"What—?! Why do I have to be paired up with Naruto?!"

"Sweet! I'm on the same team as Sakura! It sucks that I'm stuck with duck-butt..."

"What did you say about my precious Sasuke?!"


These are the shouts that rang though out the classroom of the Ninja Academy. Of course, everyone knew how much Sakura loved Sasuke but hated Naruto and how Naruto loved Sakura but hated Sasuke while Sasuke hated them both. Sadly enough, everyone knew it was going to be disaster when their teacher placed them all on the same team. Some laughed while others shook their heads in pity at whoever their new instructor was going to be. So, while everyone slowly left with their new teachers and their old teacher made his way to the Hokage, the three sat spread out in the empty room giving the illusion of being irritated, waiting on their late teacher, while sending unspoken messages to each other.

A tap on a desk.

He's late.

Crossing of feet.

Two hours is passed.

A loud groan.

We could've been outta here by now.

"Hey, I have an idea!"

"Naruto, could you be a little less loud? Why can't you be like Sasuke?"


A quick run to the chalkboard.

I wish this were a bomb.

A small raise on an eyebrow.

Don't kill our instructor just yet.

A flip of hair.

He'll deserve it.

While two members watched as their teammate place an eraser on top of the door, outside a cat yawned. Less then a minute later their new instructor stuck his head inside, glaring down at the three demons he was supposed to teach. Declaring his hatred to them for the eraser incident, he sent them to the roof silently calculating their profiles. A prankster, a fan-girl, and an avenger. Life hated him just as he hated them, so he gave them test. He watched as the prankster fell into the most obvious of traps, the fan-girl pass out from the death of her beloved, and the avenger not give two shits about either of the two. He felt sorry, as he tied the prankster to wooden pole—but not about giving them a second chance. He never thought, that they would break the simplest rule he gave as he watched them from tree. He smiled slightly, maybe his views will change? Taking a deep breath before jumping out he decided—maybe it was time for one.

"Woo! We passed! I'm now an official ninja!"

We can legally kill someone now.

"Hey, Sasuke—since we passed do you want to go on a date with me?"

Don't get carried away.


We can make an exception.

"Hey, hey, I'll go on one with you!"

A fat one!

"Ew, no thanks."

Are you crazy?



To say he knew his team was an understatement. He didn't seem to know them at all. After a mission outside of the village, he noticed that everything they did or said was always some type of coded message that only existed between the tree of them. He went through their files, questioned their peers, and even asked other teachers if they ever came cross each other besides the time in the academy. All of which, were the same answers. Naruto loved Sakura but hated Sasuke. Sakura loved Sasuke but hated Naruto. Sasuke hated them both. He tried to decode one of their conversations while he watched them pick weeds from a yard one day, but even after all of his ANBU training on hidden messages, he couldn't figure out what they were saying.

He watched as Sakura flipped her hair from doing laundry, soon after Naruto smacked the fence he was painting, and then Sasuke let out an almost silent huff as he planted a flower. However, he noticed while every hidden message had a pattern, theirs had none at all, making it impossible. He expected Sakura to do something with her hair again, but to his surprise, she shook a shirt hard making it seem she was getting rid of wrinkles. He glanced over to Naruto quickly as he heard three small taps and a confused look at the fence making it look as if he was missing a spot. He turned his attention to Sasuke who rubbed his hands, looking like he was removing dirt, and a shift of feet.

The problem was, all of these messages looked as if they were simply doing a mission but it always followed an order: Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke. Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke. Always in this order, but they threw him off a few times. He could see the three of them glance at him while he flipped pages in his book, but he wasn't expecting the order to be thrown off. He nearly placed his book down on another mission when suddenly the pattern changed to: Sasuke, Naruto, Sasuke. Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto. They knew he had caught on. He silently cursed as now, each pattern was never the same has it once had been. Fed up with their secret code, he questioned them directly the next day. The answers he got wasn't the denial he was expecting. He was expecting finger points and accusations, but all he got were smirks and a twinkle of the eyes.

"Oh, so you figured it out?"

"Good job Sensei! Looks like we can trust you."

"Trust would be too big of a word, what about 'accept'?"

"Yes, we accept you."

He soon learned that even their normal conversations out loud were coded. Drawing a frustrated breath after that days training, he walked to the academy to pay a visit to their old teacher.

Iruka had just dismissed his class for lunch when he had walked in. He took in the confused look on the academy teacher's face, lazily making his way to a desk.

"Kakashi, why are you here?"

"I have a question about my team..." he muttered after a while. He nearly smiled looking at a paper that had scribbled handwriting. He heard Iruka shuffle around some papers.

"What kind?" he asked then added. "Did Naruto pull a prank on you?"

He scoffed. Pranks were the least of his worries. "How did my team act while they were in the academy?"

He turned around as Iruka blinked. "Like they always have. Naruto likes—"

He waved his hand irritably. "That's not what I mean." He walked towards the teacher. "I mean, have they ever sent coded messages to make it seem like everyday actions are normal, but have a hidden meaning?"

Iruka quickly looked around, startling him by his actions. He was about to question them, when the old teacher spoke up. "Underneath the underneath." Words he had told his team right after he passed them. Apparently, Iruka knew but wasn't allowed to say—that made his situation more complicated.

Thanks for reading!