Day 26
Family Album
"Hinata, do you remember this?" Naruto smiled, pointing to a picture. "It was of our first date. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Remember how you offered to pay for our lunch when you thought I didn't have enough? I couldn't stop blushing! I was so nervous that you would be disappointed but you reassured me so many times that everything was just perfect because we were together." He turned the page.
"And remember this one?" He showed her the page and pointed to a picture of them when they were younger. "When we went on that double date with Sai and Ino? And—and this guy started to flirt with you and I got so mad that I hit him really hard on the jaw when he touched your hair. We got kicked out." He laughed, remembering that event clearly. "You scolded me for doing that. But you couldn't give me the silent treatment for long."
He turned the page and browed over the photos, stopping on one.
"Kiba took this one, remember? It was when I proposed to you on top of the Hokage Monument. All of our friends were hiding and popped out once you said yes. But we didn't care. It was just us." He stared at the photo. There was so much emotion in that time and Kiba somehow managed to capture the couple staring lovingly into each other's eyes. "Everyone asked for a copy of this."
"Ah, this one." He pointed at another photo. "You took this picture right after you told me I was going to be a dad. You caught me crying. Who could blame me? I was going to be a father." He smiled warmly. "You had the biggest smile I have ever seen." He turned the page and touched a flower that he gave to Hinata in their first anniversary. "Do you remember this flower? I was on a mission on the day of our anniversary. I somehow managed to come back and I had no time to buy you a flower because it was late at night. So I cut a flower from our garden and apologized for coming late.
"But you just hugged me tightly," he continued, "and said that it was okay. You said that I already gave you the best anniversary gift. I came back to you alive." He turned the page and stared at a photo fondly. "I can still remember when Boruto was born. I remember seeing you in so much pain that I nearly went into a panic attack. But seeing you fighting to bring our soon to this world made me stronger and I was able to see everything. I didn't want to be like Shikamaru and pass out." He let out a laugh. "That would have been terrible, ya know?"
He turned the page and smiled warmly. "This one. I love this one. Hinata, do you remember when you told Boruto and I that you were pregnant? And at first our son was so mad at you that he didn't talk to you for a few days? But after a while he got passed his jealous and became so protective of you? This one was taken just a few months before Himawari was born. Boruto…look at him! He's so small! He's looking at your stomach in wonder." He looked at his younger self. "And I was looking at you with love and happiness."
He sighed and turned the page. "This one is probably the best days of my life! When we all went to the pool party for Sarada's birthday? You took this photo in the exact same moment I slipped and fell! You kept this hidden from me for months. I was so embarrassed." He turned the page and smiled. "This one is a family photo. Remember this? It was right after Boruto became a Jounin and we all decided to take a spontaneous family photo." His heart clenched in pain. "You're so beautiful, Hinata." He touched the photo almost tenderly.
"Papa, are you ready?" asked Himawari, stopping in front of him. "It's almost night time."
"Yeah, I'm done." He closed their family album and stuck out his hand. "Mind helping your old man?"
Himawari gave him a smile that reminded him of Hinata and she helped him to his feet.
"You're so heavy, papa."
"I'm old, Hima. Just say it." They both laughed and turned to look at the gravestone.
"I'm sure mama is happy."
"Yeah." He stared at his wife's gravestone and felt tears gather in his eyes. He blinked it back and started walking towards the exit. "Where's Boruto?"
"Waiting for us. You said your goodbye to mama already?"
"There is never a goodbye for mama 'cause she's always here." He patted his chest.
"She'll always remain there forever," he said.