
Hello, this is CraftAsher28, with my first fanfiction. I am working towards a Creative Writing minor in college, so it should not be too shit, but who knows. Anyway, this has been in my head forever. Well, ever since I first found out about Natsu being an Etherious, E.N.D., I pretty much had this thought, "What if they find out, and Natsu's like, 'Um…yeah. So? Does that change something?'" And thus, this was born. Anyway, this will be much shorter than what I usually write, so just be aware of that. The next 2 chapters will be also be later prologues, but probably longer. I just couldn't make myself write the next part of Natsu's past in the same chapter. With that, let's start.

**I do NOT own Fairy Tail, and am merely creating a non-profit, fan-made work of literature.

Prologue part 1

"Hey Natsu, what are you doing?" questioned a young boy, looking over at his brother; the pink-haired child was currently bent over their couch. The first boy had a short tuft of midnight-colored hair with an unruly lock that refused to bow down to the command of gravity. They had gotten up early to do their early-morning chores, like firing up the stove for their mother to use later when she prepared their breakfast and setting their dirty clothes out for washing. They usually had more, but during winter, their parents couldn't grow crops and instead focused on their pebble chickens and pigs.

"I saw mom drop her necklace behind here last night, but I forgot to mention it." Replied Natsu. "Hey~, come help, nii-san!" he whined, getting frustrated with his lack of success. He focused his onyx eyes at the older boy and waved him over. He saw his brother sigh as he slowly removed himself from the furniture and wobbled his way to the couch.

They both went under the couch this time to search for the missing jewelry. Until the black-haired boy, wiggling forward to reach as far as possible, realized he was stuck. "N-Natsu."

"You fin' it?"


"Then whaddya want? It hasta be here somewhere right, nii-san?"

"…I can't get back out." He mumbled. More than a little embarrassed to be asking his little brother for help to get unstuck.



Suddenly, Natsu broke out in squawks of laughter at his brother's expense. He started rolling around under the couch, before his brother knocked him on the head, starting a fight when his brother punched him in the face as retaliation. Pretty soon, a scuffle under the couch was in full effect, with the only evidence outside was the sound of grunts, flesh striking flesh, and the view of two bottoms wiggling around…angrily.

Which is exactly what the two boys' mother found when she groggily walked into the living room from her bedroom in the hallway. The two boys froze as they each felt death's gaze settle on them. They instinctively began trying to hug each other under the couch as It spoke. The sound so sickly-sweet, the two children knew it meant their doom.

"Zeref. Natsu. Good morning, my two beautiful children." The horrific voice did not match the gentle words coming from the monster's lips. "You two couldn't possibly be…fighting. Under that couch, could you?" The she-beast asked, already knowing the answer.

Zeref knew that there was no hope when his mother had unleashed the malefic aura, but he wouldn't go down without a fight. "Uh, no Mom. Me and Natsu were just… um." The slick and cold feel of death grew more oppressing the longer he spoke, and eventually he stopped talking.

"We were looking for your necklace." Was Natsu's simple answer.

Zeref could only look in admiration of his little brother's tact and strategic half-truth. He felt jealous of his brother's lack of fear as well. He looked at Natsu and gave a supportive grin. For about three seconds.

"Then nii-san hit me and I had to beat him up!" Natsu grinned back at him, uncaring of Zeref's shocked expression.

Furious at the betrayal, Zeref gave Natsu a head-butt before he foolishly replied, "You did not beat me up! I got you worse, Natsu-baka!"

Their mother closed her green eyes in frustration. Then she looked at the two conveniently presented buttocks…and gave an angelic smile.

"I-ittai!" Natsu rubbed his glowing butt as he sat down for breakfast. Zeref trying to pretend he wasn't in pain by sitting down normally, but his wince betrayed him. Their mother gave another glowing smile, framed by her salmon hair flowing down the sides of her face, as she set down their bowls of porridge in front of them. Their fair-haired father was present at the head of the table, munching on toast. Natsu looked out the window at their small farm. The sun had yet to rise and the pebble chickens were already waking up, coming out of their gravelly burrows.

"Hey, Natsu, are you going to finish your food?" Zeref asked him, looking with hungry eyes at his little brother's bowl. The two had already forgotten their previous animosity and betrayal.

"No. I am not really hungry, go ahead." He pushed his bowl towards his brother and got up from the table. Passing his mom who patted him on the head as he went, playing with her necklace. His mother had found her it under a cushion after smacking her children. He walked to the bathroom to do his business. He heard his brother leave the house to go play like they always did, so he tried to hurry up.

As he was clothed and about to leave, he felt a weird shake from the ground. Some of his father's books fell from the shelf. "What is going on?" He looked to his mother, who looked confused as well. They looked to their father, who moved to the window, and looked outside. Natsu watched his father look out one window, then his mother move to the kitchen window too.

He remembered the window in his and his brother's room, and ran to go look out like his parents. He opened the door to his room, before he heard his mother unleash a blood-curdling scream, and his world exploded in an avalanche of burning wood and green scales.