(AN) This is rated T because Psycho Pass is rated M, and lets face it. That usually means that a lot of teenagers and adults have watched it. There'll be gore-obviously-and there'll be some suggestive sexual scenes-obviously-but no actual rated M sex scenes-obviously. I'm actually not planning that many chapters for this one-maybe 8 or 9 or 10 if I really can. Also, NO INCEST. If your confused just keep reading and it'll make sense-hopefully. Other than that, enjoy the first thing that popped into my head after finishing season 1~!

This story is pure fiction I do NOT own anything in Psycho Pass. All that's mine is my OC.



"Just keep your eyes closed, Nao." She heard it, "Stay where you are." the slight tremble in his voice-something that sounded more obvious than usual.

She heard how his breathing was slightly off, raspier-despite how much she could tell he was trying to hide it. She could smell his sweat. She even had a very clear picture in her mind of what he looks like.

She could picture the ten year old with his wide eyes, slightly gaped mouth, the beads of sweat forming at his temple, and the paleness of his face. Her image was extremely close to the reality that was right in front of her closed lids. However, she had no idea of the blood that stained it all. The blood of the man-the scary one that blocked their path while trying to go home. She could smell the blood, but she didn't know what it was, and since the scent carried no hint of Shogo she didn't care.

She couldn't look-not to her-because Shogo had told her to close her eyes. Her 'Onii-chan' told her to close her eyes as soon as the man seemed to be pulling something out of his trench coat. She heard screaming, but kept her eyes shut-only slightly wondering what a grown man has to scream about.

The image of his possible state burned inside her mind, and she wanted so desperately to reach out and hold onto him-so desperately to caress his silver hair. However, she remained in place, and stood straight up. 'Onii-chan told me to stay where I am, so I have to listen to Onii-chan.' She played her modo in her mind over and over to push down her desires to hold him close to her.

'I have to listen to Onii-chan.' Her one and only rule.

For as long as she could remember that's what she truly believed. If Shogo-her precious Onii-chan-told her to do something she did it without a second thought. She didn't question him, and she didn't doubt him. She always did what he told her, no more no less. So, if he wanted her to remain where she is-and not attempt to confort him-then she will do as she's told.

So, she stood where she was-pressed against the wall of the dark alley-and waited for his next command. Unknowing to the blood stained scene in front of her. The man with his eyes rolled into the back of his mind, blood oozing out of his gut, and a dingy kitchen knife onto a few feet from him. The ten year old boy trembling on his knees, face in shock that he continues to try suppressing, one hand over the wound on his arm, the other tightly holding onto a blood stained pocket knife, and most of his being covered in blood.


...The woman slowly fluttered opened her pitch black eyes. For a moment she just laid where she was-on her high quality queen sized bed buried in her thick, silk sheets. She blankly stared off at her crimson wall-laying on her side-as her dream played over and over in her head-as many times to satisfy her... Her face remained blank, but deep in her black eyes was a spark. This spark was a mix of two powerful feelings.

Nostalgia and love.

"...Aniue..." She spoke the word in a ways that clearly showed her undying feelings of affection.

She remembered that day as clearly as she did nearly ever waking moment she ever spent with Shogo-Aniue. However, that day was-unlike the other ones-an unhappy moment for her to remember. She didn't particularly enjoy reminiscing on the times that she thought she could have been more useful, like how on that day she regrets not being the one to kill that man instead of letting Shogo's hands get stained.

'That was the day that Aniue...figured it out...'

...For just a moment longer she stayed in bed, thinking over her situation for today...

'I'm alone in bed-Aniue didn't ask for 'it' last night-, and it seems to be around ten-Aniue is most likely already awake. And he should be here by now too...'

The woman didn't like the man that is to be coming into their-her and 'Aniue's'-current apartment.

It was a man that Shogo had met a while ago, and after he told her everything about him-down to his very opinion of him-she wasn't very happy. It didn't have to do with his personality-she could care less about that-it was how Shogo spoke of him.

This new intruder was-of course-just another of 'Aniue's' play things. He-like he did to that teacher-will eventually just grow bored and toss him out, and he'll do it again and again. 'That's how we works' She knew. He grows interest at first before he just throws his little toys away. However, it still infuriated her each time he grew an interest in others...

She rolled out of her bed, and made her way to get dressed. She took off her black tank top-that fails to cover half her stomach-and searched through her closet of black-in currently nothing but her black, lace lingerie. Then, she put on her black, mid-thigh dress that clung to her curves, but still covered any cleavage.

When she made sure she was dressed correctly, she took a seat at her dressing table. She stared blankly into her reflection. Her curly pitch black hair-held in a messy bun-, black eyes to match, naturally cherry pink lips, and pale skin that made it all stand out. All she did was fix her hair into a more elegant pony tail over the shoulder-still keeping bangs and side strands to frame her face.

Then, she left her room. She walked forward to the balcony, and looked down to the dinning room. Sure enough there sat Shogo at the head of the table as he spoke to the man to his left.

'So, this is Gu-Sung Choe.' She merely glimpsed at his odd appearance before making her way toward the stairs to reach the two.

Once she got to the dinning room she stood behind Shogo.

The first to take notice of her was Gu-Sung. At first he looked at her with confusion, and in an instant interest-with some lust.

Shogo only understood her arrival by seeing Gu-Sung's reaction, and his expression didn't change as he gestured to her-his eyes remaining on his acquaintance. "Gu-Sung, this here is Naoko Makishima."

"She shares your last name." He pointed out-more to recap than to ask. "So...sister?" His eyes trailed her from her small bare feet to her seemingly bored eyes.

Shogo let out a soft chuckle. "Something like that." He finally looked to her-his smile causing her heart to skip a beat. "Nao, this is-as I'm sure you guessed-Gu-Sung Choe."

She took her usual precaution, and faced the intruder to give him a deep bow. "Hello, acquaintance to Aniue."

"'Aniue'?" He asked with a grin still on his face.

"'Aniue' is an old fashion way of saying 'Older brother'." 'Her' Shogo spoke with a smile.

"'Old fashion'." He said more to himself than anyone as he just continued to stare at her.

"...Nao." He was back to looking at Gu-Sung.

"Yes, Aniue?"

He patted his lap lightly. "Here."

"Yes." She spoke understandingly, and plainly made her way to her usual spot.

Like always, she managed to calm her heart rate as she settled herself onto Shogo's lap-her legs dangling off his side-, and letting his hand guild her arms around his neck. 'He's a little more clingy today.' She thought with happiness.

She didn't have to look at the intruder's face in order to know he-like all their other intruders-had an expression with either shock, disgust, or something of the two.

"Now, Makishima-san, I don't have any sisters of my own, but this is oddly close for 'siblings'." His tone was still as before-only Naoko could still pick out the hidden disgust.

"It's odd for siblings of blood relations yes, but Nao was adopted from our nanny. Our father really wanted a daughter, so when the nanny had one he offered her a nice life for her child."

Naoko couldn't remember her father at all-he died when she was three-but she remembered her mother and her nanny. Her nanny, of course, was much kinder to her than her mother, but, like her mother, took no real liking to Shogo. All she remembered was whenever she was sad, her mother would never even notice-all her attention was pointed at finding another money source-but her nanny would. However, whenever Shogo was in some sort of distress she never batted an eye at him.

That day, the day she dreamt of last night, her mother gave no attention to the two of them, and her nanny only comforted Naoko and asked if she was all right-leaving Shogo in the dark... Naoko would have done it herself, but 'Aniue' had told her he needed to 'think'... The image of those tired, sleepless eyes still haunt her...

So, she grew up hating both women. She grew up only caring for her 'Aniue' and no one else. She secluded herself from all the others from school, and watching him, observed him, obey him, and love him from a distance... Until, he left her life when she was thirteen, and cut all ties with her until four years later...

"Hahahaha~." The intruder chuckled pleasantly. "So, you've made your former sister your toy?"

Shogo's smile grew just a bit more. "Something like that."

It didn't hurt her to hear it because she knew already. She's always been a toy to him-even as a child. Of course, only recently has it become a toy of 'that' sort. Though, she didn't mind. In fact she happily accepted that fact. It didn't matter what she was to her 'Aniue' so long as he took use to her, so long as she could remain 'his', so long as he didn't toss her away, and so long as he awarded her work with his presence... Until she's of no more use to him, she'll be whatever he wants or needs, and when that day comes, she'll just kill herself...

They spoke more, and she listened-absorbing everything that made up his life and enjoying his voice, touch, and scent... ... ...


"I'll be leaving then." Words that broke Naoko out of her trance.

She didn't look to the intruder as he got up from his seat. However, "Goodbye" she angled her head once her 'Aniue' spoke his farewell because she knew he'd lightly nuzzle his face into her neck-as the hand that rested on her lap slightly caressed up her dress.

Her heart fluttered in the slightest at the touches that-even though she knew were nothing to him-made her the happiest person in the world.

Of course, before the intruder's eyes no longer lingered curiously, Naoko-breaking her blank expression-sent him a sharp glare that spoke her deepest thoughts clearly.

"Don't. Get. Close."

His expression changed to shock and fear in a split second, and in another he just looked at her amused-but still understanding-and left the room. Leaving Shogo to play with his 'toy' more privately.

(AN) Please Review :)