
Chapter Twenty-Four


Padmé had previously had reservations concerning Obi-Wan's idea to let Dormé worry for a few days. Perhaps, her assistant would finally swallow some of her pride and realize exactly what she had done, despite her good intentions. The Senator thought it was a rather harsh way to treat Dormé during the final days of their confinement, but Obi-Wan had been correct. It had been the most peaceful time they'd shared. There were no more games played with ulterior motives, no embarrassing conversations, no more overcooked meals, and no interruptions. She and Obi-Wan had ample opportunity to spend all their time together as they chose, even though their more intimate moments were shared in the privacy of her suite.

Today was the final day of the quarantine and Padmé was considering it with mixed feelings. She was happy that Obi-Wan and Anakin would be free to return to their duties, and she was relieved to return to work as well. But on the other hand, she was upset to no longer be able to spend her days and nights talking with Obi-Wan, laughing, holding, touching, and kissing him.

Although that's as far as they had taken their relationship. Padmé tried not to think about it. Whenever she felt anxious and began to question him, Obi-Wan would share bits of Jedi wisdom, mostly concerning the precariousness of life and the balance of time and occurrences. In fact, it seemed as if the Jedi had a philosophy for every situation, and it was about to make her crazy!

She didn't push him, however, and refused to force him to do something he had vowed not to. He kept telling her they had to wait, although Padmé didn't quite understand what they were waiting for.

Marriage? Was he the type of man who refused to reach that level of intimacy without some type of commitment ceremony? Even though he hadn't actually said the words, Padmé was beginning to believe it was true. And she would just have to wear her patience thin, hoping and praying for the day he would make her dreams become reality.

They had decided to spend their last morning together in what had become their favorite spot; the double-lounge out on the veranda. Anakin and Dormé had chosen to spend theirs in a more private location, and Padmé could only imagine what they were doing. She had closed the balcony doors just in case her assumptions had been correct.

"When are you going to tell her?" she broke the silence as Obi-Wan worked the arches of her feet, his thumbs digging into the muscles, offering the most pleasant and relieving sensations.

"Sometime this afternoon," he announced. "Right before Bant gives us clearance to leave."

"I see," Padmé replied softly, unable to disguise the disappointment in her voice.

"Hey," Obi-Wan, who now probably understood her expressions and emotions better than anyone, lifted her feet and scooted across the bench. "Are you going to be okay?"

She honestly didn't know how to answer that question. If he had given her some kind of assurance about the future, then perhaps she would have something to look forward to. But this! This felt as if she were being set to drift in open space without a star-map, where anything could happen!

"I…" she managed without bursting into tears, although could feel them beginning to prick at her eyes. "I'm going to miss you."

A tender smile lifted his mouth before he stole a glance to ensure their privacy and leaned forward to kiss her.

It had never crossed Padmé's mind what it might feel like to kiss a man with a beard. Sometimes, during their more aggressive sessions, when Obi-Wan's self-control would come close to being overwhelmed, her cheek would become slightly irritated, but the other times, she didn't mind the beard at all. And there were actually moments Padmé suspected he was using it to his advantage to drive her crazy! Oh, yes, he knew what he was doing, and she couldn't help but wonder, after today, when would he be able to do it again?

This day, however, his kisses were tender, his eyes filled with emotion. His embraces lingered, although his smiles were short-lived.

"We'll figure out a way," he whispered against her hair. "I know it's going to be difficult, but we'll figure out a way to see each other."

Thank the stars! It wasn't exactly a promise, but it was an intention he hadn't spoken of before. So far, all he had mentioned were his concerns and doubts, but now, for the first time, Padmé had some hope! She could no longer hold back the tide, and allowed her tears to run freely. He didn't condemn her for her own lack of control, but held her more closely than before.

She was in love with this man, but didn't dare speak the words. Not yet. Not until his doubts had been erased, and he could respond in kind without fear. Until that time, she would continue to be strong.

"They're coming," he announced, pulling back to put some unwelcome distance between them.

"Good afternoon, Master, Senator," Anakin greeted them as the veranda doors slid open.

"It is a pleasant day, Padawan," Obi-Wan replied.

"Pardon the interruption, but Dormé has something she wishes to say."

Reluctant wasn't the word which would adequately describe the young woman's attitude, but she stepped forward anyway, even without Anakin's assistance.

"Master Kenobi, Senator, I would like to take the opportunity to apologize for my wrongdoings. It was irresponsible and negligent of me to take such as risk with all our lives, and I hope you can both forgive me. I promise I will never do such a thing again."

Once the young woman had finished her admission, she paused, obviously awaited a response. When there wasn't one, she continued.

"I've decided I'm going to turn myself into the Jedi Council immediately so they can dole out any punishment they deem fit."

"That's good to hear," Obi-Wan stated, while Padmé fought to keep a straight face. She had never seen such trepidation on her assistant before! "I'm sure they'll be fair."

"Do you think so? I mean, I've heard stories, Master Kenobi. Cropwork on Bandomeer, crystal mining on Ilum? Would they really send me away to do that?"

Fear had slithered its way into her confession, which caused Padmé to feel immediate sympathy, although Anakin tossed the young woman a scathing look.

"You're right, okay. Okay!" Dormé continued. "I promised. Whatever it takes, I'll do it. I'll pay the price."

When she had finally stopped talking, her assistant's eyes squeezed shut as if to shut out the thought of what was to become of her, or to guard herself against the possibility of a tongue-lashing. What she got, however, was quite the opposite.

"That won't be necessary," Obi-Wan responded, causing one of Dormé's brown eyes to pop open, although the other remained closed.


"I've decided no real harm was done, and you've certainly learned your lesson. I'll speak with the Council this evening and resolve the situation."

"Is he serious?" she asked Anakin.

The young man took the time to read his Master before answering. "I believe so, yes."

"Oh, thank you! Thank you!" Dormé spout wholeheartedly, dropping down to hug Obi-Wan's knees. "You can't believe what a relief this is! I'm sorry! I really thought..

"We all know what you thought," Padmé interrupted. She really didn't want to hear any of this again!

"Now that that's over with," the Jedi Padawan was pleased to announce. "Master, Healer Erin is on her way up. She said after a quick examination, we'll be released."

"That's good news, Padawan," Obi-Wan announced, peeling Dormé from his legs in order to stand up. "We'd better go gather our belongings."

Never before had her plans gone so awry! After all her hard work, the danger she had put herself in while visiting those seedy establishments and contacting criminals just to obtain one simple illegal substance! And for what! Just so the Senator and Master Kenobi could become close friends? It was enough to make her want to scream!

There were a few times she thought they might've become more. She had witnessed some suspicious glances, and even a graze of skin on skin, but not once had she been able to catch them involved in anything substantial.

How disappointing!

And now, her time was up. Anakin had tried to explain sometimes things are the way they were meant to be, and Dormé figured he would know being a Jedi and all. Jedi were supposed to be in touch with the Force, Destiny, Fate and all that, but it still wasn't fair. The Senator deserved to be happy! Maybe, Master Kenobi wasn't the one for her after all?

It was a hard pill to swallow, but she was glad it was over. Maybe now, they could all move on with their lives and the Senator would meet someone new.

Healer Erin had come to take the Jedi to the Temple for a thorough examination, giving her dirty looks the entire time; as if she didn't like her or something. Dormé decided to blow it off. Besides Anakin, she had no plans on dealing with any more Jedi any time soon!

"I guess that's it," the young man told her as they stood in the foyer. "Sorry things didn't work out for you."

"Oh, they did. I got to spend some time with you, didn't I?" She grinned up at him and hugged him tightly before he headed out the apartment door.

"I'll be seeing you!" He announced over his shoulder as he entered the hallway leading to the lifts.

Dormé waved at him before ducking behind the foyer alcove. Healer Erin spoke a few words and then disappeared to join Anakin, which left the Senator and Master Kenobi alone.

She may have given up, but a parting scene always held promise!

Dormé strained to hear what they were saying, doing her best to stay out of sight. Disappointment however, began piling up when she noticed the pair were standing too far apart, and didn't seem to be saying anything lovers would in a similar situation.

"Damn!" she hissed, stepping back when Master Kenobi glanced her way.

She thought she'd been caught and it took a moment to gather her courage to take another peek, but boy, was she was glad when she did!

The Master didn't have anything on the Padawan, but from what she could tell, Obi-Wan Kenobi was a decent kisser! And she hadn't previously known the Senator could hold her breath for that long!

But she'd seen enough!

Triumphant and overjoyed, Dormé plucked her communicator from her belt and entered a familiar code.

"Haven't you had enough of me?" Anakin's voice chirped over the comm.

"Of course not!" Dormé beamed, still peeking at the obvious lovers now embracing in the hall. "I just had an idea. There's a new holovid being released this weekend. Want to come over and see it with me?"

"That all depends on what it is," the young man replied worriedly.

"Don't bug out; it has nothing to do with terrorism and sabotage," she assured him.

"All right, I guess. I'll comm you later in the week."

"Great! Later!" she answered, closing the device.

Hopefully, watching The Marriage Broker would give her some good ideas. There were plans that needed to be made and soon!


A/N: Ok, it's the end, but not the end! Sequel coming folks! "Duty and Desire" is what I'm calling it…unless I change my mind. ;)