"Lexi, you need to take my hand right now!" shouts Bonnie, holding out her hand for the blonde.

"No, you need to get to Damon first! I can probably find peace, but Damon can't."

"Nice to know you have so much faith me Lex." The two girls tilt their heads to find Damon walking up to them with Alaric in tow.

"You know it's true," Lexi says to him. "And besides, Stefan needs you."

"He needs you too."

"Guys, you need to take my hand, now!" yells Bonnie, her voice urgent. "The Other Side is falling apart as we speak, and this is just wasting precious time."

"She's right," says Alaric, stepping towards Bonnie. He grabs her shoulders, and passes through.

As soon as the pain stops, Bonnie says to Lexi and Damon, "Your turn."

"Go, Damon! At least let me find peace."


"No? What, no you won't let me find peace?"

"No! You deserve better than just finding peace Lexi. You spent almost two centuries picking up after my little brother, you never got to live the life that was given to you. This is not how it ends for you."

"You take that out of Stefan's journal?" asks Lexi, raising an eyebrow, surprised by his little outburst.


"Guys, as sweet as all of this is, you need to get out here right now." Bonnie grabs their hands so that they could pass through her, except nothing happens. "What the hell?"

"Wait, why isn't anything happening?" asks Lexi.

"Because the spell's stopped. Liv stopped the goddamn spell!"

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted her," barks Damon.

"It's a big spell Damon." Bonnie is quick to defend the witch. "It was probably killing her."

"So, what now?" asks Lexi, looking back and forth between the two.

Bonnie sighs. "Now, we die."

Damon rolls his eyes. "Wow, way to be gentle Bon Bon."

"Oh I'm sorry. What I meant to say was that we're going to be transported to Candyland."

"Could you two not do this while we're about to die?" pleads Lexi, already regretting not finding peace due to the migraine she felt coming on. Bonnie and Damon glare at each other one last time before giving each other their signature 'peace treaty' nod.

"Why the long faces?" a familiar male voice rings out. The others turn around and see none other than Kol Mikaelson.

"Kol!" exclaims Bonnie, a smile finally adorning her face as she runs towards him and hugs him.

"I should make surprise entrances more often if this is what I get," he jokes, as Bonnie pulls out of the hug, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"I thought Esther was bringing you and Finn back."

"Correction, she's bringing Finn back. I decided that if I let my favorite little witch die for the umpteenth time, and along with Damon Salvatore no less, then I'd never be able to forgive myself."

"Hey, I'm here too you know," says Lexi, pretending to be hurt as she walks towards Bonnie and Kol.

"Darling, as amazing as you are, not even you can make up for the atrocity that is Damon Salvatore."

Lexi chuckles as she puts her arm around Kol. "I knew there was something I always liked about you."

"Last time I saw you, you told me to go burn in hell or you'd make me eat my own heart."

"Yeah, but last time I saw Damon, he killed me so… you win!"

"Gee, thanks," Damon calls out sarcastically, "I see how it is."

"Come on, Damon!" Bonnie calls out to him. "This place is going down, and it's going to take us with it. Now whether or not you want to go down alone, is up to you."

Damon stares at the trio for a good five minutes, until he finally sighs, and decides to go walk towards them.

Bonnie looks around at the three people she's going to be dying with. "Look, I know that this isn't exactly ideal, that it's not what any of us imagined and that there are probably a million other people that we'd all rather be with right now -"

"Couple thousand at most."

"Yes, I didn't exactly expect to be dying alongside Damon Salvatore of all people."

Lexi nods her head in agreement. "You and me both honey."

"- but," Bonnie cuts in, not wanting to spend her last few moments arguing, "the important thing is that we're all together. We may or may not like each other very much, but it's better than being alone."

Kol smiles at Bonnie, always filled with hope. He wraps an arm around her waist as he looks down at her. "You're right. I hate to say this, but I'm glad to be with you lot."

Lexi merely shrugs. "I guess it's better than being sucked into oblivion."

Bonnie rolls her eyes, and then turns towards Damon, holding her hand out for him. "You with us?"

Damon takes her hand, looking intently into her eyes. "I'm with you." He then glances at Lexi and Kol. "All of you."

Kol sticks his free hand out towards Lexi. "Come on Alexia! If those two can be civil while facing ultimate death, I'm sure that we can be too."

Lexi wants to protest, but she ultimately exclaims, "Oh what the heck!" and puts her hand in his. They look at each other, then at Damon and Bonnie.

"You think it'll hurt?" asks Bonnie, and although the question was directed at everyone, she looking specifically at Damon.

"I don't know." Before anyone can say or do anything else, a bright blinding light appears, engulfing them.

Four months later, in the never before seen kitchen of the Salvatore Boarding House, a certain Damon Salvatore is… making pancakes?

Damon takes the bottle of whipped cream in front of him and shakes it. He then uses it to finish the vamp-face he was making on his pancakes. He sets six plates of pancakes on the table. As he sets his final plate in front of Bonnie Bennett however… she was not amused.

"Every day, I tell you I hate that."

"And every day, I do it anyway," says Damon, sitting down with a big smile on his face.

As the three other vampires in the house walk in, they groan.

"Vampcakes again?" complains Kol, as he sits down and begins poking his pancakes with his fork.

"I highly regret the day we put you in charge of breakfast," says Lexi, as she begins eating her pancakes.

"You know what? Screw it!" declares Katherine Pierce, making her way towards the cupboards. "I don't even care anymore. I'm eating the Cheerios."

"You're wasting all of our milk on Cheerios?" asks Silas, raising an eyebrow, as he grabs both his and Katherine's plate of pancakes and brings them to the counter, hopping onto one of the bar stools.

"Shut up." She then glances at Kol, who was still poking his pancakes and sighs. "Kol, stop playing with your food."

"I am not taking orders from someone eating Cheerios," retorts Kol, the five-year old stuck in a thousand year-old vampire's body, causing Katherine to take Silas's fork right out of his hands, and then throw it at him. Kol catches the fork with ease.

"You're losing your touch Katerina."

"So, is no one going to give me my fork back? Because I kind of want to eat my pancakes."

"See, Silas likes his pancakes!" says Damon, dramatically gesturing to the former immortal.

"It's the only food we have," explains Silas, only sounding the slightest bit apologetic, earning him a glare from Damon.

In midst of the fork throwing and arguing about Damon's cooking skills, Bonnie and Lexi were simply trying to eat their breakfast in peace.

"So I guess that's a no to the nice, quiet, peaceful breakfast," remarks Lexi, already making a mental note to make some herbal tea. Three cups with vervain, and one with apple cider vinegar - a personal least favorite of Silas's.

"Don't make herbal tea," Bonnie warns her, not even looking up from her crossword puzzle, already knowing that Lexi was glaring at her, before becoming involved in the nuclear war that was taking place in the Salvatore kitchen.

Mornings at the Salvatore Boarding House are weird, but this was just a good day, a typical day. A bad day, is World War III meets mass genocide. Bonnie and Lexi drive off to Mexico during bad days. And when they come home, they're always surprised and wondering as to how and why the house is still standing.

"Was my three-thousand dollar vase just murdered?" Damon practically screeches.

Yup, typical morning.