Chapter One: A Rivalry Is Born

"Oh Siv, she is beautiful," said Dis as she took the newborn from her friends arms for a turn to cuddle the little girl.

Fili watched as the two women cooed and fawned over the baby. Ever since the birth of their son Rorvi, Siv and her husband Rorin had been trying for years for another child. He knew that the arrival of a second child to his mother's friend was exciting, but he could not help but feel resentment for the little bundle currently held in his mother's arms.

Rorvi was Fili's best friend, he was only a few months older than him and with their mothers being almost like sisters, it was only destiny that they would become best friends. They did everything together, training, hunting, playing, and of course their favorite; getting into trouble. Both Siv and Dis had each scolded the pair more times than they could count. The pair of them were unstoppable and almost inseparable. At least that was how life had been until now.

Now Fili sat in the corner of the room, brooding with jealousy, as he watched the scene before him. Rorvi was standing proudly next to Dis as she held the baby, waiting cautiously and protectively as if anything were to happen, he would be there to save the day for his little sister.

Fili thought back to almost a year ago when his own baby brother was born, and what feelings he had felt as a new brother. Despite the occasional fit of envy he felt from the lack of attention he received from his mother, he had easily adjusted to the new shared attention of his mother.

He recalled the immediate, protective feeling he had for his brother. He himself had doted over Kili for several weeks after he was born just as Rorvi was doing with his younger sibling. But now as Fili watched his best friend dote over his sister, he felt the increased dislike for the new comer. It had been two days since she arrived and already he hardly saw Rorvi. He liked how his life had been exactly three days ago. But now as he watched everyone fawn over the baby girl, he became more and more dissatisfied with how everything was changing.

"It is getting late," announced Dis as she carefully passed the baby back to its mother. "Fili," she said, drawing the attention of the young dwarf from his brooding thoughts, to the conversation of the room. "It's time to go, come on laddie."

Disgruntled, Fili hopped from the stool he had been sitting on and dragged his feet over to the door. All the while, Dis picked up Kili who had been attempting to crawl up the stairs. He was halfway through the door before his mother called out to him.

"Fili," she said. He stopped and lazily bent his head backwards to look at his mother upside down without moving his foot from the threshold. "Don't you want to say goodnight to Torvi?"

No, his mind responded automatically, he did not want to say goodnight to Torvi. He did not want to say anything to her. Fili did his best to hold back the eye roll that threatened to reveal his displeasure to doing such a thing.

Despite this being the opposite of what he wanted to do, he dragged his feet over to the chair that Siv sat in and for the first time, peeked at the sleeping baby in her arms. She was so small and innocent looking that Fili immediately felt guilty for the hateful feelings he had earlier.

As he looked at the still baby, she began to move around. First her eyebrows furrowed, and then slowly, her eyelids began to open up to reveal a pair of large green eyes.

Fili took in a breath.

He had never seen such a vibrant green in someone's eyes before. They were the color of leaves when first budding in the spring, so full of life and promise. He stared down, while she stared up at him, her lips twitched as if to give him a smile and his mouth curved into an upward smile as well.

"Isn't she perfect?" said Rorvi proudly, as he walked up to stand next to Fili. "I don't think I will ever leave her side."

Any soft feelings that Fili was having towards Torvi evaporated as the jealous hatred came pouring back with this one sentence. Fili's earlier smile that had come so easily quickly turned sour as he scowled down at the baby. It only lasted a moment before Fili composed himself into a mask that hid what his true feelings were. Only Siv and Dis noticed the change in his countenance, and they each looked at each other knowingly.

"Come along Fili," said Dis as she adjusted her hold on Kili so that she could free one of her arms to give Fili's shoulder a squeeze. "Let's get you to bed, we will come by tomorrow morning."

Fili mumbled a goodbye to Siv and Rorvi but only shot a steely glance down at the baby who was now sleeping again. He walked in front of his mother, opening the door for her and closing it behind them once he walked out into the cool night air. Dis took the lead down the worn path that led down to their own home, every once in awhile glancing back to check on Fili following behind.

Fili dragged his boots across the ground as he followed his mother. Every so often he came across a rock which he would give a good hard kick, sending it skipping several feet across the ground before it rolled to a stop. There was no other sound to be heard but the light footsteps and skipping of the rocks as they walked. It was not until Fili kicked a particular rock that bounced off the back of Dis' boot, that the silence was broken.

"What is bothering you son?" asked Dis stopping and waiting for Fili to catch up to her.

He looked up at her and gave a loud sigh. "Nothing," he said in an unconvincing tone. After a few more steps he spoke again. "I don't like Torvi," he said in a huff.

Dis frowned down at her son. "Now Fili, that is not how you were raised. Torvi has done nothing to you to earn your dislike."

"She took Rorvi," he mumbled under his breath. "I lost my best friend because of her it's all her fault that Rorvi ignores me."

Dis did her best to suppress a smile as tried to console her son. "I know it is hard for you to be missing the attention of your friend but do not worry, soon the novelty of having a new sibling will die down. You two will be back to causing havoc all over Ered Luin in no time."

Fili looked at his mother with his eyes narrowed as he thought over her answer, trying to decide if she was right or not. "How do you know that? All he has done today and yesterday was stand around her, he didn't even answer me when I asked if he wanted to go outside and play."

"Well if I recall you did the same thing to him when Kili was born." replied Dis calmly.

Fili looked down at his feet feeling guilty as he realized that she was right. "Well that was different. Kili is a boy."

Dis looked at her son in surprise, not expecting this. "And what does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, when Kili gets old enough he can play and fight with us, we won't have to always be watching out for him. But Torvi is a girl, she won't be any fun to play with. I was hoping that Torvi would be a boy so that Kili could have a best friend like me with Rorvi. But Torvi messed it all up by being a girl," he answered glumly.

Dis smiled down at her son. It was sweet that Fili wanted his brother to be happy like he was, but she did not like the way he had already condemned Torvi. "Well maybe Torvi will be just that. No one ever said your best friend had to be a boy. I bet you anything the four of you will all get along splendidly. Who knows, you or even Kili may even grow up to marry her." she said, giving him a nudge as they walked up the steps to the front door of their home. "I ended up marrying Thorin's best friend, so why not Torvi marry Rorvi's?"

Fili gave her a look of disgust. "Mother, I am not going to marry Torvi, she is a baby," he said as he lifted the latch and opened the front door.

Dis could not help but laugh. "And what were you when you were born? A goblin? She will not always be a baby, someday she will be a young lady and you will be a young man. You never know," she said, giving her son a wink as she passed the threshold and watched as he shook his head and closed the door.

"Well I am not going to marry her, Kili can do that."

"Well then in that case you better learn to like her since she be your sister if that happens."

Fili just let out an exaggerated sigh of exhaustion as he walked down the hall leading to his room. "I suppose I can try again tomorrow," he called back dramatically as he shut his door. Dis smiled and shook her head, Fili had so much to learn about life, it would be interesting to see what the future would bring.

As promised, Fili did his best to change his attitude and for some time it worked. After a few months as his mother had said, Rorvi began to spend less time with his sister and went back to causing mischief and mayhem with Fili.

It was not until Torvi was a year old and she was crawling on the floor while Siv visited Dis that things changed.

Torvi had just found a small wooden toy that belonged to Fili long ago. His father had carved it for him before he had died and while never played with, it still held sentimental value. Just as Fili noticed her holding it, he heard a snap and watched as Torvi broke the head off of the small figure. Fili leapt to his feet, yelling as he snatched the broken toy from Torvi's hands.

Immediately she began to cry out large tears that weld up and fell down her face. Started by the sudden outburst of Fili and crying of Torvi, Dis and Siv intervened but it was too late, the rivalry had already begun.

Twelve Years Later

"It wasn't my fault!" cried Fili in defense. "She is the one who tripped me first!"

"I didn't do it on purpose!" replied a mud caked Torvi.

"You did too!" said Fili

"Well you deserved it for putting a toad in my bed," shot back Torvi.

"How do you know it was me!" cried Fili "You have no proof."

Both Dis and Siv stood sat at the kitchen table cutting vegetables for the evening meal that the two families would be sharing together. Dis let out a sigh of frustration as the two bickering children stood before them, each covered head to toe in mud.

It had been twelve years since Torvi had been born. And ever since that momentous event, it had been twelve years of warfare between the two.

Fili and Rorvi were best friends and like their siblings, Torvi and Kili, as Dis had predicted, had become best friends. Each older brother loved and cherished their younger sibling. In addition to that, Rorvi and Kili also shared a similar bond to that of siblings. However, that is where any other bonds of sibling or friends ended. Because for twelve years, Fili and Torvi were constantly fighting. Of course many times they would call a truce when the four of them played together, but the truce hardly ever lasted long enough for them to finish a full day of playing.

Today in particular had only lasted until midday. Which was the very reason why both of them were standing in the kitchen, arguing with each other in front of both women.

"Silence," said Siv putting down her knife and standing up and walking over to stand before them. With her hands on her hips, she glared down at them. "I don't care which one of you started it or what went on. It just has to stop! Honestly, I don't understand why the two of you can't ever get along!" Both children hung their heads as they were reprimanded. "Now I want the both of you to apologize to the other and then go outside and get along for the rest of the day." Both kids looked at each other, waiting for the other one to make the first move. "NOW!" shouted Siv.

"I am sorry," said Fili through gritted teeth.

Torvi glared at him but after catching a stern look from her mother put on a smile that failed to reach her eyes. "Me too," she said, her tone as sharp as a knife.

Satisfied that it was as good as she was going to get, Siv nodded at both of them. "Now," she began as she ushered them out the back door. "Both of you go outside, and if I hear any bickering from either of you, it will be your bottoms that will be sorry." She gave them each a shove that got them past the threshold and closed the door. She let out a small sigh as she watched them shoving each other through the kitchen window. She shook her head in defeat and walked back over the table to continue helping Dis with dinner.

Dis let out a light chuckle as she paused to look up at her friend. "I believe our hopes of our children marrying are pointless. I don't think I have ever witnessed two children that disagreed and fought so much in my life."

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure." said Siv thoughtfully. "Most of the time these disputes happen because Fili is teasing Torvi. I remember she used to talk all about how she would someday grow up to marry Fili. Of course she would never admit it now but that girl was in love with him when she was younger. that is until he started teasing her about her looks." She smiled at the thought. Dis became intrigued with what she was saying and listened more closely. "If there is anything I know about young love, it is that the one stricken with love will do everything in their power to make sure that the other one does not find out."

"What are you getting at?" asked Dis.

"All I am saying is that perhaps Fili teases her to hide his true feelings. And of course Torvi would never admit to liking someone who is so horrible to her. Perhaps once those two do a little more growing up and maturing they will grow out of this phase of childlike flirting and learn to admit their real feelings."

Dis thought for awhile as she contemplated this theory. "I think you might be right," she said. "I guess we'll just have to wait until they come of age and see what happens. But I have to admit, the sooner the better, I don't think I can handle this bickering anymore."

Both women chuckled as they thought about the idea of the two getting along. It would still be a long time before either of them came of age and both mothers dreaded the many more years of bickering to come and fights to break up. They sat happily together peeling and cutting vegetables, each imagining that happy day when the rivalry would stop, and peace would fall upon their homes. Both were happily oblivious as to just how quickly this day would come. But in their ignorant bliss, never did they imagine what circumstances would bring such a peace.

Five Years Later

"I can't believe you did that," said Torvi as she hit Fili in the arm. "You made me look like a fool in front of everyone! Why can't you ever just leave me alone."

"You were already making yourself look like a fool, I just helped you see it for yourself. Besides none of those people even care about you, they only care about your status as a noble and tolerate your rude behavior because of that," said Fili calmly as he continued to walk up the path. "As for leaving you alone, trust me, I try to avoid you as much as possible. I don't enjoy spending time with spoiled brats. However, your mother asked me to come find you and bring you back. So I am doing this as a favor to her, not for the pleasure of being in your presence," he said venomously.

Torvi glared at his back as she followed him up the slope to her home. He drove her crazy. No matter what she did, he always seemed to hate her ever since they were kids. They bickered less now but that was only because they were away from each other more often. When she was about fourteen years old, she had stopped hanging out with Rorvi and the prince brothers. She still spent time with Kili of course but that was different. Kili was her best friend, Fili was not.

As a toddler she was always tagging along and trying to please them. She even remembered having the biggest crush on Fili when she was younger. Somehow she had convinced herself that she would marry him someday. But that fantasy quickly ended when he made it obvious that he detested her and thought her hideous with her uncontrollable wild red hair and freckles.

As they grew older he seemed to be more civil towards her but she could tell it was only because she was Rorvi's sister and Rorvi was protective. For Torvi, getting along with anyone was difficult. She did her best to try and fit in with her peers, but they were never honest and were always gossiping about each other.

If Torvi was truthful, she hated all of the nobles her age. There was of course the exception of her own brother, Kili, and yes, sometimes she even liked Fili. Despite their constant arguing, Fili was still kind and generous to those who were less fortunate than himself. Always taking the time to exchange a few words of pleasantry, unlike the rest of the stuck up nobles who barely even looked at anyone who was below their station.

Torvi was not one for following lady protocol. She often sought to do what she wanted to do versus what others thought she should do. This often made it difficult for her to get along with her peers as she was always breaking the rules of etiquette. This lead to name calling and backstabbing by both genders of her age. Little did she know, the majority of this teasing was often silenced or hidden from her by some choice words and threats given out by Rorvi and Fili.

As they grew closer to her family's home, she became curious as to why she was even needed at home. "Why are we meeting here anyways?"

"I don't know, I was just stuck with the honorable job of fetching you. All I was told is that we were all to meet at your house," he said in a tone that hinted he was anything but honored, just peeved.

Torvi rolled her eyes and let silence fall upon them as they finished the last little distance up the hill. Fili reached the door first, pushing up the latch, he opened it just enough to let himself in before shutting it in Trovi's face.

Trovi stopped abruptly and let out a frustrated groan as she went to lift the latch herself. As she pulled up, the door latch stayed shut. She put more force on it, causing it to lift slightly before slamming down on her finger. She let out a cry of pain and kicked the door.

"Fili you good for nothing dwarf, let me in," she yelled as she pounded on the door.

She heard a slight snicker of laughter before Fili's muffled voice came through the door. "Aw common Torvi, be smarter than the door. All you have to do is lift up!"

Fili waited at the door, holding down the handle as he waited for a retort or another attempt by Torvi to open the door but nothing came. He waited a moment longer before opening the door a crack and peeked out.

Torvi was gone. There was no one in sight.

He opened it more and stuck his head out cautiously. "Torvi?" he said looking around. He opened the door all the way and took a step out. Just as he was about to step back into the house, two hands pushed on his back, sending him forward and onto the ground.

As soon as he hit the dirt he rolled over just in time to see Torvi smirking down at him. "Honestly Fili, did you really think I would just stand there when I can just enter through the back door?" She gave him another triumphant smile before slamming the door shut.

Torvi smiled to herself as she moved the lock into place. She clapped her hands together as if to brush off dust as she triumphantly took a step away from the door. Her foot was just about to take another step when a loud bang sounded at the door.

Her smile curled wider with satisfaction.

"Oh common Fili, it's not that hard, you just have to lift the latch and open the door. Let's be smarter than the door," she mimicked. Another loud and harder bang sounded and Torvi rolled her eyes. "Forget it you lousy hackit. The only way you are getting through that door is if you bust it down."

"Torvi, if you don't open this door this instant…"

Torvi's stomach dropped as she heard her father's stern voice come through the door.

Before he could finish his threat of what he would do if she did not open the door, she had the latch unlocked and the door wide open.

As she opened the door, she saw her father and mother both standing in the doorway with Rorvi, Kili, Dis, and even Thorin waiting just behind them. Her eyes drifted and landed on Fili who was snorting with laughter as he watched the panic on her face. She stepped aside to let everyone trail into the front room, her eyes narrowing as Fili passed by giving her a wink and a smile.

Everyone was gathered into the front parlor sitting on chairs, tables, and stools. Torvi went and sat down at the windowsill with her arms crossed and blood boiling. She kept her glare on Fili who was sitting directly across the room on a stool. His bright blue eyes gleamed with joy as he obviously relished in his amusement of victory in their battle that had just occurred. She refused to move her eyes from his until her father stood before the group and cleared his throat, causing both to break eye contact and turn their attention to Rorin.

"Thank you all for gathering, this is not easy to say," he looked down at Siv and grabbed her hand. "It was not an easy decision but it is something Siv and I have thought about for a long time now. Although we have never been in want, our financial sources are drawing low and an opportunity has come about to change that." He paused for a moment as everyone began to look around the room, exchanging confused looks. "I have written to my cousin in the Iron Hills who has done well for himself running the mines in the east. They are need of a foreman to make sure the mining tunnels are as safe as possible. With my knowledge in architecture, he has offered me the position which I have accepted."

The room was silent for a moment until the reality hit each person one at a time. It was Rorvi who realized what his father was saying first and was the first to voice anything. "But that means…"

Rorin held up his hands to stop him and any others who had begun to speak up. "Yes; that means we are to move to the Iron Hills in a week's time."

"Oh no," said Dis. "Siv, are you sure about this?" she asked, turning her attention to her friend.

Siv looked at her husband then back to Dis as she nodded her head in confirmation. "Yes; I am sure."

"Why did you not come to me?" asked Thorin. "Perhaps we could help you or arrange something so that you can stay here."

Rorin just shook his head. "Do not think I thought about it, but I come from a long line of stubborn dwarves who will do everything in their power to provide for their families on their own. You have been good friends and good to my family Thorin, but cannot accept something that I did not earn on my own."

Rorvi watched Thorin nod his head in understanding but was not in agreement with the King. "Hang on, what about us? Don't Torvi and I get a say in anything? Our lives are here, our friends, I begin my apprenticeship next month!"

Rorin let out a sigh. "Your mother and I make the decisions for this family and when you become the head of this family then you will get a say!" he said sternly. Rorvi immediately stood up and walked out of the room in a huff. Rorin ran a hand through his hair as Siv stood to follow after her son. "No, stay here, I will speak with him. I should not have spoken so harshly," he mumbled as he made his way to the kitchen and out the back door in pursuit of Rorvi.

Fili watched as his mother went over to Siv and immediately started talking about plans for moving and other matters of business, such as friends to call on for help when they arrived in the Iron Hills. The two of them disappeared into the kitchen chatting away and speaking of how much they would miss each other.

Thorin stood and recruited Kili to help find Rorvi.

Fili soon found himself sitting alone in the front room until he realized that Torvi was still sitting on the windowsill her eyes focused on something outside. She had been so quiet the entire time he had forgotten she was there. Her face was hidden from view as a curtain of her wild red curls covered her face. The late afternoon sun was coming through the window, igniting her hair and making it look like hot coals in a fire.

She moved her hand up to her face and wiped something off of her face. It was not until Fili heard the small, quiet sniff that he realized she was crying. He stood up, causing the stool he was sitting on to creak.

Torvi jumped, obviously startled to realize someone was still in the room with her. She slid off the windowsill to her feet and faced him. Her eyes were red and her face stern, making it obvious that his presence was not wanted. But Fili could not help the overpowering feeling to comfort her wash over his body. He could not believe that after all these years of bickering, the thought of her being gone made him panic. He had never really sought out her company, but the option had always been there. But now...

"What are you still doing here?" she asked bitterly, breaking Fili from his thoughts.

"I am sorry I just thought you might want someone to talk to," he stated.

"And you thought that of all the people to talk to, you would be the one I would choose?" she snapped back.

Fili was beginning to lose his patience and any thought of wanting to be nice to her. Why did she always have to be so bratty? he thought. Fili looked around the empty room and stretched out his arms, indicating the empty chairs. "Well last time I checked I was the only person still in the room."

"And since when did you start caring about how I feel?" she said angrily.

Fili rubbed a hand across his face to calm his patience that he was quickly losing. "You know what, you're right. I don't care, just forget I offered," he spat out as he walked towards the door.

"Don't worry, I didn't need it anyways," she shot out as he ripped open the door and slammed it shut.

Fuming, Torvi stormed off to her room to start packing her belongings. But as soon as she shut the door, her legs gave out and she sat on the ground, hugging her knees for comfort. Her life was here. Everything and everyone she had ever known, was here in the blue mountains and the thought of leaving it scared her. She wished that Fili had not left and she hated the fact that she wished for his presence which would soon never be an option.

One Week Later

Torvi heard their voices long before she could even hear their dragging footsteps coming towards the door. Their voices were loud, slurred, and off key as the sung out the chorus of an old tavern song. She rolled her eyes and shook her head as she threw the dress she was about to pack onto her bed as she moved to the front door.

As predicted, she saw the three figures coming up the pathway. Kili in the middle, obviously tipsy but not completely wasted like the other two. Leaning on either side of Kili, who was supporting their staggering steps, was Rorvi and Fili. Each of them were belting out the song at the top of their lungs. It died down when Rorvi spotted Torvi standing in the doorway, tapping her foot in annoyance before she began to march down the path towards them.

"Ah," he shouted loudly. "My dear sis, there you are! You should have joined us. I have got to say, ale would definitely improve that scowl you are wearing. I would…" This was as far as he got before she began shushing him as she placed a hand over his mouth.

"Shhhh," she hissed. "What are you trying to do? Wake the entire mountain!" She gave them all a look over and shook her head disapprovingly as Rorvi and Fili began to burst out laughing, causing Kili to struggle holding them up. Torvi grabbed a hold of Rorvi and took his arm and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Goodness how much did you drink? You smell like you did more bathing in ale than drinking it."

"I found them about an hour ago and they had already consumed thirteen pints each," supplied Kili.

Torvi looked over her friend with a soft sad smile. She was going to miss Kili. They had always stuck together dealing with their older brothers and the teasing of their peers.

Like Torvi, Kili never really fit in. Things had changed a little bit as they had gotten older but not enough to really feel like they had any true friends among the others. Kili watched her with sad eyes as well, obviously thinking about the same things.

Rorvi's legs gave out, pulling Torvi down before she let him go and he dropped to the ground, letting out a gruff grunt. Kili deposited Fili next to the tree they were all standing under to help Torvi pick up her brother. With Fili leaning against the tree, both Kili and Torvi lifted Rorvi together and began to carry him into the house. They dragged Rorvi into his room and let him fall onto his bed where he gave out a loud groan.

"Oi! Careful, I think my head is beginning to sober up," he said as he brought a hand to his temple and rubbed it.

Ignoring his protests, Torvi roughly pushed his legs onto the bed and pulled off his boots. By the time she let them drop to the ground, he was already snoring loudly. She pulled a blanket over his body and blew out the lamp by his bedside table. With one brother safely tucked into bed Torvi and Kili walked back outside. They found Fili where they left him, busy humming to himself and looking as if he too was going to pass out at any moment.

"Thanks for bringing Rorvi back," she said finally as they reached the tree. "I suppose I will see you in the morning before we depart?"

Kili nodded and a sadness fell on her again as she both realized that this really was it. The end to their friendship and companionship. The end to the only person who knew more about her than anyone else except for maybe Rorvi.

"Yeah, I guess so," he said.

She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a tight hug. Kili hugged her back just as tightly. "Promise to write every once in awhile."

They broke apart as Kili nodded. "Yeah I promise, and you promise to not let anyone tell you that you can't do anything that you set your mind to," he said as he gave her shoulder a small shove.

She let out a light laugh as her mouth curved into a crooked grin. "You know I don't have to promise you that. I am too stubborn to listen to anyone's opinion."

He grinned as well. "Yeah I know. But don't let your stubbornness get you into trouble either."

"Now that I really can't promise...but I will try," she added as an afterthought.

Kili laughed and pulled her into another bear hug. "I am going to miss you Torvi."

"I will miss you too," she said more seriously.

Their somber moment was cut short as Fili got to his feet and pushed himself in between them. "Alright that's enough, geez, why can't you two say goodbye over a pint of ale like me and Rorvi. You would think you two were lovers."

Kili let out a groan of annoyance as he grabbed Fili who was leaning heavily on Torvi to keep his balance. "Well I guess that ruins our romantic farewell," said Kili sarcastically. "Goodluck Torvi, stay out of trouble and I will write when I can."

Torvi smiled and waved sadly before turning around and heading back up to her house. She took one last glance at the two figures making their way down the path. She laughed as she watched the taller figure, Kili, smack his brother upside the head before grabbing his arm and helping him steady his walk. She stared after them from the doorway for a while as Kili struggled to keep Fili from staggering too much.

Once the chill of the night air began to sink in, she opened the door and closed it behind her. Torvi knew the house so well she needed no light to easily maneuver through the dark without running into anything. By the time she had gotten into her room she only had enough energy to kick off her boots and lazily fling a blanket over herself. She laid in bed and took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

At first she thought the loud banging was the sound of her family waking up and finishing the packing. She opened her eyes feeling half asleep and groggy. She definitely did not feel like she got enough sleep.

She looked around and realized that it was still pitch black. The sun was not even close to rising, as the moon was still high in the night sky. As she became more awake, she realized that the banging sound was coming from her window. She looked out and saw Fili standing outside, his fist raised to hit her window again.

Fury and annoyance came over her in a wave as she jumped out of bed and half stumbled, half walked to the window. Why? Why did he still have to make her life miserable? Couldn't he just let her have this one night to enjoy and cherish before she left? Of course not, he had to utilize every moment, down to the last second to continue his harassment.

She shoved the window open, smacking Fili in the nose and causing him to grab it with his hand as he let out a groan of pain. Ignoring the pain she had just inflicted, she did her best to keep her anger at bay.

"What in Mahal's name are you doing you jakey?" she loudly whispered. "Wake up the whole house!"

"I think it is you who's going to wake up the house if you don't stop yelling," he said as he winced. "Help me up," he said as he began climbing clumsily through the window.

"What are you doing?" she asked but offered him a hand anyways to help him in.

He unsteadily swung a foot through the window and stumbled into her room. Tumbling forward, he collided with her and they both fell onto the ground. Torvi did her best to hold back a yelp as she hit the floor and Fili came down on top of her.

"Get off of me," she said as she threw him to the side. She got up, dragging him with her and directed him to the bed. "Now," she began, putting her hands on her hips. "What are you doing here? Do you realize that it's the middle of the night? Did Kili not get you guys home? Is he ok?"

He stared at her, his mouth slightly apart as amusement danced in his eyes. She raised her eyebrows as if to indicate to him that she was running low on patience. "Did you know that your eyes almost glow in the dark when you get angry?" he said in a slurred voice.

Torvi rolled her eyes she was tired of dealing with drunken dwarves for one night. "Fili, if you don't get to the point of you being here in my bedroom within the next minute so help me…"

"Why do you have to drive me crazy so much?" he blurted out.

Torvi was taken aback. Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, she had not known what to expect to come out of his mouth but this was certainly not it. "What?"

Fili let out an exasperated growl. "You know I was perfectly happy with you being my best friends annoying little sister who always tagged along and ruined everything. It was so easy to brush you off and to forget about you but now…" he paused for a moment as he looked up at her and glared.

Her face was one of confusion. It was written all over her face from her knitted eyebrows to her frowning mouth. He noticed that even in the moonlight he could she the numerous freckles that covered her nose and spread out to her cheeks. Her lips were in a small pout, looking soft and tempting almost as if they were inviting him.

He let out an agitated sigh as he stood up and stepped closer to her. "This is what I mean, why is it that you're always on my mind? Why is it that everytime I see you with someone else I want to do everything possible to get them away from you? Why is it that I am jealous of my brother because he can spend all the time in the world with you and never get into an argument? Why is it that when I lay down to go to sleep you are all that I see when I close my eyes?" Fili was rambling, unaware that what was coming out of his mouth made no sense to Torvi.

Torvi did not know what to say.

She just stared, unsure as to why he was here. He was so close to her she could smell the alcohol on his breath, indicating the possibility that he was still drunk from the night's escapade with Rorvi.

"Fili," she started pushing on his chest a little to put some distance between them. "I think that you should go home and get some rest. You're not yourself. You will feel better in the morn…"

Fili cut her off as he lifted a hand to her lips.

She stopped talking and widened her eyes as she looked up to his face. His gaze was intense and his eyes shone in the moonlight with something she was not familiar with. The tips of his fingers brushed against her lips leaving a tingling sensation as he brought his hand away from her mouth and caressed her cheek. He took a step closer, pushing Torvi back until she was pressed against the wall.

Torvi watched his face scrunch up as if he were angry at her, she went to move but his electric blue eyes stared down at her, keeping her body from doing as commanded. Her heart began to beat quickly. Unsure as to what was happening, she began counting the beats of her thumping heart.

One beat, his eyes moved down from her eyes to her lips.

Two beats, he took a step closer, his chest strong and firm.

Three beats, his head lowered, and before she could count to four, his lips touched hers and her mind went blank.

Her mind went from blank to acutely aware in a second. Fili was kissing her. Fili, was kissing her.

The boy that teased her, picked on her, and constantly waged war on her was kissing her. The boy who made fun of her untamable curly hair and freckle splashed face was pressing his lips to hers!

In an instant her body unfroze and her arms snapped into action as she pushed against his chest, breaking them apart and ending their kiss.

"Fili! What are you doing?" she hissed, trying to keep her temper under control.

He looked at her, his eyes were not intense like before. Instead they were glazed over and relaxed. He looked intoxicated all over again. After a while of looking at her, clarity slowly came to his eyes and he began to blush. "Torvi...I...I am sorry. I didn't…" he stammered.

"Fili it''s fine," she wrapped her arms around herself and looked around the room, awkwardly avoiding his eyes. She could feel the heat rise in her own cheeks and her stomach began to churn as if she were going to be sick.

Fili ran a hand through his golden hair as he scratched the back of his head. He looked at her and rubbed his head again as if trying to erase what he had just done.

Was she really that revolting? Torvi thought.

"I...I should go." he finally said.

Torvi just nodded her head as she watched him walk over to the window and crawl out. His golden hair disappeared as he dropped down to the ground.

Torvi felt like she was suffocating and realized that she was holding her breath. Immediately, she took in a breath and filled her lungs with cool air. As she breathed out, it broke the absolute silence that had fallen upon the room. There was a cool breeze that came in through the open window that brought a slight chill. Torvi crossed the room and shut the shutters, instantly cutting off the source of cold air but not the chill that ran down her spine making her body shiver.

Torvi fell onto her bed, staring at the ceiling as she laid wide awake, pondering what Fili meant by his actions. As she began to assess her emotions and feelings to understand his, a thought came to her mind. A realization, a reality, she was moving in the morning. Her and her family were leaving Ered Luin and going to the Iron Hills. If it meant anything, it did not matter. The chances of seeing Fili after tomorrow were slim.

Fili was drunk, she was leaving, it meant nothing. That is what she kept telling herself as she fought off the urge to explore any deeper into her feelings on the subject.

Torvi secured her pack to her pony when she spotted them coming up the pathway. Dis, Thorin, Kili walked together while Fili, taking up the rear, held his head as if it was about to explode.

Siv let out a happy cheer as they made their way up to the departing family.

"I just couldn't let you leave without sending you off," said Dis as she embraced Siv.

"I am so happy you did," replied Siv as yet another episode of tears began to fall from her face, causing Dis to tear up as well.

Rorvi was standing next to Torvi, nursing his hangover when the two princes approached them. Thorin had gone over to Rorin to help him finish loading the last of their belongings into the cart as Rorvi had been useless to him all morning.

As Torvi looked at Kili she smiled but when Fili caught her eye she felt her stomach twist and immediately became fixated with the fastening of her pack.

"Well you look just as awful as I feel," said Rorvi as he examined Fili.

"Shush," said Fili holding his head. "Not so loud. Mahal I am never drinking that much ever again. What even happened last night?"

Torvi could not ignore the mixed feelings that came flooding into her mind as she listened to his last remark. He didn't remember anything? Didn't remember that he woke her up in the middle of the night, crawled through her window, kissed her, then left her alone in a swirl of confusion?

She cinched up her bag and turned around to glare at him. "You went out drinking in the tavern like a stunted jakey then brought my brother home completely wasted and dropped him off for me to take care of!" she shouted, unable to keep the anger out of her voice.

All three of the dwarves looked at her in surprise and astonishment by her outburst. Torvi surprised herself as well, not quite sure as to why she was so angry. If anything she should be happy that Fili didn't remember what happened last night. Unfortunately Torvi was now wishing it was her that did not remember. Of course Fili wouldn't remember, he had no idea what he was doing, never in his right mind would he ever have those kinds of feelings for her.

But that was ok because she didn't either, she reminded herself. That is why she pushed him away, wasn't it?

"Oi! What's got your britches in a bunch?" asked Rorvi.

"Do you suppose it's that time of the…" Fili began.

"Oh shove off!" cut in Torvi, knowing exactly where Fili was headed. "You're a real piece of work you know that Fili!"

What was wrong with her? She could not stop herself which made her even more angry.

In an attempt to keep herself from continuing to make a fool of herself, she grabbed the reigns of her pony and stomped off to where her mother and father were waiting for them to depart. Kili followed after her, leaving Rorvi and Fili to stand there in confusion.

Rorvi looked at Fili with almost an apologetic glance. "You know, you're not exactly the nicest to my sister but even I can't find a reason for that."

"It must be her way of coping with the thought that she will never see my dashing face again. Everyone knows the Iron Hills just don't breed as handsomely as we turned out," Fili replied as Rorvi laughed and rolled his eyes.

"You know, I could accept it as a truth that most dwarrow maids liked you but there will always be one that will never even consider you." He slapped Fili on the back and pushed him forward to join the rest of the group. "And that my friend is my dear sister Torvi."

The two of them laughed as they approached the group and each clapped each other on the arm before wrapping each other in a hug. When they broke apart, both of them were grinning but each smile did not quite reach the eyes. Rorvi mounted his pony and Rorin, seeing that everyone was ready, took the lead as the family departed eastward towards their new home. Dis and Thorin lingered for a short while, waving before they departed to attend to their duties for the day. Kili and Fili both stood together as they watched their friends, now small dots in the distance, continued to travel away from them.

"Do you suppose we'll ever see them again?" asked Kili.

Fili had been lost in his thoughts and failed to immediately answer his brother until Kili repeated the question. He thought for a while looking out towards towards the east.

"I don't know," he finally said with a hint of sadness in his voice. He looked back at Kili who looked like how he felt. "I am sure some day we will meet them again," he added, making Kili smile.

"I look forward to that day," said Kili

"Yeah me too," agreed Fili. He knew he would miss Rorvi but what had surprised him was the sadness that had filled him as he watched Torvi walk away. Why had she been so angry with him? It was not how he wanted to part ways with her. He wanted to leave on good terms but perhaps it was for the best. Maybe Rorvi was right. It was her way of coping with the reality of moving. But that didn't explain why he was feeling like he lost something. Sure he lost his best friend but there was something else missing, something he did not want to admit.

They stood there for a little while longer. Silent and still until Fili wrapped an arm around Kili's neck and started walking down the path. "Common brother let's go get drunk."