
That's how Germany always describes their meetings.

And today was no different.

He watched everyone with an annoyed look as they continued with their antics.

There's America, telling everyone the usual "I'm the hero" phrase and then going on with some things he thought to save the world.

England, opposing to America's 'illogical' thoughts.

And so, the argument between America and England started once again.

France, well... he was being France. Being charming and all but was ignored by everyone.

China muttering about how childish they were.

Russia was sitting there, wanting to see his 'cute' China cry to him.

Greece was also there... asleep... despite the noise and chaos.

Canada was... wait, where is he again?

("I'm right here,"

"Who are you?" Kumajirou asked

"I'm Canada.")

Austria was calmly sitting on his chair, trying to ignore the chaos being done by his fellow nations.

Japan was sitting on his chair, waiting for something important to come out of someone's mouth.

"That's it!" England shouted as he took out his spell book. "Take this!" England said as he chanted whatever spell he saw on his book.

Sadly, it didn't hit America. It hit the paper in front France, and the said paper turned into a frog.

"HEY YOU! BE CAREFUL OF THAT MAGIC OF YOURS!" France screamed at him.

"ENGLAND! AMERICA! STOP THAT AT ONCE!" Germany screamed but it wasn't heard as the two were busy fighting.

England growled. "Again!" Another spell.

America hid behind a chair, which was hit by the spell. Flapping sounds were soon heard... the chair turned into five birds.


Pissed off, England performed a much more random spell.

This time, it hit a mirror. Only to bounce off and hit the windows, again bouncing off the glass then hit the quiet Japanese man.

Everyone's eyes widen as Japan was covered in thick pink-ish smoke, knowing that Japan was fit full force of the spell.

As the smoke subsided, they were all surprised to find the Japanese man missing from his spot.


"ENGLAND! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER, ARU?!" China yelled angrily.

"China's cute when he's angry, da~" Russia said.

"GERMANY! I CAN'T SEE HIM!" Italy continued to wail as he grasped Germany's uniform. "JAPAN'S MISSING!"

As Germany was about to shout at everyone to shut up, a small "China-niisan?" was heard under the table.

Italy stopped wailing, Russia stopped teasing China, Greece woke up, Germany and the others froze, China's eyes widen.

He knew that voice.

"China-niisan?" The voice was heard once again.


"Shut up!" Germany said and was quite glad that Italy stopped his wailing once again.

Germany, who was the closest person who sat near Japan, (Italy was the one sitting next to Japan, actually. Then next to Italy was Germany. since Italy went to Germany when he was wailing, Germany was the closest person on Japan place. America was running around, but he was the one sitting on the other side of Japan.) peeked under the table and was surprised with what he saw.

There sitting was a baby, looking back at him with a very blank look on his face.

"J-Japan?" Germany said cautiously, fearing that he might scare him.

"Who are you?" The chibi Japan asked.

Germany didn't answer as he gently lifted up chibi Japan.

Chibi Japan didn't mind because he was much more interested at how big and tall Germany was.

Everyone gasped when they saw what (or who) Germany was holding.

"JAPAN?!" Everyone said at the same time, startling the baby.

Germany became alarmed when he saw the tears starting to form on Japan's eyes. Not knowing how to comfort a baby, he looked at the China for help.

China, finally snapping out of his shocked stupor and sensing the look of helplessness from Germany, went towards the two.

"Japan," China said in a tone that only the Asian nations that he raised knew. It was brotherly and a bit motherly as well.

Japan's head quickly turned to the source of the sound, happy to see his beloved brother.

Smiling a smile that no one except China knows, he called out to China. "China-niisan~"

Everyone noticed how happy Japan's tone was and how the chibi nation's aura drastically lightened when China took him from Germany's arms.

"China~ China~ China-niisan~" Japan giggled.

They never saw Japan like this. And seeing him acting like this was so foreign to them and yet, exciting.

"Yao-niisan!" Japan said happily as he rubbed his cheeks on Yao's cheeks, earning small giggles and laughs from the older nation.

And that's when everyone snapped.