Well guys, the month kind of got away from me after things blew up at work and I wasn't able to do any more. But I wanted to get this posted since I'd already written half of it so I figured y'all wouldn't mind one last entry even if it was a little late.

I'd always wanted to write a story where Hinata was the oblivious one, but never had occasion to write it in one of my stories so I was pretty excited about this.

Day 12: Flirting

It was perhaps ironic, certainly unexpected, what the rookies saw unfolding between two of their own. After years of Naruto being entirely oblivious to Hinata's affections, now it seemed it was her turn to be oblivious to his own.

It all started a couple months after the war. Things in the village had finally begun to settle and all the burials were complete. People were still mourning, but rebuilding was underway and everyone was slowly starting to move forward with their lives. This was the state of things when Naruto asked Hinata to meet him in the rebuilt training ground where they had spoken before those first Chunin Exam finals.

Hinata was practically shaking with nerves when she stepped onto the newly restructured yet familiar grounds. It seems she wasn't the only one feeling nervous as Naruto currently stood with his back to her, shuffling his feet and mumbling to himself. Even in that state he could take her breath away.

"Good afternoon, Naruto-kun," she said just loud enough for him to hear. He jumped and turned around, giving her a smile and a nervous wave.

"Hey, Hinata! I'm, uh, glad you could come."

A small smile flitted across her lips and she nodded, "Of course."

Naruto smiled back, touched by her unfailingly genuine feelings for him - the fact that it was so obvious she would be there merely because he asked. His smile fell, however, when he remembered the reason he had called her there.

"So, we haven't gotten a good chance to talk since… well, everything."

Hinata merely nodded, not trusting her voice as she understood what he was alluding to.

"I just, well, first I wanted to let you know I care about you. You're an amazing person and someone I'm proud to have by me both on the battlefield and in general. You're one of my most precious people, but I…"

He trailed off not knowing how to finish what he was saying. How did he tell her how he felt when even he didn't understand it? He'd never had any real experience with things like this. The closest was his early infatuation with Sakura, but that had long died away. He knew he cared about Hinata, but he didn't know how to determine anything other than that.

She felt torn. Her heart wanted to burst from all his praise, but she knew what he was trying to say. He cared about her, just not like that. Not the same way she did for him.

"It's okay Naruto-kun. I understand."

He looked at her in shock, but before he could say anything she continued, "I don't need you to feel the same way about me. It was never my intention to make you feel like you had to. I just wanted you to know how I felt. All I want is for you to be happy."

Naruto was speechless for a moment. His chest was clenching and he didn't understand why hearing her say that felt like it hurt. He should be happy, right? She was essentially letting him off the hook. She wasn't yelling at him or telling him to figure it out or getting mad that he didn't return her feelings. She just wanted him to be happy. Somehow, though, that just made the whole situation that much worse.

"Hinata, I-"

"It okay, really," she said with a forced smile. He knew she was being truthful when she said she didn't mind, but he could also tell she was hurting.

"If that's all, I think I'm going to head home."

Before she could turn to leave he stopped her.

"No! I actually wanted to tell you something else."

He was thankful for her patience. He knew he probably wouldn't have wanted to be there any longer if he was her, but she stayed and waited for him to speak.

"I'm going to be leaving for a while," he started, noting the way her head tilted in curiosity. "Baa-chan called me in yesterday and said that due to the 'current political climate' or something I've been assigned a mission to visit the other nations. She says I've been in high demand and people are wanting to meet me so it's supposed to be a way for me to do that and help strengthen our alliance."

"It'll help you make connections for when you're Hokage, too," Hinata added softly.

His chest felt warm when she said that and he remembered that she was always one of the very few who never doubted his dream.

"Yeah! Baa-chan says it's a good opportunity and that with things the way they are I really need to do this anyway so I think it should be pretty exciting. But I'll be gone six months, maybe more. That's why I wanted to tell you about it. I just wanted to say… I wanted you to know I'd miss you."

Her cheeks flushed prettily and she gave him a small, but real smile. "I'll miss you too, Naruto-kun. It won't feel the same without you."

For some reason he felt his face heating up and he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. After that they quickly exchanged goodbyes and parted ways.

Hinata had been hurt, there was no escaping it. She was being truthful when she said he wasn't obligated to return her feelings, but it didn't make it hurt any less. Nevertheless, he was gone and he had even told her he was proud to have her by his side, something she'd dreamed about for the longest time. Even if it wasn't in a romantic sense, she had reached the place she had always strived to be. Given that, and his response to her feelings, she felt it was time for a new goal.

While she spent the next half a year training and working on figuring out her life trajectory - did she want to join ANBU? Become a Jonin instructor? Part of the diplomatic division? - Naruto spent it travelling.

He visited everyone from their allies in Kumo and Suna to the lesser known nations like Grass and Tea. In all that time he couldn't get the image of a lavender eyed, indigo haired young woman out of his mind. Her sad smile, her genuine desire to see him happy, all of it ran through his mind over and over. He was surrounded by women who were throwing themselves at him, but it all felt so empty in comparison to the person who had always been there, cheering him on silently from the shadows.

Shikamaru had actually been visiting Suna when Naruto was there and the Uzumaki wouldn't stop pestering him about how Hinata was doing. Unfortunately all the shadow user would tell him was that she was "busy." It wasn't until the last stop of his journey, when his host was asking him if there was anything in particular he was looking forward to getting back to upon his return home, that Naruto realized his feelings. Without even thinking he had responded with her name. Not Ichiraku, not his friends, but her. His host had given him a knowing smile and a wink, teasing him about all the heartbroken girls he would be leaving in his wake. It had been the wake up call Naruto was needing and he had rushed back ready and eager to see her again.

When he'd returned, however, things had changed. Hinata no longer hid herself under baggy clothes and behind her teammates. She no longer walked around with her face hidden beneath her bangs and fingers poking together. She now wore shorts - shorts that would have pleased Ino - and a sleeveless kimono style top that was fitted to her body. Naruto's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw her walking down the street, smiling and waving at the people who greeted her in passing.

His eyes went from wide to slitted in suspicion as he saw a young man around their age walk up and hand her a flower. She smiled sweetly at him and thanked him, apparently not noticing the blush on the man's face as she walked away. As she continued down the road she acted like it was completely normal for the teenager who worked the counter at one of the bakeries to run out the door and hand her a small bag with her favorite pastry. She hugged him in thanks before promising to stop by soon and heading on her way.

Naruto was floored.

He suddenly realized she would be coming his way and dashed into the nearest alleyway, poking his head out to watch her as she passed by, humming happily and munching on pieces of the cinnamon roll in her bag.

"Is there a reason you are hiding in the alley?" said a voice from behind him. Naruto jumped and screamed so shrill that Kurama began to laugh at him in his mindscape. When he turned to face the source of the voice he was breathing heavily, trying to calm his heart rate.

"Fuck, Sai, you can't do that!"

Sai just tilted his head, "Do what?"

Naruto just sighed, not wanting to waste his breath on explaining why it wasn't okay to sneak up on someone when Sai would undoubtedly say something infuriating about his shinobi skills in response. Instead he said, "Nothing. How've you been? What are you doing here?"

"In this alley? I was looking for you. One of my mice said you had returned and told me where you were. I was doubting it, but I should have realized my mice would not have made an error like this. Which led me to wonder why you were here. Were you hiding from a jilted woman? Ino tells me sometimes men hide when they see a woman they have betrayed - usually in a sexual manner - in order to avoid an unpleasant confrontation."

Before Naruto could even react in indignance, Sai frowned and continued his musing.

"Hmm, no, that wouldn't make sense. You just returned to town so you would not have had much time to sleep around. Unless your small penis renders you unable to keep it up for very long. In which case I would have to adjust my calculations."

"Shut up!" Naruto cried in exasperation. "Can't you just welcome me back like a normal friend? With a 'Hey it's good to see you' or 'It's been so long, I'm glad you're back'?

"I can certainly make those notes for the next occasion. I'll have to discuss them further with Ino and see if she can add anything."

It was the second time Sai had mentioned the Yamanaka and Naruto's curiosity got the better of him.


"Yes," Sai nodded, "Ino and I have a weekly lunch where we meet to discuss the intricacies of human interaction over delicious food. I share some of my notes and observations from the previous week and she helps me interpret my findings. It has been most educational."

His teammate called it educational, but Naruto could see the slight blush dusting across his pale skin. It was weird, but he figured he'd let it pass. Especially since Sai said he had been making observations. Maybe he could give him some information on what Hinata had been up to.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. So, you mentioned you've been taking notes? Do you happen to have anything in there on Hinata?"

"Oh, is she the one you are hiding from? I did see her pass by just a couple minutes ago. Is she the woman you jilted? I am surprised she allowed you to have intercourse with her considering I have not known her to allow anyone else that privilege. And it's not for lack of trying! These men are rather persistent when it comes to her."

Naruto's hands clenched and Sai's training was the only reason he didn't immediately notice the killing intent leaking from him.

"What exactly are these guys trying?"

"They would like to have intercourse with her. It's pretty obvious from what Ino is telling me, but apparently Hinata does not seem to notice."

Naruto's anger increased in intensity and Sai took notice.

"Hm, it seems you are upset by my news. Is it because you are jealous? I have read that jealousy can cause one to become angry. Are you worried she will allow these men to have intercourse with her since she allowed you?"

"I didn't have sex with her!" Naruto exclaimed, reminding himself to be quiet enough not to attract attention.

"I see. My mistake. So you are concerned that one of these men will manage to have sex with her before you?"

"Sai, I'm not trying to have sex with her."

"Oh. You do not want to have intercourse with Hinata? That is interesting, I'll need to write that down."

Naruto grabbed the pen out of Sai's hand and snapped it in half. Unfortunately, Sai pulled another out of one of his pockets and merely smiled at him with his eyes closed before beginning to jot something down in his notebook. The blond saw him mouth the word "dickless" and snapped.

"Damnit Sai, it's not that I don't want to sleep with her. There are just a lot of other things I'd like to do with her as well."

Sai raised an eyebrow and kept scribbling. "I see, it seems your sensei's perverted ways have now been passed down to the student."

Naruto had finally had enough and he grabbed the notebook out of his teammate's hands. He ripped out the latest page and tore it to pieces before using a wind style jutsu to demolish it completely. Sai looked from Naruto to the destroyed page and blinked.

"I see. I believe you are frustrated now, yes?"

The blond sighed and tried to remind himself that Sai was still learning. He would have to have a talk with Ino about how ineffective her learning sessions were. If Sai's blush earlier had been anything to go by, maybe he could convince her to make them a more common occurrence and give them a nudge in the right direction.

"Look, can we keep this between us guys?"

Sai nodded slowly, "I have heard about this. Something about a bro code, I believe. Guy talk stays between guys."

"Yeah, sure, that's it," Naruto said. "Look you're my friend and I think," he paused, feeling like he might regret this, "I might need some advice."

Sai's eyes widened at the word 'friend'. His face went from blank to serious in seconds and he was ready to listen and provide whatever guidance he could.

"So, according to you, men have started to approach Hinata?"

Sai nodded, letting Naruto continue without interrupting.

"Does she, I mean, has she ever made it seem like she's interested in any of them?"

The former Root shinobi thought for a moment before shaking his head. When Naruto's shoulders slumped in relief he felt the need to ask a question.

"Why are you interested in her suitors? Did you not let her know you were not interested in her before you left?"

Naruto's head shot up and he looked at Sai suspiciously, "How did you know that?"

"Ino was ranting about it at one of our meetings. She seemed upset for Hinata. I still do not quite understand why, but I do remember her saying Hinata was brokenhearted. She had to explain that it was not a medical condition as I asked why Sakura had not seen to it."

The Uzumaki's head was now hanging and he put his hands in his hair.

"This news has distressed you?"

"Sai… I messed up. I wanted to talk to Hinata before I left, but then it wasn't until I was gone that I realized I, well, you know..."

"I do not know," he replied and Naruto sighed.

"I care about her, okay? And not the same way I care about you guys. I don't understand it really, but I know it's different. But now she thinks I don't and I don't know what to do."

This was it. This was Sai's time to put all that reading and research to good use. He was quiet for a moment, not wanting to give bad advice to someone who considered him a friend.

"Well, I would say first of all that you simply can't tell her how you feel."

"Why not?"

"One, you are not able to explain it fully yourself. Two, you told her before you left that you did not feel that way about her. It would seem odd to suddenly express those feelings for her now that you have returned."

Naruto nodded slowly and Sai was pleased with himself for doing well so far.

"Okay then, what do you suggest?"

Sai thought for another moment before pulling out and consulting his notebook.

"Well, in the animal kingdom it is common for males to prove themselves the better mate. However, you have already proven yourself as stronger than most anyone in this village. Your orange clothing and bright hair are already colorful enough to attract female attention and you seem well on your way to becoming Hokage.

"As you seem to have distinguished yourself properly I believe your next action needs to be to make her aware of your interest."

"But you said I can't tell her how I feel."

"Yes, that is true. I think you should, as they call it, flirt."


"Yes. According to my notes flirting is a series of actions and verbal interactions that express interest in another person either romantically or sexually. I believe if you flirt with Hinata then she will start to understand your feelings. Then, eventually when you tell her it will not come as a shock."

Naruto was quiet for a few minutes, mulling all of this over. Sai hid his nervousness the best he could. This was the first time someone had asked him for advice not relating to either fighting or art.

"Yosh!" the blond exclaimed with fire in his eyes. "I will flirt with her so well she won't even know what hit her!"

Sai smiled, happy at his friends familiar determination. It had been strange seeing the usually cheerful shinobi so taciturn.

"Uh, there's just one problem," the Uzumaki said, breaking Sai out of his thoughts. "I don't really know how to flirt."

"I was under the impression that Master Jiraiya was particularly well versed in the subject."

"Heh, yeah he was, but I didn't pay it any mind. I was just focused on getting stronger. When he went out I always stayed behind to train."

"I see. In that case I have a book you can borrow," he said, pleased yet again when he saw Naruto smile at him.

"Thanks Sai, you're a good friend."

A few days later, Naruto was making his way to the welcome back party Sakura and Ino had decided to throw him.

Hinata was going to be there tonight - he'd triple checked with Sakura and even though it had gotten him a couple of suspicious looks, she had confirmed the Hyuga would be there. This would be the first time he interacted with her since her return. He'd almost run into her a few times, but managed to stay away until he could finish the book he'd borrowed. Tonight was the night to start putting it to work.

It was a pretty small gathering, mainly the Konoha 12 as well as some of their previous teachers like Kurenai and Iruka. As people filed in, Naruto told himself to relax. He'd decided to try just one thing at a time - kind of ease into the whole flirting thing.

When he saw her across the room, dressed in an informal Kimono, his breath had caught in his throat. The dark blue material complimented her hair and the light purple belt matched her eyes. She wore her hair down, some pinned back with a small flower. She was absolutely stunning and he quickly found that he had crossed the room to where she was chatting with Ino and TenTen without even realizing he was moving.

They all stopped their conversation to look at him and he remembered the first rule in the book: smile. Smiling was apparently the best way to make yourself seem approachable and imply that you are pleased with their company. So he formed one of his largest smiles and waved.

"Hello Hinata!" he said through his smile.

She waved back, smiling sweetly back at him. "It's good to see you, Naruto," she said and he smiled even wider. They stood there, looking at each other for a few moments before TenTen coughed and Ino interjected with a, "What are we, chopped liver?"

"Oh!" Naruto said sheepishly, a little surprised he had managed to forget they were there. "Sorry about that, hey guys! Glad all of you could make it."

He continued to smile, even as Ino's narrowing eyes made him worry. He glanced back at Hinata who also seemed to be looking at him strangely. He didn't realize his face looked like it was plastered in place and he had hardly blinked since he arrived. Instead he figured that perhaps the smiling was not enough? The book had also mentioned giving compliments. He should be able to do that.

Looking back at Hinata he said, "You look amazing tonight."

Ino snorted before TenTen said, "What do you mean tonight? Are you saying she doesn't usually look nice?"

His eyes widened and he sputtered, trying to correct the horrible misunderstanding. "No! No, I just noticed she looked different than usual. It's a good different."

"So her normal look isn't good enough for you or something?" Ino said menacingly.

This was becoming a disaster.

"That's not it! She's always beautiful. I just wanted her to know I noticed she was here and thought she looked especially pretty!"

The two girls smirked at the outburst and Hinata's cheeks had gained a pinkish hue. The Hyuga, who had been quiet for the whole encounter, finally put Naruto's fears to rest as she smiled shyly and thanked him.

"You're welcome," he said, before remembering that he needed to smile again. He didn't notice the girls looking at him oddly as he plastered the smile back on his face.

"I, uh, I'm going to say hi to some more people. I'll see you guys later!" he said and bolted away, leaving three rather confused young women in his wake.

He saw her again the next day, and made a beeline for her. He didn't want to waste any time now that he'd finished that book.

"Hey Hinata!" he greeted, flashing another smile. "Long time no see!" he said, joking. The book had said that girls love a good sense of humor.

The Hyuga tilted her head and replied, "Oh, I was at your party last night. You were pretty busy though so maybe you didn't remember."

She looked a little downtrodden at the idea and Naruto panicked.

"I didn't forget! I was just… nevermind it was stupid."

She nodded and they began to walk side by side down the street. The Uzumaki thought he would try another tactic from the book and decided to ask her about her day so far.

"So, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much," she said with a shrug, "just browsing the marketplace."

The book had said that asking for details demonstrated that you found them interesting.

"Were you looking at anything in particular?"

"Oh, no, just a stall here or there."

She was making it kind of hard to get details.

"Which stalls? What kind of things were you looking for? Did you buy anything?"

Hinata blinked at the sudden onslaught of questioning and slid her glance over to the blond. He was looking at her eagerly so she tried to answer his questions. He continued to grill her, however, and wasn't fully satisfied until she had basically given him a blow by blow account of her morning so far. It was a little strange, but she shrugged it off, just happy he was back in the village.

They stopped at another stall and he saw her looking rather intently at one of the items for sale. It was a flower preserved in some kind of crystal-like thing. It was some kind of decoration or something and when he asked what it was for, she giggled. His ears turned pink, embarrassed that she thought his question was silly, but she explained it was just something nice to look at before turning away from the stall and continuing down the road.

Naruto hesitated to follow, looking at the item she had seemed interested in, before picking up the item and leaving a few coins to pay for it. He stuck it in his pocket, excited that he had found yet another occasion to use something from the book and now had a gift to give her.

When he got caught up with her, however, he was annoyed to find out she had been stopped by the same young man he had seen give her a flower the other day. He'd read in that book that giving a girl a flower was another way of flirting and he didn't appreciate this guy trying anything.

As he walked up beside her he heard her say, "Thank you, Haru! This is so sweet." The young man smiled back at her and started to say something more until Naruto directed some menacing energy his way. The stranger paled at the look in Naruto's eyes and he quickly bid Hinata goodbye before leaving.

"Hm, that was strange," she said, smelling the flower as she twirled it in her hands.

"Who was that?" Naruto said, sounding harsher than he intended. Hinata didn't notice the tone and said, "Oh, that's just Haru. He sometimes brings me a flower."

"Why?" the Uzumaki asked again, wondering if she understood the meaning behind it.

"Does he need a reason? I think he's just being nice."

Naruto pursed his lips at her obliviousness. Did this mean if he gave her a gift she would think he was just being nice as well? He decided to test it.

"Here," he said as he handed her the small decoration he had purchased for her. Hinata's eyes widened and Naruto felt hopeful for a moment that she understood his intentions, until she shook her head and said, "Thank you! That's so sweet of you. But I should be the one getting you something. After all, you're the one who just returned from a long mission."

"No, that's not what - "

"Why don't you let me buy you some ramen. It's the least I can do to pay you back and welcome you home!"

She sounded so sincere and determined that he didn't have it in him to refuse her. Instead he followed her to his favorite restaurant and tried to brainstorm a way to make her understand how he felt.

He found Hinata in a convenient store a week later, standing on tiptoe trying to reach for something on the top shelf.

He brushed against her lightly as he reached up to grab the item and let his hand linger slightly when he handed it to her. He was hoping to see some kind of reaction to his physical closeness - she couldn't have completely gotten over the blushing and fainting, right? - as even he could feel his heartbeat accelerating and his body warming at the contact.

Instead she just smiled at him and thanked him before checking her items against her list and moving down the aisle.

Naruto sighed.

Later that week, the Uzumaki saw Hinata walk into a cafe. He crossed the street and walked in after her, telling the cashier he was going to pay for her food. Sai's book said paying for a girl's food was a more obvious sign of flirting.

"You don't have to do that!" the Hyuga said, trying to assure him that she didn't need him to pay for her.

"I know, but I want to," he said, feeling proud of himself.

Until the cashier gave him the total and his eyes widened. How was she going to eat that much?!

"Would you like to join us?" Hinata asked.

"Huh?" Naruto said, jerked out of his train of thought.

"Would you like to join us for lunch? It's only right to offer. You'll at least have to stop by the table so Kiba and Shino can thank you for getting their food."

"Kiba and Shino?" Naruto said absentmindedly, his eyes scanning the restaurant until they came to rest on the two shinobi in question. One smiled and waved cockily while the other looked at him knowingly.

"Oh! Uh, sure, I'll come sit with you guys," he said, realizing his gesture had once again gone completely over her head as he had unknowingly paid for her team lunch.

A month or so later, Naruto was frustrated. He had tried everything he could find in that stupid book and nothing worked. At this point all of their mutual friends knew about his affections for her and when they weren't busy teasing him about it, were actually trying to help.

Hell, they'd even gone on a few outings that most would consider dates and she would just tell him how glad she was that she got to spend time with one of her friends like that. It was infuriating. Finally, he had decided to toss the book and Sai's advice out the window, and talk to Hinata. He wasn't good with subtlety anyway.

He showed up at the gate of the Hyuga compound and sent a message inside inquiring whether she would join him on a walk. Much to his relief, she came out just a few minutes later and he led them to a park.

After walking and chatting for a while, Naruto placed his hand on the small of Hinata's back and guided her toward a bench. They sat in silence for a few minutes, just observing their surroundings.

"Hey, Hinata?" he said hesitantly, kind of nervous now that he was here.

"Yes, Naruto?"

"I, uh, I just want you to know that I like you."

"I like you, too, Naruto."

She said it so casually he knew she had missed his meaning.

"No, I mean I care about you."

"I care about you, too. You're a precious friend."

He sighed. How was he supposed to get through to her? Naruto looked around and noticed other couples walking by. Suddenly he had an idea.

"Hey, what do you see over there?" he said, pointing to a couple by an ice cream cart. The man paid for some of the frozen treat and handed it to his delighted girlfriend who hugged him and began to eat.

"I see a guy buying his girlfriend some ice cream."

"What makes you say she's his girlfriend?"

"Um, I don't know. I suppose because they were holding hands. And now they're sharing the ice cream off the same spoon."

Alright. He needed to try again. "What about them?" he asked as he pointed to a boy who was shyly offering a girl some flowers he had just picked.

"Aww," Hinata cooed, watching the two preteens as they blushed and talked, "he likes her."

"How can you tell?" Naruto asked, curious as to how she could notice those feelings in others, but not in those around her.

"He gave her flowers. And their blushing and can't stop smiling around one another. It's pretty obvious."

Naruto wanted to roll his eyes at her last statement, but decided to point out one more.

"What about them?" he asked, now pointing to an older couple as they strolled slowly along a path. The man was supporting the woman as she had trouble walking at her age. They were talking quietly and smiling at one another.

"What a beautiful couple," Hinata said, a little wistfully.

"How can you tell?" he asked one last time.

"You can see by the way he looks at her. She's his everything."

They sat a minute longer, watching the couple as they continued on their way.

"So, uh, do I smile at you?" he asked.

"Um, yes, all the time," she replied.

"And have I given you flowers and bought you treats?" he asked.

"Yes you have."

"How do I look at you, Hinata?"

Surprised by the question she turned to face him. The look in his eyes stole her breath away.

Naruto felt completely exposed. He was essentially letting all his guards down, trying to show her how deep and how strong his feelings for her were without having to say it out loud. He wanted her to see for herself how he felt and if letting her see inside him was the only way to do it then so be it.

Tears started to gather on the corner of her eyes and she whispered, "What? But I thought - I mean, you said - " She wasn't able to finish her thought.

Naruto took her hands in his, and said, "Look, I know what I said before I left. And I know how that made you feel and I feel terrible about it because I know now that I was wrong - so wrong - and it's just that I didn't understand it at the time."

"It's kind of hard to accept, after everything," she said shakily.

"I know. I'm not good at this kind of thing. All I know is what I read in Sai's book and I tried really hard to show you how I felt by using it, but it just never seemed to get through."

"I'm sorry. I just thought you were being nice. I did notice you seemed a little more, um, flirtatious I guess? But after our talk I thought I was just imagining things. I didn't realize you were trying to tell me something because I thought you would never feel that way."

She was shaking slightly and Naruto was suddenly glad he had taken Sai's advice. Even if it hadn't worked out quite like he had hoped, this whole conversation was just proving it would have been even worse if he'd tried to do this right when he got back. He was afraid to ask his next question.

"Do you - do you still love me?"

He sounded so vulnerable and it reminded Hinata that she was not the only one feeling overwhelmed. She wasn't able to speak for the moment, but she nodded. She would always love him.

Relief washed over him and he thanked everything good that he hadn't lost his chance. He put his hands on either side of her face and tilted her head up so that he was looking in her eyes. His heart hurt as he saw the few tears escaping her eyes and he used his thumb to wipe them away. He could see her emotions reflected his own and he knew now was the time.

"I love you," he said, and he relished in the sharp intake of her breath as well as her darkened cheeks.

"I'm going to kiss you now," he whispered, leaning in close and waiting a moment to see if she had any objections. Instead she licked her lips and he dove in, a feeling of euphoria overcoming him as their lips connected for the first time. Her mouth was warm and soft and if he didn't feel so amazing he would have been a little self conscious about his chapped lips.

They broke apart as cheering erupted around them. He threw his arms around her protectively and they both looked around, shocked they hadn't noticed the presence of their friends well before then.

"Finally!" Sakura yelled as she and Ino hugged. Everyone rushed over to congratulate them and the new couple found themselves smiling uncontrollably as they were surrounded by their ecstatic loved ones.

Sai smiled as he watched everyone interact. He couldn't stop his gaze from straying to Ino, wondering if perhaps Naruto could give him some advice in return now that he had managed to get together with Hinata. As he looked at his friend and teammate, he found his smile was contagious and he made his way towards him to congratulate him as well.

There you have it! I didn't write as many entries this year as I'd hoped, but I hope I made up for it somewhat with length. I loved getting to write a bit of Sai in this. He cracks me up and I think his awkwardness and desire to be a good friend is kind of adorable.

Anyway, let me know what you think and I will be burying myself in my other stories from here on out. Check them out if you're interested! I'm working on a plan to update more frequently so maybe you'll be seeing them in your feed :-)