Hello, and welcome to the 20th Hunger Games! All info is below, but if you want to read the first prologue and meet our esteemed interviewer, go ahead. (I won't force you. Your choice.) But I seriously recommend submitting. Because I promise you, once this story is full, I plan on kicking it into high gear. This is gonna be one hell of a ride, folks; let's jump in, shall we?

Nona Caliber, Hunger Games Interviewer

"You're on."

I nod and take my cue, running onto the stage with a grin across my face. "Hello again, Panem!" I shout into my microphone, relishing the cheers that explode from the audience. Everybody here loves me; it's amazing. "As you all know, my name is Nona Caliber, and I'm here to give you the scoop on this year's Hunger Games!" The cheering grows even louder, and after a few seconds of trying to calm them down, I give up.

I grin and wave as I sit down on the couch, fixing my fedora; it's started to fall off again. I've never taken to the dresses and gowns that the rest of the Capitol loves so much. Pants are just so much more comfortable.

Once the audience calms down, I begin my usual speech. "Now, I'm sure that you've heard that this is the Games' twenty-year anniversary!" I gush, pausing for effect and waiting for the new round of applause to die down. "So instead of my usual speech, I have a special message for all of you from this year's Head Gamemaker! Of course, we tried to get him on the show, but he was too busy working on this year's arena. So here it is!"

While they're cheering (I swear, these people don't know how to quiet down), I reach into my vest pocket and pull out a sealed envelope, waving it in the air to grab their attention. Someone shouts "Holy shit!" incredibly loudly, so much so that it can be heard over the screaming. They're probably the one person who shows up to important events drunk.

I carefully open the envelope and take out a cream-colored letter, holding it in front of my face and squinting to read the sloppy cursive. "Dear Panem," I begin, "to celebrate the 20th Hunger Games, I am creating an arena the likes of which you have never seen. Muttations, hazards, tricks that have never been used before. I will create the Games to end all Games, and I guarantee, Panem, that you will be on the edge of your seats from the bloodbath to the finale. May the odds be ever in your favor; Octavius Holmes, Head Gamemaker."

For a few blissful seconds, everything is quiet. Then, the audience explodes with excitement, screaming their lungs out and turning to each other with overjoyed expressions.

My work for the day is done.

Someone backstage calls for me to return to the wing, cutting what was going to be a half-hour broadcast incredibly short. "Well, my time here is, unfortunately, up," I shout into the microphone, hoping that the people will hear me over the screaming. "It's been a blast, Panem; see you again in a few weeks during the 20th Annual Hunger Games!"

I run offstage, pulling my hat off my head as soon as I'm out of sight and brushing my unnaturally turquoise bangs out of my eyes. My hair is horribly short; I would love to grow it out, but it's something I'm known for here.

"Great show, Nona," a crew member says. I turn around to grin at them, though I know that it must look horribly fake.

"Let's hope that what Octavius wrote on that letter isn't a load of shit, hm? Can't have a bad Games," I joke, though there's an undertone of seriousness to my words. Ever since three years ago, a bad year of Hunger Games have been a reality.

Not giving him a chance to speak, I walk off, the letter still clutched in my hand.

As expected, my cell phone immediately rings, the caller's number one that I'm very familiar with. I pick up and take a shaky breath. "Hello?"

"He says you were fine, Miss Caliber. But he'd like for you to act like you care a little more."

My free hand curls into a fist. "I'm doing the best I can. And it's not like he's easy to please."

I can hear them hitch their breath. "W-well, he's the president of Panem. Not meeting his standards means severe punishment, and–"

"I know, I know," I cut them off, "the great Adoran Snow must be pleased at all costs. I'm trying, okay? I'm sorry that I'm not his exact image of perfect."

"Miss Caliber, I don't believe you understand," they say, desperation creeping into their voice. "The president wants you to step up your game. You don't seem excited about these Games at all in his eyes, and he needs every public figure in the Capitol to be thrilled. And because you have such heavy influence right now, your excitement is vital to him."

"I just think this has gone on long enough! Sure, it was fun in the beginning, and it served a good cause, but twenty years? That's hundreds of dead children."

They let out an exasperated sigh. "Miss Caliber, allow me to cut to the chase. The president wants you to interview Mr. Holmes next Saturday. If either of you don't create an amazing show, you'll regret it. And he says that's a promise."

I roll my eyes and fake a salute, though I know the assistant can't see it. "Yessir."

"Miss Caliber."

I stifle a laugh. "Alright, sorry. Yeah, I'll be on that with a camera crew and everything. Tell the president he can count on me."

They sigh, and with a 'thank you, goodbye', they hang up. I pocket my phone and walk away from the backstage chaos behind me.

What has that stupid Gamemaker gotten himself into now?

So there we go. I know that it's not the most engaging prologue, but I needed to start somewhere.

I know that I don't update my other SYOT very often, and I'm trying to change that, believe me. But I seriously plan on writing for this story constantly. I'm going to update whenever my busy-ass schedule allows me to, and I seriously don't want to abandon this.

Now, there's no rebellion plot here. No overthrowing the Capitol, no rebels, nothing unusual aside from a few plot things I have planned. But that's my business. So I just want normal Hunger Games Tributes, with you keeping them as non-cliche as you can. I've created some rules to help you with that.

1) No Sues, no flat characters. This should speak for itself. Sues aren't necessarily rainbow eyes or being good at literally everything (though those qualify too); they're the characters who create plot holes so they can win. Flat characters don't have enough detail. Also, clones count as Sues too. (NO KATNISSES PLEASE)

2) I'm not writing it on the form, but detail belongs in every section that you think requires it. This includes backstory, personality, appearance, etc. Things that create a big picture.

3) All forms must be PM'd to me with the format: Haunted: Tribute Name. No exceptions. Any reviews will not be considered. Also, no reservations; I'm choosing the best of the best.

4) This is not first come first serve. I don't plan on filling submissions as I get ones that fit this time, so I can choose the characters that'll work the best off of each other. So you have to blow me away. As of now, the deadline is Saturday, January 16th by 12 midnight (EST). If I don't get all the characters I need, then I'll extend it, but that's where it is for now.

5) You can submit a maximum of 2 Tributes, but I highly doubt that I'll use both.

6) Be creative! I'm all for the occasional abused character or prostitute or orphan; hey, I've created them before. But I'd love something that I haven't seen before. That makes this whole experience more fun for everyone, right?





Backup Districts: (2)

Sexual Orientation:


Face Claim: (No common SYOT face claims, if you can help it)







Reaped or Volunteered?:


Reaping Outfit:

Opinion on Capitol?:

Opinion on Games?:

What do they do in Training?:

What do they present to the Gamemakers?:

Recommended Score?: (May not be used)

4+ Strengths:

4+ Weaknesses:

Interview Angle:

Interview Quote:

What do they do during the Bloodbath?:


Open to romance?:

Recommended Placement: (Be realistic)

Theme Song:


Next I plan on uploading the sponsor info, and then we'll probably meet our Head Gamemaker. Please spread the word about this; I want to shorten that deadline so I can get going.

Form is on my profile, too, and once I get all the Tributes, I'll have a blog link up, probably.

ALSO IF I DON'T UPDATE REMIND ME TO UPDATE. I mean SPAM THE HELL OUT OF ME. Through PMs, reviews, I don't care. But don't let me go for too long without updating, 'kay?

PM me with questions and stuff. I hope to