A/N: Just an idea that came to me and I decided to give it a go, please let me know what you think since I'm a bit rusty on my Holby City writing.

Happy New Year

From Cassidy xxxx

Zosia was sat on the sofa in the Darwin staff room, it was a day shift for her but it was lunch time. The bright screen from her phone highlighted her face that had many tear tracks on them, and new ones were forming, it was obvious Dr March had been crying.

The night after the robbery, Zosia had stayed up all night on selling/auction websites trying to find the ring, that had been stolen during the robbery and it wasn't just any ring it was a ring handmade by her great, great Dziadek in Poland. She remembered the story from start to finish, her mama used to tell her it and her Babcia did also.

He had spent months making it, after realising he had fallen for the woman who he was dating. They had been going out for two years and neither had made the move of suggesting marriage. So he decided one summer he would make the ring, she had been curious as to what he was doing for those hours on end. And he told her that he had a surprise and that when it was finished she would be swepped off her feet. After spending hours in his workshop, working on the ring for hours on end, it was finished. He gazed into the ring admiring it's beauty. It was that that same evening he plucked up the courage to propose to his then girlfriend. The moment he asked she said yes and within seconds he pulled out the ring and slipped the ring on her finger, it was cherished forever. Placed on a ring holder every night, polished and cleaned ever so carefully. The couple lived through two world wars and when great great Babcia dying eventually through old age, she wrote in her will, for her daughter to inherit the ring. The daughter had gotten married and they had three children, in 1954 the first son was born, then twelve years later through pure unintention they had twins, a boy and a girl. The daughter was Anya and the only girl. So her parents when Guy asked permission to marry Anya, he was given the ring by them and then when it was decided by all the family Zosia would chosen to be given the ring, Zosia kept it in her jewellery box. Where it was safe for two years. Now it was gone and Zosia was very angry at Dom, the situation, the fact she had been trusted to keep it safe and now it was probably being sold to some creepy old man in a pawn shop.

Having spent all night searching Zosia was exhausted, she could barely keep her eyes open and after searching on she locked her phone and gave up, "Arghh idiot!" Zosia threw her phone across the room, and then started whispering to herself, "I was trusted with that, and I'm sorry I let you down Mama," Zosia ffelt her eyes well up and she leant forward, placed her head into her hands and sobbed, "Przepraszam Mama," Zosia whispered to herself.

Ollie opened the staff room door and Zosia jumped, she dried eyes and shot up, "I was going to make a coffee, want one?" Ollie asked but he stopped when he saw Zosia's face, "You ok?"

"Fine," Zosia wiped away one stray tear before collecting her folder and then hoped that her phone wasn't broken. Luckily for her, her phone was a Nokia Windows Phone and they were made of steel so it survived the hit. She checked it over just to be sure that it wasn't cracked. Meanwhile Ollie was busy trying to pluck up the courage to say to her that he knew she wasn't ok, but he knew Zosia had a defense when it came to people seeing her emotions. She was very choosey on who she cried in front of, who she allowed to hug her and who she spoke too. However she couldn't hide her feelings she was too exhausted, her eyes were the biggest give away and Ollie walked over to Zosia and stood opposite her before opening his mouth,

"Look I know things have been awkward between us, but I can tell you're not ok. For one your mascara and eyeliner are all over your face," Ollie pointed out he couldn't hide his laugh as Zosia looked like a panda, "Sorry...here," he gave a piece of kitchen roll.

"Thanks," Zosia took the tissue and opened up her phone's camera to sort herself out, "I'll see you back on the ward," she went to the door but was stopped just as she was about to walk out of it,

"Has this got anything to do with the robbery?" Ollie asked much to Zosia's surprise, she slowly closed the door and then turned around, "The Holby Grapevine is pretty good, was anything taken of yours?" He asked a bit softer than he was before, Zosia sighed heavily and walked back over to the kitchen area counter, then looked at Ollie,

"My mother's wedding ring, it was passed down for years...she gave it to me and now it's gone, I've spent all night trying to see if it's being flogged but it's not, and dad's going to kill me because he wanted it to be left with him, and it's gone," she felt her throat tighten and then a lump built up, "I've got to get back to work," she tried to hide the tears but it didn't work they were streaming down her face and her lip was trembling.

"Zosia," Ollie placed his hand on her shoulder and turned her around, "I can see that you're exhausted, why don't I tell Jac that you've had to go home due to some insurance claim?"

"I appreciate the thought but," Zosia was determined to get back to work, this was the one place that could distract her and keep her head on something positive, however she found herself a bit lost, "I need to get back to work."

"Then let me help you find it," Ollie jumped in on her before she could walk away, Zosia felt her heart rate rise with anger, her head was swimming with emotions and she was struggling to get them together,

"Ollie it's gone! The ring has gone, it's not going to come back! I've checked most websites and nothing...so I just need to do my work and forget this ever happened," Zosia pulled away from him and then dashed to the door, Ollie followed her determined to get her to stop working and think about herself.

"Zosia you can barely keep your eyes open, you can't run on coffee you'll just crash and you're not ok...you just said to me you that the ring was important to you. Do you really think you should be working? I don't think you're OK," that was it for Zosia he had pressed too many buttons, her blood boiled and she couldn't hold it in, before she could stop herself she exploded.

"OLIVER I'M FINE!" Zosia shouted out of pure frustration, "Just leave me alone and let me deal with this on my own!" she demanded before realising what she had done her outburst had been noticed by; her father, Jac and Mo all three looked taken aback by the sudden outburst, though for Guy it caused concern, was she off her meds? He thought, his thought process was haulted by Jac who started to approach his daughter looking rather angry.

"Both of you my office now," Jac ordered firmly, her hair was down, she was dressed in her scrubs and her arms were folded. Though she unfolded them to turn to the audience in front of her, "The rest of you back to work," Jac ordered and Zosia, Ollie and Guy - who was only going in to figure out what happened, walked into the consultants office.