"Tell the stars I say hello."

Bob turns to give Annabeth and I one last smile, his silver eyes shine with pride. The Doors of Death slam shut. We stare in anguish at the doors, my grip on Riptide tightens.

I will Bob, I will.

I visit Hoover Dam again, with Thalia and Grover.

A few years have passed, and for old times sake, we planned a small vacation. It brings back a few memories, and as I watch faces of kids light up in awe at the dam, I can't help but feel something was missing.


It isn't the same without Zoe to complain at our lame jokes, and scold us for being idiots. I glance at Thalia and Grover, and I can see a tinge of sadness in their eyes as well. We eat in silence.

I sit on a grassy hill, where the view of the ocean is perfect.

I pine quietly, going through my memories and regrets. Although I'd like to say that I found myself in this situation by my own accord, in truth, I was lost. I sigh quietly and lay down. The sun has set, and the stars are coming into view.






And suddenly a bright, glowing star catches my eye. It was at the tip of an arrow… which led to a shining huntress.

Stars… Bob.

And then my mind whirls, gears begin to turn. Her father was Atlas, and Atlas' father was Iapetus. Bob. Her grandfather was Bob. I close my eyes, and then open them. The grief for a long forgotten friend grows again, and my heart hurts.

One of the biggest regrets of my life was without a doubt is Bob. My heart felt torn to shreds. I was so ignorant.

And the worse part about it is that Bob never crossed my mind, in all that time. Not once.

"Bob says hello."

And Zoe glows even brighter, and she releases her arrow. A shooting star flies over my head, heading North. I stand up and begin following the gleaming star, knowing that the huntress was leading me home.

The night sky seems to glow even brighter than usual, and I can see why Bob admired the gleaming lights. They were beautiful.

It hurts to know that Bob never would get to see them himself.