OC Characters: Season 1

Rosella: Fairy of Unicorns

Catarina: Fairy of Aura

Carmen: Fairy of Volcanoes

Rachel: Fairy of Gemstones

Alex: Wields the Frost Bow of Aurora

Rexx: Wields the Inferno Chakram of Zevia

Gale: Wields the Wind Tonfa of Marella

Colton: Wields the Light Javelin of Revia

Zane: Wields the Thunder Whip of Tempesta

Rave: Wields the Twin Shadow Sais of Aurora

Splendora: Witch of Nightmares

Echo: Witch of Sound Waves

Another year has started at Alfea and there are many new fairies wanting to earn their wings. Students began to fill the courtyard and socialize with each other before they have to find their dorms. One girl stood at the entrance and looked around at the new faces she would get to meet. Rosella, the princess of Revia, seemed to be a little uncomfortable as she made her way to the front of the crowd. Sighing, she sat down on her suitcase and awaited further instructions. Rosella was a long way from home and didn't know anyone around her. Something really bad was about to happen and she could feel it all around her. It was about then that miss Faragonda walked out of the building and smiled.

"Welcome ladies to a new year at Alfea, school for fairies." Faragonda said looking around at all the new students. "Many adventures await as you learn new spells and earn different types of wings. For some of you, new dangers await but you will have nothing to fear as long as you work together. Classes will begin tomorrow morning at 8 so enjoy the rest of the night and get settled into your dorms. Just look for your name posted outside each dorm."

Rosella walked down the hallway of dorms and scanned each one for her name. She was not used to sharing a room with anyone so things would take some getting used to. Near the end of the hallway, she came to a stop and sat down on her suitcase once more to catch her breath. 'Finding one's name can quite tiring when walking down a hallway like this.' Sighing she stood up and glanced at the next door, happy to find her name. "So this is where I will be staying. I wonder what the other girls will be like."

Walking inside, she looked around and noticed that she was the first one to arrive. Without hesitation, she picked out her room and sat on the edge of the bed. 'Everyone around here seems so happy. They have no idea just how much danger they are truly in. Perhaps I shouldn't be here at all.'