Note: This is a chapter full of snippets from Don't Look Back, the sequel to Back to the Start~ These scenes are tentative and might change slightly, but will definitely be in the fic!

Don't Look Back summary: Being deeply loved by someone gives your strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Seijuurou and Tetsuya are the power couple of Japan. Changes are happening rapidly around them and the two must rely on one another for strength and support to get through them! Sequel to Back to the Start, full warnings inside.


Tetsuya smile as he watched his graduation cap fly up and in to the air, a deep seated feeling of satisfaction settling in his chest. He was a week away from marrying the love of his life, he had a degree in early child care and development under his belt, and the company that his fiancé had inherited as turning in to something that they both could stand behind and support. His life couldn't get any better than this

Seijuurou knew that something was up when Tetsuya placed a gentle kiss to his lips before rolling over and turning off the light. Even as he came back in to his arms with an adorable yawn, something wasn't right.

"Tetsuya?" He asked softly, not wanting to startle his husband.

"Hm, Sei?" The blue-haired male asked, cuddling in even closer.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Oh god." Tetsuya gasped, his world swaying violently.

"Tetsuya-sama!" Nagisa and Shuu called out in alarm, rushing forward to catch him before he could hit the floor. He leaned in to their strong grips, tears spilling down his face.

"This can't be happening to me." He murmured. Above his head, his two bodyguards shared a concerned glance.

"Ogiwara-kun, I look forward to watching this project grow with you." Tetsuya offered a warm smile to his childhood friend. Ogiwara returned it before pulling Tetsuya in to a hug.

"Me too, Tetsu, me too. I'm looking forward to getting to know your husband better as well. Maybe he'll warm up to me because of this project, hm?" He asked with a grin. Tetsuya rolled his eyes, exasperated by the entire situation. Seijuurou had made it clear that he didn't like nor trust Ogiwara, and it had been an on-going argument.

"We shall see."

"Boss, 'Gisa is reporting that Tetsuya-sama is asleep." Karma's voice had him jerking out of the light doze he must have fallen in to. Seijuurou looked at the clock in alarm and scowled when he noticed the time.

"It certainly is late enough to warrant that. Shall we head home, Karma?" He asked. When he stumbled as he rose to his feet, Karma quickly came to his side, a strong hand reaching out to steady him.

"Careful, boss. Tetsuya-sama will kick my ass if I bring you home injured."

"This is a good thing, Tetsuya-sama!" Nagisa chirped, grinning widely at his master. Tetsuya shook his head, burying his face in his hands as the tears began once again.

"No, it's not. It's too much. Sei hasn't been happy with me recently and this might just make it worse." He whispered. Nagisa hugged him close, rubbing at his back.

"Nonsense, Tetsuya-sama. Seijuurou-sama loves you very much, and no matter how stressed out he is, he will be very excited about this."

"…uya? Tetsuya?" Tetsuya blinked out of his thoughts at the sound of his fiance's voice. He smiled, curling up on his window seat to watch the winking sun.

"Hey." He murmured warmly.

"Are you alright?" Seijuurou's concern had his heart skipping a beat, and he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I needed a moment away from planning. That and the hormones are acting up again because I really, really wanted to speak with you." He admitted.

Tetsuya laughed as he ran away from Seijuurou, the sand warm under his bare feet. His new husband caught him effortlessly, pulling him in to his arms and pressing a kiss to his shoulder.

"I told you I was never going to let you go, Tetsuya. I meant it." He murmured. Tetsuya smiled, lacing their left hands together so that way he could admire their new wedding bands.

"Ah, Tetsu-chin, welcoming to our café. I have a special vanilla cupcake just for you." Atsushi murmured, passing over the pastry. Tetsuya smiled up at Atsushi, murmuring his thanks before looking around the quiet store.

"Where is Haru-kun?" He asked, looking for the chef. Atsushi pointed over to a table where the raven was sitting with Makoto, the taller male explaining something to him.

"On his lunch break with Mako-chin." He shrugged.

"I would do this for you if I could." Seijuurou murmured softly as he rubbed Tetsuya's back. His poor new husband had just taken his supplements for the day and it in conjunction with the alcohol from the night before and the plane ride had him nauseated and dizzy. Tetsuya reached for his hand, tugging him against his back.

"I don't mind. It will be worth it in the end. Besides, this is my last week having to take all of them. Then just the vitamins. We're so close, Sei." He murmured, offering his husband a smile. Seijuurou pressed a kiss to his clammy cheek before affectionately nuzzling it.

"I love you, Tetsuya. So much. Thank you for doing this for our family."

"I'm so, so sorry." Tetsuya sobbed in to Seijuurou's arms. His husband rubbed his back, murmuring soothing things in to his ear.

"My love, you are safe. The baby is safe. That is all that matters. You didn't do anything wrong here." He promised, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. Tetsuya shook his head but didn't say anything, continuing his hysterics.

By the time he was settled and the nurses had come in to do their nightly check-up, Seijuurou was filled with a calm rage.

He was going to make that man pay for devastating his Tetsuya.

"Sei?" Tetsuya blinked awake as he tried to tug himself out of the bonds holding him to their headboard. He hadn't been tied up when he fell asleep…

His husband ran a hand down his naked thigh, drawing his attention to him. Tetsuya's eyes widened when he noticed that both of his eyes were glowing golden.

"My lord." The words slipped out of him before he could stop them, surprising himself that it had been automatic. He had only been with this side of his husband three times, but the all-encompassing aura of absolute authority around him had Tetsuya wanting to serve this man in all that he could. The man nodded, a slight smirk crossing his face. He leaned over and connected their lips.

Tetsuya shivered in Seijuurou's arms, keeping his eyes closed as he pressed a hand to his stomach. He was barely beginning to show, but he knew he had to tell Seijuurou soon. Especially after this assassination attempt had come so close to him.

"We're safe here, Tetsuya, I promise." Seijuurou's words comforted him, even though he didn't understand what Tetsuya was actually afraid of.

Tetsuya was just glad that nothing physical had happened to them.

I'll protect you, little one.

See you all in Back and Forth later tonight!

- Kida-Asumi