They left Peach Creek for San Francisco a couple days after New Years. And once they got home, they slowly settled into life as a couple. It was nice to have someone to come home to. Kevin made sure that Edd's name was on the deed because it as very much his home, too. When Edd got his first piece of mail at the place, Kevin took him out for ice cream.

One of their favorite things to do was take long, leisurely walks on Saturday afternoons around the streets of San Francisco. Kevin would still take his runs and Edd would occasionally take walks to clear his head, but there was something about taking those walks together that bonded them.

They talked about what they wanted out of life and compromised on their life together. If an issue came up, they knew that a walk would clear the air. Edd found out more about San Francisco on those walks with Kevin in the early years of their relationship than he had in the six years he had lived there on his own.

It was three months later, on a Tuesday in mid March that Kevin was given an offer he couldn't refuse. Because of his work on the new beachfront mall, many other engineering companies were trying to woo the redhead away from Marshall and Lee. And it wasn't all that hard to do so.

It wasn't like things were tense at work, just awkward. Whenever Edd would stop by to pick Kevin up for lunch, or drop off something he had forgotten at home, Max, Jenice or both would stand in the doorway of their joint office to spy on the two lovers. They couldn't believe that the redhead was still with their ex.

What they oh so epically failed to see was that they were the reason that their relationship with Edd had crashed and burned. Kevin told Edd he was staying and he did. You can't leave someone who does that for you.

So Kevin entertained offers. Especially since he had Edd's future to consider, too. He would always take care of his man, and he needed more than what Max and Jenice were offering to do it.

Cooper and Houston came with the offer to end all offers. His own corner office, being named a junior partner in the firm from the outset, a company matched 401(k) and Roth IRA, ample time off and flex commuting.

And health benefits. Something Max and Jenice weren't offering to couples other than themselves. He couldn't live with himself if something happened to Edd and he couldn't take care of him. Edd had his own insurance and many of the same benefits Kevin was being offered, but Kevin felt better if they had back up.

So Kevin took the offer and took Edd out to dinner to celebrate.

"So what's the occasion?," Edd asked when they came to the Italian resturant.

They only came out to the resturant when Kevin wanted to celebrate something. Once they came because Edd laughed at the lamest joke Kevin ever told him. All Kevin knew was that Edd laughing the way he did meant the man loved him and that needed to be celebrated.

"I quit."


"Calm down, Edd. We're still good. Better than good actually."

Edd was stunned into silence. He had to hear how the redhead was going to explain himself this time. Once Kevin saw that it was safe to explain himself, he dropped a bit of a bombshell.

"I start at Cooper and Houston next week."


Kevin laughed.

"Calm down, Babe. It's a funny story actually..."

And over a deep dish Chicago style pizza pie, Kevin told the love of his life his plan to advance and take his career to knew heights and to take care of them for forever. Edd had never felt so cared for and loved. Kevin took the offer to help them. As far as the redhead as concerned, his career was always in second place when it came to taking care of Edd, even if said career was the reason Edd was so well taken care of.

About 5 years later, on another long walk, they ended up at the Teavana they first laid eyes on each other.

"Tea?," Kevin asked.

"Tea," Edd replied, smile wide.

Edd liked their walks to this Teavana. He liked going back to the beginning. From the table where he first laid eyes on the love of his life, he could reflect back clearly on what happened and how they had come so far. He could remember the way the breeze felt in his hair, the blush on his cheeks, the heat radiating from his ears. He could remember the smell of tea, the sounds in the air.

And today, Kevin was going to give him a new memory.

"What time is it?," the redhead.

Edd checked the watch Kevin gave him for their anniversary a year ago.

"430. Why?"

Kevin gave a small smile.

"I left my hotel for a run at 430 the day I met you."

Edd cocked his head.


Kevin nodded and watched Edd do the math in his head. The closest hotel was a Ramada and it was a good 15 minutes by car away. He knew how fast Kevin could run, let alone jog. The redhead was moving at a pretty good clip that day. He and Ang had come to the tea shop at 445. Kevin jogged by a little after 5. He only remembered that much because he and Ang went for dinner at 530 after a quick discussion on how cute the man in front of him was.

"And I met you about 30 minutes later," Edd grinned.

"What's today?," Kevin asked

"May 15th. Why...?"

Edd only remembered the date because he got paid on the 1st and the 15th and he had bought dinner for he and Ang that night. The sushi place they went to had great mid-month specials. And the salmon roll he got reminded him how flush Kevin was from his run. He hasn't been able to look at the fish the same since.

"We met 5 years ago today."

"Yep. And if memory serves, your mom found out she was pregnant with you 34 years ago today. And decided to give you that oh so unique name of yours."

Edd stuck his tongue out at him and Kevin laughed.

"I know I tease, but remember how I always say you could change it?"

Edd took a sip of his tea and nodded. When he looked up, Kevin was on one knee and had placed a Tiffany ring box in his lap.

"I was hoping you would want to change it to mine."

Edd paled as his jaw dropped, his mind went blank and he broke out in a cold sweat as tears sprang into his eyes. With shaking hands, he opened the box. Nestled in white satin was a simple Lucida platinum band with a round solitaire diamond in the center of it.


"Edd, I love you and I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. Will you marry me? Please?"

Edd took a breath and looked into those green eyes that he loved so, so much.

"Oh, my God, yes!," he all but yelled as he threw his arms around Kevin's neck.

FAmongst the usual cheers from the other tea patrons, Edd heard a very familiar squeal. Looking up, he saw his best friend and her cousin bounding towards them, wild flowers in hand.

Angela tackled Edd in a hug and continued to squeal her delight.

"HEY!, I still gotta put the ring on his finger!," Kevin told her as he tried to wrestle his new fiancé away from the excited dancer.

Edd was even more surprised the ring fit.

"Remember how you couldn't find your class ring a couple months ago?," Kevin asked sheepishly.

Edd had to laugh. He freaked when he couldn't find his ring. 24 hours later it showed back up in its usual spot.

"Aren't you glad I drug you away from your laptop that day?," Angela squealed.

It was Kevin's turn to look surprised. They almost didn't meet today.

"But, Edd aren't you glad I told you to take a walk to clear your head in September?," Melissa retorted.

"Aren't we all glad that the bodega has really awesome sales on apricots?," Kevin said as he pulled Edd into hug.

"And ice cream," Edd and Ang chimed as they fell into a fit of a giggles.

"I think we can agree that it's good to get out," Melissa said. "You never know who you're gonna meet out here on the streets of San Francisco."

A year later, they got married at the park where they had their first lunch date. Christopher rented the taco truck that gave them their first meal together. Nazz rented the cupcake truck.

The cul-de-sac flew in and Ed and Eddy were on their best behavior. Rolf was very much taken in by Double D's best friend. Edd and Kevin couldn't think of a better match.

They honeymooned in Paris and made their home in The City by the Bay. Edd changed his name and Kevin took his sweetie to his favorite candy store to celebrate. And every Saturday afternoon, when the weather holds out, they take long walks around The Streets of San Francisco.