"my dad said I'm not allowed to talk to you" said sarah, she looked like a pussy
Me. The fat baby. Bit my lip, "If you don't help I will poop on you." She warned.
"Pinky sware you will be my best friend forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever!" said sarah to the fat baby
Clementine narrowed her monobrow, "You won't last till forever." She stated, stucking on her thumb. "You'll get eaten out by your daddy."
Sarah changed my, the fat baby's, diaper and "said kshdkdjke now you need some peroxide this is what my dad uses on me when I have a cut."
Clementine looked at the period and opened up her butthole, sarah slowly poured it in. "There we go!" She cheered, throwing the bottle to the side. Now all Clementine needed were the undies Alvin face her but she swallowed them...
Clementine slammed the door shut. "Now I need to go find some underwear," she spoek to no 1 in particlaruuu. "I will check za bathroom."
So she rolled into the bathroom, only to find a wet pair of undies sitting on the toilet lid. They were an odd yellow colour
"gross," clementine said but jusy then i heard a voice and hid behind the shower curtan, leaving the indies on the lid.
In sturreted Rebecca, a wet patch around her pants. "DAMIT! THE BABY PEEDED INSIDE ME AGAIN!" She cried, pulling the wet insidious on, over her pants.
"this baby has got to be carver's, that man could never hold his piss in." she said and clementia let out a muffled gasp. That wasn't Alvin's baby?!
Rebecca turned to the shower and looked inside, but nothing was to be seen. Lucky for Clementine she flew up to the rof and grabbed hold of it above rebecca, it was at that moment when she saw a fresh pair of undies in the ladies hair.
["this will so the trick," she said with a slate giggle. she felt so fresh.
Once Rebeccacacacacca Left the rum, Cleemeentineeeeee Got off the roof and ran back into the shed, showing off her new undies.
she was so proud but disapointrdd that she had no budy to show them to. then alluva sudden a walker came. "My milkshake brings all the zambies to the yeard and they're like-
Before me. The fat Baby. Could finish, the walker jumped towards me, but I kicked it in the anus and it died! Thats when the she doors opened
everybudy started at me with a mix of confuzion and admirashun. "I'm still. NOt.
SMELLY!" I cried, "that little giraffe is touch as nails!' Pete cried, passing out from the shock of me. The fat baby.
"did she steal from us?" Rebecca said apauled. her brow furwed. "you gave me no choice. I didn't want to get a diaper ranch." said me the fat baby.
Rebecca looked infuri8ted. "OMFG! Im out," She said, another wet patch spreading along her pants. "This bitch thinks uses better than me - cooler than me! Im OUT!" Then the fatty left,
luke said r u hangry? I gave him my sexuwhale look in return. "Oh you know it baby."
He picked me up and put me on the back of his neck. I thought it was a great opportunity to keep him warm so I peed all over him.
"Gross," growled like. Carols told me that he was made that i made sarah give me perxide but i was only a baby. a fat one.
So I needed it! Luke put me down on the bench and Carlos checked how good of a job Sarah did with the diaper. "Ts' great!" He smiled. "I ROSE A GENEUIS!"
"i ate mymashed up bananananananas that like made for me. Pete said hi and told us that 2mkroow there would b. a fishing tournament.
I was very excited to go! So I thought I'd better sleep with god tonight!