A/N: Hello! This is my first Star Wars story, and it's been rattling around in my head for about a week now so I decided to write it. This is an AU story where Luke is mute and he's fifteen. It's rated T for violence and language, and that's about all I think you need to know. Hope you enjoy the prologue!

Luke sat in the back of the speeder, as his family returned home from a trip into the city. He let out a small frustrated sigh. He was fifteen, he could have stayed at the house by himself. Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen didn't need to drag him along on their shopping trip. Just because he was mute didn't mean he was helpless.

The teen pushed his thoughts away from his disability, as he should be thankful that he didn't have to work today. Although he couldn't stay positive with that for very long, going into town for the day was just as boring as working a day on the farm. Everyday was pretty much the same for him and he hated it.

Luke dreamt of becoming a pilot when he was younger, but he was pretty sure no one would ever want a mute pilot. As much as he hated the idea, Luke had come to accept that he'd be stuck on Tatooine as a moisture farmer for the rest of his boring life. The teen looked up when he noticed that his aunt had turned around in the passenger seat, and opened her mouth to say something when she noticed she had Luke's attention.

She never got a word out as a blaster bolt hit the side of the speeder. Luke immediately gripped the door handle as his uncle tried to get the speeder under his control. Another bolt hit the speeder, and they crashed into the side of the cliff they had been driving next to. Luke was thrown from the backseat, his vision going blurry as his head hit the ground.

Brief flashes of his crash from years ago came to mind. He quickly pushed those thoughts away as he tried to figure out what was going on. Seconds later Luke heard the faint sound of a Tusken Raider calling out it's victory. A second later the speeder was hit again, bursting into a large fireball, chunks of the vehicle flying everywhere.

A pain ripped through the teen's heart as he tried to shield his eyes from the bright flames. In his heart, he knew that his uncle was dead. He only had a second to contemplate his uncle's death when a molten chunk of the speeder landed on his left leg, easily crushing it.

Luke's mouth was open in a silent scream, as his hands scrambled to remove the offending piece of metal. His hands immediately started to blister from the heat, and his pants leg caught on fire, only adding to the agony. Once again Luke heard the cry of a Tusken Raider, this time much closer. However he didn't have very long to think about it as he finally fell into unconsciousness.

In his quarters, Darth Vader bolted upright. His chest heaving as he fought to steady his breathing. Through the Force pain slammed into him, almost overwhelming him. The Dark Lord reached his hand down towards the phantom pain in his leg. A faint echo of a Tusken Raider came through the Force, and Vader grit his teeth as memories of his mother assaulted his mind.

As the Sith stood up and pulled on his mask, he felt the Force presence in his mind slip away into unconsciousness. Despite his lack of contact with the obviously powerful force sensitive, Vader still marched from his room towards the bridge, planning on ordering the ship to head to Tatooine.

In back of Vader's mind he knew that he should not care what happened to a Force sensitive boy who foolishly had fallen into Raiders' hands. After all, Palpatine had ordered him to kill anyone who showed Force sensitivity. He could leave the boy and he would still end up dead. Something was stopping him from just abandoning the boy, and instead was drawing him closer, telling him to rescue the boy.

When he reached the bridge of the Star Destroyer, everyone immediately stood at attention as someone called out "Lord Vader on deck". The Sith waved his hand, dismissing everyone as he stalked towards the captain of the ship. Upon seeing his approach, the captain remained at attention, awaiting his orders.

"Captain, immediately set a course for Tatooine and jump to hyperspace." Darth Vader ordered this, and the captain turned and ordered the man behind him to do so before turning back towards the Sith.

"My Lord, if I may inquire as to why-" The captain trailed off as Vader fixed a glare on him.

"It is your job to follow my orders, not to question them." The captain bowed low as he nervously shifted his weight.

"I-I'm sorry My Lord, forgive me for overstepping my boundary. It will be done immediately." Vader turned away from the sniveling captain, and started to stalk towards his training room, knowing that it would be close to two days until they reached Tatooine.

"Oh, and Captain, make sure my shuttle is ready to go when we reach Tatooine." The armor clad man didn't wait for an answer before leaving the his way towards his training room, he thought about the Captain's half asked question. And Vader found he honestly couldn't answer why he was planning on saving this boy. He just knew that he had to.

A/N: I know this is a short Chapter, but it is a Prologue. I normally write longer chapters. Mostly I felt like this was a good stopping point and I wanted to see how people liked it. So tell me if you think I should continue.