A/N Thank you all for reviewing, it's what keeps this story going!
"Klaus, don't do this to her."
"I have no use for you anymore, Stefan,"Klaus said, walking over to his old friend and placing his hands on his shoulders.
He looked into Stefan's eyes, and with a few simple words, brought him back."You have your free will back, old friend. I let you go."
Stefan blinked and, in a few short moments, Daniella witnessed her brother turning it back on.
She swallowed the lump in her throat as he looked at her in a guilty manner, clearly feeling everything he had said and done to her in the past few days. Her brother was feeling guilty and it would take him a long time to get over it. She had been able to handle her guilt better than Stefan because of she, like Damon, locked it away in a box at the back of her mind. But Stefan dealt with everything at once, he tried to make it up to people by making himself feel bad and it never turned out well for him.
"You can go now, Stefan."Klaus said without looking at the Salvatore brother, a smirk on his lips."Daniella and I have some business we need to attend to."
"Klaus, please."Stefan begged, looking at his sister with a sad look on his face."Don't do this to her."
"She craves it."Klaus told him, walking over to the female vampire."Leave now, Stefan, or i'll force you."
"It's all right."Daniella said to her brother, a small smile on her face."I'll be all right. Just go."
Stefan stared at his sister for a long time, as if he were thinking about going up against Klaus for her. But, knowing that it would only get them both killed, he sadly nodded before flashing out of the mansion, leaving them both there. Daniella inhaled sharply when she witnessed her brother leaving her alone with Klaus, and she, not knowing what to do and knowing better than to challenge him, looked at the ground.
"I wasn't lying when I told you I know everything about you."Klaus said, walking away from her with a small smile.
He sauntered over to the bar and, poured them both a blood drink, her glass filled up more. He picked them up and turned back around, walking over to her.
"In 1865 you slaughtered a whole church just because you were bored. In 1905 you and Stefan painted New York red for your birthday, one hundred dead and seventy turned. I could go on. You have just as much blood on your hands than i've had in three hundred years. They've written about you, you are worshipped in the vampire community just because your name defines monster. I like a little monster, love."
She looked away from him, shaking her head."I'm not like that anymore."
"You are."He breathed, a fascinated look on his face."It's inside you. All you have to do is give into it. Your brother got into your head, he didn't change all of you."
He downed his human blood in one go, licking his bottom lip as she watched the blood in her glass. His eyes never left hers as he reached out with the glass and offered it to her. She shook her head, backing away slowly, trying to hold onto the last shred of willpower she had left.
"Please, don't. I'll do anything-"
He ignored her and held out the glass again."Drink."
"Don't make me."
He tapped the rim of the glass, an impatient look on his face.
"I won't tell you again, love."
With a shaky hand, she reached out and took the glass from him, her eyes glassing over in fear as her body shook. Daniella didn't want it but she had no choice, she had agreed and she knew what would happen to her if she refused the most powerful creature in the world.
"You'll thank me one day, sweetheart."
She brought the rim of the glass to her lips, her eyes on Klaus' the entire time.
"Go on, love."He encouraged.
She shut her eyes, a tear slipping down her cheek as she drank the blood.
1913—New York
"Damn, I love virgins."
Daniella's head tipped back in euphoria, her lips parting, showing her bloody fangs as she moaned in pleasure. As her human teeth returned, her blood red eyes rolled to the back of her head as her victim whimpered in pain and struggled against her.
She giggled, licking her way up the young woman's neck before she playfully bit with her blunt teeth just above the bite she had punctured into her neck.
"You taste delicious, pet."
"Please, miss, let me go."The young woman struggled against her, moaning in agony."You've hurt me."
"Hmmm, and i'm going to hurt you much more."
She young woman sobbed against Daniella, tears running down her pale cheeks as she begged for mercy. Damon and Stefan, getting along for the first time in a long time, chuckled across the room, their own victims in their arms. Damon, blood dripping from his fangs, winked at his sister before he returned to feeding on the young man he had chased down in the street. Stefan, who was harshly feeding on the wife of Damon's victim, smiled at his sister as he growled hungrily.
"Please, let my mother and father go. We are very wealthy, we can pay you-"
"What's your name, sweet?"
The young woman sniffed, stuttering."L-Lila."
"Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl."She stroked her cheek with the backs of her knuckles."Too bad i'm going to snuff your light out."
She tipped her head back and a hungry growl ripped from her throat. The young woman fought against her wildly, screaming for help as she begged Daniella not to harm her.
"Please, no!"
Daniella only laughed as she leaned down and sank her fangs into Lila's throat. She hummed low in her throat as she bit down and began to drain her of her blood.
"Such a skilled kill our sister is."
Stefan nodded in agreement with his brother, smiling."I couldn't be more proud."
"Neither could I."Damon picked up his glass and poured him and Stefan a drink."Let's drink to it, brother."
He passed Stefan his glass and brought his own to his lips.
"To Dani! May she have a happy birthday."
Stefan reached out and the two spoke in unison."To Dani!"
They chuckled as they clinked their glass.
At the sound, Daniella ripped her fangs from the dead girl's throat. She looked over at her brothers and smiled, fangs bloody as she dropped the young girl on the ground and got up.
"Let's have us a party, my brothers."
They just smiled at her.
"Happy birthday, Dani."
Present—Klaus' Mansion
"There she is."
Klaus happily chuckled when as he heard Daniella moan in pleasure as she drank her fourth bag of human blood. He was sitting on a chair as he watched her feast of the blood, red running down her chin. She was on her knees on the floor with blood bags around her empty. Her eyes were wild with hunger and her entire body was shaking in pleasure as she drank the blood.
She craved it.
He had brought back one of the most infamous vampires to ever walk the earth.
He snapped his fingers and in walked a young man, compelled to do her bidding. She growled as she beckoned him over to her, a sultry smile on her lips. He walked over to her and got down on his knees and tilted his head, baring his throat. She went over to him and reached out, bringing him close, fangs sinking into his throat.
Klaus smiled – she was very entertaining.
"That's it, love."
Whining sadly, she threw aside the young man she had been feeding on."More."
She crawled towards him, shoving aside empty blood-bags and kneeled before him, looking up at him. Blood was smeared across her face, and her eyes were dark with hunger.
She was beautiful.
"There is no more."
Her eyes widened in anger, and she stood up."I need more."
Klaus stood up, too, and he walked over to her. He leaned down and grabbed her by the neck, pulling her up from the ground. She groaned as he pulled her up against him and his forehead lolled against hers. He smiled at her, a proud look on his face as his eyes roamed over her blood streaked face.
"Then let's go out to eat, love. You can have anyone you want."
"I can't."She shook her head, fear creeping in her voice."I'll kill the entire town."
"That's a good thing,"Klaus tapped her cheek with his fingers."I love a good bloodbath."
"I can't. My brothers, they'll-"
"Let me worry about that."Klaus whispered to her before he turned around and called out."Trevor!"
A young man, a young vampire, came running down the stairs and entered the room. His eyes widened as he saw the blood-bags and bodies laying on the ground. He quickly shook his head and plastered a smile on his face as he ran over to Klaus, ready to obey.
"Y-Yes, Mr. Mikaelson?"
Klaus wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, thumb wiping the blood from her cheek, and he popped it into his mouth.
"Bring the car around."
Trevor nodded with a smile.
"Of course, Mr. Mikaelson."
Present—Salvatore Boarding House
"Where is she?"
Stefan looked down at Elena and Damon who were sitting on the couch in front of him. They were wearing worried looks, especially Damon since he had noticed that Stefan had returned without their sister. He was very worried about his sister all the time because he feared that she would on day snap again. He didn't like her under Stefan's control or feeding on animals.
"Damon, you have to promise to keep calm."
"Tell me, Stef," Damon demanded.
Stefan crossed his arms across his chest as he replied."She's with Klaus."
Damon shot up onto his feet, eyes dark."Klaus? Why the hell is she with him?"
"He traded me for her. He was after her all along."Stefan answered, looking down at his feet."He wants her to go back to how she was.
"He can't do this!" Damon yelled.
Elena stood up too, looking between Damon and Stefan with a confused look on her face.
"He can't do that. She can resist, can't she?"Elena asked, crossing her arms across her chest."She's just as old as you are."
"Dani is..."Damon paused for a moment before saying."vulnerable."
"How is she vulnerable? She's nearly two hundred years old."
Stefan looked at Elena, saying."She wasn't always this way, Elena. There was a time where Dani was worse than me until...until-"
"Until what?"Elena asked.
"Until Stefan locked her away for five years and starved her, okay?"Damon snapped, pacing back and forth."Happy?"
"Stefan!"She gasped, looking at her ex.
"It needed to be done."
"No, it didn't. She was fine as she was. Now she's weak."
"No, she isn't. She's-"
"Helpless?"Damon offered, raising his eyebrows."She's weaker than you, Stef, and that's saying something. This is Klaus Mikaelson, the most powerful being on this planet. How are we supposed to fight him with you hanging on by a thread, a doppelganger he's after and me? Am I the only sane one here? How are we supposed to get her back?"
"Are you saying this is my fault?"
"Is that only hitting you now?"Damon chuckled, gesturing to his brother."What? Does your hero hair stop you from catching on quick?"
The two stepped forward, raising their fists but Elena shook her head, rushing over.
"Calm down!"She demanded and got in between them."The both of you!"
"Get outta the way, 'Lena, i'm gonna beat some brains into my baby bro."
"No!"She pushed them away from each-other and shook her head."Daniella needs you two sane. She needs the two of you united, not fighting like this!"
Damon and Stefan glared at each-other before their expressions softened at the mention of their sister.
The two looked away from each-other and nodded, agreeing with the female doppelganger.
"Fine, we'll work together. For Dani."Damon held his hand out to his brother."Agreed?"
Stefan glanced at his brother's hand and hesitated before he reached out and shook Damon's hand.
"Agreed. For Dani."Stefan said.
The two adored their sister and would do anything for her, even work together when they wanted to kill one another.
They would stand united.
For her.
Present—The Grill
"What are we doing here?"
Klaus led Daniella into the Grill with his hand on her lower back, and the chattering made her wince as it hit her sensitive ears. There were people everywhere. Sat in booths, tables or the bar. The sound of racing heartbeats hit her ears, the scent of young blood hitting her nose. She was now dressed in different clothing because her other clothes had gotten bloody, they had stopped at a clothes store on the way to the Grill.
"This is what you asked for."
She looked up at him."What?"
"You wanted a bite to eat, love."Klaus drawled into her ear, gesturing to the crowds of people."Here we are."
"I can't."
"You can."Klaus said to her, chuckling."They are yours for the taking."
Her blue eyes widened as they roamed over the people sitting around the bar. Young men were usually her target because they were so easily to manipulate, she could make them do anything she wanted with a sultry smile, but she also loved virgins, their blood was pure.
Her heart thumped against her ribcage as she licked her lower lip, desperate for a taste of blood.
"What do you want, love?"Klaus asked, leading her towards a booth at the side.
She bit her bottom lip, eyes filled with desire.
"I want them all."She replied, fingers curling into fists at her sides.
He laughed, nodding."Then you can have them all."
She sat down at the booth across from Klaus who was also looking for a victim.
His gaze landed on a young woman with long blonde hair sitting at the bar alone. She looked sad. Perfect.
While Daniella's eyes landed on a young-looking man in his twenties about to go into the bathroom.
Klaus and Daniella's eyes met.
Grill Bathroom.
"You are delicious, love."
The twenty-something-year-old redhead was yanked roughly against Klaus and moaned in response cheeks flushed and eyes wide with fear. Help, help, help. The four lettered word was on the tip of her tongue, and she had proved more than able to scream given he had lured the blonde from the stage after a power balled.
But, for some reason, she found herself unable to call for help. Her body wanted to, her legs wanted to run away, and her hands wanted to hit her attacker. But her mind just simply wouldn't comply with her body. Her mind wouldn't allow her to shout for help, to fight back against the monster she was trapped with.
So instead of shouting for help, the blonde found herself begging for more pain.
He chuckled against her skin and allowed his double fangs to extend before he sank them into her flesh. The hybrid pushed the young woman against the wall when her blood touched his tone, hands squeezing her hips and eyes closing in contentment.
"No, no.."Eyes rolling to the back of her head, she dug her nails into his shoulder, desperately and faintly pleading."Please."
The tearful plea of a dying woman did no good, and Klaus responded by biting down harder. She tearfully whimpered, eyelashes fluttering and body turning limp. He caught her before she fell, holding her close and refusing to relent until he'd drank each drop.
A sharp intake of breath was heart, drowning out her plea and Klaus raised his head from her neck, eyes wide and glowing amber, fangs dripping with blood. He lingered for a moment, eyes shutting for a second and when he opened them they'd returned to blue, clouded with an insatiable hunger.
Blinking out of his hungry daze, he pulled back and looked at the now dead blonde in his arms. She'd slumped against him, eyes still open and fearful but there was no life in her. And, therefore, no use to him. So he dropped her to the ground without a second thought, stepping away just in time to watch her body thump to the ground.
"That was enjoyable."He muttered to himself, pad of his thumb collecting the blood that had missed his mouth and smeared his chin."A bit bitter than i'd thought."
He fixed his collar, licking blood from his bottom lip as he turned around when he heard a moan from behind him.
And his eyes landed on Daniella who had her victim pinned to the bathroom wall, one of her hands pinning both of his while her free were curled into his shirt to keep him still. Desperate, ravenous growls were heard in between her euphoric moans.
Face hidden in her victim's neck, Daniella's face was hidden by a curtain of her long, black locks. With his face contorted in a mix of pain and sinful, unwanted pleasure as Daniella pressed close to him, almost clinging to him with a great need, the pair could've gave off the impression they were an overly excited yet turbulent couple.
A growl ripped from her throat as she hungrily fed from the young man, blood dripping down his throat as his eyes widened with pain. He was crying out in agony as he whimpered. She hadn't compelled him like he had compelled his victim; she liked them to fight for their life. He was struggling against her, trying to yank free of her hold but he was no match for her strength.
She was no longer weak, her strength had returned.
She was, in a way, alive for the first time in decades.
She pressed closer to him as his eyes began to flutter, her eyes shut as she fed on him, finger tips smeared in blood as she made sure to catch each drop that missed her mouth. Klaus watched in fascination as Daniella made a sound of euphoria when the life drained from her victim before she tossed him aside.
"Well done, love. Very dramatic."
Head snapping in Klaus' direction, Daniella rapidly blinked, suddenly remembering the reason she tasted blood on her tongue. Klaus. Daniella looked a little startled, as if she'd forgotten about the hybrid and, in all honestly, she had. Everything had left her mind the moment she'd tasted blood but, now that the crimson no longer lingered on her tongue, Klaus was all she could see.
"You certainly took advantage of the worried friend that came looking."The hybrid mused aloud with an impressed look when glanced at the dead bodies laying side by side before he sent Daniella a smile."That was a stroke of luck."
Daniella pulled away from the wall, eyes focused on Klaus, her mouth with the back of her hand and licked her lips, stepping over the body of her victims, almost stumbling as she made her way over to the Original. He straightened with a complacent smile, utterly smug that she was aware she was underneath his control.
"More,"Daniella demanded, licking her lips with hope that she had missed a drop of blood. Daniella looked up at Klaus with great need."I...I need more."
"Nonsense. You are more than able to survive without blood for at least..."Klaus shook his head with a click of his tongue, unable the temptation of teasing her."a week, i'd say."
Looking utterly forlorn, Daniella made a move for the exit, eyes clouded with need. But before she could take a step, a pair of strong hands took hold of her forearms, forcing Daniella to remain still. She made a sound of protest, fingers curling in his Henley when her hands started to shake but Klaus' eyes flashed amber, making Daniella freeze in his arms.
She bounced on her heels, sighing loudly and dramatically, black locks of hair dancing in front of her face.
"You can have as much as you want."Daniella's eyes lit up at his words, her cheeks flushed, and Klaus made a sound of approval. She clung to him, material of his Henley bunched in her grip, breathing heavy. He quietly laughed to himself, watching her movements and expressions, looking almost in awe."But first, you have consider something."
Her blue eyes, wide with an insatiable hunger and almost child-like giddiness, stared up at Klaus. She clung to him, aware that he was the only thing standing between her and blood, aware that he also held the power to stop her, and almost whimpered for his permission.
"Anything!"Daniella curtly replied, nodding keenly, voice breathy.
She hadn't paid much attention to his words, all she could hear were the dozen or more heartbeats just on the other side of the wooden door. She could almost taste blood.
"Join me."
Daniella suddenly stopped fighting him when she processed the two words, fingers loosening on his shirt. Blinking several times to force herself to stop staring at the door, Daniella pulled back to meet his eyes. She searched them for something, as if she were trying to read him but quickly gave up because Daniella was aware it was useless.
A flash appeared in Daniella's eyes as she frowned up at Klaus, suspicion replacing the yearning glaze.
"I think you're aware of my reasons."Klaus simply replied, eyes flickering over her features, mouth curving up at the smears of blood on her cheek. He studied her for a moment, reading her body language before he carefully stepped forward."I simply wish to give you want you seek."
Swallowing, Daniella shook her head fiercely, eyes clouding angrily but she said nothing. Taking her silence as a sign to continue, Klaus took another step forward, smile broadening when Daniella inhaled a long breath.
"No brother who looks to tame you of your nature, no fear of being locked away all alone..."Klaus quietly proclaimed, tilting his head up and, as if compelled, Daniella mimicked his movement, unable to break eye contact."With me by your side, you will learn to dominate who you are instead of letting it dominate you. Instead of fearing it, you'll relish in it."
Daniella's lips parted at his low tone, expressive green/blue eyes but especially his enthralling choice of words. There was no wonder why many found it unable to refuse him. His power didn't seem to just be in his physical strength or Original status.
It was also in his words. He had a way of speaking, whether he was shouting during his rants or whispering temptingly. His tone and his way with words were able to inspire devotion in just about anyone.
"Isn't that what you want?"
Daniella's first instinct was to reject his suggestion and claims but, for some reason, she couldn't form the words.
And, before she could even attempt to, the door was suddenly kicked open, and the pair instantly turned to see who had entered. As if been released from a spell she'd been enforced under, Daniella's blinked, inhaling a long breath, heart hammering against her ribcage.
Daniella suddenly forgot how to breathe at the sound of her brother's voice, and she turned around to meet a pair of eyes identical to her own.
Stefan and Elena were on his tail, both looking utterly horrified at the dead bodies at her feet.
"Get away from her!"
Thank you for reading!
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Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes.