Chapter 1

*ANNOUNCEMENT* Everybody I am NOT dead! I Apologize 'I REPEAT' I Apologize for not updating for about a year. I had finished my last year in my previous school and started as freshmen in my new school which has a lot of homework where I never had a time where I can finished my stories. Over the summer I didn't had a laptop where I can finished my stories and my computer was loaded with junk which made it slower than usual. My parents bought me my first laptop and since then I was brainstorming new ideas to my stories. I finally had a break from school and now I was cramming my time to update for the readers to read. Many of you review to update the chapter so again I am sorry for the hiatus for everyone to wait for the new chapters. One more is that its the second anniversary since I join Fanfiction, so Happy 2nd Anniversary to Me. I was planning to put this chapter right after midnight, but I had to go to sleep. Well enough with me and my own excuses, I want everyone to happily read a Rewrite chapter for Beginnings of a New Life.

*NOTE* This is the rewritten version of Beginnings of A New Life.

Pieces of black shards glowing red fall down from the red ring. One by one crashing against the ground. A boy with brown spiky hair going to the left, wearing a black elbow length sleeves shirt, a red scarf around his neck, gray long pants and black shoes. He stood near the edge of the building where he was stand on. It was the Tatsunagi building, the owner Tatsunagi Takuto disappeared with his reverse self in order to save Earth and Cray. On the other side if the brunette was a girl with long blue hair in a high ponytail, she wore a pink long sleeves shirt with a white jacket over it, blue skirt and knee length brown laced boots on her feet. The girl had a worried look on her face looking at the brunette with pieces of the red ring falling down behind him.

"Aichi, I am a person that is not suppose to exist. After this fight" the brunette put up his deck, the deck had red and black aura around it "I will disappear along with this deck" he closed his eye clenching the deck in his hand. Aichi shook her head furiously "No Kai-kun, that is not a choice to pick" she cried, as tears fall down her face.

Kai shook his head avoiding eye contact from the bluenette "I have hurt so many people just for getting stronger and stronger to beat you and Ren" he said. A sword appeared in his hand (the same one in episode 126-127). Aichi stare at the sword in Kai's hand "K-Kai-kun what are you doing" she shuttered having a weird feeling in her chest. Kai raise the sword up to his neck, letting the blade touch his skin "This is the path that I choose to take" he said

Aichi's eyes widen, her legs began running towards Kai. She grabbed the sword out of his hand, her hand slapped across his face. The brunette's eyes widened feeling the pain on his cheek, he put his hand up on to his slightly red cheek "Baka!" Aichi shouted. Kai was even more shocked looking at the bluenette, he never seen her this mad before. His green eyes look at the blue eyes, Kai can see the hurt, sadness and pain through her eyes. "Kai-kun, disappearing is something that is a choice you don't have to make because everything is my fault" Aichi cried

"No" Kai exclaimed, shaking his head in disagreement. "No it is" Aichi lookup at Kai "If I didn't get stronger then Kai-kun wouldn't choose Link Joker" she said. Kai grabbed the girl's shoulder "Stop it Aichi, you didn't do anything wrong. I did" he cried shaking her lightly.

"No" Aichi got out his grasp and began stepping back away from Kai, her grip on the sword handle tighten "The only person that needs to disappear is…." she murmured, turning the sword tip towards her chest "Is me" Aichi put two hands on the sword handle and brought it down. The sword went through her chest, blood spill out of the corner of her mouth down to her chin. The red liquid seep out of her chest where the sword stabbed in her chest down on her clothes.

Kai froze looking at Aichi with the sword in her chest, he snap out of his thoughts when she fell backwards. His arm wrap around her back and the other on her shoulder, Kai pull the sword out of her chest making her groaned in pain. Kai felt his heart beating very fast, everything went too quickly before his eyes "Aichi what are you doing" he cried. Kai took off his scarf and wrap it around her chest, tying it to stop the blood. The blood continue to spill out staining her clothes and his scarf. Kai cursed under his breath "Don't worry, I'm going to take you to the hospital" he move his arms around her. When he was about to pick Aichi up, Aichi put her hand over Kai's hand shaking her head.

"No Kai-kun it's already late" Aichi's voice hoarse and soft. "Aichi it's not too late if we go now" Kai can feel tears falling down his face, but he didn't care all he want Aichi to be safe. Aichi put her hand up wiping the tears away from his face and let it stay on his cheek. Kai cover her hand with his, holding it tightly in his grasp.

"Stop crying it's not like you Kai-kun" Aichi wipe another tear off his face. "Aichi why" Aichi can feel Kai's arms bring her up against his chest "Why do you have to leave me, I don't want the people I love to leave me again" he said

Aichi had a small smile on her face "You still have people who love you. Miwa-kun, Misaki-san, Kamui-kun, Ren-san, Naoki-kun, and many more people love you. No matter what they will be on your side" she said

Kai hug her tightly close to him not letting her go "B-Baka what about you" he said in her ear. Aichi wrap her arms around him "Don't worry I won't leave you, I am always at your side" she said

Kai pull back, lean down putting his lips on hers. Aichi move her arms around Kai's neck pushing her lips against his. They pull away look at each other's eyes, with their arms wrapped around each other.

"I love you Aichi and I always will" Kai said.

Aichi can feel her body getting weaker and weaker, her breath getting shorter. Aichi put her hand over her chest, grabbing on her sweater balling it in her fist. Kai look down to see Aichi panting hard, her hand was gripping on the fabric of his shirt. He wipe the sweat forming on her forehead with his hand then let his palm rest on her cheek "Aichi I should get you to the hospital" he pick her up bridal style and began running down the stairs where everyone else is.

Everyone waited for Aichi and Kai to walk out of the building. "Man what is going on up there" Naoki cried putting his hand over his eyes looking up at the building top "The ring is not even gone, Aichi and Kai's fight isn't coming done" he said "I can't wait anymore, I'm going in" Naoki began marching towards the building.

A hand shot out and grabbed his collar, pulling him back from the cooperation "Naoki just wait" Misaki said letting go of his collar "Aichi and Kai will come back down, until then we have to trust in Aichi" she said

Naoki nodded looking at the door, he blinked noticing a shadow running out of the building "Hey someone's coming out" he said getting everyone's attention.

The shadow slowly grew clear, they all see Kai running with Aichi in his arms. They can see the brunette have a worried expression and his face and seems to be in a hurry. "Kai" Naoki cried, he notice that Aichi laying in his arms "Aichi!" he cried. "What" Misaki exclaimed, getting everyone's attention. Kai ran out of the building and headed towards the group. "Kai what happened to Aichi" Miwa said as the brunette was near the group. "I'll explain later I have to get Aichi to the hospital" Kai shouted shocking the group. "Hospital!" they all screamed

"Kai what happened" Naoki cried grabbing the collar of his shirt pulling him from leaving them uninformed "Explain what is going on" he demanded an answer from the brunette. "Ishida calm down" Shingo pull the red head back making Naoki to let go of Kai's collar. "Look" Kourin pointed to Aichi who is deeply breathing and a bloody stain on her chest, the blood stained her white jacket and pink sweater. Misaki walked over to Aichi and inspected the wound on the bluenette's chest "Blood keep gushing out, we need to take Aichi to the hospital fast. If we don't hurry Aichi can die" she exclaimed. "Die!" Kamui gasped looking at Aichi. "I know a shortcut to the hospital" Suiko said looking from her device "If we go now we can still save Aichi-kun". They all nodded

"Let's go" Naoki said. "No" they all turned to Aichi who was awake "It's already late" she shook her head. "Aichi what are you talking about" Kamui cried "Onee-san if we don't take you to the hospital, onee-san will…" Kamui stop when Aichi put her hand on his head slight ruffling his hair. "I know, but even going to the hospital won't change anything" Aichi said "I purposely did this to myself". "Purposely" Miwa cried "What do you mean"

Aichi tilt her head up "Look up" they look up and see the ring "The ring is still there" she said. Ren put his head turning to Aichi "That's because Kai still has Link Joker in him" he said. Aichi shook her head "In the first place, Kai-kun didn't have Link Joker inside of him" she said. Kai look down at Aichi "I didn't have Link Joker in me" he gasped

Aichi nodded "Because I cough" the bluenette cover her mouth with her hand, Aichi felt a metallic flavor filling her mouth and spilling out of her mouth. Blood began to cover the bluenette's hand and dipping off her finger's. Aichi pull the hand away from her mouth and look at the bloody mess of her hand. Everyone look at the hand in shock at what is happening to the bluenette. Aichi's lips curve up to a small smile "Looks like I don't have any time" after the words came out of the bluenette's mouth made everyone shock even more.

Kai couldn't even take anymore of this, everything just flashed by too quickly. He furiously shook his head "Baka what are you talking about! Aichi you are going to live I promise you that!" Aichi can feel his hand around her shoulder tighten. Her hand rest over his gently squeezing it "Kai-kun I'm glad that I get to meet you, because if I didn't then I never get to feel how fun Vanguard was. Kai-kun…" her hand left his hand and over to his cheek, tilting it up to show the brunette's face "I love you" Aichi confessed.

Kai's eyes widen in shock of the bluenette in his arm confession then they soften, his lips form slight smile "Me too, Aichi" he leaned in to give her a gentle kiss. Naoki and the boys blushed at the sudden public affection, Misaki covered Kamui's eyes so the his mind will not be burned by the scene in front of him while the girls gave a small squeal.

With Kai's lips over Aichi's, a tear fell passed down Aichi's cheek 'I love you Kai-kun and… I'm sorry' the hand on Kai's cheek slide down and on to her lap. Kai felt the sudden warmth on his face disappear and pull away, Aichi's head slowly motion forward and rest her head against Kai's chest. The green eyes widen in shock, looking down to see the bluenette eyes were closed and body motionless.

'NO!' the first word that pop into Kai's head "Aichi!" Kai cried shaking the bluenette by the shoulders "Aichi, wake up! Open your eyes!" his shouts grew louder and louder, but the bluenette's eyes wouldn't open. Everybody watch as the brunette continue to shake the bluenette to open her eyes, but no matter how much Kai told Aichi to open her eyes her eye still remain closed. "Aichi!" Kai buried his face in her hair, blocking the tears from his face with his bangs and pressing her head against his chest.

Miwa slowly walk over and put a reassuring hand on the brunette's shoulder "Kai…" he said his depressed friend name. Miwa then look over to Aichi's face and notice a small smile that plant on her lips 'All the way in the end, you have to smile. You are strong, Aichi' his hand Kai's shoulder left then giving a pat before walking away.

Kai pull away from the girl that he love and gave a peck on her forehead 'Aichi… No matter what happens I will never forget you' giving her the last hug that he will ever get her.

There you have it everyone, this is the rewrite of Beginnings of a New Life Chapter 1. I have notice that I have been rewrite a lot of stories (Well, only one) I just want everyone to understand the full meaning what I want my readers to read. I only have a few days of my break which I will try to finish my other chapters then its off to school. The Fanfic 'Card That Lead The Way' will take awhile to write since I have to look over Abilities for the Bakugan Brawls. A New World is half way down so I will finish it the best I can before I go back to school. If possible I will put up the Rewrite of Beginnings of A New Life Chapter 2 so I ease everyone wanting to read more. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. So until next time, don't forget to Review.