Jim had returned to his shack at the end of the day. He'd been tense all day thinking about the conversation he'd had with Nova and the fact tonight he would be capturing a real live succubus. As he entered into the shack his first priority was a shot of whiskey, anything to ease his nerves some.

He dropped down into his usual kitchen chair and poured himself a large but needed measure. He brought the glass up to his lips but paused before taking a sip as his eyes caught sight of the book on the table. The Book of Suffering. He stopped moving as he eyed it, then quickly lowered his glass and opened the book to the page about the Succubus.

As he found the page with the Succubus on he let his finger tips caress the page slightly. He knew he should find her repulsive but he didn't; that very fact forced his eyes away from her image and onto the words. He read quickly but took in every word; remembering what he had read last night and connecting the things Nova had said. He read the page, and the next and once he'd reached the end of the section on Succubi he returned to the start and looked at her.

He scowled at her image. Why him? Why did he have to be the one? What had he done to cause this woman to want to take out mankind's wrong doings on him? He'd been a good husband. A good father. He was a good man, dammit. Sure he'd been a bit of a ladies' man in his youth; but he'd always treated his girls well.

He slammed the book shut, taking his frustrations out on it. He picked up his whiskey and drained the glass, slamming it back down on top of the book. This damn bitch, she deserved what was coming to her.

He poured another measure of whiskey and stared at the glass on top of the book. He frowned again, his anger at the succubus settling. Who the hell was she?

Jim had spent a good deal of the day researching the women on Mar Sara. It wasn't a huge place, but it had a large enough population that made finding any potential succubus a nightmare when he had no clues to go on. Not that it mattered, she would come to him and it would all be over tomorrow. But if they were going to be sending the woman to hell he would have liked to have known a bit about her and her reasons first. Jim wasn't a violent man, he liked to believe in the best of people; talking things through and second chances.

Clearly Nova believed the succubus didn't deserve a second chance. But did he? This woman wasn't giving him a single chance, why should he care.

He took another swig of whiskey, this time savoring its taste and swallowing it slowly. Tonight she would come and he would capture her. Nova had told him to leave the moment she was in his gasp else the succubus would talk him around to letting her go; that he understood. She was so alluring, so seductive. He worried he wouldn't be able to catch her or that he would indeed let her go if he did. No, he would be strong. He could do this.

He pulled the pair of handcuffs from his pocket and placed them on the table. He stared at the thick silver metal and hoped that would be enough to hold her. He knew she'd be mad the moment he slapped the handcuffs on her and try to escape them; but as long as she didn't it would be fine. He'd capture her, he'd leave, and tomorrow she'd die.

He took a breath and eyed the remainder of his whiskey. He was suddenly put off from drinking the rest and he stood, leaving the glass where it was. He picked up the handcuffs and moved into his bedroom and removed his jacket, placing it over a chair near the bed. He kept the lights off, the gentle glow of the moon illuminated the room. He felt uncomfortable in his own bedroom and he felt unsettled by the situation that he was in.

He didn't bother to undress and he sat on the bed, swinging his legs up onto the blanket and leaning against the headboard. He fixed one half of the handcuffs to the headboard and hid it behind a pillow. He sighed and waited. Had he not been so exhausted he would have stayed the whole night awake and anxious, but alas he soon fell asleep.

The next thing Jim knew he was being awoken by a hand running up his leg. He opened his eyes slowly and saw the brilliant green eyes of his succubus. He felt himself smile at her sight, his anger and anxiety from before were gone as though they had never existed. "Hello, beautiful," he greeted her.

She smiled at his words but didn't reply. She looked at his clothed body, and looked back to him. "Making me work for my prize?" she said seductively.

"Never," he answered, annoyed he was still clothed. He moved his hands to the bottom of his shirt and quickly pulled it off over his head.

She welcomed the sight of his manly, toned chest and reached her hands around to remove her bra top. Her breasts came tumbling out; their nipples erect. She climbed onto the bed, dropping her bra to the floor. She offered her chest to Jim who latched onto one of the nipples with his mouth as he held her breasts with his hands. She groaned as he sucked and kissed at her breasts, massaging them and touching them expertly.

While he played with her chest she used her hands to remove her panties; unclasping them at the sides so they merely fell off. She took one of Jim's hands from her breast and lowered it down to her behind.

Jim cupped her firm buttock and let his finger tips rest in the crack between her cheeks.

She smirked as she placed her hands onto the waist band of his pants and opened his belt buckle in her long taloned fingers.

He noticed her eyes widened as she unfastened his pants and unzipped them, her smirk deepening as she caught sight of his lack of underwear. He lifted himself up so she could pull his pants from him and she removed them effortlessly.

"I need you," she said slowly as she adjusted her position on top of him.

Jim liked hearing things like that and knew exactly what she wanted. He was happy to oblige and could tell he was almost fully erect.

She placed her hands onto the headboard either side of his head and prepared to lower herself onto him.

The headboard. Jim frowned as he thought of it. He looked to the side and remembered the handcuff. Without thinking about it he reached for the metal cuff and forced it around her wrist.

She howled and tried to pull her hand back but it wouldn't shift.

Jim used the distraction to push her off him onto the bed and throw himself off the bed, stumbling backwards towards the wall.

"Release me," she demanded. "Release me!" She clawed at the metal cuff but couldn't remove it.

"No," Jim told her bravely.

She tilted her head and smiled at him. "You like it rough?" she asked as she got comfy on the bed, lying against it with her hands above her head. "I'm all yours," she purred.

Jim went weak at the knees as she offered herself to him, he looked at her heaving bosom and slightly parted legs; exposing her glistening pussy to him.

"I'm so wet for you," she told him. "I want to feel your big pulsing member inside me," her words were slow and drawn out as she spoke. "I want you to touch my breasts and pull my nipples. Kiss me, run your tongue against my skin. I want you to cum inside me, release your hot seed into my waiting, yearning, moist, warm, hole."

Jim wanted to. He wanted nothing more than to make love to the woman on his bed, she was offering herself and her voice was laced with a desire and need he'd never known. He stepped forward, it was only night four - he could give her tonight surely and do this tomorrow.

"That's it, my sexy man," she encouraged him. "Why deny yourself the joys of our bodies writhing together." She parted her legs wider to entice him further.

He looked from her bright glowing eyes to her pussy once more. It looked like heaven itself. Heaven. Hell. Jim froze and shook his head. No, no, this wasn't supposed to be happening.

"I need you, my love," she oozed desired with every word. She could tell he was on the cusp of falling for her charms.

"No," he cried and put his hands on his ears as he closed his eyes tightly.

"Look at me!" she screamed loudly at him.

Jim heard the demand but he turned away from her and faced the door. He opened his eyes and quickly ran through the open door. He closed the door behind him and ran through his shack and past the door to the outside. He closed that door and ran down the track away from his shack until he was certain he couldn't hear her.

He breathed loudly and turned to look at his shack that was now a good 50 meters away. The small shack stood lifeless against the back drop of the starry sky. She was in there, probably angry as hell itself, but he was away. Tomorrow would come and it would all be over.

He was thankful the night was warm and dry and that there were numerous patches of grass for him to fall asleep on. He settled himself under a nearby tree and rested, allowing sleep to take him.

As he awoke that morning he had not forgotten the events of last night.

He looked to his shack and frowned. It looked so peaceful like this, but he knew inside a demon lay wait. A demon he and Nova would soon murder. He slowly headed towards it, knowing his questions about who the demon really was were about to answered. Maybe he'd get some other answers, too. But, before he did, his poor Outrider was likely waiting his breakfast.

Jim headed for the shack and went straight to the stable. He entered into his Outrider's stable and grabbed a spare pair of jeans from in there that he used to wear for dirty tasks along with an old dirty white t-shirt he'd been using as a rag to wipe his hands. He realized he'd look a state but it was better than naked. After dressing he went to his Outrider and checked he was alright, "Good mornin', boy."

The beautiful horse neighed at the attention and sniffed gently at the air.

"I know I stink," Jim chuckled. "Let's get you fed and watered," he told his horse and proceeded to carry out the daily routine the Outrider was accustomed to. Jim welcomed the distraction from going into his shack.

Around half an hour later and confident his Outrider was happy, Jim finally headed into his shack. It was quiet, silent even. Jim had expected to hear the succubus or at least the general noises of another person in the house. A sound he had long since missed since the death of his wife and son.

He cautiously headed to the bedroom and he sensed she was in there. He held his breath and slowly stepped through the open bedroom door. He looked to the bed, expecting to see his captured succubus but instead he saw the pale human naked back of a woman, bright red hair flowing over her shoulders.

He cautiously stepped towards the woman, expecting at any moment for the woman to turn back into the succubus. As he approached her he saw her naked chest, he tried to be gentlemanly and avert his eyes. He noted the way her chest moved up and down slowly. He was certain she was sleeping.

As he moved around the bed he saw her face. Her flawless face. He was sure she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He admired her beauty and wanted nothing more than to caress it. He saw her likeness to the succubus, clearly she and the succubus were the same being, and she was every bit as alluring, if not more, in her human form. Nova had said the succubus had a human form, he just didn't expect her to be so... perfect. Jim had never seen her before and he doubted she was from Mar Sara.

He picked up the blanket from the bed and draped it over her. He knew she was a demon, but he was still a gentleman.

He sat down on the chair near the bed that he'd placed his jacket on the night before and watched her sleep, wondering her story.