
*Ok so….this is the last chapter! I want to thank everyone who has commented:

M.J. Ellsworth – Love you lots

Babyreaper – You are awesome! I can always count ob you for awesome reviews.

Remember Ember – Your comment had me laughing so hard when I read it! Hahaha

And also thank you to everyone who has liked/favorited it. This was my very first story to this site, and I hope Ive grown as a writer since then. Enjoy the long last chapter!*

The morning after the salt and burn incident, Dean had made sure to check Sam's neck himself and make sure nothing was damaged. Sam insisted he was fine and the ghost didn't hurt him that badly, but of course Dean had to check and make sure. He also kept a special eye out for Roy, making sure to follow Sam everywhere, even around the house. Sam was curious at first, but Dean just told him he wanted to make sure the salt and burn incident didn't do any harm. He wanted to keep Sam out of the loop as much as possible when it came to Roy. He knew he eventually had to tell him, but now was not that time.

One week later it was time for Sam's eighteenth birthday, and the Westmore family was going all out for it. They rented a huge venue in the city, complete with a DJ, a few caterers, and some other huge party stuff that Dean himself wasn't too sure about. The whole thing was a bit much for him and thought they were going over the top, but he had to remember that Sam and his family were freaking billionaires, and as down to earth as they seem, they had a social status to uphold. Sam went as far as to ask for donations from the party goings to go to a local children's charity. Even if everyone donated five dollars it would help out, but considering it seemed the whole dam town was going to be there and a lot of them had more money than Dean could imagine, Sam's charity idea was going to come out amazing. Even on his birthday Sam managed to think of others before himself.

Dean was more than happy to help plan the party. He would go cake testing, tux fittings, DJ auditions, meet with the lighting personal, anything that involved Sam, Dean was right there beside him. During the cake testing Dean would find himself staring at Sam as he took a bite out of the cakes. He imagines this is what it must be like to plan a wedding. He was also fully in charge of interviewing and hiring the extra security personal.

Finally it was the big day. Sam woke up with Dean's arm around him, and he never wanted to get out of bed. He was content, happy and relaxed with Dean. He started to close his eyes again when he heard what sounded like muffled raised voices coming from downstairs. He slowly pulled Dean's arm from around him, which is way easier said than done. He has a vice like grip. Sam in his white t-shirt and boxers slowly made his way out of the room. He had to find out what was going on.

Sam slowly made his way down the grand staircase. He recognized one voice as his dad's and the other voice as….Lance? He wasn't going to come down the stairs if it was one of his dad's associates, but him and Lance are such old friends.

Sam was coming down the stairs when he saw Lance exit one of the rooms that is his dad's office. His dad has two office's, the main one being upstairs. The moment he saw him he ran down the stairs to meet him.

"Lance hey!"

Lance looked up at Sam as he was coming down the stairs. Not really surprised that he was only in a t-shirt and boxers. It was his house after all. Just….Lance has never actually seen Sam in his t-shirt and boxers. It was a pleasant surprise to say the least. Sam ran up to him and was standing right in front of him.

"Lance what are you doing here? What were you and my dad talking about?"

"Look Sam. Im concerned for you."

"Concerned for me how?"

"I don't think Dean is all he claims to be and it keeps me awake at night thinking that he's your body guard. I wanted to come over the second your dad told me."

"Dean is a good body guard. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to me."

Lance grabbed Sam's hands and put them in his.

"Please Sam I think you need to be careful with him around. I think he's bad news and he's going to get you into trouble."

The smile Sam had on his face faded.

"Lance please, you don't know Dean the way I do. You can trust him, really."

"I want you to promise me, that if you ever find yourself in trouble that you give me a call. I don't care if Dean is around or not."

"Lance you're hurting my hands."

"Please Sam its important!"

"Hey! What's going on down here?" At the sound of Dean's booming voice both boys looked up and saw a pissed off Dean descending the stairs, also wearing nothing but a t-shirt and boxers. Sam took the opportunity to rip his hands away from Lance's grip and back up a little. Sam's never seen Lance so determined and scared for his safety. Sure after the abduction when he was fifteen Lance was concerned, but he never seemed scared. Dean finally made it to the bottom of the staircase and over to Sam's side, where he put his arm around Sam's waist, and glared daggers at Lance.

"Lance. What a pleasant surprise. What do I owe the pleasure?" Of course Dean was being horribly sarcastic with a shit eating grin on his face. Lance ignored him and turned back to Sam

"Sam, please consider what I said." He himself glared daggers at Dean as he walked towards the door.

"Here Ill assist you." Dean walked right beside Lance and opened the front door. But before Lance could walk out, he made sure to make his peace. And made sure to whisper it so Sam couldn't hear.

"Listen. I don't like it when people touch Sam, especially if their hurting him. Now you will stop spreading lies about me just so you can get into Sam's pants. I get you and him are friends and he admires you, but if you ever handle Sam like that again, Ill shove your hands down your throat."

"Threatening a police officer Dean? I wonder what other charges you have against you. Once I find out your real story, Sam wont want to be near you." With that Lance left and Dean closed the door. He turned back around towards Sam who was looking nervous. Dean quickly closed the gap between them and put his arms around Sam's waist, pulling him closer.

"You ok?"

"Yeah Im ok. He didn't mean to hurt me. I think he was just scared for my safety."

"What did he say?"

"Basically to call him If Im in any trouble. I told him you take good care of me but he was adamant."

Dean kissed Sam's forehead.

"Don't worry baby. I got this." They were about to kiss again when James came bursting threw the office door. They both jumped and turned away. Although Dean was positive he knew about the two of them, he didn't want to get caught with his hands down his pants….literally.

"Ive never seen Lance so worked up before."

"Dad what was he talking to you about?" James looked between Sam and Dean and just smiled.

"Nothing you have to worry about son. Now you have a birthday to get ready for! We need to get the show on the road. And Dean, you will be there as a guest tonight. You work so hard you deserve to party it up with Sam. Lance will head the security team tonight."

"Sir with all due respect, I don't think I can just sit back and be an average party goer. I would still like to be involved with security."

"All work and no play hu Dean?" James had such a grin on his face, and man did Dean like this guy.

"I just don't want to be kept out of the loop when it comes to Sam's safety is all."

"Fine fine. You get an earpiece. But you need to loosen up and have fun tonight! Especially if you're my son's date."

That made Sam blush. They haven't been on a real date. Unless you call having lunch a date, but the word itself was never used. He figures this can be their official first date, and he's going to make it special.


It's later that night. Sam and Dean are in their best tuxes, sitting in the limo driving to the venue. James was dashing in his tux, and of course Sam's mom had on an amazing dress with her hair pulled up and her make up being spot on. He saw Sam was fidgeting and grabbed his hand.

"Why are you nervous?"

"There's just going to be a lot of people here and Im not the biggest fan of crowds."

"I understand, but I'll be there."

Sam smiled. He knew as long as Dean was there he was going to be alright. He stopped fidgeting so much with his hand gently grasped in Dean's. James saw the exchange and took his wife's hand, eliciting a smile from her also.

They were nearing the venue when Dean decided to take out his present for Sam.

"Sam I uh, I wanted to give you your present now if you don't mind."

"No not at all Dean."

Dean reached into a small bag and pulled out a boutonniere. It was a single white rose with baby's breath.

"Dean I love it."

Dean gently pinned it to Sam's tux. He rummaged in the bag and pulled out another box, wrapped in wrapping paper. He handed it to Sam who then opened it, revealing a black velvet box. Dean noticed Sam pale upon seeing the box. Dean grabbed the box and slowly opened it, revealing a plan silver band with an intricate swirl design. He knew what Sam was thinking. 'oh god its an engagement ring,' but when Sam saw that it was a promise ring, his color came back to his face. He wasn't ready for another engagement so soon. Dean took the ring out of the box, took Sam's hand, and started sliding it on Sam's pointer finger.

"Sam, this is a promise ring. Im making you a promise here and now to always protect you no matter what, and to love you unconditionally."

Sam was so relieved to be receiving a promise ring and not an engagement ring. This was perfect and amazing, and he only saw love and hope in Dean's eyes. Sam didn't care that his parents were watching the whole exchange as he leaned forward and kissed Dean. The moment was perfect. He pulled back and saw Dean with the biggest grin on his face. Sam then turned to his parents who at that moment turned their heads and were pretending to look anywhere else except them. Not that they didn't want to see the tender exchange, they just wanted their son to have his privacy.

They then arrived at the huge venue . Dean automatically went into hunter/security mode the second he noticed the news and paparazzi were all here. He slid closer to Sam who he knew was nervous to begin with, and now they had all these cameras and flashing lights in his face.

"Sam, just focus on me. Ill get you to your party."

"Im ok Dean really."

"You ready son?" Dean never really heard Sam's mother Jane speak. She was very reserved and was normally out of the mansion doing good deeds and raising money for different organizations, but when she did talk, it was always very sweet.

"Im ready mom."

They stopped in front of the venue. The car door opened allowing James and Jane to exit the limo first. He went first, then offered her hand out of the limo. Dean squeezed Sam's hand and gave him a reassuring smile. Then their door opened. Dean motioned for Sam to stay put. He got out first and took a good look around. He didn't want to be caught off guard with a threat to Sam if he could help it. Once he was sure no one was going to be a threat at that time, he held his hand out for Sam to take, who accepted. He helped him out of the limo, and it seemed the second he stepped out the lights from the cameras doubled practically blinding him. Dean hated not being able to see one hundred percent. He kept a firm grip on Sam and made his way threw the crowd. One guy from a newspaper jumped the line from where the news and media were supposed to stay, and ran right up to the boys. He practically shoved the mic in Sam's face.

"Sam! Talk to me about what happened during the kidnapping?! Is it true it was Chris Roberts family that planned the kidnapping?!" The reporter was practically shouting at Sam who stiffened. Dean automatically punched the guy in the face and he went down hard. He then got down on ground level with him and right in his face.

"You EVER talk to him like that again and I will make it a personal mission to make your life a living hell you got that?" The guy shook with fear and didn't move. Dean hastily got back up and his attention was solely on Sam. He grabbed Sam's arm.

"You ok?" Sam smiled

"Yeah Dean. Im good." Both boys were smiling as Dean led him past the extra security detail and into the huge venue, where Dean had to bring Sam to back where the stage was so he could make his speech.

They were behind the curtain. The whole venue was filled with people laughing, talking and drinking. It was certainly a night to remember. Sam having given many speeches at benefits with his parents, was poised and perfect.

"Sam. Ill be right here. You'll be perfect."


The DJ started his announcement.

'Alright everyone! Its time for the birthday boy to make his appearance! Lets give it up for Samuel Westmore!'

Everyone in the venue started clapping and cheering. Dean gave Sam a good kiss, and Sam turned around and walked out on stage with his head held high. Dean was looking out into the audience making sure no one was looking suspicious. Suddenly he glanced over at the other side of the stage, and there stood Lance, and he was talking to someone. He couldn't see the second person, but whatever they were talking about it seemed serious. He strained his eyes to try and see any clue about who the mystery person was talking to Lance, but to no avail. He messed with his ear piece trying to see if there was any chatter about the mystery dude, but who ever it was Lance wasn't talking to the other security personal, but Dean's instincts were telling him that person wasn't supposed to be there. Then what looked like a large envelope was put into Lance's hands, and the mystery man walked away. Dean watched Lance take a quick peek inside, and smiled. He was going to sneak behind the curtain and confront him, but the clapping and shouting started as Sam finished his speech. 'Dam it I told him I would listen to it.' Sam rushed off stage and into Dean's line of sight.

"Man I was nervous at first. Come on lets go finally enjoy this party."

Sam was smiling and happy and that's all that mattered to Dean. He took a quick look back towards where Lance was and he was gone. Sam started dragging him off the stage, and into the crowd, joining them in the dancing.


The music was awesome! Sam picked every single song and it was amazing. Everyone in the place was dancing and having a good time. Dean made sure to have his arms around Sam at every turn, people were really boozing it up and all he needed was misplaced hands. Not to mention he still didn't know where the hell that 'mystery guy' was.

Once in a while a slow song would come on, and even then people were living it up. But once Journey's 'Open Arms' started, Sam got red. Even Dean could tell in the dark. All Dean did was smile, and grab Sam, and started slow dancing with him. Sam was so graceful on his feet. 'Maybe he even had dance lessons. ' Dean was doing bare minimum, not knowing how to dance and just following Sam's lead, but they moved in perfect sync with each other. It was as if no one else in the room existed.

The song ended and Dean made sure to kiss Sam lovingly on the lips. As he was kissing him he saw Lance in one of the corners of the venue staring at them with that same smile as before and the envelope in his hand. He then disappeared into the men's bathroom, not taking his eyes off of Dean.

They pulled back from the kiss. Dean didn't want to let go, but he wanted to see what the hell his old buddy Lance was up to.

"Sammy I'll be right back. I'm getting a call over the ear piece. Have to check something out."

"Is it serious?"

"No no. Nothing you have to worry about. I'll be right back."

Dean walks away from Sam and to the door he saw Lance go through. The last thing he ever wanted to do was lie to Sam, but he had to get to the bottom of this without Sam knowing.

Dean carefully walked through the door. Looking around it was part of the backstage, but it was only accessible by the one door, so no one else was in there. It was well lit, but it had an eerie effect to it.


Dean turned around to Lance standing in front of him, with a huge grin and that same folder.

"Lance. Did you want to meet me or did I misread your signals."

"No. I wanted you to follow me. I wanted to talk to you without being interrupted."

"What's so important that our main focus isn't Sam?"

"Ah but it is about Sam. This has to do with Sam's future, and his happiness. Both of which you will be ruining by continuing to see him."

"I don't have time for this."

Lance opened up the folder and started reading.

"Dean Winchester. Born Nov. 24th 1979, in Lawrence Kansas. Mother died a mysterious death…..shall we jump to the later years? Dropped out of High school at the age of sixteen, but not before moving around to an impressive amount of different towns, all in different states around the country. No known address for either you or your dad, the only stuff I do have consists of police reports. Suspected of credit card scams, which by the way isn't very impressive. But this, the grave deification, suspected murder, escaping police custody, shall I continue?"

Lance closed the file and walked towards Dean.

"There's no warrant out for your arrest. Which was odd seeing the charges, but I guess they just figured you weren't worth their time. Does Sam know about your extensive criminal history? Did you manage to share any of this information with him?"

"Sam knows enough."

"Does he know everything? Now I know for a fact that Sam wants to attend Stanford Law. Wants a nice house, kids. The whole nine yards. Now do you think he'll be able to achieve any of that with someone as worthless as you by his side? I read some interesting things. You lived in and out of motels, arrested for fighting, almost killing several men. Now why would I want Sam anywhere near you. How do I know you're not conning him right now for his money?"

Dean was starting to get nervous. Sure Sam knew about the hunting aspect of his life, but everything else, he kept him in the dark. He didn't want him to know how messed up his life really was. He truly loved Sam, and knew that even if Sam was piss poor, he would keep him in the impala and even there they would be happy.

"Sam loves me no matter what."

Lance shook his head, and took out a piece of paper with an image on it. Dean walked closer to Lance and took the paper. It was an image of the check that Tex gave to Dean….how the hell did he get this? Dean tore the check up into tiny pieces.

"That Dean is the carbon copy of the check that Tex Roberts wrote out. Your name is on it, and it's for $100,000. Now why on earth would the kidnapper wright you out a check for that amount of money? Unless of course you were in on the whole thing. I mean both Chris and his uncle stated that you were hired and YOU kidnapped Sam, but then you went against them and went after Sam yourself for his wealth. I'm tellin you Dean, if it wasn't for Sam's confession of you being the hero, you would be behind bars. You still might be."

Sam knew about the kidnapping. He still didn't have anything to worry about.

"Now I know Sam has a huge heart, so he may even forgive you for all this. But, do you think his father would?"

'Shit.' Dean thought.

"What do you think would happen if I brought all this information and evidence to James? Do you think HE will forgive you as Sam would? Or do you think he would lock you up and throw away the key?"

Lance was right. Sam knew the truth, but if James ever found out he would never be seen again. He would either be murdered or put in prison for ever. Either option didn't look good for him.

"What do you want Lance?"

"I want you to disappear. After this party is over I want you to break up with Sam, leave, and never contact him again. If you stay away, all this stays locked up. If you dare show your face in town, or contact Sam in any way, this will find its way into Sam's fathers hands."

Dean wanted nothing more than to beat the shit out of this guy, grab Sam and run. He started towards Lance, if anything maybe he could get a hit in.

"I wouldn't Dean. My informant has several copies of this file, so if you harm me or steal this, Sam's father will still get the information. Now. I know Sam rented a hotel room for the night for the two of you. Before any hanky panky gets done, you WILL break up with him, and walk away, and never come around again. And don't worry I'll be there to pick up the pieces."

"I'm sure you will be." Dean growled. He was seriously pissed. This asshole was blackmailing him into breaking up with Sam and there wasn't a dam thing he could do about it. If he stayed and fought Lance would have him locked up for sure. If he left Sam would hate him and never forgive him for breaking his heart. He was stuck. He didn't want to hurt Sam, he didn't want to leave him, he wanted to make a life with him, but if he were to keep protecting innocent people and possibly even Sam, he would have to break Sam's heart and leave until he could come up with a plan. Even if he told Sam what lance was doing, James wouldn't care in the slightest. He ran a hand down his face in sheer frustration. The night was going perfectly, and in the matter of a few minutes, his truest happiness was swept away. Right from under his own two feet. He knew what he had to do.

"Fine. Ill break up with him tonight, then leave town. But I just want you to know, I truly love Sam, and I know he loves me. You're making me break his heart because of your jealousy. What even makes you think he'll want you after tonight?"

"As long as he's not with you Im happy."

Lance had a smile on his face most of the conversation, and Dean knew he hated this man more than anything on this planet. He swore if anything were to try and take his Sammy away from him again he would kill them. He HAD to find a way around this in the future, but for now, he had to break his loves heart.


The party was over. Dean didn't want to ruin Sam's night, so he tried to act happy, even though seeing him was destroying him inside. He felt physically ill as he thought about what was about to happen. Sam really was happy.

Sam led Dean upstairs to a private room that was at the venue for elite customers. It was more of a suite really. Sam was all smiles and dimples as he opened the door to the room, and dragged Dean in so forcefully, that Dean tripped and fell right on top of Sam as they both landed on the ground. Sam grabbed Dean and kissed him, Dean did not return the gesture.

"Dean is something wrong? Ever since you left you've been acting kind of different."

Dean carefully got up off of Sam and turned around. Sam was concerned, Usually Dean would have taken him right there on the floor, or picked him up off the floor and put him carefully on the bed, but he wouldn't just leave him there.

Dean ran his hand down his face

"Sam listen. I have to talk to you."

Sam stood up and walked over to the bed and sat down. He wasn't sure where this was going, but it probably wasn't good. Dean slowly made his way to the bed and sat down beside Sam who was intently looking at him.

"Dean please tell me what's wrong."

The last thing Dean wanted to do was look at Sam right now. He knew one puppy dog look and he would break down. So he tried to avoid eye contact at all cost.

"Sam listen I uh…I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to come out with it. I don't think we should see each other and we should break up."

"Dean wha….what are you saying? You cant be serious."

Dean knew Sam was going to cry. He could practically feel the tears in Sam's huge gentle eyes.

"Im sorry Sam. Its for the best. The job I do….hunting is dangerous. I cant bring you with me and I cant stop saving innocents. I have to travel with my dad and do what I do best."

Sam was devastated. Dean was leaving him for hunting! Dean promised he would never leave him, and told him over and over again that he was more important than anything, so where the hell was the all coming from? The tears in his eyes started spilling over and he couldn't keep his emotions in control and his breath hitched.

"Dean please. If you're leaving take me with you. Ill get better I promise, and I wont let anything get the drop on me again."

'oh my god he's going to break down and never stop crying. I have to end this before I change my mind.' Dean finally looked over at Sam and couldn't stand his horribly sad face. He wanted nothing more than to swipe away his tears and kiss him until he forgave him. Dean looked back away, and stood up heading for the door.

"Dean wait!"

Dean turned back around and looked at Sam

"Dean if you walk out that door, Im going to follow you."

"Sam no. You have to let me leave."

"No way Dean. Something is going on and Im not going to let you leave just like that. Ill follow you and drag you back here if I have to."

Tears came to Dean's eyes. He knew what he had to do keep Sam from following him and he hated himself for even contemplating it, but he couldn't have Sam following him. He walked back lover to the bed and sat down, he was looking at Sam etching his face into his brain forever. Who knows when he was going to see him again, or forgive him. Dean took his tie off and knew he was going to hate himself forever.

"Im sorry for having to do this Sam."

Dean grabbed Sam's hands hard with one hand, and with the other started tying them together. Sam was struggling trying to get out of Dean's grasp, but he was to strong.

"Dean please no! Please don't do this!"

Dean grabbed Sam and pulled him up to the headboard, and tied the extra piece of tie to the metal bars.

"Dean stop! Dean my wrists hurt stop!"

Dean felt horrible, he may have made the knot way to tight, and he really didn't mean to. Once Sam was secured to the metal headboard Dean stood up and headed to the door.

"Dean stop! Dean please don't leave!"

With his face turned away from Sam the tears In his eyes welled up and over. He didn't want Sam to know how badly he was crying. He could hear Sam struggling and crying and screaming on the bed as Dean walked out of the hotel room and shut the door behind him. He closed his eyes and let the tears take over. The last thing he wanted to do was leave Sam vulnerable like this, but he couldn't have him following him. Suddenly he heard a mock cough coming from down the hall. He opened his eyes and saw Lance down the hall staring at him. The very last thing he wanted to see was him. He gave Lance the most evil glare he could muster up, and walked away from Sam's room. He got to the end of the hallway and looked back again, seeing Lance straighten out his suit and fixing his hair. He took in a long breath and vowed he would get revenge. Finally he walked away down the emergency stairs and out through the back, outside his impala was waiting for him as promised by Lance. Along with $5000 in cash in a bag under the driver's seat. He wasn't proud of himself in the slightest. The tears were streaming down his face as he drove away, vowing to return on day. After some time of driving he pulled out his phone, and dialed his dad's number.


Sam was in hysterics. Dean had promised him that he would never tie him up against his will, and of course Sam believed him. Sam was struggling against his bonds so much he swore he was going to brake both his wrists if he continued, but at that moment he just didn't care. He kept crying and yelling for Dean to come back, when he heard a knocking at the door.

"Sam? Sam are you in there?"

Sam knew that voice wasn't Dean, it was Lance. Maybe he could go after Dean and stop him from leaving.


Lance didn't miss a beat as he put his master key in the door and pushed it open.

"Sam oh my god are you ok?! What happened?!"

Lance playing dumb to the whole situation ran over to Sam and grabbed him from the bed, untying the knot. It was harder than he thought, but he got it, and Sam shot right up.

"Lance please you have to go after Dean!"

Lance grabbed Sam's wrists and started with the knot.

"Sam did Dean do this to you?! Did he hurt you?!"

"Yeah he did this, but listen he wasn't himself! We have to go after him."

Lance held Sam's still tied wrists and held him tight.

"Sam Dean's gone! He left a note saying he couldn't stand using you anymore. The whole thing was a con, that's what he is Sam is a very talented con artist who was after your money."

"No, no what we had was real." Sam wouldn't believe it.

"Sam I'm sorry. It's all true." Lance made sure his voice was soft and comforting. Sam had stopped struggling and he was just crying and sobbing. Lance reached over and pulled Sam into his arms, as he just cried. Lance had a huge smile on his face as he ran his hand threw Sam's hair.

"Don't worry Sam. I'm never going to leave you or betray you. You can count on me."

*Ok no one kill me for the ending! The sequel will be in the works soon enough. Again thank you for your continued support, and thank-you to everyone who will comment/like/favorite in the future.*