My author's notes and what not are at the end of the page, until then enjoy the chapter!

*Updates are up; read more about it on the bottom of the prologue.*

Side note: I do not own Dragonball Z, Dragonball, Dragonball GT, or Dragonball Xenoverse; they all belong to their rightful owners/companies

-Age 850-

Quiet, that was the only thing that accompanied Trunks while he worked in the Time Vault, nothing but utter silence and quiet. And Trunks personally preferred to work like this, for in his mind, if everything was quiet in the Time Vault then there was no trouble or danger with the flow of time.

But this mindset did not deter him from fulfilling his duties as 'assistant' to the Supreme Kai of Time. He was responsible for making sure that the flow of time was correct, as well as not being tampered with by any outside parties, magic, etc. He was also responsible for the inspection of alternate timelines, and he would also have to train time-patrollers; who would need to be strong enough to fix both history and time in any era, in any universe.

Most people, if put in his position, would just quit or go mad from all the stress, but Trunks wasn't like that. Sure he would despise his job from time to time, yet, he remained determined to fulfill his duties as best as he could.

"For my sins." He muttered quietly, reminding himself why he was working here.

The lavender haired Saiyan immediately shrugged of his thought, before putting away another scroll. Nothing was out of place with that one or any of the other hundred scrolls that he had already inspected.

'Well at least everything's alright so far.' He thought as he proceeded to the next scroll.

As soon as Trunks placed his hand on the rolled up paper, a loud sound echoed across the once-quiet time vault, a sound that Trunks was very familiar with.


The half-Saiyan turned around to see the culprit of the disturbance, Toki-Toki, the pet bird to the Supreme Kai of Time, flying around the interior the vault. As Trunks watched the bird fly he noticed that Toki-Toki was flying rather frantically, something that the old bird did not often do.

"Hey!" Trunks called out "Toki-Toki! Come Here!" he began to extend his arm for the ancient bird to perch on.

The bird immediately flew towards Trunk's location and latched himself on the extended arm, the demi-Saiyan noticed that Toki-Toki was visibly shaking.

'Something's wrong, I've never seen Toki-Toki act like this before'

Trunks began to slowly pet the nervous bird to try and calm it down "Jeez, looks like something really spooked ya."

"Kiii!" Toki-Toki exclaimed, the bird then flew off of trunks' arm landed in the very front of the time vault, on the pedestal that the Scroll Eternity resided on. The time-patrolling saiyan understood that the bird wanted him to follow and he quickly phased to the pedestal, upon reaching it the half-Saiyan slowly unraveled the scroll.

With the scroll fully unrolled Trunks stared at the blank paper, which soon projected an image to its observer. The image was a landscape of what appeared to be a dying planet and two beings that clashed, with intense ferocity and immense power, in the dark crimson skies of the planet. Trunks knew immediately that this was the famous battle between the Super Saiyan, Goku, and the Emperor of the Universe, Frieza, on the dying planet of Namek.

Trunks continued to gaze at the projection to see if he could find any fault with the fight, as he had seen the fight play out beforehand, but this conflict looked the same then as it did now. Confused the half-Saiyan looked at the still startled Toki-Toki.

"I don't understand, everything looks the same."

"Kii!" the bird screeched while pecking the paper furiously "Ki! Ki!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Take it easy! If you keep doing that you'll rip the scroll!"

On his first day, Trunks, almost ripped the scroll by accident and received a very harsh scolding from the Supreme Kai of Time. She got her point across the then-rookie about the dangers of having one tear, no matter how small, on the magical paper. All of reality would suffer unimaginable consequences, so making sure no harm came to the scroll of one of Trunks' top priorities.

After making Toki-Toki stop pecking at the projection Trunks returned to observing the fight again.

The Super Saiyan, Goku, stood tall over the defeated Frieza who was lying flat in the dirt, nothing looked different for Trunks. Goku took one last look at his defeated opponent before he turned his back to him and walked away from the once-proud frost demon.

As the blonde haired Saiyan continued to walk away, Trunks noticed Frieza's hand, clad in red and purple blood, claw deeply into the dark dirt.

"Filthy monkey!" the frost demon hissed as a strange dark purple aura began to cover the body of the beaten villain.

Goku immediately spun around and quickly got into his martial arts stance, while Frieza slowly began to slowly rise up. The fiend soon was upright and shot Goku a menacing glare that even made Trunks slightly cringe.


The once defeated demon charged at his opponent with attacks that Goku could barely follow; Frieza soon sent the Super Saiyan flying across the landscape with a powerful kick to the chest. The Emperor of the Universe then opened both of his palms at the airborne saiyan.


He soon fired energy blast after energy blast towards his opponent each one directly hitting its target. Trunks could only stare in horror at the turn of events, history was not meant to play out like this!

The time-patroller then looked up at Toki-Toki. "I see why you're all worked now, history is changing!"

This wasn't good, not at all. If history was changed then time, itself, would not properly function, which would have very drastic effects on the entire fabric of reality, but to what extent Trunks could not tell. Looking back at the scroll, the demi-Saiyan rolled it up, not wanting to see what it was projecting to him any longer, and faced Toki-Toki once more.

"Toki-Toki, I need you to summon the Supreme Kai of Time for me, maybe she'll know what's happening."

"Kii!" the bird screeched in agreement and soon flew out of the Time Vault looking for its owner.

Trunks stared at the bird while it flew off. If anyone would have even the slightest idea on what was wrong, it would be her. After all she did manage this place for more than 75 million years, surely she must've seen something similar to this during all that time.

Trunks let out a slightly relaxed smile, which soon disappeared when he turned his attention to the Scroll of Eternity. The scroll started to radiate the same dark purple aura that allowed Frieza to have the advantage on Goku; Trunks winced at how sinister and unnatural the dark energy felt in his hand.

'The sooner this gets to the Supreme Kai, the sooner this will get fixed.'

Trunks, not wanting to waste another moment in the time vault, immediately walked outside of the ancient building, with the tainted scroll still in his hand. When he soon got outside, he had to shield his eyes from the intense light of the sun 'Gah, I'm gonna go blind from that sun one of these days.'

As his eyes quickly adapted to the brightness of the afternoon sun, Trunks, who was looking for Toki-Toki, set his eyes on the familiar sight of the ancient bird screeching at a short woman with pinkish skin, who was dressed in a rather sloppy way.

"What is your problem? You woke me up from my beauty sleep!"

"Ki! Ki! Ki!"

"If this is your idea of getting back at me for putting you on a diet, then you got another thing coming birdbrain!"


Trunks ran towards the two while the small woman, who was fixing her hair and clothing, kept on still bickering back and forth with the bird.

"Supreme Kai!"

The woman turned her attention towards her assistant "Trunks?"

Trunks stopped running when he was just a few feet from the two.

"Trunks, what are you doing? I thought inspecting the scrolls took you around an hour."

"I was almost finished, but Toki-Toki started acting strange when he went into the Time Vault."

"Well, you're right about him acting strange." The kai stated while giving said bird an angry scowl.

"At first," Trunks said trying to get her attention back "I thought that he got scared by something but, then he went to the Scroll of Eternity. It took me a while to realize that Toki-Toki was trying to tell me that there was something wrong with the scroll."

"Are you sure?" she asked with concern present in her voice.

Trunks handed the scroll to the kai, she narrowed her eyes at the object that was radiating the dark energy.

"The scroll showed me Frieza beating Goku on Namek, you know as well as I do what this means, history is being changed."

"If what you're saying is true, Trunks, then history, reality itself, all of it will disappear."

There was a long moment of silence, the gravity of the situation just got from really bad to worse; they had to do something and fast!

Trunks was the first to break the silence "What should we do then?"

"We should fix this, obviously, but there's only one way to properly fix the scroll…direct intervention."

Trunks had a puzzled look on his face "You mean something similar to what I did to save my era?"

"Exactly" She replied while unrolling the scroll, when the scroll projected an image to the Supreme Kai she only saw Frieza choking the life out of Goku with one hand.

"Well, let's not waste any more time then." Trunks stated while reaching for the scroll.

"No, Trunks!" she stated as she reeled the scroll away from her assistant "If you try to fix time by yourself the result could lead to creating a paradox!"

Trunks drew back his hand "Your right, but how are we going to fix this?"

"I don't know, Trunks, I don't know."

Silence soon returned to the two, who were furiously brainstorming for any solution. Toki-Toki soon let out screech getting the attention of both of the kai and the half-Saiyan. "What is it?"

"Kii!" The bird yelled as he flew to the Supreme Kai's house. Both Trunks and the Supreme Kai of Time followed him. When they arrived they saw the old bird perched on top of the five star dragonball. "Ki! Ki!"

"Oh, I see." The supreme kai said as she grabbed the dragonball "That's really smart Toki-Toki."

"What does he want us to do?"

"I think he wants us to use the dragonballs, right?"

The bird gave a nod of approval.

"To summon a person to help us defend time?"

The bird nodded again.

The Supreme Kai handed Trunks the dragonball "This might be our solution Trunks."

Trunks just stared at his reflection in the orange orb "Are you sure about this Supreme Kai?"

"I can't think of any other options…you could ask the dragon to prevent the changes from happening but, this might even be out of Shenron's hands."

"Alright," he replied as he looked back the the deity "I'll collect the other dragonballs."

"Make it quick, the more time you spend looking for the dragonballs, the more history becomes alienated."

"Alright," Trunks said as he started to fly up "Cross your fingers this works."

-45 minutes later-

Trunks finally collected all seven of the dragonballs, placing them neatly in the special alter located at the Plaza of Time.

'Okay then, let's get this show on the road."

He took a deep breath "Arise Shenron, the Eternal Dragon, to grant my wish!"

As he finished the words, the sky turned to complete black, the dragonballs began to glow; turning the color of the orbs form a very strong orange to an illuminating yellow.

The aura began to glow brighter and brighter, lighting up the entire courtyard of the plaza before a bolt of golden light sprung from the center of the alter shining with an immense glow and it soon began to take shape. The brightness of the flash soon dissipated into a massive dragon; with a long, green, snake-like body that had four limbs attached to it, who stared at Trunks with intense red eyes.

"I am the Eternal Dragon, state your wish so that I may grant it!"

'Let's see if he can fix the scroll first.' Trunks knew that he had to word his wish carefully, or else he would be wasting time and a wish; both vital things in this situation.

"Shenron, if you can repair the Scroll of Eternity from the dark magic that corrupts it and causes changes history as well. Then that is my wish!"

The eyes of dragon began to glow bright red in response "I cannot fulfill this request," the dragon declared in his booming voice "For it is beyond my power to do such a thing."

'Dammit, there goes that one, let's hope that Toki-Toki and the Supreme Kai were right about the other wish.'

"Shenron, I ask you to give a strong ally. Someone with the kind of power to help me defend time itself, this wish I ask of you!"

The dragon eye glowed once again and they began to narrow as well, something that surprised Trunks a little bit.

Before Trunks could even blink a blinding white light came from his right side, near the alter. He covered his eyes from the light, when he felt the light had died down he looked at the location where the light was once shining. He saw a person standing in its place, he wore a dark green git top and black pants, as well as having black hair.

"Your wish has been granted." Trunks turned his attention to the dragon.


Author's Notes: Yeah, so, this is my first time writing a DBZ fanfiction, or a fanfiction in general. I hope that the people who read this enjoy it; if you wish to post a review or PM me about some writing tips, any errors in my grammar, or just questions on the story. Then by all means feel free to do so, I'm always up for some constructive criticism and giving answers.

The next chapter will be coming out some time in the near future so until then have a good time!

*Alright the updates for the previous chapters are up and running, so now I can focus on the development and final touches of chapter 5 (Trust me, it won't be a short chapter); which should be uploaded relatively soon. Now on to the cover image, I stated before that I would be hand-drawing the image; and honestly, I'm okay with the way it came out. It is what I envisioned Kanan to look like, so I hope that you all like it.*

*Until Next Time!*