I don't own Twilight, Stephenie Meyer does. No copyright infringement intended. Thanks for all your help, Sherry (Banshee69), you're the best.

*Sequel to 'My Lucky Charm'.

POV- Edward - Epilogue




Three years after I arrived in Forkchaun, Bella and I are happily married. We had the biggest, most outlandish wedding you could ever imagine. Bella was very much the princess that she is, wearing a ball gown that nearly took up the whole aisle, she took my breath away.

Charlie and Shirley tied the knot as well, and are living in wedded bliss.

He wasn't too happy to see me when he found out I had arrived here in Forkchaun, but when he saw how much I loved his daughter, how devoted I was to her, he warmed up to me.

I still get a glare every now and then, when he feels like I've exhibited too much PDA with Bella. He says we're royalty, and have to behave properly in front of our subjects.

I don't pay any attention to him. If I want to kiss my wife, I'm going to kiss her; I don't care who's looking.




After I released Bella, I didn't think I'd ever see her again. Coming here, it was the best decision I've ever made in my life.

We had the option to return to Earth when the first year was over. We discussed it at length, and she was willing to follow me back, if that's what I wanted to do.

I told her that I wanted to stay here, that I had grown to love Forkchaun as my home, and wanted to make a home here, with her.

She'll one day take over the throne, and I'll be by her side; as strange as that seems.

We're going to raise our growing family here, starting with baby number one. Yes, Bella is pregnant, we found out that she's giving birth to our son in another four months, and we're very excited.

I don't miss Earth, except for Jasper and Alice. I would have loved to have seen their child, but it wasn't meant to be; maybe someday.

This life, it's what fairy tales are written about. I never thought that when I went out looking for a storm that day that I would have found My Lucky Charm.




AN: This is a bittersweet feeling for me to finally post this final chapter for these two. Thanks so much for following along. Also, thanks to Sherry for all her help, not just with this story, but with everything. She's simply the best & I love her like a sister.