The last chapter of my first Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I liked writing it!
Épine lunged for the spotted heroine and she dodged, throwing out a leg that the Akumatised villainess managed to somersault over smoothly instead of tripping up.
"I won't be defeated that easily..." Épine growled.
"We'll see..." Ladybug threw a punch, but Épine caught it in her gloved hand and flipped Ladybug over into the air, though the spotted heroine managed to hold onto her and flip her over as well, slamming her into the ground.
Chat Noir, meanwhile, was dodging the animated trees, batting away their mangled limbs with his staff.
"Hey, I know I'm a gorgeous kitty and all, but paws. off!" he batted at one particular tree so forcefully that it skidded several feet away from him and crashed into a car, digging up the street with its root feet as it went, sending gravel flying about in several directions.
"Who else wants a piece of the Chat?" Chat Noir beckoned them forward with one hand, holding his staff behind him with the other.
"Hyah! Hah! Whoa! Missed me!" the feline-themed hero dodged, turned, jumped and twisted to avoid the trees.
He even jumped on top of one that was charging him and managed to back-flip off of it just in time to avoid three others crashing into it, in their effort to catch him.
"You're barking up the wrong tree if you think you'll beat me, you walking saps!" Chat leapt on of a car and dodged the reach of another tree. "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the day that happens is the day I've gone to seed!" he exclaimed.
Even with her fighting against Épine, Ladybug still managed to hear Chat Noir's horrid puns and roll her eyes at them.
After dodging a blow from the spotted heroine, Épine had Ladybug's fists in her grasp and was pushing her backwards when the butterfly outline framed the villainess' features once again as Hawkmoth communicated with her.
"You are close, Épine! Use your powers to your advantage! If you don't bring me the Miraculous, you can say goodbye to all your flora friends!"
"It's been fun, but I grow tired of this, Ladybug..." Épine growled.
"Why don't you just make like a tree and leaf then?" Ladybug taunted.
The green-skinned villainess narrowed her yellow eyes as they glinted with a look that suddenly made Ladybug feel very, very worried.
"Oh no, Ladybug. I'm not leaving." Épine drew back one hand and blasted Ladybug full on in the face with some off her exploding pollen, sending her careening through the air. "And you're not leaving either!"
"AUGH! My eyes! My eyes!" Ladybug gagged and coughed as the pollen took effect on her as she plummeted back to the ground, unable to react quickly enough to try fetching her yo-yo to use it in preventing her from becoming a spotted pancake on the Parisian street.
She let out a scream as a particularly large tree grew out its branch limbs and snatched out of mid-air, holding her arms tightly to her body so that the spotted heroine could barely move.
Ladybug struggled and kicked, but she couldn't free herself from the tree branches' grasp on her arms and the pollen still had an effect on her, making her cough and wheeze, plus irritating her eyes to the point of tears leaking from them.
"No... no... Chat! Chat! CHAAAT!" Ladybug screamed out as Épine moved closer, the spotted heroine's eyes (reddened slightly due to the pollen) widening with each step the villainess took towards her. "A little help over here!"
"Very good, Épine! Take the earrings now!" Hawkmoth urged Épine, the purple butterfly outline appearing on both of their faces once again as he communicated with her.
Épine smirked as she began to walk towards the trapped heroine.
Chat Noir batted aside the limbs of another tree to see his lady in the grasps of the tree, coughing and sputtering; unable to move and with the villain of the day getting closer and closer to her.
"Ladybug!" he cried out, his own eyes widening. "I'm coming, My Lady!"
He fought a path through some of the trees, but still more surrounded him.
"Get. Out. Of. My. WAY!" Chat Noir roared.
"Okay, that's it!" Chat clenched his fist.
As Chat Noir charged up his attack, he lunged for the roots of the trees surrounding him, their roots rotting away and causing them to fall over to the ground with several large thuds.
Doing a back flip over the last of the trees obstructing him as they tumbled to the ground- causing several large cracks to appear in it where they fell- he ran for the tree holding his Lady and skidded across the ground as his attack dragged across the roots of the malevolent tree.
The tree relinquished its hold on Ladybug with a screech and toppled to the ground, just as Épine's fingers barely touched the heroine's earrings.
Ladybug dropped and rolled away from the falling tree, wiping her eyes vigorously as soon as she got behind a car.
"I never knew pollen could hurt the eyes so badly. And that tree's grip on my arm... I never knew that trees could be so strong... Ouch..." Ladybug whined, hissing when she touched her arm.
"You..." Épine growled at Chat Noir, upon seeing the destruction that the feline hero had wreaked on the trees around them. " hurt my friends!" she roared.
"You need better friends, Épine!" Chat Noir swung his staff, batting away about a dozen thorny vines that lunged for him simultaneously.
Épine let out another roar of rage as her hair did its very best at impaling the feline superhero as well as firing off pollen clouds after him.
"You'll pay for hurting my friends!" she screamed. "Plants are so much better than people! They'll never hurt you!"
"I beg to differ..." Chat Noir thought as he ran.
Meanwhile, behind the car she'd rolled behind, Ladybug finally began to recover from the effects of the pollen and rubbed her arms where the tree had grasped her rather tightly.
She hissed in pain.
"That's going to leave a bit of bruising..." she grumbled.
Peeking out from behind the car, she saw Chat Noir being hunted down by an absolutely furious Épine.
"Get back here, kitty cat!" Épine roared. "Nobody gets away with hurting my plants! Not even you!"
Ladybug narrowed her eyes.
Standing up straight and stretching, she declared: "Time to get back in the game! Can't let the kitty have all the fun, can I?"
Ladybug's special superpower produced a spray bottle.
As the ladybug-patterned bottle landed in her outstretched right hand, she raised an eyebrow at it.
"A spray bottle? What am I supposed to-?" Ladybug sprayed it and sniffed the air around her, immediately making an expression of disgust when she caught the scent.
"Weed killer." Ladybug looked between the bottle and Épine's thrashing vine hair.
"Well, this one's obvious, I think..." Ladybug smirked.
She ran down the street, jumping over some fallen trees and vaulting over cars to catch up with Épine, who was still doing her best to catch Chat Noir.
Ladybug used her yo-yo and swung around a lamppost and landed neatly in front of the plant themed villainess, spraying as soon as she landed, not giving Épine any time to react.
"AAH!" Épine screamed as the spray stung her eyes and her hair seemed to react as if it were in pain, writhing about crazily. "That stuff burns!" she hissed.
"Thanks for the save earlier, Chat." Ladybug pinged his bell and smiled at Chat Noir when he turned back to join her. "You really saved this bug from being squashed."
"It was my pleasure, My Lady." Chat Noir grinned at her.
Épine's hair went limp as she sunk to her knees. "No... no... NO!"
"I'll take that, thank you..." Chat Noir extended his staff and ripped the shovel tied to Épine's waist right off, tossing it to his partner/team mate.
"A little gift, to help with your gardening problems, My Lady..." he grinned.
Ladybug rolled her eyes as she caught the shovel.
"I've actually had enough gardening for one day, Chat..." she declared.
She took the shovel in both hands and snapped it in two.
The Akuma fluttered out from between the two pieces of shovel, but didn't get far.
"No more evildoing for you, little Akuma!" Ladybug declared, swinging her yo-yo about at her feet, before aiming it at the Akuma and catching it.
"Time to de-evilize!"
Ladybug tapped the yo-yo lightly, causing it to open up and release a newly cleansed white butterfly.
"Bye-bye, little butterfly." Ladybug waved as it flew off. "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!"
She threw the spray bottle into the air where it exploded into a mass of glowing ladybugs.
The ladybugs covered the entire street, fixing all the damaging and causing some of the uprooted trees to be put back in their rightful places along it, the other trees that came from the park returned to their rightful places, all the damage in the park (broken stalls, broken flowerpots, uprooted plants and trees, etc.) was fixed and the trees still imprisoning Chloé dissipated and reformed in their proper spots, causing her to fall to the ground with a thud and cry out in pain and indignation.
"Hey!" she cried out.
Finally, the black and purple mass of dark energy appeared around Épine and dissipated as it moved up from her feet to the top of her head, revealing a newly freed Rose, who rubbed her head, groaning.
"Where am I? What happened to me? How did I get here?" Rose looked around, thoroughly confused.
Ladybug and Chat Noir fist-bumped.
"Pound it!" they chorused.
"No!" Hawkmoth exclaimed angrily as the circular window in his lair began to close, cutting off the light from outside and plunging the room into nearly complete total darkness once again. "I was so close to victory!"
He clenched his fist.
"Ladybug and Chat Noir, you will be weeded out sooner or later, I swear it!"
The park began to refill with patrons of the Spring Festival once word got out that Ladybug and Chat Noir had once again dispatched the latest Akuma to wreak havoc in Paris.
Slowly, but surely, the students of Collège Françoise Dupont gathered in or near their display, talking about various things the latest Akuma attack included.
Marinette (after finding her mother and reassuring her that she was in fact, alive and in good shape) had also returned to the booth.
"Look at this! I've almost finished the blog post on the latest Akuma attack! Épine, huh?" Alya practically dragged Marinette over into a corner to show her what was on her phone.
Alya scrolled through various pictures and video clips. "Awesome, huh? I got some clips from when the attack started out here in the park and my fans in the other parts that the fight took place!" she squealed.
"Yeah..." Marinette rubbed her arm where the tree had grabbed her- it was still feeling sore- and winced.
"Hey. Are you okay, Marinette?" Alya asked in concern, noticing her friend's reaction to touching her arm.
"I'll be fine. I, uh... fell. Yeah, that it... I fell when I was running away from the Akuma attack. I'll be fine though. Don't worry!" Marinette waved it off- or at least tried to, as her arm decided it didn't like the movement and sent a sharp jolt of pain up her arm.
Alya looked at her disbelievingly. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'll be fine, Alya. Nothing major. It'll probably be gone by tomorrow..." Marinette insisted,, while quietly slipping a cookie from a nearby table into her purse for her Kwami.
"If you say so..." Alya still looked sceptical.
Adrien meanwhile, was seated in a secluded area of the park, waiting for Plagg to finish a chunk of Camembert he'd just fed him.
"I come out to the park today to relax and enjoy the festival and an Akuma attack happens..." Adrien sighed.
"Bad luck, huh?" Plagg scoffed the last of the cheese, indifferent to what Adrien was saying.
"Anyway, you're done. Let's get back to the booth..." Adrien walked back in time to see Rose return to the booth.
Marinette and Alya, who were going through the pictures that the latter had on her phone, looked up as soon as she entered.
The chatter in the booth immediately went silent as she made her way over to the table where her Ciel de Minuit stood tall, not looking as if a certain blonde bully had ever been near it.
"My flower! It's been fixed!" She took the flowerpot in her hands, squealing happily.
Then she looked around and noticed that her classmates were quieter than usual.
"Um... About me being an Akuma and all..." she spoke sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head nervously with one hand, while maintaining a firm grip on the flowerpot with the other. "Sorry about that..."
"Oh come on, Rose. Nobody blames you!" Marinette exclaimed. "In fact, we all pretty much blame Chloé..."
"Yeah!" Kim exclaimed. "How many people is it that she's gotten Akumatised now?"
"Well, besides you, there was me, Nathanaël, Mylène, Sabrina, Sabrina's dad, herself, Marinette's great uncle..." Alya counted them off on her fingers, whistling when she saw the number. "Damn, that's a lot of people..."
"Like Marinette said, nobody blames you, Rose..." Adrien spoke up, smiling at the petite girl. "Now why don't we try enjoying the rest of the day, huh?"
"Yeah!" Everyone cheered in unison.
Adrien and Nino had drifted over to Marinette and Alya and they started having a lively conversation about the display without Marinette tripping over herself figuratively or literally.
With that, the teenagers got back to their activities, happily enjoying the afternoon.
Well, it's over and done. I will be writing more for Miraculous Ladybug in the future- both episode type fics and other kinds too, so keep an eye out for that!
In about two weeks or so, I will be releasing another episode type story. Stay tuned for Geriatrico...
Thanks for sticking around for the ride!