
AN: I decided to write this after reading Pegasus: Origins of Olympus. I saw that Mark of Athena and Origins of Olympus were published around the same time span. So light-bulb.

Disclaimer: I don't own.

It has been two months since Emily had gone back in time to save Olympus. She was strolling through the courtyards of Olympus to go and say hello to the Big Three at Jupiter's palace. She waved hello to her dad as he was walking passed whistling to himself. She giggled into her hands when he didn't wave back and continued on. She passed by Joel and waved hello as well. He came running over and ended up joining her on her walk to visit Jupiter's Palace. As they got closer though, they heard yelling. They shot each other looks of concern and ran up the steps of Jupiter's palace.

The yelling got louder. Emily and Joel pushed open the doors to the throne room. It was a sight to behold. Emily and Joel stood in shock. Minerva and Neptune were arguing. They almost never argued. Even if they did, it was about something idiotic. But, they were having an all out shouting match about kids? They could see Jupiter rubbing his temples. He looked very weary as if Neptune and Minerva had been arguing for eons.

"Can't you two just shut up!" Jupiter thundered.

Emily and Joel had never heard Jupiter raise his voice to his family.

"All you two have been is arguing and arguing and arguing. It's not helping with our situation that my wife has caused." Jupiter said that with exasperation.

Emily and Joel looked at each other in surprise. Jupiter has always loved Juno. He has never called her anything else besides Juno or the occasional pet name.

"I had to do what I had to do to unite both Camps before war started. But of course, you blame me husband for starting this controversy that could have never happened in the first place if you would never spawned those wretched children."

This was getting heated. First, Minerva and Neptune. Now, Juno and Jupiter. Things were getting crazy. Wait did she say children, as in more than one child?

"What do you mean children?" Joel questioned.

They had made their presence known. The Olympians had on the deer-in-the-headlights look. The mention of the children also made the Olympians clutch their heads in pain. Their bodies flickered back and forth between two bodies, until finally they stopped on forms that did not look familiar to Emily and Joel. Jupiter had on a pinstriped suit and had a beard and a head of hair that was thundercloud grey. Vulcan lost some of his ugliness. Mars became more violent. Neptune had tan skin, black hair, sea green eyes, and a Hawaiian shirt with Bermuda shorts. In fact, all of the Olympians were wearing mortal clothing instead of togas.

They must have seem to have forgotten the question because they went right back to arguing.

"It's your fault he's in Tartarus, Bird Brain."

"He could've saved himself if he wanted to, Barnacle Beard."

"He loved her too much to let go."

Emily and Joel wanted to know even more now that Venus put in her input.

"You don't understand, Aphrodite-" Did she say Aphrodite, as in Venus's Greek form?

"What if Piper fell in with Jason?"

"Don't bring Piper into this!" Venus shouted she stood up and got into Minerva's face.

"Then don't bring Perseus Jackson into this!"

The two goddesses were staring each other down.

"This would've never happened if your spawn hadn't started to date my daughter. Annabeth is too good for your son."

Minerva was now standing and glaring at Neptune. Neptune's face grew very frightening. He stood up and walked towards Minerva and got up in her face. Right about when Neptune opened his mouth, Emily opened hers.

"What is going on here, and who are Piper, Jason, Annabeth, and Perseus Jackson?" Emily finally broke. She was tired of this arguing between the Olympians. She needed to know. She really, really wanted to know.