
Rachel was able to earn her Enchantix by saving Alexis from one of the Minera. Daniel's condition continued to worsen, keeping him in a coma-like state. Volcana attacked Asher and his family, earning the power to restore he physical body. After capturing Daniel, she took him to the lair of the Dark Sirens in order to keep him hidden from the Scoutix.~~~~

Red Fountain

"Start out easy." Gale said. "You don't want to waste a lot of magic at the beginning."

Catarina nodded and looked at realm map. "This is amazing. Let's hope this works. Enchantix!"

"This has to work." Zane said.

Catarina closed her eyes and concentrated on Daniel's aura, trying to find some trace of where he was taken. 'Where are you Daniel?'

"This is taking forever." Asher said, crossing his arms.

"What do you expect Asher?" Gale asked. "Something like this takes time. It takes a lot out of her to do this kind of thing."

"We should leave her be." Daphne said. "It will be easier on her if it's quiet."

The Scoutix nodded and walked out of the room along with the Winx.

"I'm staying with her." Gale said. "Someone should be here in case she exhausts herself."

Catarina winced, finding a faint trace of Daniel's aura. 'I found the trail. Now if I can just figure out where it goes.' She released a bit more energy, doing her best to focus in on the aura trail. As she did so, her nose started to bleed. 'There you are.'

"Cat." Gale said. "You should rest now."

Catarina's transformation dissolved, causing her to fall to her knees. "I found him. The problem is that I can't pinpoint exactly where he is."

"You did your best." Zane said. "We're one step closer to saving him."

"Where is he?" Asher asked.

"Somewhere on Andros." Catarina said. "The aura trail was very faint, but that's where it ended. I'm sorry that I can't do more." She winced a little and fell unconscious. 'I used up more energy than I thought.'

"Cat?!" Gale called out, holding her in his arms. "She's really weak."

"At least we know what realm Daniel is on." Zane said.

Daphne nodded, glancing over at Catarina. "Take her back to Alfea. She needs to rest."

"I got you Cat." Gale said, carefully picking her up. "I'll take her back." Without hesitation, he left with Catarina.

"What now?" Zane asked. "We know what realm he's on, but he won't be able to figure out his exact location without Catarina."

"We'll manage." Rachel said. "We'll just have to split up when we get there. That way we can cover more ground."

"What are we waiting for?" Asher asked. "He might need our help right now."

The Scoutix and Winx nodded, boarding the ship and heading towards Andros.

Deep Blue

"Why so blue Danny?" Limes asked, snickering a little.

Daniel winced and looked up at Limes, struggling to break free. "You can't keep me here."

"You have no idea what we're capable of." Terala said, smirking a little.

"What part of no one is looking for you don't you understand?" Unla asked.

"You don't know my friends." Daniel said. "When they find me, and they will, you'll be sorry."

The sirens laughed and gathered close around him, smiling a little.

"Let them come." Nazca said. "They'll be dead before they can even get close to you. You belong to us."

Andros Royal Palace

The ship landed, allowing the Scoutix and Winx to walk out.

"Where do we even begin?" Carmen asked, taking notice to all the water. "That's a lot of water. I don't feel comfortable about this."

"You don't have to go in the water Carmen." Rexx said, smiling a little.

Felicity and Rachel took notice to the castle, taking in every single detail.

"Now this is a castle." Rachel said.

Felicity smiled and nodded. "And it has a wonderful view. It's completely gorgeous."

"I think they have completely lost it." Asher said.

Carmen giggled and smiled. "They just really like castles."

"It is beautiful." Abigail said.

Rosella released a small sigh and shook her head. "Don't forget why we're here. We need to split up and look for Daniel. I'll go with Abigail and Aisha. We can search underwater."

Everyone nodded and went off in different directions in search of Daniel.

"Let's transform." Rosella said.


"Magic Winx! Sirenix!"

"What makes you think Daniel is underwater?" Abigail asked.

"Nothing." Rosella said as they dived into the water. "With Daniel's powers, it is likely. And we are the best ones to search down here. I have a bad feeling about something in this water."

Aisha nodded and looked around, trying to find some sign of Daniel. "I'm not seeing anything. Maybe he's not here."

"If Catarina were here, she could tell us if he were down here." Abigail said.

Rosella sighed a little, taking notice to something in the distance. "There's something down there."

"The Deep Blue." Aisha said. "That's the only thing down there. It was once the lair of the Dark Sirens."

"Do you think Daniel is in there?" Rosella asked.

"We won't know until we check it out." Abigail said.

Aisha nodded and led the way. "The Dark Sirens used to show themselves when the Mermaid's Tail constellation shined bright in the sky. They would come up to the surface in order to kidnap the queen and turn her into the fifth siren. It was said that they would become invincible afterwards."

"Are they still down there?" Rosella asked.

"No." Aisha said. "The Winx and I banished them."

"Who are those girls then?" Abigail asked, pointing out the sirens.

"It's not possible." Aisha said. "They were banished for good. How are they here?"

Deep Blue

"Just give in already." Limes said. "Accept that this is where you belong."

Daniel struggled and glared a little. "Not a chance. My friends will save me."

"Then we'll just have to force you to accept it." Limes said, smirking a little as the sirens attacked him with their energy.

Daniel cried out in pain, struggling once more. 'It's no use. I can't get out of this. Maybe I should just give in.'

"Leave him alone." A small voice said.

Terala laughed, taking notice to the little selkie. "Check out the little pipsqueak. She actually thinks she can tell us what to do."

Limes laughed and flicked the selkie away. "Get lost fish bait."

The selkie got scared and quickly swam off, hiding behind a rock.

"Let's finish him." Limes said, as the sirens increased their power.

"Naiad's Attack!"

The sirens cried out in pain as the attack sent them flying into each other, stopping the flow of their magic.

"Let him go." Rosella said.

Unla glared and sent bits of coral flying at Rosella. "You won't stand in our way fairies."

"Enchantment!" Rosella winced a little as some of the coral managed to get through.

"Your powers are weakened underwater." Aisha said. "Let me take care of them."

Abigail shook her head and turned to Aisha. "We can't do that. We'll fight together. Harvest Beam!"

"Horn Blast!"

"You little brats." Terala said, wincing a little. "Try this on for size." She laughed as she fired off poisonous quills.

Abigail winced and started to fall unconscious. 'Poison. What should I do?'

"Hold on Abby." Rosella said. "Magical Shower!"

"Neptune's Sting!"

Limes dodged the attack and smirked a little. "I expected more from you Aisha. You won't defeat us this time." She laughed as the area became engulfed by shadows. "You're in our territory."

Rosella cried out in pain as she was struck by a blast of darkness. "I can't see anything. How can we fight enemies we can't see?" Within seconds, her horn started to glow.

"The light from your horn isn't being absorbed." Aisha said. "It's still not enough to see where they are."

Before anyone could react, they were struck with coral and knocked to the sea floor.

"Are you two alright?" Aisha asked.

Rosella winced as her transformation dissolved. "Abby."

Abigail fell unconscious as her transformation dissolved. 'This is it.'

"You'll pay for this." Aisha said, looking for the sirens.

The selkie noticed the sirens focusing on the three fairies and took the opportunity to swim back to Daniel. "Get up. Your friends need you." She winced as she struggled to free him. "You have to help me get you free."

Daniel winced and glanced at the selkie. "I can't. If I fight, they'll get hurt. I'll hurt them."

"You're giving up too quickly." The selkie said. "What makes you think that you'll hurt them?"

Daniel looked down as he was finally set free. "I've done it before. I hurt my brother and a friend. The poison within me is too powerful. My magic is unstable."

"You have to try." The selkie said. "Aisha is strong, but she can't fight them like this. If you don't do something, your friends will die. I believe in you."

Daniel nodded and looked towards his friends. "I hope you're right little one."

"My name is Marin." Marin said. "I'm a good size for a selkie."

Daniel smiled and chuckled a little. "Alright. I get it. I'm Daniel. Now I must help my friends. Enchantix!"

"You're outnumbered fairy." Terala said, hitting Aisha with her quills.

Aisha winced and held her arm. "I'm not finished yet. Naiad's Attack!"

The sirens laughed as they dodged the attack. "You can't fight us in this darkness."


The sirens cried out in pain as the darkness faded away.

"What happened?" Nazca asked.

"Leave my friends alone you old hags." Daniel said, glaring at them.

"Morphix Kick!"

Unla cried out in pain as she hit a wall. "Where did this power come from?"

"Focus on fairy boy." Limes said.

Unla smirked and fired coral bits at Daniel. "You can't win fairy boy."

"Aqua Duplicate!"

"Morphix Punch!"

Terala cried out in pain as she as knocked to the sea floor. "They can't be this strong."

"We won't let you win." Unla said, firing off more coral bits.

"Daniel?!" Aisha called out, flying in front of him. "Morphix Barricade! Put an end to this Daniel."

Daniel nodded as the water swirled around him. "Hydro Cage!"

The sirens glared as they were trapped inside the cage.

"Time to banish them for good this time." Aisha said.


The sirens cried out in pain as they were banished once more.

"Are you alright?" Marin asked, swimming over to Daniel.

Daniel smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'm just fine. Thanks to you Marin."

Marin smiled as they both started to glow. "Do you still feel like you're going to lose control?"

"Not at all." Daniel said. "What's happening?"

Aisha smiled and helped Rosella up. "You're bonding. You and Marin are connected."

"We have to get Abigail back to the surface." Rosella said.

Daniel nodded and gently picked up Abigail. "Let's go."

Without hesitation, they all flew back to the surface.

"Daniel." Zane said smiling. "I'm glad you're alright."

"Abigail?!" Colton called out, running over to her. "Is she alright?"

"She's just unconscious." Daniel said, laying her down.

"What happened?" Daphne asked.

"We were attacked by the Dark Sirens." Aisha said. "They're gone now. And Daniel has found his selkie."

"How do you feel Daniel?" Zane asked.

"A lot better now." Daniel said as his transformation dissolved.

Zane smiled and placed a hand on Daniel's shoulder. "That's good to here."

"And he didn't lose control." Aisha said.

Carmen sulked a little and crossed her arms. "Not fair. I wanted to be part of something exciting."

"Let's get going." Rosella said. "Catarina would love to know that Daniel is alright."

Red Fountain

"Daniel." Mythia said, hugging him. "You're safe."

Pheres smiled and nodded. "You look a lot better."

"I don't believe we need that cure now." Asher said.

"What do you mean?" Carmen asked. "I'm confused."

"It would seem that bonding with Marin got rid of the poison." Daniel said.

Gale arrived with Catarina and smiled upon seeing Daniel. "Our team is complete now."

"I'm glad." Catarina said, wincing a little.

"What's wrong Catarina?" Daniel asked.

"She used up a lot of energy in order to find you." Zane said. "If it wasn't for Catarina, we wouldn't have found you on Andros."

Daniel smiled and nodded. "Thank you Catarina. I think I'll stay away from oceans for a little while."

"We managed to solve two problems at once." Zane said. "It doesn't change the fact that Volcana is still out there. We have to find her."

Daniel sighed and looked up at the sky. "We'll stop her. One way or another."

Lava Temple

"Time to restore this place to its true form." Volcana said, placing her hand on the crystal and sending her magic through it. "I'll take away their love and friendship." She laughed as the temple rose up into the air.

Red Fountain

"What is that?" Colton asked, taking notice to the floating temple.

"We don't have to look for Volcana." Asher said. "It's the Lava Temple."

"How is that possible?" Catarina asked. "The crystal was destroyed."

"There must have been another one." Asher said. "That's the only explanation. A crystal that Saher didn't know about."

"Should we confront her?" Felicity asked.

"We don't have a choice." Daniel said. "That crystal can steal emotions. She can make everyone miserable."

Colton glanced over at Abigail and looked down. "Go. Abigail is still out of it. I'll stay here until she wakes up."

"Healing Rain!"

"Let's transform." Catarina said.


"Let's show this witch what we're made of." Rachel said, flying off with the others.

'Wake up Abigail.' Colton thought, holding her close.

"Come closer fairies." Volcana said, walking out to the edge of the temple. "Let's see how you handle this." She laughed as the crystal absorbed the love and friendship between the Scoutix.

"What am I doing?" Felicity asked, stopping in midair. "Why am I even here?"

Rachel bumped into Felicity and glared. "Watch it blondie."

"You should watch where you're going." Felicity said, glaring back.

'Everything is going smoothly.' Volcana thought.

"Hey pinkie." Carmen said, zooming past Rosella and almost knocking her down. "Too slow."

Lyon rode up to Felicity and smiled. "Hey babe."

Felicity rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Go bother someone else."

Rexx laughed and bumped into Alex, knocking him into Gale. "Coming through."

"Are you alright?" Gale asked.

Alex nodded and glared at Rexx. "Who does he think he is?"

"Something's wrong." Catarina said. 'What's going on? Why am I here with them? Something feels like it's missing.'

"Do you feel it too?" Gale asked, riding up to Catarina. "There's something strange going on."

"Everyone is fighting." Catarina said. "Why do I feel as if this isn't how things are supposed to be?"

"Could we all be friends?" Rosella asked.

"It doesn't seem like anyone wants to be friends." Daniel said.

'Is this a trick?' Catarina asked herself. "There's a familiar feeling between everyone here. It's not real. We are all friends."

"How can you tell?" Rosella asked.

"I can feel it." Catarina said.

"What's going on up there?" Rave asked. "It's like they've forgotten that they're friends."

"Volcana's crystal." Colton said. "She must have taken away their love and friendship. They don't remember ever becoming friends."

Abigail slowly opened her eyes and looked around. "Colton."

Colton smiled and gently kissed her. "You're awake. I'm glad you're alright."

"Hold on." Rave said. "Catarina might have figured it out."

"What's going on?" Abigail asked.

"Volcana is here." Colton said. "The others are under a spell."

"Why weren't we affected?" Rave asked.

"The crystal must only be able to reach a certain distance." Asher said. "We're too far away from it to be affected."

"What should we do?" Rave asked.

"We can't do anything right now." Abigail said. "If we go up there, the crystal will affect us as well. It's up to Catarina to figure this one out."

"How do we make everyone else see that?" Gale asked.

"Friendship is a strong power." Catarina said. "I remember a crystal. A crystal that could steal emotions. I think it was used to take away our friendship."

Daniel smiled and nodded. "Well I believe you."

"So do I." Rosella said.

Gale smiled and pulled Catarina close. "You know I do. We're friends. No. We're more than that. I know you can feel it Cat."

Catarina nodded and curled into him. "Yes. I love you."

"Now for the hard part." Daniel said. "Getting the others to believe it."

Rosella looked down and nodded. "They're not going to take our word for it. There has to be another way."

"I have an idea." Catarina said. "A convergence. If we combine our magic, it might be enough to make them remember. All four of us."

"How can I?" Gale asked. "I'm not like you three."

"It will work." Catarina said. "I can mix our auras with the magic. We have to do this now. Take my hand."

Gale smiled and took Catarina's hand. "Let's fix this."


"It won't work." Volcana said. "Your emotions are sealed within the crystal. There's no magic that can bring them back. You're pathetic if you think you can restore their love and friendship."

"What happened?" Felicity asked.

"Felicity." Lyon said.

Felicity smiled and hugged him. "Lyon. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"I think that can be said about all of us." Lyon said.

"How is this possible?" Volcana asked. "I took away your love and friendship. Nothing escapes the crystal."

"It's simple." Catarina said. "Love. Friendship. You can never take those emotions away. You should have known that you wouldn't get something like this past me. You can take away memories of the emotions, but those two emotions will always remain. The aura doesn't lie witch."

Abigail stood up and transformed. "Let's go Colton. It's safe now." She then flew up and joined the others.

Without hesitation, Colton took off after Abigail. "It's time to end this."

"I should have killed you Catarina." Volcana said, growling a little. "It doesn't matter though. You're all going to die."

"What makes you think you can win?" Daniel asked. "You're outnumbered and out-powered. Your little crystal didn't work."

Volcana laughed, focusing her attention on Daniel. "You haven't seen half of what I can do. There's more to my crystal than you realize Danny."

"Let's give them a hand Asher." Rave said.

Asher nodded and took off with Rave. 'I just hope that I don't get in the way.'

The specialists landed on the temple, keeping their gazes on Volcana.

"You can't win this witch." Alex said.

Volcana smirked, taking notice to Rave and Asher joining the specialists. "You boys made a mistake by coming here. You're in my territory now." She laughed as lava pulled the guys to their knees and wrapped around them. "Don't even bother struggling. The lava will just get tighter. And to make sure no one else interferes." Her eyes started to glow as lava rock formed over Red Fountain, trapping everyone inside.

"Magic Winx! Bloomix!"

"Volcanic Attack!" The spell struck the lava rock, breaking through it.

"You did it Bloom." Stella said, before watching the whole fix itself. "Or not."

"What happened?" Aisha asked.

"The rock is alive." Tecna said. "There must be some healing ability mixed in with its composition. Any damage it sustains will just be restored. There's no way through it. The Scoutix are on their own."

Volcana laughed and turned her attention to the Scoutix. "No one can save you now. Now die." She continued to laugh as lava and rock shot out at the fairies.


"Sapphire Shield!"

"Shining Aura!"

"Neptune's Ring!"

"Chakra Blast!"

"Magma Spike!"

"Autumn Winds!"

Volcana smirked as the attacks hit everywhere around her. "You don't have what it takes to defeat me." At that moment, threads of lava wrapped around the fairies. "No one can stop me."

"We have to get free." Catarina said, struggling against the lava.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Rachel asked, wincing a little.

Carmen closed her eyes and concentrated, forcing the lava to release them. "Did you forget that I'm a volcano fairy Volcana? Your lava attacks won't work on me."

"Let's see how you handle this." Volcana said, glaring at Carmen. "Volcanic Dragon!" At that moment, a dragon made out of lava, rock, and ash flew towards the fairies.

"Diamond Dust!"


The dragon roared and winced from the attacks. Without hesitation, it shot lava out of its mouth.

"Lava Defense!"

"Harvest Beam!"

"Aqua Cutter!"

The dragon cried out in pain and disappeared without a trace.

"It's time to end this." Rosella said.

"Scoutix Convergence!"

Volcana cried out in pain as she started to fade away. "This isn't possible! You may have defeated me, but you won't stop the temple." Within only a few minutes, she had completely disappeared. After she was gone, the rock surrounding the guys and Red Fountain disappeared.

"We have to destroy the crystal." Catarina said.

The others nodded and made their way into the temple, looking for the crystal.

"There it is." Carmen said, flying over to it. "It's time to get rid of this thing once and for all."

"Convergence!" The crystal shattered and faded away, causing the temple to start crumbling to pieces.

"We have to get out of here." Asher said, following everyone else out of the temple and far away from it.

Carmen smiled and laughed a little. "Take that Volcana. We are amazing."

"It's finally over." Catarina said.

"What happens now?" Felicity asked.

"We rest up." Catarina said. "Relaxation is just what we need. Who knows when the next threat will strike."

"Scoutix forever!"


'These fairies are powerful.' A male thought. 'They would make excellent servants. If they want to be Scoutix fairies so badly, then let them truly become Scoutix. And then, they will belong to me.' He laughed, not even noticing the young girl watching the Scoutix as well.

The girl walked off to her chambers and sat down on the bed. 'I have to do something. There must be a way to warn them. I can't stand by while more fairies become trapped here.'