Chapter 9: The Turning Point

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for the 300 follows and the 200 favorites. The story has come a long way and I really appreciate all of the PM's and reviews by everyone. 12,000 words to make up for 6 months of absence.

Please enjoy this chapter.

There was darkness looming outside and I sat in this wooden chair anticipating something. Something that would shake things up in this quiet and odd setting. I waited in what appeared to be like a hotel room and looked around.

A single bed was on my right and I could tell that it was raining outside. The downpour was made obvious by the soft tapping made by the raindrops as the soft hums of thunder moaned in the distance. A soft smell of vanilla was created by the scented candles. I wore a simple white dress shirt and black slacks as my hands rested on my knees. I was facing the doorway and suddenly my ears heard the shower in the bathroom stop and the hum of the fan was cut off.

Before I could even stand up, the bathroom door opened and my nerves froze on the spot. I think someone else is here. And she was beautiful.

Walking out with just a simple towel that tightly constricted her body, the girl gracefully stepped out with water dripping from her long hair and she seemed to parade herself as she hummed in tune. She had a dazzling pair of eyes that shined under the poor luminescence. She began tying up her hair but the action did not distract me from the way her slender arms were raised and the slight hint of her chest almost peeking out from the cloth. She held a small pink hair scrunchie in her mouth until it was time to complete her hairstyle and she began to wrap it around the ponytail she made. She was covered in water as if she was just in the rain that was occurring outside but the warm lighting gave her an almost hot aura. Maybe seductive would be a better word.

Turning to me, she smiled as she kept her towel on and placed some cat ears on herself. The action was so strange and out of nowhere that barely any sounds could escape my mouth.

And then it began: She was hunting.

Walking towards me, she circled around me as I sat in the chair. Standing right behind me, there was a pause. I heard nothing. I kept my eyes trained forward and hoped that the blush on my face doesn't cause a nose bleed that could rival a waterfall in terms of length.

Without saying anything, I see through my peripheral vision and to my right I suddenly see her fair skinned hand holding what…..



I did not dare to look back. The embarrassment within myself stopped me from doing so even though my eyes greedily stared at the towel that fell on the ground. Hints of sweet smelling shampoo and body wash hung in the air as cleanliness came to mind. Flashes of images of her washing as if she was preparing herself for me caused my breathing to ache and I could not deny it.

My body was warmer than freshly brewed tea. My fingers creased and grabbed my knees to barely restrain myself from doing...something...anything…

I didn't have to worry about having a release though. Like she was reading my mind, I heard a smile in her silky voice as she giggled and felt the softness caressing the back of my neck.

She was kissing my neck and her hands began running down my shirt . Even though there was a shirt in the way, I couldn't deny the pure lust exuding from my skin.

The real game-ender to my logical reasoning was when she rubbed her hands across my chest and rubbed her nose into my neck. Like a cat, she was marking her territory and I was keeping a tight lip as she non-verbally expressed her possessiveness. Her hands shifted to a territory that was further down and I suddenly grew afraid.


Stopping her, I felt the pause from her as her hands drew back and she stopped kissing my neck. Gone was the warmth that emitted off her body and I was left cold again. The hands that trailed me were gone and so were her soft lips that gave a mix between bites and pecks of affections and greed across my skin like a painter leaving a signature on his works.

Doing my best to keep my breathing even, I was taken by surprise by her next move: pulling my head back and looking into my eyes. Remaining seated as she was still behind me, my breath was taken. It was stunning. The way her eyes tried their best to look strong and to not show any form of weakness. There was an air of uncertainty as I was trying to figure out if she wanted me to apologize or not. The cat ears she wore were appropriate as they helped serve the seducer's image perfectly. I, the seduced, did not have to look down any further on her body to know that, like a cat, she wanted to be...bare.

She leaned forward to close the distance and her warm lips began to form.

Her hands closed around my neck to keep me in place and I was choking from the pressure. I could only close my eyes and wait for it to happen. Thrust into temporary darkness, my heart skipped a few beats.

I couldn't say anything. Nothing escaped out of my mouth.

After all, it was as the old saying goes:

The cat got my tongue.






Some people wake up upside down and on their bed. Some wake up on the floor next to their bed. I've heard of people waking up flat on their stomach and on top of others. Others may wake up with half of their bodies about to fall off of their beds. Scientists studied different sleeping postures to help indicate what kind of dreams or thoughts a person may have, depending on how the individual wakes up after sleeping. Stressful dreams could cause teeth to grind against each other while asleep and peaceful dreams could have genuine smiles while snoring.

I point this out only because there are various but somewhat normal ways to wake up on in the morning for most people. The few that have had weird awakenings or positions? Let me join that club and donate my story to the cause. Gather around the campfire kids, because it's going to be spooooooky.

At first, all I saw was darkness. Utterly nothing. I heard nothing discernable. I smelled something...different though. My mouth was trapped on something warm and furry-


It's….all trapped in my this..?


This morning, I, Hachiman, opened my eyes to a cat on my face. Laying sprawled across my head was Kamakura. His body wrapped around my head and acted as an over exaggerated face mask that helps retain a person's facial beauty while sleeping. Did I really need him though? Does he come with the make up set as routine material for a….cat nap? Ba-dum-tsssss. Yup, puns in the morning are my substitute coffee.

Snoozing and ignoring my muffled scream, Kamakura yawned, stretched and leapt off of my face and onto the ground as if I was the alarm clock for the feline. Spitting out the remaining pieces of the rude mini tiger's fur out of my mouth, I scolded him.

"Kamakura….you stink. I feel like drownin-I mean-cleaning you this morning."

Eager to leave, Kamakura only meowed and rushed off to find his other owner to receive a big, heaping helping of morning tickles. Something tells me Komachi told Kamakura to wake me up like this. I knew I shouldn't have let Komachi learn how to pick locks. And I also knew that she would learn how to silently ninja walk across the room to place a ten pound moody furball on my face. Honestly, I'm kind of impressed when I think about it but I'm getting worried that I might wake up one day in a trap that she set up.

Finally out of bed, I began to walk out of my room when I passed by the light novel I was reading on my desk. It's been days since I've started and I finished it just last night. I decided that trashing it now would be a wasted opportunity. I mean, I know one chuuni that I can sell it to and he would love this trash-I mean book-to bits.

Approaching it, I start to remember the final scene and couldn't help but be a little affected how well the writer was showcasing his skill at tying the story together. I give a little credit where credit is due.

Holding the book, I recalled the ending and reminisced what the Hero went through.

The Hero sacrificed so much by the end of the story. There were many arcs where he doubted himself or where others doubted him to the point where he almost quit being the Hero a couple of times. But he persevered and took the job head on, just like any other shounen character would. A typical characteristic for the main character of a fantasy light novel and that almost turned me off from continuing it.

What was different and what drew me in was the reason he persevered. The usual response would be either revenge, fame, love, or power. Something typical to draw in the fascination of young boys to draw onto their idealistic beliefs at a budding age. And of course, women with big, developed….brea-ahem-brains help sell the novel but that's a different topic.

The Hero's personal reason?

He just hated being alone.

He was haunted in his dreams by a dark and mysterious creature that whispered curses and prophesied his downfall from the beginning to the end of the story. It was a constant variable within the novel to have a heavy burden weigh on the shoulders of the Hero and the creature would remind him so. The creature would predict abandonment, betrayal, disgust, and irresponsibility among the group he traveled with and the uneasiness would creep forward to the front of his mind. The creature was beyond disgusting and ugly; it was filthy and evil.

When the big, bad villain threatened to destroy everyone, he took action to fight this new threat. Or more than likely, he was forced under special circumstances.

Is he a simple young man that wants friends to live on and be content? No. He wasn't simple at all and to suggest so would be insulting. There was a lot of layering in his character but going into that would take too long.

I just remembered what happened at the end because that's what really shook me to the core:

The Hero failed to save the world.

He managed to defeat the Demon Lord but the ritual was already performed to cause a massive genocide among the people. The Hero's eyes fell to the ground and he cried as he heard screams aimed at the sky that cursed him. Without a physical and mental armor, he absorbed the hits and watched as there was only the Demon Lord smiling; he was languishing but satisfied by this result.

As the world's population was being destroyed, his broken body began to fall apart on his own as the ritual made a victim out of his body. HIs hands shook as his vitaly was being separated from his body and his soul was being torn to pieces. He didn't know what to do and he told his group to stay calm but it was too late. They were heading to higher plane. There was one person that stood up and walked towards him and his hands were found by the Princess.

The Princess was one of the reasons that he fought and kept hope and the comfort of her hands warmed him just a bit. Enough to stop his pleading and to raise his face.

Looking into her eyes and gripping her hands firmly, he began to see the final flash of his life. Memories flooded in and out of his mind as he realized that this will be his last moment on the land he lived on.

He smiled but as he stared at his lover, he came to realize something.

Something terrible.

The fingers that were holding him tightly just moments before now resembled a pair of claws that clutched him tightly. His breathing stopped completely as he stared at it and the familiar coldness set in.

The Princess before him revealed her true face and he could only scream for so long before it spoke the same doubts as before and began to relish his reactions.

It was the same exact face as the creature's in his nightmare.






I was near Hiratsuka-sensei's desk again and the amount of papers compared to last time increased. Like cells, they multiplied and my teacher apparently needed help with reducing the load. This is what apparently what her text from yesterday night was about: She needed a helping hand.

Now, looky here mam. I am forever so grateful to always be of an assistance to the great and holy boss but-

Man, who am I kidding?! What am I, some sort of corporate slave in the making?! Give me that pen and tell me when the coffee break is over so the boss doesn't know I'm sleeping in the lounge. I thought Japanese laws covered child-labor practices and declared it illegal? Get her in a cell!

There was a little bit of small talk in the beginning of this chore but she remained quiet after giving me instructions of what to write and how to organize the papers. She just continued to sit next to me with her long legs crossed as she read papers with a contemplative look. Her long eyelashes fluttered as she moved from one sheet to the next. The way her lips curled indicated that she was not satisfied with whatever she is reading. With a quiet sigh, she flicked her hair to get back into the terrible piece of writing.

I was suspicious if this is really what her intention is or if she needed a pretext to have me alone in the room without others hearing the conversation. It just appears that lately, she always needs to lecture me as if she's a teac-that's right. Besides drinking, smoking and punching, she teaches. Why didn't she just become a biker? She could take a page out of Onizuka's book and go wild.

If this is her real reason to have me with her, well then Japan needs to hurry up and develop those androids to do this job because I'm sick of grading other people's work. Really dude? You forgot to put the date you submitted this? No points for you! And drawing a cat does not affect me, wrong main character you're aiming at.

Out of nowhere, she spoke casually as she stretched her arms behind her head:

"Hikigaya, I ran into your sister yesterday while she was having a tour of the school."

Now, I don't want to think I'm stupid, but there was something in me that doesn't learn. By definition, that can be called stupid. To do something that would harm yourself can be called many things and stupid is one of them. I naturally can't help but poke fun at the lecturer next to me.

"Oh. Is this about the age gap betw-"

And of course she would poke back. With something sharp. Literally.

Before the remaining syllables could foolishly spill out of my mouth, Hiratsuka-sensei silently and swiftly jabbed a sharp pencil near my neck and stopped before any penetration was made. Holding it near me, I paused and held my breath and shakily released it as she slowly turned her head to me. You heard me. She did all of this without even looking at me. I felt like she was an Ajin and her Black Ghost was laughing at me. Yeah, laugh it up while I prepare to die from bloodloss and asking the question a man should never ask a woman!

"Neh, Hikigaya. I need help with the rest of these documents. You wouldn't mind helping your homeroom teacher, would you?"

Smiling sweetly and giving me nonverbal threats, I was left no choice but to wholeheartedly offer my best organizing and pen skills to each and every document she had. With a small salute and a silent promise to not talk about what just happened, I began the Attack on Papers.

It was like a team effort between us as I stacked papers and copied down notes. She packed and I stacked. Over time, the amount of work that we needed to do was dwindling down as my heart rate finally settled. Seriously, I felt the bloodlust from her that no other person could ever top. Move out of the way Hunters, she's Bloodborne.

As we continued working, she brought up the topic from earlier before my windpipe was in danger:

"Anyways, so your sister was getting a tour from some other teacher until she ran into me. I remembered her from the summer camp I ran and I'm glad we could catch up."

"Oh, right. You both know each other. I keep forgetting how well her connections are."

She has infiltrated every part of my life nowadays whether it's school, family or club. It's disturbing how well she has done it right under my nose. Even more disturbing though is how I'm really nonchalant about it. I guess you kind of get used to a nosy sister like getting used to a bad haircut after a month.

"She's different from you in many ways, you know? I took over for the other teacher and gave her the rest of the tour. I hope you realize how much she wants to be in the same school as you."

Today just got ten times better with that little known fact. I promise myself I'll give her a pat on the head later-

"And by that, I mean, she's looking forward to Yuigahama and Yukinoshita. She says that she sees you all the time at home so it's nothing special to be here with you."

Hiratsuka-sensei chuckled at this as she finished up on placing the documents in the paper as my hopes got shut down. Being told that your own sister does not look forward to being in the same school as you only requires one response:

I-it's not like I w-wanted you to be in the same school anyway, b-b-b-b-baka!

Fighting back my Tsundere instincts and sighing as I finished up with the graded work, I asked what this was really about. As much as I love to do simple tasks under the threat of physical harm, I have other things to do. Like updating my manga collection on the way back through the bookstore and leaving a nasty review on anime forums to annoy the normies. Time is money!

"Well to cut to the chase, your sister talked about you. A lot."

Not surprising. I'm the social topic that can help bridge between these two since they both love to take control of my life. Still, it puzzled me what they could be talking about since nothing comes to my mind that they could really discuss.

"I was under the impression that she wanted to see the Service Club members more than me, Hiratsuka-sensei."

Crossing her arms under her chest, Hiratsuka-sensei finished her pile and turned to me. Swinging one leg over the other and crossing it, she gave a small smile as she spoke.

"We talked about a lot of things. She went on and on about how she was worried how others viewed you but she's glad you're in good hands. I felt some true over-the-top affection as she prattled on about how you're going out more nowadays too. I can't tell if she's your mother or little sister at this point."

She snickered as she said that last sentence and I felt a little embarrassed.

"Well, she's...always been like that. Noisy and boisterous. You should have seen her when she first met Yukinoshita. She's always trying to set me up with her or something."

"That's what I wanted to hear. Help me pack these into the boxes."

What she just said caught me off guard.

'That's what I wanted to hear'?

Hiratsuka-sensei nodded to herself with a satisfied shake and stood up quickly with her eyes on to the next box. Confused by her choice of words and what her message could mean, I uttered a response.

"What do you mean by that?"

The teacher stood still for a second as she held a book still before continuing on to put the text into the box with the other pieces of literature. The rest of the chores for today's lazy teacher was easy: stack the boxes into the closet. I stood up and began to help her but waited for her to answer me.

"Hmm? Oh, well you should already know."

I don't know what it is but it's like she wants me to answer for her so she could see what I'm thinking. It's such a roundabout method that would work if I had time but for this situation, it's not applicable. Not willing to give in, I passed the ball back and waited for her next move.

I stared ahead and continue on the robotic movements of placing the books into the box.

"Not really. Spell it out for me."

She over exaggerated some stretches a little bit before she began carrying the box into the closet which was near her desk. Her coat hung close to her body as she walked towards it and as she opened it, she continued the conversation.

"It was about a year ago when I dragged you into the Service Club."

"Yeah and I still have the scars on my neck from your iron grip while you did it..."

Hey kids! Want to know what's sharp, dangerous and has the strength of two Viking warriors? A lonely woman's grip on a young man.

Suddenly, I felt a cold, piercing stare as HIratsuka-sensei stared at me from across the room. It was as if she knew what I was thinking and I quickly dismissed the previous thought.

"Well, you tried to run away, Hikigaya. Anyways, do you remember why I wanted you to attend? Do you still remember about the contest that you and Yukinoshita are having?"

"Yeah, which by the way, I really hope you're keeping score and not just going to name a winner by what you're feeling at the moment."

"Sometimes it's better to pick based on that criteria."

She smiled as she said this. With all of the boxes in the closet, we finished the task that she wanted me to help her with but we still haven't finished our conversation. I put my hands in my pockets as I looked at her. She began to clean up her desk by putting away the pens and papers that were scattered across the table.

"Hiratsuka-sensei….What's all of this about?"

With all and any excuses out of the way, she finally faced me. The cold weather outside continued to have gusts of wind blow by and the windows gave small creaks as the howls of the icy draft left us. The classroom's lights were lit to the fullest but Hiratsuka-sensei's face grew dark as she spoke. She tried to carry a happy smile but there was an anxious undertone. This was finally what she wanted to bring to my attention, whatever she's about to say.

"HIkigaya. I remember when I first saw you and wanted to bring into the club. Your poor posture and even more poor outlook of people...they stood out. I brought you to the club because I wanted you to be changed by the current club's president, but I think you found surprising facts about her."

That's right. As I grimly looked away from Hiratsuka's soft smile, I recalled a lot of things that rushed into mind about her, Yukinoshita. She was strong, but fragile. She was smart, but awkward. She was merciless, but also a pushover.

She had choices, but she was controlled.

She never lies, but she wouldn't always tell the truth.

It was scary how much contradiction could exist in a person. But were they all contradictions?

Maybe she was always all of that. Or maybe she became those things.

Hiratsuka-sensei's eyes implored me to listen to her words as they made their way to my ears. It was quiet in the room except for her soft voice as she communicated her thoughts.

"I want to say that I learned a little about you too. Your little sister may refer to you as a gross person but she still holds you in high regard. She says your kindness is welded deep inside of you and your ability to think deeply are your best points and I agree with her. That's why she's worried though. And I was too."

I was confused as I stood next to her desk as I pondered on the information given to me. The words laid heavy on my chest as I proceeded to digest it in slowly.

Her smile turned sad and continued to drop until it was a thoughtful frown.

"How you were willing to hurt yourself over and over again worried Yukinoshita and Yuigahama. But that changed eventually. You found a reason to hurt yourself, but that doesn't make it any better. The way you did those things affected them and you knew that. And I'm glad more than anything else that you found out why you did those things and what you desired."

I spoke up with a hurried tone as I recalled that important event.

"But what I desired is…"

I couldn't even finish what I wanted to say. What DID I want to say? Impossible? Troublesome? Selfish?

"I know, Hikigaya."

My eyes that were on the floor shot back up to meet Hiratsuka-sensei's eyes. My facial expression remained passive but my heart skipped a beat.

"I know, HIkigaya. I know how hard it is to imagine it. Or even to chase it. You're not the only one that would ponder or even think about what it means to have that. You're not the only one that anguishes over it. To have something genuine is so hard to identify that many would abandon the search and declare it a myth."

A sad look passes over her face as she spoke this. But her face turned into an encouraging smile as she stepped next to me and stood next me to while leaning on her desk.

"But what you desire and what your emotions are telling you is the opposite. You have to continue to search for it and that at the present, there are things that you can only do right now. I told you this before and I'm reminding you: there are things that are happening right now that you won't find in other periods of your life without a difficult time finding it again. It's important to desire for something genuine…"

And she made sure that I looked at her as she spoke the next few words.

"...and it's even more important to pursue it. Even in the face of comfort and possible permanent change. Sacrifices will be made for it. Whoever you care about will be hurt by it and I can only hope that when you hurt them, that they're willing to hurt you too to show that they care."

She stood in front of me again and she raised my chin as she forced me to look maintain eye contact.

"I can only hope that you care about her enough to hurt Yukinoshita. It's a weird thing to say because I know pain is unwanted. But to abandon or to be apathetic about her is worse. Take action, Hikigaya. Take action."

She looked at me with her eyes and I saw that through all of that display was something like...longing. Longing for someone that could do the same for her, perhaps? Longing for some kind of closure for this ordeal. Her kindness speaks from experience and the way she sadly looked at me made me think about how choices need to be made and her warnings made me hold my breath.






I was finally making my way over to the Service Club after helping Sensei's quest. I walked down the quiet halls until I heard odd noises down the hallway where my destination was. As I approached, the soft noise became a rhythm or a tune of some sort. The door slid to the side and it was revealed to me what was finally causing all of the commotion: Waltz Music.

Notes by the viola played and danced in the air with the flutes to accompany along as the music swarmed towards me. The classroom was bright and inside the classroom, there was a baffling scene for my eyes to lay upon: an impromptu dance camp being held by a Snow Queen. My eyes grew big at how casually they responded to my entrance.

Yukinoshita was in full command as she continuously gave instructions to Yuigahama while Isshiki sat in a chair to cheer them on. Yukinoshita was the lead within the dance pair as Yuigahama was almost pulled along for the ride. Pausing and turning their heads, they began to greet me in their (un)usual fashion.

"You're late, Hikigaya-kun," said by the ruthless girl as she attempted to pull Yuigahama into a twirl.

"Hikki! Help! Yukinon is being mean!" screamed by the dog-loving airhead as she grew dizzy and pouted.

"Ah, senpai! Hurry and hop in," said by the lazy kouhai who clapped along to the beat while looking bored.

Yukinon and Yuigahama held each other's hands as they try to continue talking to me, but I had to voice my confusion. Stop spinning around! You're turning into a Beyblade and you might bump into me.

"...I must be in the wrong room..."

The way Yuigahama was crying and begging for forgiveness while stepping on Yukinoshita's toes can only lead me to one conclusion: dance lessons. Of course, I really think the proper term for this would be a ritualistic dance with the way they talk. Yukinoshita would instruct and Yuigahama would repeat what she just said like a child being led by her mother. With that chest, you would think it was the other way around…

"It's for my request, senpai," Isshiki piped in, distracting me from my thoughts, "I told you yesterday what I needed, right? Well this is it. Waltzing lessons from the master herself! Every girl needs to know how to dance like a lady. I've done my turn and now it's Yui-senpai's turn to be yelled at."

With a proud face and the manner of how she stuck her chest out, I almost bought her lame lie until I pushed for more details. Isshiki is as sly as a fox and now she wants to just act like a lady for no reason? Sell me a bridge while you're at it.

"Sounds fishy. Tell me the real reason, Isshiki."

Giving her the unimpressed look, she turned to me with a fake offended look. With a gasp and her hand on her chest, she acted out her overly dramatic reaction.

"Eh? Now why would you think that? Hmmmmm? Jealous that I'll be dancing with Hayama instead of youuuuu~?"

She leaned closer and her grin remained on her face as I leaned back and my eyes averted to the upper left. The way her shirt dips slightly and how her knees bump into mine made me reflexively quiet. I felt the dancing pair stare from across the room with the way they aggressively tapped their feet.

"Wrong. I don't like to dance."

"...Answering it that way quickly offends me for some reason, senpai."

Giving me a slightly crossed look as she leaned back, I felt the way she pierced me with her glare like a stab from Gundyr and what's even worse is that I suck at parrying.

H-hey, I was just being honest! Dancing is embarrassing for loners due to the need to coordinate and hold hands. The only practice that I got in was in elementary school and I nearly cried from the direct rejections to not dance with me. I danced with the air partner and got down with my bad self. Literally.

"Come on, senpai. You have to guess why or else it'll be boring!"

Now, Isshiki. When you give such a devious smile like the one you're wearing right now with the sarcastic finger-on-your-chin pose, I can't help but have doubt sprout in my mind. Giving her a questioning eye but not saying anything, her smile slowly crumbled as she gave a pouting expression.

She sighs and began again with a bored tone as her eyes wandered back to the clumsy dancing pair:

"Fine. It's more fun if you have just said your thoughts... I want to be able to dance with Hayama-senpai when he asks me for my hand."

Are you that self-confident that he will ask you for a dance? Or have you consulted the local fortune teller already? And your 'hand'? She's making it sound like he's going to propose to her or something.

"It would be totally embarrassing if I freeze up in front of him, you knooooow? What if you're not there to be blamed on if I mess up? It's so hard to prepare for this ball."

My purpose extends beyond being just your scapegoat, madam.

The music ends and both Yukinoshita and Yuigahama take a bow. They approach the two of us who were sitting down with sweat and, for Yuigahama, tears.

"Hikki, you took forever! Yukinon went through the dances for both of us! I felt like she was being extra mean to me."

Yukinoshita began to drink water from a fancy looking bottle and wiped her cheeks with a soft towel. She spoke in an almost admonishing voice:

"To think you would ask for help on how to dance after hearing from Isshiki-san's request. I can only guide you for so much, Yuigahama-san. Your technique was all over the place and your sense of direction was beyond unreliable."

Yuigahama chuckled embarrassedly as she held her head. I was not surprised at Yukinoshita's reaction, especially seeing how Yuigahama performs in the kitchen. The girl couldn't tell the difference between a temperature and timer knob on an oven.

"Yukinon is still mad…"

Jeez, how many times did you step on her toes? Yukinoshita looks like she's about to enter the second stage of her boss form.

Yukinoshita turned to Isshiki to give her a proper review and the sly girl only held her face as she anxiously awaited for her report.

"Isshiki-san, you still need work, but I think you will be alright. Just remember what I taught you today and it should turn out well. Never try anything too fanatical and you can trust that your male dance partner will take care of the rest."

A small smile was on the Snow Queen's lips as she spoke that last part. Yuigahama gave Isshiki a big thumbs up and I feel like this is what girls do to motivate other girls when it comes to dancing events: The guy will lead and it will turn out okay. Unless he has two left feet or his sense of rhythm is equal to a dad that still thinks disco balls are STILL the new, hot trend. My dad was such a dork...

Yukinoshita was continuing her coach-like analysis and handed out a book to Isshiki. It appeared to have the title, "Take your Steps to the Next Level!" and could only be inferred to be a dancing guide. A man and a woman are on the display and appear to be performing a ballroom dance.

Isshiki stood up and bowed her head, thanking her. The overly eager gesture showed no hidden agenda as she showed pure gratitude.

"Thank you! Now I can go conquer him and make him mine! I'm going to make him wish he could dance with me forever."

All three of us looked at her with insincere smiles as she announced such an...aggressive declaration of war. It sounds like something a cliche villain would say before meeting a foe in battle. But with a manipulative personality already as a default for Isshiki, I'm willing to bet that this was already always on her mind. Highschool girls are, in more than one way, like warriors looking for their lovers too. Just with passive aggressive gestures on display and they're willing to tear each other part for that one guy. Men are the simple trophies brought back to be showed off on social media.

What the heck am I even saying?

Yukinoshita finally turned to me to give me a 'review' and said, "And you."

"Me?" I responded as she looked with her piercing glare and almost mocking grin. The lips she possessed tried their best not to smile as she couldn't help but deliver the next few lines in her sarcastic manner.

"You were terrible as usual. I have no doubt that your dancing would resemble that of a slug on the ground."

"You haven't even seen me dance..."

"If you would have come here earlier, I would have been able to go over the basic steps with you. Were you being berated beyond relief by Hiratsuka-sensei?"

"You're always assuming that I'm in some form of trouble. We were talking about...stuff."

Yukinoshita blinked once, then twice. Slightly tilting her head and crossing her arms, she held an expression that annoyed me: disbelief. Yuigahama was surprised as well and put her hands on Yukinoshita's shoulders.

"Hikki….are you going to be expelled?"

She should be joking right about now.

This...crazy girl...assumed that I was going to be expelled from just a private talk with a teacher. I admit that at least it wasn't something crazy like getting drafted from the Japanese Army but still! What a wild answer!

"No, your grades are worse than mine…. How could you even guess that?"

"You didn't have to mention that, idiot! It's just…'s rare for someone to want to talk to you in private...even if it's Hiratsuka-sensei…"

When it appeared like Yuigahama couldn't finish her thought for some reason, Isshiki hopped in to give her input.

"They were thinking that you may have been hiding something from them again, you know... "

When I saw the way she abashedly looked away and the two other girls repeated the action, that's when I got the hint. My long absence and my two visits to Hiratsuka-sensei's office after school made them nervous that I was working behind the scenes again without involving the club. It wasn't too long ago that this happened and they were trying to avoid any more misunderstandings.

I had to clear things up to the best of my ability without giving away what we discussing. It feels like a burden….to hide things from them when they know what I want.

"We weren't discussing anything terribly important. Just how Komachi ran into her and they teased me like no tomorrow when they talked."

With relaxed shoulders and sighs of relief, they showed clear signs of unwinding some tension and Yukinoshita stepped forward towards me with a piece of paper in hand.

"Well, you haven't missed much besides a few dancing styles presented. As the last member to show up, I feel it is only fitting to have you attend supply shopping. Club is dismissed for now while the rest of us will try a restaurant that Yuigahama-san recommended."

With a selfish smile, the paper was put in my hand as she began to walk back towards her bag.

"Eh, what's this? How come I'm doing the shopping?"

Yuigahama spoke, "It's only fair, Hikki. She was dancing with both of us and you know how she gets tired easily. You really missed out on a lot of fancy ballerina spins."

I had a few objections ready, but seeing that the list was not extremely large and surprisingly included a few books, I conceded.

As they began to pack away, Yuigahama turns to me and asks if I have danced before.

The last time I danced was waaaaaay back in the day. It was with an air partner and I vividly remember the anguish that coursed through my body as I realized that not a single girl wanted to dance with me. But who needs to learn how to dance? It's not like I spent time on the internet or in the library studying the day before….Nope. It's not like I was scarred by the experience of realizing that I was the School's Cursed Dancing Partner or something….Nope.

Hah. Who am I kidding? The incident flashed through my eyes and I can't help but be a little ashamed of it! It's like remembering some cheesy line you said to a girl-Oh gosh! No, now that's coming back to me too! It's like how I stepped on poop in front of a girl-NO! Please stop! Now I'm remembering peeing in my pants-

I'm stopping the train right here and I INSIST everyone to get off. NOW.

Composing myself to the best I can and trying to forget about the smell of urine, I could only give an apathetic, "I've never danced with a girl before. It's not like I need lessons anyway. I doubt I'll run into a girl that would want a dance with me."

Isshiki exclaimed, "Senpai, you never know!~! There might be some weird girl that feels sorry for you and will offer you a chance!"

She said this with a thumbs up and a coy smile. Isn't this a form of bullying?

"That's not the type of girl I need, Isshiki…."

Yukinoshita and Yuigahama gathered their belongings and as they approached the door with Isshiki and myself right behind them, Yukinoshita turned to me momentarily to lock the door after I exit through. Isshiki and Yuigahama were talking about the restaurant so I'm pretty sure I was the only one that heard this:

"Regardless, now I know for sure you will be hopeless if there comes a time when you have to take the lead and waltz in front of a crowd. If you have the luck of the entire world, you may be able to run into a girl that can lead. Make sure to...look out for her, Hikigaya-kun."

As we walked down the hallways and she said this, she held a shy smile and looked away from me. It was a small suggestion but from her words, I suddenly grew self-conscious. A girl that can lead and can dance.

"O-Oh. Right. I might stick with being a piece of furniture on the wall or something but...a girl that can lead would be nice…"

"...Of course. That's assuming there's a girl even willing to do it."

"You'll be surprised. I might be able to persuade Komachi to-"

"Your sister does not count, Hikigaya-kun."

A careless comment slipped my lips as I spoke my mind:

"Well, it's not like you wanted to teach me anyways. Shouldn't you be saying something like, 'I'm glad I did not have the misfortune to touch you, Hikigaya-kun,'?"

Her eyes shifted to the side as she spoke the next few words.

"Your...head has already assaulted my shoulders, Hikigaya-kun. Should I also bring up what you've done to me, just to read Komachi's emails?"

I try to scoff it off but to my avail, words were caught in my throat. Bringing up the past mistakes should be an illegal move. She couldn't stop chuckling at my reaction to her comeback.

She cleared her throat to help lessen the tension created by the sudden awkwardness of her proposal of ideas. We changed the topic to supply shopping (my quest) and how she expects me to get every item on the list. Our banter devolved into lighter chatter.

I couldn't help but feel like that there was some kind of voice screaming at me to bring up the earlier topic again though. Hiratsuka-sensei's words rang in my head to take action and that I should not remain apathetic or inactive when it comes to our...personal requests. There was something in me that was longing to find out more about her. There's a consistent fear and dread that clung on to this feeling and as it weighed on my chest, the black haired Snow Queen gets a text from her older sister.






*Yui's viewpoint*

I realized it. I should've seen it coming. As I talked to Isshiki, I would occasionally glance back at my best friend and...him as they talk to each other and laugh.

The way Yukinon kept checking her phone multiple times during the dance lessons confused me at first. I was assuming that time was of the essence or something like that for the perfectionist that resided in Yukinon but only until Hikki arrived did Yukinon relax.

And the pieces kept falling together, even before the infirmary incident. They had their special moments and the way he kept doing things for...her.

What is this feeling?

It wasn't until Isshiki, during the dance lessons, casually joked about us giving Hikki private dance lessons that I had the facts staring me in the face. Isshiki didn't realize the weird wording she said and she covered her mouth in embarrassment but laughed. I stuttered the phrase. P-P-P-Private dance lessons?! How could that not be embarrassing?

My blush layered my face in a red hue and when I turned to Yukinon to make a gag and comedy routine like we would usually do….she was embarrassed too. She obviously denies the idea from Isshiki but when she kept teaching us, her eyes would wander towards the door entrance.

What should I do?

I glance back at the two that walked behind Isshiki. I heard her clearly. She mentioned that there may be a girl that he will run into that could take a lead and dance with him at the party. I heard it clearly and my breath could only come out so unevenly My eyes were sent back to the front as I tried to keep up the conversation with Isshiki. My heart could only beat so fast. I kept my lips tight and I continued to try to keep up the energy of the club. There was a cold, unsettling feeling that is similar to my heart dropping to the ground.

I must be happy.

I must be warm.

But if that's the case…..

If that's what I'm supposed to do….

Why? Why is my smile wavering?






*Hachiman's viewpoint*

The girls began heading their own way as Yukinoshita texts back her older sister. Waving a lethargic goodbye with my hand, I saw off the girly group and headed to the bike racks.

Riding out and shopping at the stores, I was finally down to the last item needed on the supply list: office printing paper. They're timeless classics needed for memos and posters. They were in the back of the store and they came in packets. There was a large crowd in the area and I tried my best to avoid people to retrieve the stack and leave.

As I reached for the paper stack, another hand was also reaching for the same thing and I looked up at the owner. His expression of shock was also painted on my face. After what happened at school, I was hoping for some form of reprieve and a journey back home without incident.

It was Hayama Hayato.

He was wearing the school uniform with a jacket over it and he also had a cart full of items. The way other shoppers automatically noticed him made it harder for both of us to move. Eyes that were on him are now on me.



We both politely pulled back our hands and we waited for the other to speak. He, the natural extrovert, spoke first. Making eye contact and gesturing with his hands, he announced:

"You can have it. I'll just grab this one."

With an easy laugh and a quick solution at hand, he played the role of being casual and laid-back in our sudden exchange. The pacifist in him should be nodding his head and patting Hayama on the back for his great decision and diplomatic skills. Heck, I caught myself being polite to reciprocate the way he was treating me. In a hurried manner, I uttered a word.


Grabbing my packet of papers, I turned quickly to begin exiting away from the area so that people aren't getting the wrong idea. We're both students from the same school and shopping? They might get the wrong idea that Hayama is hanging out with me or something. The last thing I need is someone else spotting us and then getting rumors starting about us(Not now, Ebina!).

Sure enough, as I head to the checkout area, there was a long line that would rival the ones at amusement parks. The carts were full and the people were busy on their phone to pass the time. I stood my place in line with my small amount of items and I felt someone staring at me from behind. It was akin to being watched by a kid and I'm the lizard in the cage.

Peeking through the corner of my right eye to the best of my ability, I spotted him again: Hayama.

There was nothing odd in his choice of being right behind me. The other lines were full and there few other choices when it came to cashiers. But this is Japan, damn it! Why didn't you have more self-checkout machines!

He spoke first again and I tried my best to look like I was being counting the tiles on the floor. Oh look! A distraction!



"It's a long line, isn't it? It's crazy how it gets during the weekdays.."


If you saw my blatant attempt at trying to cut the conversation in half and appear disinterested, you would think that was a signal that I don't really want to talk. But he persevered on.

"How's the request coming along?"

There was no real reason he should be talking to me. Even if our paths intersected at different times before whether because it was a request or his circle of friends interacting with me, I always wanted to keep a distance from him. The way he shaped his group was his own fault and his own choice. The way he appeared to be in so much control but at the same time, out of choices when it came to his own life was shocking to find out. What he said to me after the marathon and even during the race, it was like I was finding out another side of him that he won't show to others. The amount of control that he had over his life seems so little. Similar to someone else I know.

But there still shouldn't be a reason to talk to me.

We already told each other that we hate each other.

"Just finished the last bit of supply shopping."

His smile and the jovial tone in his voice kept me on edge. Maybe it's because we're in public or maybe because he knows that it's one of the ways to come off friendly. It's a consistent trait of people like him: To come across as understanding and open minded.

"That's great. I've done my part too."

He began listing off chores and errands he ran for the sake of the ball and what was ordered by our Great Savior, Isshiki. Joking, she's more like an immature queen.

He continued to talk and the line kept moving along but it appeared to be a long time before I could get off of this nonsensical small talk routine.

We stood together as something that is definitely not friendly. What we know about each other hinders us from even being able to pretend to be fellow classmates. The way he hates how I do things and the way I hate how he does things. There's just no room or hope to come to an agreement.

There was a few moments of silence before he picked up on the conversation again. I was doing my part on being agreeable and trying to keep my responses to five words at a maximum.

"How's Yukinoshita doing?"

The way he asked that out of nowhere would seem like an innocent question to others. But he and I know that she is a topic that is hard to talk about after the rumors that he and Yukinoshita were dating back in January. Revisiting the old issues of the past seems to be a common technique used by normies to create nostalgia and to have a good time. But why was he bringing it up with me?

"...Same old, same old."

He shut down the rumors on his own after the race at the school by bringing the attention back to Miura and Isshiki. But the question still remains: what was his connection to Yukinoshita in the past like? Miura asked that over and over again.

And then what felt like forever, it began.

His smile starts to drop at what could be for a various set of reasons: my attitude during the conversation or the topic.

"Have you thought about what I said?"

Giving him a quizzical look, he sighed before he continued as if he was in a hurry to give an explanation.

"She's not chasing Haruno-san's shadow anymore."

He stated this as a fact and more importantly, like a piece of a puzzle that he wants me to solve with. I remember when he said that and the look he gave me when I agreed with him on that statement.

"Yeah, I remember. I stand by that statement. She's still not chasing her shadow anymore."

"I'm not disagreeing, Hikigaya. I can tell that it still rings true. I've known her longer than you. It's do know how much Haruno-san pesters about her, right?"

Now that's something else we both can agree on: Haruno's manipulative tendencies.

"She wanted to meet with me after the race to talk about Yukinoshita."

Hayama raised an eyebrow at this and asked, "What'd she say?"

"She said something about what Yukinoshita has right now is not trust but something way worse."

The vague words still haunt me. Her voice was sharp and cold as she delivered the line. The change from a friendly conversation escalated into a question of, 'Is there even a genuine thing?'

Hayama grew silent. But when he opened his mouth, it was like he was trying to speak his mind without the formalities to the best of his ability.

"...What she's it really trust with Yuigahama and you? Or something else?"

"What are you-?"

He ignored me before I could fully interrupt him. I turned around to him to face him fully as his face remained void of any emotions. The questions wouldn't stop.

"Do you remember how she was before she met you? How she was overeager to solve cases and to be the one to make the change in the world? She's changed now and she's trying to find her purpose."

Her purpose?

His eyes narrowed. The way his lips turned into a visible frown as he kept speaking could only be commended. It was like he was in pain as he continued to speak and his fists gripped tightly on his side.

"She's not chasing Haruno-san's shadow anymore and what she feels now is obvious but hidden from the person she wants to talk to. The ONLY person she wants to talk to. It all goes back to what Haruno really wants from her. The result that she's crafting."

He stood hushed for a moment. He spoke again in an almost aggravated manner.

"Don't think for one moment that...I'm trying to tell you these things to help you. It's just…I'm sick of just watching it happen before me. Again. And without any hope to do anything..."

I couldn't grasp what he meant. The anger he held that aimed at...himself? The way his character was spilling apart and the almost disturbingly authentic way he spoke to me….I can only guess he meant every word.

Before I could give him an answer, it was my turn to purchase the items. The cashier lady caught me off guard. I hesitated for the briefest moments before I felt the pressure to leave him alone for a moment. There was something about what he said that just made it sound like it was the final thing he wanted to say and didn't want to discuss it any further. After I paid, however, I looked back to see if he was still hanging behind me like a shadow. I wanted to see if he was ready to resurface with the practiced smile that he always had ready.

But like smoke, he disappeared from the line. While he was out of my vision, he must have moved out of the line. Was he really here to purchase items or did he see me…?






*Hayama's viewpoint*

We separated ways.

Or more like, I couldn't wait to get out of the line after talking to him. I did my best to try and talk to him and to communicate what I wanted to say after all of this time. I saw the way Yukinoshita-san, Yuigahama-san and Hikigaya were talking during the school meeting for the ball. He saw in my eyes what I wanted to show him: acknowledgement. I acknowledged the facial expression that you were showing and what they were showing. I know it and you know it.

You and I are so...different.

Or at least, we should be. The way we see the world….the ideals are clashing. The way we see people….the way people treat us. I can't pretend to even smile at you anymore.

But yet, I felt hopeful that you would do something. Again.


Why am I so powerless and weak that I have to rely

I was walking out of the store and decided to head back towards home. A ride was supposed to be on my way but I wanted to cancel it so I can just take the bus. I wanted time alone to think before I had to go back home and answer to my parents.

Reaching for my phone, I began to dial the number of the driver.

Out of nowhere, the bright lights from a black limousine's headlights shined on me. Noting the characteristics and the passenger inside of it, it was obviously the Yukinoshitas'.

"There you were! I was looking all over for you!"

Haruno-san stood up and got out of the car. Her smooth skin seemed to glisten under the street light and her hair bounced freely whenever she moved. She took her time to stand before me and as usual, her deceptively beautiful eyes challenged me.

"...Your mother's orders?"

"Haha! Of course! She needed to see you to discuss something."

I sighed and closed my phone. That again, huh?

She moved in closer and whispered, "I saw what you did in there with Hikigaya. Ara, can't stay away from him? Jealous? You just had to see him, didn't you?"

Like snakes, her hands twirled and curled around my chest. Her perfume could distort the minds of strangers, but I grew accustomed to it. This was her own way to practice interrogation. This was her own way of telling me that she never lost track of what I was doing.

Moving her hand off of my chest, I responded with, "No, it's nothing like that. We were just standing in the same line."

She paused and tried to decide if I was lying or not. Feeling satisfied with what she sees for now, she put her hands behind her back and grinned. "Good."

I smiled back and as I began to head into the car, I voiced my concern:

"You pay attention to him too much. You do realize, he's grown wary of you, right? Haruno-san, maybe you should-"

Giving a bright smile, her voice grew cold, "Don't worry too much."

Biting back my words, I could only sigh and sit inside the car. I should have known to not bother with it. She's so quick to play with her toys before tossing them aside at the first sign of losing their novelty.

I waited inside the car for a few seconds before I realized she was not moving.

Before she got in, I noticed she stood outside and seemed to be staring at something. Peeking my head out of the window, I saw it too: Hikigaya was retrieving his bike from the bike racks.

I turned to see what could only be described as a predatory look on Haruno-san's face. Like a lion standing before a zebra.

The way her eyes shifted on him from up to down. Her hands gripping tightly to her elbows as they lay beneath her bosom. The way her lips looked fuller when she whispered his name.

It was happening again.

She was excited to don on another mask just to toy with him.






It was an odd scene that laid before me. It could easily be described as a moving painting because of how beautiful it was.

I stood on the sands of a beach that was drenched in the darkest orange hue from the setting sun in front of me. The smell of the fresh air and the sounds of the soft waves splashing in front of me with their dark waters indicated that it was late in the afternoon. I felt the wisps of wind that blew my face as a I remained still and wanted to take it all in. There was not a single person that was on this beach with me. I was only a couple feet away from the shoreline and I looked down at my bare feet. My face slowly rose back to glance at the seafoam of the waves caress the edges of the beach.

It was time to keep moving.

My body engaged in a mechanical movement of walking slowly along the shoreline and I began looking at the area. The sun was continuing to die down and the moon will make its appearance soon. As the calming sounds of the waves moving back and forth echo into my ears, my eyes were suddenly drawn to strange sight directly to my right.

I stopped walking and my body froze when I saw her.


She was positioned in the water, calmly walking out into a deeper part of the shore and not looking back towards me as she advanced towards the setting sun.

She looked gorgeous. Her hair was as long as I remembered and it fell gracefully on her shoulders and her figure remained beautiful as the water's reflection fail to capture her reflection perfectly. When she turned around to face me, her swimsuit summoned my eyes to make a top to bottom observation. But her eyes kept bringing me back.

A small smile was all I needed to see to make me feel tingles across my skin and my heart to speed up. I swallowed my nervousness to the best of my ability and tried to ask what her purpose is.

"W...why are you…"

Yet, the words were having a hard time solidifying and forming in my mind. I had so many things to ask about and so many things I wanted to know. The questions couldn't slip out of the crevices of my lips without me feeling bewildered and feeling a pressure of my chest that seemed to be preventing me to do so.

She continued to grin and stood still at the distance between us, waiting and remaining enshrined by the sun's dying rays behind her and the water splashing against her waist.

Then, she turned around once more to face the sun and walked further out into the sea. Slowly, the water rose to chest level for her and I felt fear course through my body.


My body jerked forward and my vision became like a tunnel, focusing solely on her. Why was I afraid? Why did I feel this great urge to see her up close?

What if…she swims too far out?

Don't bother her.

Where...where did that come from? Where did that voice….how did I even hear it? Anyways, I need to get to her. I...want to get to her.

I inched towards the edge and began my first step towards Yukinoshita and she was out to the point where the water level was at chin height for her. She turned around and waited for me to make my way across to her. She seemed to be waiting calmly as the sun continued to dip and you would only be able to see half of it.

The water rose to my ankles as I tried to hurry across, tripping occasionally because of the water's cohesive pull on my legs.

She doesn't need you. Don't get your hopes up. Remember middle school?

There they are again: the thoughts that are taking the front of my mind as my legs wade through the distance. It was ridiculous how far she swam out to and how she seemed to be patiently floating in this vast open space. The tides rose and fell at a higher height than before and I felt like I was being pushed back.

I kept pressing on and I was quickly approaching waist level as my eyes stayed glued on her blue eyes.

Come on. Head back. You already know how she is: she doesn't need you. She doesn't want to be near or with you. She has it all. You have other things to do. You think she's any different? You think she'll somehow live up to your ideals of being a friend? Or maybe you want more-

Shut up. Just. Shut up.

I need to see her.

I want to see her.

I don't know why. Just let me do this.

The tides rose and the sky was growing dark as the last bits of light began to fade away. The water was getting hard to wade through and I was forced to do awkward swimming-standing-leaning forward techniques as she floated and waited for me. It was getting harder to reach her at this pace and I'm forced to swim harder.

I was now performing full breaststrokes under a darkened sky as the waves grew violent.

It's all set up for failure. You know this to be true. You? You think you're what she even wants to see right now?

I can do this. Water is just another obstacle-

Orimoto? She called you, "Gross!" afterwards.

It will be different now. I think. I just need to-

How? Tell me how? You don't have any friends. You don't know anything about girls. You assume the worst scenarios possible, even now.

We had discussions before. It's been a long time since we've come to known each other. We talked before. I really want to believe-

But you can't, can you? It could all be fake. It could be a joke. You're misreading things. Nothing is there. Why do you keep setting yourself up for a failure-

It isn't.

You can't be sure.

The water rose and a huge wave that seemed to rival the height of a skyscraper appeared behind her. The Ice Queen laid there quietly and looked at me with eyes that held emotions that were unreadable.

As I swam, my heart accelerated in it's rhythm of beating and I knew why: I was afraid of reaching out to her and drown for my efforts.

Don't do it. She's leading you to failure. It's too dangerous to go out there. You have to remain logical in these situations, idiot. Think. If you go out there, she will drown you with her. You might not even make it to her. She shouldn't mean anything to you, you idiot. Why do you keep your heart so unguarded all the time? I thought you knew better? I thought you learned from-

I hate it.

I hate this feeling of dread. I hate not knowing. We both hate it.

I hate these thoughts of wondering and apprehension of everyday. I hate having my hopes up.

Exactly. So you should-


I hate not having answers even more. I need to find out.

I swam out to her and finally reached her. The voice stayed quiet since the wave would drown out any noise it could make. I felt every inch of my body seize up in fear as the giant wave crashed down.

And I felt nothing.

Opening my eyes, Yukinoshita's eyes remained open and her shy smile was revealed. As she shyly held her hands out and gripped her hands around mine, my fingers interlace with her's.

Suddenly, something bumped against my back.

Rising to the surface and breaking through it, I realized that we drifted back to the shore and I was lying on my back. It was a strange place to end up at but it made sense since we would have to eventually drift back here at one point.

Staring straight up at the sky, I saw numerous counts of stars and the blackened sky that blanketed the luminous objects. It was nighttime and the sea was calm again. I released a shaky breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

Without realizing it, I was still holding her hand. Yukinoshita's grip was firm and she latched on to me with confidence. I turned my head to watch her close her eyes as she softly slept.

You seem so eager to tell her everything-

I already knew the words before my thoughts could even be formed. I knew what the problem was even before I reached out to her out in the sea. I knew what was the chain that was holding me back and making me question everything.

I just wish I didn't have to always ask myself this. I grit my teeth for the incoming force of impact and gripped her small hand tightly.

-but is she willing to do the same?

Second Author's Note:

"GitOut, why was there such a long delay?"

So, these past few months have been pretty bad. I'm having a hard time keeping up with school and I went through some emotional turmoil. But I only recently started taking my life back in control and I'm hoping to keep up with the quality of these chapters.

I originally made this story as a love letter to the series and characters. I'm hoping to continue to explore each character and give them some screentime. There's going to be a lot of drama and I'm going to do my best to keep it within character. With volume 12 for this series nowhere in sight, I hope I'm doing my best to keep the fandom alive.

This is the final chapter for the first arc and the next arc will deal with the Masquerade Ball. As you can tell, this story is dealing with themes such as insecurity and uncertainty. If you can't tell now, you'll probably be able to tell in the future.

Oh and also, there was some guy pretending to be me in the reviews. Ignore him.