Hello! Happy new year! Here is the sequel to Talk Of The Past. XD ( I have just come home from watching Force Awakens, so I may still be very emotionally unstable and too excited)

If you haven't read Talk of The Past, I suggest that you finish it before moving on to this, in order to have the best reading experience. :D Thanks! Without further ado, let's begin!

Once the Ghost ship took off into the night sky, Ezra walked out from the cockpit back to his quarters, hoping to get a good night sleep before they reached Yavin 4, because just one hour ago, Ahsoka, Kanan and him received a holotransmission from Luke Skywalker, telling them to go to Yavin 4 to find him.

Sabine had been most incredulous, ' Yavin 4? Of all the places including the Rebel base we could go to, we need to go to Yavin 4? I thought most of the Rebellion forces have been evacuated! What does he want you two plus Ahsoka for?' It was a rather curious demand, but none of them wanted to question Luke, so they simply swallowed their questions and followed his orders. Hera immediately started up the engines and set course for Yavin 4.

Back in his room, Ezra took off his boots and simply plopped onto his bed. It had been a month after the Endor battle victory, yet the entire Rebel Alliance was still in extreme party mode. The only ones who were still working despite the festivities were the politicians. They were already creating a blueprint of a New Republic to replace the Empire. Seriously, he had no idea how those people could still manage to calmly sit down and be serious when the entire universe was basically in party mood.

It seemed that he couldn't fall asleep, so instead, he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling in the darkness. Peace at last, he told himself. The Daughter was right. Hope was never lost. And now, the Rebel Alliance managed to achieve it.

Speaking of the Daughter... He hadn't seen the mysterious Force-wielder ever since the time he was sent back to the future. After their little adventure, Ahsoka sat Kanan and him down, and told them the full story about Mortis. It was a rather grisly tale and Ezra didn't really like the sound of that Son dude. He sounded scarier than Darth Vader. Or the Seventh Sister.

He was beginning to fall asleep, but there was a sudden tremor in the Force, causing an extremely sharp pain to explode on his head. It almost felt like he was hit on the head by a TIE fighter, and that impact nearly knocked him out of breath. He gasped for air and his eyes flew open to check for the source of the disturbance, when he found himself looking at Daughter again.

This couldn't be good.

There was an urgency in Daughter's voice, ' Ezra Bridger. We don't have much time, but can you feel the disturbance in the Force?'

Ezra rubbed his throbbing head and replied, ' Yes, I can, my Lady. Very clearly. What was that all about?'

She said darkly, ' My stupid brother, apparently thought that it was a good idea to play around with the Force and time. He made a very horrible mistake.'

' The Son,' Ezra realised in abject horror. ' What has he done?'

' Yes, my brother, the Son. Last time, I manipulated the Force to transfer people from the future to the past. This time, my brother copied my idea. He extracted two certain somebody from the past to the future! From the same timeline too!' She pursed her lips tightly.

' WHAT?' Ezra spluttered. ' But... But... The balance of the Force will be tipped over! That was exactly why we weren't allowed to say anything to the past people. Whoever the two certain somebody are, we have to eventually send them back to the past! Then they will carry the knowledge of the future back home! And they will change stuff... And... WHAT? It will be one giant paradox! Can't you stop your brother?'

' It's too late,' She shook her head. ' The damage has already been done. Now we can just hope that we can reduce the impact of the damage.'

' Such as what...?'

' If you are lucky, both timelines will either be merged seamlessly together or become two separate, unharmed timelines. But... If you are unlucky... Both will be destroyed and swallowed by chaos,' She said. ' Don't worry, the latter is rather unlikely... But it is still possible. The chance is slim.'

That didn't stop Ezra from being terrified. Being destroyed and swallowed by chaos didn't sound like one fun option.

' I think I'll go for the lucky one then. What should I do?'

' Trust in the Force, Ezra Bridger. The Force will guide you. I have already minimised the damage by setting the time allowance. They can stay in your timeline for a month, then they can return. The time allowed is this long, because we need the Force to properly settle and get used to the mix-up.'

' Ah,' Ezra said, swallowing down his jealousy. ' I have a question. You did say the two people your brother managed to extract comes from the exact same timeline we left. Will they have any memory about us? Or will the memory still be locked in their minds?' That was rather unfair! If only they could stay in the past for a month...

' Their memory will automatically be unlocked, but it will take some time for the memories to be totally unlocked,' Daughter explained. ' Are there anymore questions?'

' What exactly is the Son's real motive behind all this fuss? Why send people to the future? Is this some sort of Dark side plan?' Ezra asked fearfully.

' It is not a Dark side plan, I can assure you,' Daughter sighed. ' He is just playing around with stuff and being one big jerk. It is purely for fun. You know, he gets amusement from people's misery. He loves misery and chaos. Promise me, Ezra Bridger. Bring them to Yavin 4 with you. Get them to meet Ahsoka Tano and Luke Skywalker. Feel free to give them any knowledge they want to know. The Force will guide you.'

That didn't sound nice.

' Okay. I get it,' Ezra nodded. ' So... The two somebody...When will they arrive?'

' Soon, I guess. I have already made my brother delay their arrival once I discovered what he has done. Oh, speaking of the devil, here they come!' Her form rippled and vanished.

' What do you mean? Wait!' But she was already gone.

The next second, there was a massive 'WOAH' and Ezra found himself entirely squashed face-first onto his bed by two unidentified beings.

Aaand... Done! Sorry if this chapter is crappy, because firstly, I am not so good at doing introductions and secondly, I am still too giddy to write properly. But I can guarantee you the future chapters will be better.

Okay! Guesses for who the two certain someone is! XD

AND SO I WENT TO SEE FORCE AWAKENS TODAY! WHOOOOOHOOOO! IT WAS SO GOOD! IT WAS SO GOOD I COULD CRY AND DANCE AT THE SAME TIME! HOW CAN ONE BE SO HAPPY AND SAD AT THE SAME TIME? I seriously don't know! The new characters are so cool! Rey is so cool! Finn is so awesome! Poe is so wonderful! Kylo is kind of cool too! And BB8 is so cute! Soundtracks are cool as well, I really like Rey's theme.

And I probably annoyed the other people in the cinema, because I was so excited. I probably was the only one who gasped in excitement when the opening crawl showed up (because it is just so awesome on a cinema screen and it was my first time watching Star Wars in a cinema) that the other people were shooting me weird looks and probably thinking that I overreacted. But hey, how could one not marvel how cool it is?

Okay. Enough of that! I'll save all those fangirling when I get back to school! My friend and I will have a lot to talk about on the first day of school. Anyways, thanks so much for reading! :D