Welcome Everyone to very first Kung Fu panda fic Ever ! Yay. I'm mostly known for my Rise of the guardian fics and my Guardians of The Galaxy fic. The Awesome Mix of Starmora. But, anyways I do not known Kung Fu panda so do not sue me.

Kung Fu Panda AU - Chapter 1- The girl with the tiger tattoos

Tigress had gotten up rather early in the morning, for some reason unexplained to her, she could not sleep she just kept staring at the ceiling, she could not recall when she ever had been this restless before.

Was it because she was going to a school with people? To some that would be no big deal, but Tigress was home schooled and now, Shifu has allowed for her to go to high school with kids her own age.

At least if she gets lost in the halls people will have no problem spotting her, Tigress had bright orange hair with deep red eyes that scared most people away because her cold indifferent stare, she had tiger markings on her face and wore a tiger hoodie with her short spiky hair pulled back with a headband with tiger ears.

About a year ago her best friends nicknamed Viper, Mantis, Crane, and Monkey had dared her to do something incredible, crazy and unusual since she was usually kept a tight belt on rules, following directions and staying respectful.

Tigress tried to protest against their silly dare but she did want to stand out a bit more. They snickered and giggled at their genius or at least Monkey did because it was his idea, thinking she would not do it because she cared too much about what her adoptive father Shifu thought.

But, she surprised everyone the next day when she came home with tiger stripes all along her face, she had gotten them tattooed on her skin, all along her forehead, cheeks, under her eyes. She truly was Master Tigress now.

With her eyeliner, tiger stripes and hoodie she truly fit the part, she even had a intimidating attitude to go with it. The only thing she did not have was someone to balance her anger with. She had yet to find her Yin to match her Yang.

Some would say that Yang was supposed to be the guy and Yin was the girl, but that was not always the case. Tigress looked at the clock and her eyes nearly shot up with shock and horror when she realized she was going to be late!

She quickly put her her clothes on and headed down the vast stair case that will lead down to the valley of peace, a small village in china crammed together with a population of roughly six teen thousand people.

Tigress ran down the sideways, and pushed past the people, eager to see what high school was like she doubted anybody would go to school dressed the way she dresses even though Viper and the others admire the animals they are named after they did not go as far as Tigress did. They did not dress like the animal or tattoo characteristics of the animal on the face.

But, Tigress could not help but feel a little silly once and a while, even the most serious Tiger can be playful and excited from time to time so far she had yet to met the person who could bring out that side of her, who knows what await behind those doors.

Tigress frowned with impatience as a crowd of people started hurtling together like a crowd of sheep. All of of the people in a mad dash to get to where ever they were going pushing and shoving each other.

Great. Could this day get any worse?

Suddenly, a clash of Thunder rattled through the sky as rain began to fall. Tigress knew that living in China meant having to deal with overcrowded places and toxic air.

But, for once she wanted to make to her classes in time especially her kung fu class where her adoptive father and famous kung fu master will get to pick a warrior to compete for a chance to become the dragon warrior.

It did not help her Kung fu class was the very first class of the day. Shifu unfortunately was one of those teachers that put you on the spot if you are caught after the second bell. It was a pretty long class too.

It lasted from eight to eleven o'clock where she would go off to lunch. She had heard that they were supposed to get a new student which was a surprise. Most people who went to this school either started here very young or were home schooled until they were old enough to afford this school.

This school was known mostly for its Kung fu program but there were other good programs at the school as well like the cooking program. Many great noodle shop cooks came went to this very school. For example, Mr. Ping who was the most famous Noodle shop in the Valley Tigress heard he had adopted a kid.

This school was one of a kind being the only school to accept pre school through College level students. Tigress was sixteen her birthday was in 2 months near Chinese new year. She was born on the year of the tiger which lead Shifu to naming her Tigress.

When Tigress entered the high school she was met with clean white halls and sparkling floors she kept roaming through the halls and sighed with contentment when she passed the kitchen the food smelled wonderful.

She was not allowed to have dumplings or fried foods at the palace Shifu her adoptive father was very particular when it came to her diet only letting her have lean meat and vegetables. Tigress tried to resist the smell, she really did but something pulled her towards the the room.

But, before she could enter the class the warning bell rang and she managed to see a flash of black and white before the crowd of kids who were crazy enough to take early morning classes came flooding through the halls pushing past each other to go to their next class.

Curiosity outweighed her moral judgment as her legs carried her towards the direction the black and white flash went. In a mad dash she ran passed a lot of students not even stopping to apologize some of them yelled back but she did not care.

It wasn't long before she bumped into a big blob of black and white the weight of the blob caused her to fall down on her butt and on to the floor while the blob fell down on its stomach. Tigress groaned in pain, not expecting her to be so close to the thing that she had followed.

"Uh are you okay, I'm sorry if I was in your way". A voice said forcing her to look up at the source. The first thing she was was green. Then she noticed that his panda hoodie with his hood up the little panda ears making her smirk a bit.

The blob was a boy. A very chubby boy with soft boyish features looks wise he was not so bad. His eyes were a bright jade color. Jade happened to be one of Tigress's favorite colors. Tigress blushed a bit when she realized she had been sitting on the floor in the open checking him out.

Tigress felt ashamed and a bit embarrassed. Perhaps there was a bit of confusion as well, for she had never openly stared at guys before why should this panda boy be any different? Still, she could not look away took her a while to find her voice again and once she found herself stammering.

Her Tigress stammering! Impossible. "S-sorry it was my fault do not blame yourself my name is Tigress and I'm the one who should be sorry it was rude of me".

The boy smiled showing off bright white teeth a smile chuckle came from his throat as he smiled coolly and said, "No problem, people bump into me all the time, I have that ...particular shape I guess"... he trailed off comically as he put his hands on his belly and patted it for emphasis.

He he held out his hand and she took it as he easily lifted up her lean muscular frame as if she weighed nothing and gently placed her to her feet.

Tigress found her lips tugging in a small smile. Cute, Funny and Charming a triple threat that will leave most girls drooling over him despite his chubby frame the boy's face was slim which she found funny. A small head on top an rather large body mass.

"My name is Po by the way and its nice to meet you Tigress.." he said as he shook her hand so gently it was as if he never touched her hand. "Well, I better deliver these almond cookies to The Kung fu class before my class starts". He said as he picked up a small round plastic tube of cookies wrapped in tin foil from the ground and his other belongs off the floor.

It took a while to process what he said. Monkey had mentioned that the new kid was a very good cook and he enrolled in very few classes. Monkey shared a class with him and they would play pranks on other kids. Monkey even invited Po to join The five at their table. But, Po did not think he deserved to be at their table.

He kept mostly to himself. Not out of choice of course, he was friendly and abrasive but most people did not like looking at how fat he was.

But, Tigress was bothered by his weight at all in fact, he looked very cuddly that maybe if Po would let her she would..No, bad Tigress!

What is with you? Focus on training, no boys no distractions. Even if they are cute boys in panda hoodies. But, maybe, just maybe she could turn a distraction into a strength. After all, Tigress did not want to be alone forever. She says she likes solitude but she just tells herself that to make her feel better.

"Po wait, I'm heading that way would you like to come with me to class"? Tigress offered. Although her face showed a calm poised face full of composure inside she kept pleading for him to say yes.

Po smiled and said, "Sure that sounds awesome!". We better get there before the second bell, because there is no way Shifu will let me in to deliver the cookies if I get there after the second bell".

Po grabbed Tigress's hand and pulled her towards the class at such high speed that she felt like she was going to fall on the floor again. Tigress could not help but come up with an idea where she could spend time with Po and train at the same time.

But, the question is what will Shifu say if she thought of such a thing. He would struggle for sure. But, with this speed he would be a great fighter, he just needed training.

They made it into the Homeroom just in time once they made it inside of the class the bell rang. Po sighed knowing that he was stuck in here for the rest of the day.

His next teacher hated him anyways he was probably going to drop it. Why did he think taking a reading class was a good idea? Oh, yeah his father had signed up for it, Po and reading did not mix.

He always fell asleep. Always. The teacher was just so boring and those eyes they were scary. Took him a while to realize the whole class was staring at him he looked at them with confusion before he realized he was still holding Tigress's hand.

To be continued...