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I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I have writing it!

Chapter 2

'I hope those guys didn't bother you too much,' Dean said as we stepped into an elevator, his eyes still on me.

'N-no, they didn't'

Really? I was stuttering? Get a grip Mia!

Dean ran a tongue over his bottom lip as if in thought, before leaning over me to press a button as the doors shut. His natural scent and probably ridiculously expensive aftershave lingered around me. It was such a masculine scent… Almost a turn on. I could see myself blushing in the reflection, especially at how close he was to me again. He must have noticed because he started to smirk, the deep dimples in his cheeks flashing up on his face. I bit my lip as he straightened up and edged just that inch closer that seemed to matter. My back hit the wall and his broad hard chest rubbed against my breasts. There was silence and all that could be heard was the elevator moving up. Dean took a strand of my hair and slowly twirled it around his finger, before starting to stroke my cheek and eventually placing both large hands on my waist, his thumb stroking the smooth skin that peeked out under my top.

'Hell of a first day you're having, huh kid?' he said as his piercing blue eyes gazed into mine.

I lost myself in the oceans of his eyes and my heart banged against my chest. It was obvious he was a smoker from the grittiness in his voice and the way the scent of cigarettes hadn't completely gone away. Some would be put off by this… Yet to me, this made him even more attractive.

'Are you really gonna be looking after me?' I asked, my voice barely coming out as a whisper.

Dean's eyes trailed down to my lips and I could feel the atmosphere become heightened.

'Do you want me to?'

God, his lips were so achingly close.

Before I could answer, there was a small 'ping!', the doors smoothly opened and we were welcomed by a familiar face.

It was Punk.

Ah, crap.

I thought I could get out of the compromising position I was in but then I realised that there was little I could do being backed up against a wall.


Yet despite knowing Punk was there as well, Dean didn't back away from me either.

I saw Punk clench his jaw as he took in the sight before him, his sharp jaw line looking even more prominent.

'I hope I'm not interrupting something, Ambrose. You look pretty damn cosy.' Punk said in a dry tone.

Dean finally backed away from me, but with what seemed like hesitation. We stepped out of the elevator and both men stood face to face.

'Vince told me to keep an eye on her' Dean shrugged cockily.

'Seemed like you were doing a little more than that.'

Dean's eyes glinted with amusement before he had that smirk back on his face.

'Is someone jealous? Geez Punk, I didn't take you for the touchy-feely type.'

'I'm not.' Punk denied coolly. 'I just think it's important Hunter, Dave or Randy aren't anywhere near her. Don't you, Ambrose?'

I was so lost.

'In that case,' Dean's gritty voice drawled out, 'where were you ten minutes ago?' Dean asked, raising both his eyebrows.

A look of surprise passed on Punk's face before he composed himself again. He turned his head to finally look at me.

'Did they… Did they uh, say anything to you?'

Punk for some reason looked nervous and when I looked at Dean, he looked pretty curious.

'Like what?' I asked.

'Y'know, just anything that didn't make sense to you… Like a reference to something in the past.' Punk informed.


'No… No, they didn't. But Hunter told me he was my mentor.'


For what seemed like the first time, both men shared a mutual feeling, shown through the look they shared with each other. But what put me on edge was what the look was.

It was uneasiness.

'Is there something wrong?' I asked, wanting to be told no.

But there clearly was since Punk started to chew on his lip and Dean had a deep frown on his face.

'No, no there isn't', Punk said, not looking me in the eyes like he was distracted and in another world.

'I need to go talk to Vince.' He announced and he started to walk off into the hallway.

'I'll join you.' Dean said, a look of slight confusion etched on his face.

But before he did, Dean turned to me.

'Mia, go into the office and start on some work or something, okay?'

I nodded my head and Dean soon joined Punk as they turned the corner and I heard a door swish open before clicking shut.

I walked into the office and sat at my plain desk. It had a cup full of pens, a computer, a telephone and a two-tiered paper tray. I turned my computer on and as it loaded, I put my face in my hand, thinking about how uneasy both Punk and Dean looked when I told them about Hunter being my mentor. Why was this such a big deal? I knew he was a little 'off' but should I be as worried as they were? Was coming to Manhattan now a big mistake after all?

'Ohh Sia Lyndon! Don't you dare be sour!'

My head snapped up and I saw the bubbly and giddy selves of Big E, Kofi and Xavier.

'Clap for the greatest businessmen of all time and feel the power!'

Oh god.

'It's a new day!'

'Yes it is!'

'Feel the power of positivity, Sia!'

'My name's Mia…'

'Yes, feel it!'

'Feel it everywhere!'

'You're here looking all stressed-'

'But you should be happy because it's a-' Xavier paused looking at his friends before they all chimed enthusiastically, 'new day!'

Did I somehow sign up for motivational speeches? Because I do not remember.

At all.

They then started to clap in 3s and gyrate their hips – more so Big E. Kofi pulled me out of my chair and I just stood there having no idea what to do.

'Come on Sia, clap your hands! Haha' cackled Big E before he turned to Xavier and Kofi. 'Get it? Get it? Did you get it?' And they joined in cackling

'I see what you did there!'

'Excellent play on words!'


All clapping and gyrating stopped and I saw a face that I hadn't met yet.

He had that boy-next door kind of face. The type your brother would play football or baseball with. But that wasn't to say he wasn't good looking, because he was. This man had a boyish smile and charisma oozing out of him. And he damn well knew it.

But he still didn't have anything on Punk and Dean.

'I think Miss here wants you to leave her to do her work.' The man said with a tone of politeness.

'But we're having fun with Sia!' Kofi insisted

'It's Mi-'

'And we were just telling her to feel the power of positivity!' Xavier beamed.

'Yes, yes we are' Big E added, nodding his head profusely.

'Is that so?' The man asked, raising his eyebrows. It was like watching a parent talk to their children.

'Well, I may be wrong but I think I saw Dolph looking…' The man inched closer, dropping his voice to a whisper, 'sad.'

All three men gasped in horror. Kofi even held on to Big E's shoulder from not being able to handle the discovery.

'Let's go to Dolph!'

'Let's go!'

'He must feel the power of positivity! 'Big E almost roared. 'Let's go!'

And all three men scurried off to Dolph's office. I looked at the man who had sent them away.

'Dolph isn't actually sad' he grinned, quote-marking the word 'sad'.

I grinned whilst shaking my head. 'They're really….'

'Enthusiastic? Ridiculously happy? Borderline annoying?'

I nodded smiling.

'You'll get used to it' he winked. 'By the way, I'm John, everyone refers to me as Cena though' he smiled at me.

'Nice to meet you, I'm Mia' I replied politely. I brought my hand to his that was held out, thinking he wanted a handshake. Instead, he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it.

'It's been a while since we've had a pretty lady in here. I think it'll be nice to see a beautiful face every morning instead of one these guys'' John smirked.

'Uhm, thank you?' I really never knew how to reply to compliments…

'Maybe it would be cool if we got to know each other a little more?' He asked, flashing that boyish smile again. Why did I have the feeling he would be the type of guy I would have crushed on when I was a teenager? 'Hey, you're new to Manhattan, aren't you?' I nodded. 'How do you feel about getting shown around all the great spots? It'll be fun'

'That's not such-'

'HEY CENA! SCREW YOU!' a voice that was unmistakably Dolph's shouted. Sounds of clapping came from Dolph's office and objects being thrown at Kofi, Big E and Xavier were pretty unmistakeable and evident.

I looked at John and we both burst out laughing.

'I'll let you think about it' John winked before he went off, clearly wanting to avoid Dolph's rant.

Just as John disappeared, Dolph appeared looking dishevelled.

I struggled to keep a straight face at Dolph's frizzy hair – it had come out of its perfect ponytail.

'You seen Cena?' Dolph asked me, breathing heavily.

I shook my head.

'He's such an asshole' Dolph scowled and a giggle escaped my lips.

That seemed to get Dolph out of his mood though.

'At least you found it funny' he grinned. He started to smooth down his hair and pulled off a hairband off of his wrist to tie his hair up again.

'I do stand-up, y'know'

I wasn't surprised. 'You seem like someone that would be good at it' I admitted

This seemed to flatter him because he then said, 'You should come to a show and see for yourself. Then maybe I could treat you to dinner? What do you say?'

'She says no.' I heard Punk's voice reply from behind. He then placed his hand firmly around my waist possessively. I tried hard to ignore the way my cheeks went warm.

'Beat it, Ziggler. She's not gonna be added to your one-night stand list anytime soon. So stop trying.'

Dolph crossed his arms.

'Who said anything about her being a one-night stand?' Dolph grinned and his eyes then flickered to me.

'Cut the crap Ziggler' Punk said in a tired tone.

Dolph rolled his eyes and he looked at me once more.

'Remember, anytime you wanna have a good time, just come to me, sweetheart' he winked. Punk and I then watched Dolph turn and go back to his office.

Punk still hadn't taken his hand off and I couldn't read the expression on his face.

'You look annoyed?' I asked softly.


'… Are you angry at me?'

Punk sighed and he turned facing me, this time placing both hands on my waist and shaking his head. 'No, no I'm not.'

I tiled my head at him questioningly.

'I wish I got to be with you more.'

I was speechless.

Punk was… Punk was blushing?

He must have been aware of this because he then started to look increasingly uncomfortable.

'Y'know, to show you around and show you how to do the numbers and file stuff away and which coffee machines to avoid' He tried to cover up, clearing his throat too.

I slowly nodded.

That's what he meant, right?

Obviously he wouldn't have meant what I thought he meant… Not to me anyway…

Punk sighed again and ran a hand through his hair. 'Then again, I guess this was to be expected. I just didn't expect so many in so little time.'

I frowned, not understanding what he meant.

'First Dolph, then Dean and then Dean tells me about Randy and Hunter and Dave.' He scowled.

'Oh, I met John too.' I added, completely oblivious to the jealous ranting.

'He offered to show me around Manhattan!' I beamed.

'Cena hit on you too?!'

It is feedback and constructive criticism that inspire and help me to do coming chapters so I hope you guys can tell me what you think!

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