Disclaimer : I do not own Ah! My Goddess or Ghostbusters.


Skuld was slowly waking last thing she recalled was trying to improve the space expander she built so long ago. But during a quick test, it had begun to spit sparks until... until it exploded.

"I think she's safe, Lind," Belldandy's voice said.

'Lind? Didn't she go back to heaven with Peorth?' Skuld thought as she opened her eyes. Her vision was so blurry, she had no idea whose room she was in. Then she realized the futon she was on felt really off. 'And why is everyone speaking in english? Are they trying to keep what they're talking about from Keiichi a secret? Why use an earthen language then?'

"Do you have any proof, Belldandy? I would like to deal with some quick understandable facts for once, rather than feelings and hunches or facts that need twelve degrees to even contemplate," Lind's voice replied. For some reason, Skuld was easily able to tell that Lind was worried, perhaps scared a little.

'I guess the explosion was worse than I thought...' Skuld thought with a slight smile.

"Well, until she wakes up, we won't know for certain," Urd's voice said, sounding nonchalant.

"There was an explosion and she was in the middle of it. Excuse me for getting paranoid, but in our line of work, that usually means bad things!" Lind's voice said with the sound of a fist hitting a hard wood table.

At that time, Skuld's vision was starting to clear a little. She began to cheer up when she saw that to her left side was a large amount of electronics. Then Skuld heard something that shocked her.

"Both Belldandy and Lind have equally good points. We can never be too careful, especially around possible doppelgangers. However, being antagonistic would likely create the very threat we wouldn't want to deal with," said a voice that sounded just like Skuld's, but older and more emotionally distant.

'What... the... hell?' Skuld thought before she heard someone cough a little to get her attention. To her right was Peorth, but something both looked and felt off about her.

Instead of the leather underwear-ish clothing she normally wore, Peorth was wearing a knee length skirt, a white blouse, and pantyhose.

"Oh good, you're awake. You seem to be the type who likes sweets, so I got you some ice cream," Peorth said, holding a spoon and a bowl of chocolate ice cream with little bits of brownies in it. Her hunger and the need to recharge her energy overtaking her, Skuld let out an eager gasp before she snatched both the spoon and the bowl from Peorth and began to pound down the ice cream like it was her job.

Never once did Skuld notice the lack of goddess marks on Peorth's face.

As Skuld ate, Peorth looked away and motioned for the others to come closer. Skuld's vision was able to clear up quickly as she finished off the ice cream. Only when she was done, did she notice the group around her.

Urd, Lind, Belldandy, and the Skuld doppelganger were all wearing the same thing: Pilot jumpsuits, kneepads on their elbows, and from what little the young goddess could tell, something technological on their backs.

"Hello, We're the-" Belldandy started before Skuld gestured towards her doppelganger in a panic.

"Who are you?! Why do you look like me?!" Skuld asked, trying to resist the urge to Skuldbomb her.

"Well, I am-" The Skuld doppelganger began before Skuld noticed something and visibly calmed down. When Skuld began to laugh, The Skuld doppelganger asked, "Care to explain what's so amusing?"

"I thought for a moment you were a doppelganger of me, but then I noticed your lack of goddess marks. I can't believe I almost freaked out at seeing a human version of me..." Skuld said before laughing a bit more. "Funny prank, Urd, finding a human who looks like me..."

She stopped when Belldandy said, "Do you know who she is, Urd?"

"First time meeting her, though I like her more than Miss Robot over there," Urd remarked, gesturing to the human Skuld. Human-Skuld seemed to be annoyed by Urd's words.

"What do you mean, 'first ti-'" Skuld angrily asked before she noticed something very important.

Urd didn't have her goddess marks. Neither did Belldandy, Lind, Peorth, or her counterpart. Skuld did the only thing that came to mind.

She fainted.

Human-Skuld took out her P.K.E meter and began to scan Skuld.

"Really, Skuld?" Belldandy asked, a bit annoyed.

"She had a negative emotional response and our first scans of her showed that she is a class seven paranormal entity, though with her abilities either still dormant due to her age, possible seals, or even the possibility that they and she are still developing," Human Skuld answered. "So I want to take the opportunity to study her. A few cubic centimeters of brain tissue should suffice"

"No, Skuld, leave her skull alone! And anyway, aren't growing up and developing the same thing?" Urd asked as she put her hands behind her head.

"Not in this case. Preliminary scans show that she was initially getting power from an unknown source, which has since been cut off. Since then, secondary scans have shown a change in her body on a molecular level that is notably similar to physical aging. One interesting thing to note is that she was able to gain energy from the ice cream Peorth gave her, suggesting she might be able to exist solely on it, provided that she manages to consume enough… which doesn't seem very likely," Human-Skuld answered as she continued to wave the meter over the young goddess.

With an annoyed look, Urd asked, "And you got all that from the P.K.E. meter?"

"Well, I do like tinker and upgrade our equipment in my spare time," Human-Skuld answered with a blush.

"Am I the only one worried about the class seven sleeping in Skuld's bed? Maybe I'm just paranoid, but the last few class sevens we met either wanted to destroy us and the city, or used us to destroy the rivals!" Lind said, pointing at Skuld.

"She's a young girl, Lind. Besides, if she's anything like our Skuld, she's a good girl," Belldandy replied.

Before Lind could say more, Urd began to walk away towards the arcade games in the room and said, "And besides, She spoke like she knew us. Which means we gotta keep her safe and sound. Or else we gotta deal with angry goddess versions of us."

As Urd began to play on the pinball game on the far side of the room, Lind pondered about Urd's words. Lind sighed before she headed towards the stairs leading down and said, "I guess you're right. I'm going to go work on the Ecto-1 for now. Bell, Peorth, you're good with kids, so you deal with her for now."

"I'm going to run a few simulations on the data I've gotten from my divine counterpart. Besides, my presence might further cause her to panic," Human-Skuld said as she went to stairs leading upstairs. "I might be able to modify my Dimensional Inverter to be able to contact the divine counterparts of ourselves and set up a portal to send… Well, for the lack of better terminology, the child goddess version of myself back."

Belldandy looked at the empty bowl of ice cream and then at Peorth before she asked, "Well, we might be stocking up on more ice cream."

"I have a few gallons, so you'll have to make a quick run after she wakes up," Peorth said before she and Belldandy smiled and nodded to each other.

Without the two noticing, Urd looked back and stared at the sleeping Skuld for a few moments.


Once again, Skuld was waking up, muttering, "What an odd dream..."

"If it's the one where you were surrounded by human versions of the people you know, then I'm afraid to tell you that it's not a dream. The good news is that Dr. Irons is trying to find a way to contact your relatives to get you back home!" Belldandy's voice explained.

Skuld's eyes opened up quickly. Unlike before, her vision was clear. She was on a mattress with a bedframe. There were also three other beds nearby. The room's walls were made of plaster, not paper. To the goddess's right was a large assortment of various electronics, with several computers hooked up together.

By each bed was some stuff. One bed had some novels and history books in a nearby stand, mostly on military history. The second bed had a plushy of some marshmallow man with some sailor garb on it, with a stand that had some romantic novels, a few books on the paranormal, and an electronic teapot. The third bed's stand had gossip magazines, romantic novels, a few books on legal procedures, and a bottle of liquor. The bed Skuld was laying on also had some books on the paranormal, but also ones on various sciences and technology.

With some panic, Skuld looked at the people beside her. Both Belldandy and Peorth were sitting nearby. Across the room was Urd, who was still playing pinball.

To Skuld's delight, Belldandy was offering a bowl of neapolitan ice cream. "From what Peorth told me, you liked ice cream. So have a bowl or two to calm down."

Skuld eagerly accepted the bowl of ice cream and began to hork it down.

Before Belldandy or Peorth could say anything, Urd spoke up. "Hey, sweet tooth! Yeah, you! The one with the ice cream!"

"Yeah?" Skuld asked, annoyed at being talked to while she was eating ice cream. She was a bit saddened when she saw that whatever technological object that was on Urd's back was gone for the moment.

"Are you a god?" Urd asked as she looked back for a moment, making Belldandy a bit frightened, unbeknownst to Skuld.

Pointing at her goddess marks, Skuld let out an annoyed, "Well duh! I'm a goddess second- class, type one, limited, Norn of the Future... or at least I am in the reality I come from.."

With a smile that aggravated the young goddess, Urd replied with, "Just curious!"

Skuld then faced Belldandy and asked, "What was that about?"

Belldandy took a deep breath and answered, "We deal with the paranormal on a daily basis. You kind of qualify as one of them. But something about you... I want to help you get back home."

Skuld was silent for a moment before she smiled. "Thanks, but who are all of you?"

Before Belldandy or Peorth could explain, Urd answered, '"Well, we call ourselves ghostbusters. As the name indicates, we bust ghosts. But usually when we get hired to. It's a rare case when we capture any specter pro bono.

Skuld began to shrink back a little upon hearing that. She even began to shiver a little. She would have covered herself with a blanket, but that would have risked getting fibers into her ice cream.

"There's no need to get scared. Any ghost on the premises, we have them locked up in our containment unit in the basement," Belldandy explained. Skuld calmed down for the most part, though she still was a bit uneasy.

Deciding to focus on any topic away from ghost, Skuld asked, "So who is Dr. Irons and how are they going to contact my sisters?"

Peorth was the first to answer. "Dr. Irons is the one who looks like an older you. She's going to use the Dimensional Inverter to try and contact your home."

Skuld made a little noise to indicate she was interested in what the object was and what was its original purpose.

"Well, the Dimensional Inverter's purpose is to detect Paranormal Kinetic Energy surges from cross-rip phenomena or fallout from dimensional breeches," Belldandy explained. Then with a proud tone, she added. "Dr. Irons invented it."

"Too bad it catches fire a good deal of the time," Urd commented.

Belldandy looked at the back of Urd's head and retorted, "It's a work in progress!"

To which Skuld added, "Yeah! So stop it, Urd!"

Urd merely chuckled a little bit to herself. 'Going by how shortstuff acted, Goddess-me and her probably fight like cats and dogs. Gonna have to be real careful around either of them.'

"So back to what we were talking about. Dr. Irons is checking what preliminary data she was able to get from the P.K.E Meter when she scanned you. When you're up to it, we can do a more thorough examination, so we can probably send a signal to your sisters," Belldandy said.

Skuld smirked. "No need. I can go home with my transportation medium! Just give me a cup of hot water and I'll be home in a jiffy!"

Before Peorth or Belldandy could get up, Urd walked away from the pinball game as she said, "I'll get it. Game was getting boring, anyhow."

Within moments, Urd came back with a cup of Hot water and put it on the floor.

"Well, it was nice meeting you all! I'll be back soon to let you all know I made it back safely!" Skuld said before she used the water to create a hole in space. Belldandy took out a P.K.E. meter and began to scan as Skuld dived into the hole.

After the hole closed, Urd clapped her hands and said, "Well, that was wants to take bets to how long before she comes back?"


In the transportation medium space where Skuld had entered, she began to look around as she muttered to herself, "Alright, I bet big sis is really worried about me, so I should get... back... I don't recognise anything in this area... Wherein the multiverse am I?"

Where the usual surroundings in the dimension where Keiichi lived in were large splotches of watercolor that faded into the next color as they swirled around Skuld. this tunnel's colors were three solid colors in a specific pattern. They were purple, green, and yellow, in an unchanging plaid pattern.

Skuld instinctively went back to the human versions of her sisters. After she appeared out of the cup of hot water, Urd uttered, "So how did the... meeting..."

Skuld ignored her as she threw herself at Belldandy and hugged her for support before beginning to cry.

Urd looked at Peorth as she pointed at the crying goddess. Peorth merely shrugged.

When Skuld managed to calm down, Urd asked, "What went wrong?"

"I wasn't able to tell where I was in the multiverse... The tells on the walls of my travel medium were too different..." Skuld answered with a few sniffles.

"And with the multiverse being a potentially infinite place, finding a specific dimension would be like trying to find a specific needle in a haystack of needles the size of Texas..." Belldandy explained as she continued to hug Skuld.

"Ah...So, anyway we can narrow the stack to about the size of Times Square?" Urd asked as Peorth nodded.

Before Belldandy could answer, Skuld turned her head a little and asked, "Texas? Times Square? What are you talking about?"

"You're currently in New York City, sweetie," Peorth answered. "Where were you living before you came here?"

"Nekomi, a-a city in Japan..." Skuld answered, sounding like she was about to have a slight panic attack.

"I've been to Japan. Alright place, but never did like having all the ATMs inside of the bank. I did like the arcades, though," Urd said.

"Maybe we should let Dr. Irons know. Perhaps the information about Skuld's travel medium would come in handy?" Belldandy asked as she let Skuld go to let her stand up.

"You guys go do that. I'll go back to my desk," Peorth answered as she headed for the stairwell leading down remaining three headed for the other stairwell.

"Hey, kiddo," Urd said, getting a glare from Skuld. "Our Skuld is pretty with machines. How good are you?"

Skuld paused before a big grin appeared on her face. Covering her mouth with the back of her hand, she uttered, "Why, when it comes to machines of any kind, I'm simply the best! Ho ho ho!"

Urd looked at Belldandy who looked a bit surprised at Skuld's moodswing. Urd said, "Well she's cheered up. Maybe she can make our Skuld's stuff not explode?"

"Hey! They don't explode all the time!" Belldandy countered, looking a bit upset.

"Right. Just some of the time," Urd retorted with a smile to show she wasn't serious. At the moment, Urd had reached the top step, so she called out, "Yo, Skuld! Sleeping Beauty woke up and claims to be a tech-head like you!"

Hunched over a Car-sized device that had more dials, knobs, and levers than Skuld had ever seen before was her human doppelganger. Without looking back, Human-Skuld replied, "Really? I wonder what other interests we share?"

"Well, she's here right now if you wanna ask," Urd said as she gestured to the goddess.

"Hello, Skuld. I am Doctor Skuld Irons. I think for the sake of simplicity, I should be referred to by my last name," The human Skuld said as she and her divine counterpart walked towards each other.

However, Dr. Irons was a bit surprised when Skuld walked passed her, as the latter was too enthralled by the dimensional inverter.

"I gotta see what makes it tick..." Skuld muttered, her hands reaching out to the machine. She was taken out of her reverie when a hand grabbed her shoulder and held her in place. Looking back, Skuld angrily asked, "What gives?!"

"You can look at the blueprints, as I refuse to let you even operate it for the moment," Dr. Irons answered.

"I bet you that I can improve it and contact my big sis to bring me home!" Skuld quickly replied as she tore herself away from Dr. Irons and glared at her.

"I have no doubt that probably is what might have to be done, but I prefer to have knowledge of what is done to my inventions and how to replicate it if need be," Dr. Irons said. "So we'll use the blueprints and see what we need to do."

"That and avoid calling any elder ones. I don't wanna go through another Cathulu event," Urd grumbled.

Skuld looked confused for a moment before she recognized the name. "Wait, you're telling me you all dealt with Cthulhu and stayed sane?"

"Technically, Cathlulu. A red colored version, but still just as powerful. All we did was seal it away using a roller coaster, our proton packs, and a thunderstorm," Belldandy cheerfully added.

Amazed at the thought of humans going against even a minor elder god and winning, Skuld looked around at the trio for a few moments before she said, "I guess it couldn't hurt to look at the blueprints and talk about what improvements I'd like to make... If I can also look at the blueprints for the proton packs as well."

Belldandy looked at Dr. Irons and asked, "Please? She isn't asking to have a proton pack. She might even come up with an upgrade that'll allow us to hold demons!"

"If you're going that far, might as well let her see the trap schematics," Urd added as she put a hand on Dr. Irons's shoulder.

Narrowing her eyes, Dr. Irons replied with, "Maybe. It depends on the potential upgrades for the Dimensional Inverter."

"Well, it can't hurt to let our stuff have more POWER!" Urd said before making some grunting noises. Realizing that everyone was staring at her, she said, "What? No one else saw Home Improvement? Had a guy who liked to upgrade stuff, referred to it as giving it 'more power', than grunting a little in victory for a little bit? It was on Friday nights?"

"I help hold a poetry slam at a teashop around that time on my days off," Belldandy answered, a bit sheepishly. "The coven that comes by does have some good tea recipes."

"I tend to discuss what others consider theoretical physics with a group of like-minded… at that time on a messageboard," Dr. Irons said.

"Let me guess, it's not theoretical in our line of work?" Urd asked. Dr. Irons nodded.

"You guys are weird..." Skuld muttered.

"Eh, different strokes for different folks. I'm going to see what Lind is doing," Urd muttered as she headed downstairs. "And maybe talk her outta doing something stupid."

Skuld looked confused upon hearing that. "Urd trying to prevent someone from doing something dumb? This really is an alternate universe..."

Belldandy put her hand on Skuld's shoulder. "Maybe you can tell us a few things about yourself while we all look over the blueprints?"

Skuld nodded.


Urd found Lind leaning over the Ecto-1's engine and inspecting it.

"How's things, Hunter?" Urd asked as she walked over.

"Still annoyed about how you all are treating that class seven upstairs with kid gloves," Lind muttered without looking at Urd.

"Well, Maybe it's because she is a kid, but also we all know that young brats of any species tend to have overprotective guardians. You know how hard Belldandy would fight to protect any child from a ghost. So imagine how a fully active Paranormal Class Seven Belldandy would treat us if she discovered we hurt her younger sister. Death wouldn't be an escape, if our line of work taught us anything," Urd explained as she leaned against the Ecto-1.

A shivering Lind was silent for a good few moments. Deciding to change the subject. Lind asked, "Why are you down here?"

"Oh, made a reference to a TV show and no one got it," Urd replied as she looked at the ceiling.

"Maybe you should go out on Friday nights, instead of watching TV all night," Lind said, as she stood up and looked at Urd. "From what I heard, you were a real party girl a few years ago."

"Yeah, but I got tired of being the 'accidental' target of grabass by the nearest drunk," Urd said with some anger in her voice.

"Could always come with me to the opera," Lind asked. There was some amusement in her voice, but also some hope.

"Well, I'm game for the constant line of tragedies that operas known for... Particularly the romantic ones," Urd answered as she turned towards Lind with a smile of her own.

"They're not all tragedies, you know," Lind retorted with a frown.

"Just a good deal of them," Urd said with a slight laugh.

Unknown to all within the firehouse, a grim dog-like entity was observing Skuld from another building rooftop.


Notes from HotelKatz: and here is my entry for the Skuld's world 2016 contest!

Yes, it's a canon character going into an AU, one pretty much Ghostbusters. I've wanted to write a actual crossover at one point. Then i wanted to try my hand at writing an AU, where the goddesses were human and Ghostbusters. When I was trying to decide what to choose for the contest, I remembered the AU thing. I just hope you readers enjoyed this enough to wait for the next chapter.

As for what continuity this will be using… Whatever will work for the plot.

Nena Camadera of the Goddess Relief Office Forum helped out with a few lines in the part where she talked about Skuld's connection to Yggdrasil and aging, making it more scientific-sounding.

elgordo of the Goddess Relief Office Forum was the betareader of this chapter.