to not make enemies when you're someone as prominent as Cornelius Snow.

"Sadie, how is our little slugger doing today?" ask Snow from behind his morning paper.

"Still the heir to hell, if that's what you're asking." I respond.

"You'd think you'd be a little grateful to me for all I've done for you." he says.

"Don't make me laugh Snow. You're a coward, and I can't wait until the world knocks you on your as-"

Oh no. Not now.

I look down and my water is all over the floor. This is not good, I thought I had more time.

"You can't wait for life to what? Say it Sadie. What?!" he says

"My water just broke."

-5 hours, and an epidural later-

It's a boy. Just like he wanted.

I sit here holding my son, knowing that he will truly never be mine. Knowing, that even after all I've done to protect this baby from the monster of a father it has, it'll never be safe from his grasp. There is no where I can run, no where I can hide. This baby will grow up the same as his father. Ruthless, a monster, an arrogant asshole who is only focused on gaining power.

"What will you name him?" ask the nurse. She has a nervous vibe going on. I would be nervous to if I was standing in front of the president and his wife.

"Cornelius Snow Jr." says Snow as he takes the baby out of my hands and holds him. "My have I got plans for you." he says. "You're going to be my perfect little soldier."

"God bless him, because at some point especially with you as a Dad, he's going to need it."

Ignoring me he walks over to the rocking chair in the room and sits with the boy as he rocks back and forth.

"I want to tell you a story child. A story about a game that changed everything, a girl who almost foiled a plan, and a hero that comes in and saves the day. It's a true journey to the top."

I apologize for the fact that I had to rewrite this story. For those who read it, I'm sorry if this takes away the credibility. I just couldn't justify Lorena winning once I found out what happened. No hard feelings, none at all.

Overall thanks for supporting me.

Keep it classy,
