I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother

I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I do not feel ashamed

I'm your hell, I'm your dream, I'm nothing in between

You know you wouldn't want it any other way

Imogen Mercay;

Ex-Head GameMaker/Mother to the President

I smile as I see Paolo bring in two bodies. They are covered in a white sheet, and it was a clean kill. So no blood is getting on my floor. He takes off the sheet to reveal Katherine Farrow, the Victor of the 17th Games from District 1. He turns to the other body, and takes the sheet off to reveal Clyde Averway, the boy who magically escaped due to rebel involvement from district 12.

"Were they hard to kill?" I ask as I walk over to the dead girl and see the choke marks on her neck. The bruising is a dark shade of purple. It's really not her color.

"The girl put up a hell of a fight. She knows what she's doing though." says Paolo, dismissing the boy entirely.

"Well now that they're out of the way the rest should be easy. What will the Capitol do without their latest victor and the boy who caused such a scandal?" I say with a grin


Paolo starts to make an annoying ringing sound as he is talking. I look around, and realize that the tributes are also doing the same.

I shoot up from my bed and look around the room. Lying next to me is Cornelius Snow. He had come over last night for a "work meeting." however we both knew what that meant.

He hits the snooze button on the alarm and looks around. He rolls his eyes and throws his face in the pillow. His strong arms curl the pillow into his ears.

"You really set the alarm on a Saturday." he states. Doesn't ask.

I respond by getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. I honestly have no idea what this man sees in me. He's young, and attractive. He could have any girl he wants in the Capitol. Yet he chooses me, a 56 year old washed up politician.

I remember a time when my name was feared. When I would walk into the room and conversations would stop. Hearts would skip beats. Jaws would drop. That all changed last year when Bryley saved both the brats from the games. Not to mention that stupid finance of his is poisoning his mind against me and-

Snow comes up behind me and kisses my shoulder. He moves up to my neck, and then turns me around. He's in his boxers staring at me with a concerned look.

"You know I can't think straight when you do that." I say as I try and turn around.

"Maybe that's the point. you looked lost in your ideas. I thought I could help you talk your mind off it." he says suggestively taking his hand as he attempts to slip my robe off.

"As tempting as that sounds," I say sliding his hand off my shoulders regrettably, "I have work to do today."

He leans back into the wall and sighs. He's tired of this side of me. Ever since the incident at the last games, my life has been head over heels. I've been constantly looking for ways to not only get on my sons good side, but to get revenge on the brats who caused the riff in the first place.

"Babe," says Snow eagerly, "you have got to let this go."

"I'll let this go when my son accepts that he's done wrong, and allows me to fix it."

He walks out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. He's sliding on his pants when I walk out to see what he is doing.

"Where are you going?" I ask confused.

"You're busy, so I'm going to spend my day elsewhere." says Snow as he buttons up his shirt.

"Why can't you just help me?" I say angry as I turn and leave back into the bedroom.

He follows me in and wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses me on my cheek, and buries his head into the crease of my shoulder.

"I'm in a tight spot with your son. Being the assistant to the President is no small ordeal Imogen. I'm trying. I really am, but keeping you two separate is getting hard." he turns me around to face him. "Keeping this a secret is really hard."

He pulls me into a kiss. I swear when he does I go weak in the knees, but I pull away.

"This isn't anything Cornelius. This is just a booty call." I say as I push him out of the bathroom and close the door. I click the lock and wait until I hear him leave to turn on the shower and get in. I always do this. I always chase something good away when I have it. Why am I self destructive? Why do I see this never ending pattern in my life and yet never fix it?

I get in the shower and let the hot water fall over my face. The steam rises, and soon the glass is completely covered.

Maybe my problem isn't that I have too many enemies. Maybe it's that I'm targeting to many at once. Andrea, the whore of a woman, who just happens to be my son's fiance that ruined my relationship with my only son. Katherine and Clyde, the brats that ruined everything by both surviving the games. The rebels, well...they really aren't my problem as much as my son's. I love my son though, so his problems are mine.

Yes indeed. There is too many problems going on at once. Maybe if I take my sights on one person. One target...things will start falling into place again.

Well let's start at the top of the problem. The journey to the top has always been a long and boring one for me. I've always taken out the source before anything. Andrea.

I think I'll need to make a call to Paolo later this morning. Andrea has overstayed her welcome in my home.

Don't you dare look out your window darling
Everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold onto this lullaby
Even when the music's gone

Katherine Farrow

Victor of the 17th Games

"I'm here with Katherine Farrow, winner of last years Hunger Games" says Amana Joy as she sits across from me in a red love seat.

This interview is something that Featherly told me I had to do. It's not something I wanted to in the slightest. I had a whole day planned with Clyde, and now it's all gone to hell.

"Katherine what are you expecting this year from the games?"

I look at her and smile, but in my head I'm sneering. What the hell do you think I expect? You send 24 kids into an arena, and theoretically; yes I say that because my situation, one comes out.

"I expect it to be an intense year. I think the GameMakers from what I've seen are really stepping it up." I say with the same plastic smile that I always wear at things like this.

"Well you heard it here folks." says Amana as she looks into the camera with her perfect news anchor smile. "Tune in next week for the reapings, and the start of the 18th Hunger Games! Thank you Katherine for joining us today." says Amana looking back at me.

"Thank you for having me." I say

"And we're off." says the guy behind the camera.

Amana quickly pulls out her cell phone and begins typing away. I get up from the talk show scene that they have set up. The fake background showing the Capitol Building, the red love seats, the brown desk she opens the show with, all things I'm absolutely tired of seeing.

I walk off the set and back towards my dressing room. I open up the door and enter. When I'm in the room I put my head in my hands and slide down to the floor. This is too much for today. I'm getting a headache.

"Somebody call the cops, it has to be illegal to look this good."

I smile as I know who that voice belongs too. I pick my head up from my hands and see Clyde sitting in my dressing room seat. After his surgery to make him not look like the district 12 tribute from last year, one of the only things that hasn't changed is his voice.

He sits before me with short brown hair. Spiked at the front. His blue eyes, which I'm really glad he got to keep, are piercing as he stares at me through the mirror. The natural tan looking color they dyed his skin is a big difference from the pale, and freckly boy that I entered the games with.

I still don't understand how this happened. One minute I'm the raving bitch of the 17th games, and the next minute I'm victor. Not only that though, I have someone here with me who sees past all my bitch persona I put on to keep people in check. For the first time I feel...myself. Whoever that is.

"How'd you get back here?" I ask surprised as he gets up from the chair.

"I told them I knew you." he said offering his hand to help me up. I take it and look confused as that is not how security works around here.

"I'm kidding." he says. "Andrea told them I was with her." That makes much more since.

There is a knock at my door, and a producer opens it up. Upon seeing me and Clyde in here they blushed.

"Apologies ma'am." he says, "This came for you." he says holding out a vase full of beautiful red roses. I smile and thank him as I walk over and take the vase from him. I walk it over and set it on the dressing room counter as the man closes the door.

"So who's my competition?" ask Clyde sarcastically.

"Shut up." I say with a giggle as I open the card.

What's inside the card makes me freeze in my tracks. We haven't gotten a note like this for almost a year. This has to be some sick joke.

"Clyde…" I say holding out the note

"What is it?" he ask

"Them…" I respond with fear in my voice.

I know what you're thinking.

"A career girl scared of some outside threat?" or maybe something like this. "What is this girl scared of? She won the Hunger Games!"

Nothing I haven't told myself a thousand times. The difference is I knew the treats I was matched against in the games. This..person? Group? This whatever is not something I know what to expect.

I hold up the note to him. He gets wide eyed as he remembers the horrible time we had receiving the first few when we had gotten out of the games.

Hope you two haven't forgotten about us. It's been a bit of a struggle but we're back and better than ever. Give our love to President Featherly.


The Patriots.

"Well. This games just got a lot more interesting." says Clyde as he stares into the mirror

I may know what to expect from the games this year. One thing I'm unsure of though is the status of this country. There is a political war going on in Panem, and for some reason Clyde and I are in the dead center of it.

Hello one and all and welcome to my SYOT. If this made absolutely no sense to you, it's because it's a sequel to my games At Wits End: The 17th Hunger Games. This story is a continuation of what happened, and what will happen, and an internal power struggle in the Capitol. I'm really excited to get this off and going, and please don't let the fact this is a sequel turn you away from submitting. SEND ME TRIBUTES.

For questions read the last three chapters, or the whole thing I'm not opposed to that, of At Wits End. If you have anymore questions feel free to hit me up.

ALSO, if you're looking for another SYOT to submit to and read. We're All Okay is currently in the works for an SYOT. It's gonna be rad. Submit to Megs. Do it.

Credit goes to Allanis Morriset, and Taylor Swift for song lyrics.

Forms on my profile :)

What did you think of Imogen and Snow?

Do you think that Imogen is losing her fire?

What do you think of Clytherine/Katlyde? (also pick one. I can't decide.)

Keep it classy,
