Disclaimer. I don't own glee.

Blaine didn't talk as he entered what he assumed was Kurt's house, the singer led him to a small bedroom before leaving him there with his suitcase. He didn't unpack his clothes, just sat with his arms crossed until the door opened and in came Dani, a smile on her face. "Hey Blaine. It's nice to see you again."

Blaine couldn't help but break his silent protest, "Under most circumstances I'd say the same. But under the one where I was kidnapped, the niceness has vanished."

She frowned, sitting next to him, "I can't explain Kurt's actions, only he can do that, but I apologize for them anyway."

Blaine nodded, finally uncrossing his arms. "I regret emailing him."

"Of course you do sweetie, but it was for the best. You'll see. Now if you're willing lets go. Kurt scheduled a doctor's appointment for you. But he can't go. I'm filling in and your Doctors appointment will be viewed by him on facetime. If you aren't willing I'll tell Kurt to shove it 'kay?"

Blaine sighed, standing with a flourish, "Please lets just go. The sooner he sees for himself that I'm pregnant the sooner I can get home."

Blaine was surprised to see Elliot in the driver seat of the car and glared at the man. "Woah, Blaine, play nice with me. Please."

Blaine shook his head, "You didn't stop Kurt from kidnapping me."

Elliot didn't speak again until the three were in the small clinic room, Elliot in the doctor's stool spinning as if he was still a kid. Finally, he stopped and faced Blaine. "This is the only time I'm going to explain it, we didn't stop Kurt because we can't stop Kurt. All we can do is make your life as easy as possible while we figure this out. Once we do you either go back home and this is forgotten or we go back to Kurt's, and we can discuss this."

"We? I wasn't aware I got pregnant by the whole band." Blaine deadpanned, arms crossed again, he wasn't happy with this situation.

But they didn't respond, Dani had just facetimed Kurt and the doctor entered shortly after. It didn't take long for it to be proved Blaine was pregnant and that his conception date was near the first week of June. Blaine couldn't help but be smug at the answer, even as the doctor explained it was too soon to get the fetus' DNA.

"Okay is that all we needed Kurt?" Dani asked, Kurt nodded the affirmative, and she smiled at the doctor. "Thank you. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other."

Once back at Kurt's Blaine was surprised to see there was food being placed on the table, and only two place mats made. Blaine looked to Dani and Elliot, "They aren't staying?"

"Nope. Don't worry I won't kill you in their absence. It appears we have a lot to talk about. I figured it was best without any distractions." Kurt said, not looking up from his careful placing of the things, Dani and Elliot left after giving Blaine sympathy pats and Kurt sat, glancing up at Blaine. "Sit."

Blaine did so, fingers closing around his knife and fork. "You were nicer that night."

"I wanted to fuck the living shit out of you that night. Tonight is a different story. Tonight I want to kill you." Kurt chuckled humorlessly, "Don't worry I won't."

Blaine slowly started cutting the steak, he was surprised to see it was cooked through and looked up again.

"Pregnant people aren't supposed to eat red meat." Kurt stated, his meat was more than a little pink.

Blaine didn't comment, maybe it was best he just eat his food, they could talk later. Once their food was gone Blaine was quick to pick up their plates, going to the sink, unsurprisingly Kurt didn't argue, just left the room, as if the thought of being alone with Blaine was too much. Once the dishes were done Blaine went to the living room where Kurt was sitting at a piano, fingers ghosting over the keys, playing a song without it actually being played.

"Blaine. Sit. We need to speak."

Blaine did so, crossing his arms again. "So what's the game plan. I'm not getting an abortion."

Kurt glared at Blaine, moving to the couch, "Don't you dare insult me like that. I might not be ready to set up daddy and me dates with the thing but it doesn't mean I want you to kill it."

"How am I supposed to know what you want? All of today has been one crazy after another. Don't expect me to go along with your crazy anymore."

Kurt nodded, fair enough. "Okay. Here's what would happen if I wasn't famous and in the public eye every day. I would have probably tried to date. And if that didn't work out I would have paid as many expenses as I could, and we would have settled on a custody arrangement. But I am famous. So it's going to work like this instead. You're going to move here, find a job if you want, if not that's fine. You will live here. You will join me and the band out in public for lunch, we'll lead people to think we're involved because eventually you will start showing. When you do I'll give some elaborate story about how we planned and how happy we are. We can have a large fallout after the baby is born then arrange a custody deal."

"You just get to decide to uproot my whole life?" Blaine asked, louder than he meant to.

"What are you keeping in Ohio? Is there a reason for you to stay there?" Kurt tossed back just as quickly.

"My family, my friends."

"Good thing it's the twenty-first century, they are just a phone call away. You can visit them until the doctors say not to." Kurt spoke calmly.

"Kurt I can't just be a tool for you to look good in the public eye. I have a life, I have friends and hopes and dreams and you just want me to move here and do nothing for the next nine months?"

"You think I'm asking you to move here because I want to look good in the public eye? I'm asking you to move here because that's my child in you. I want to be a part of its life. I can't do that from Ohio. I want to know when the baby first kicks, I want to go to the doctors appointments and its just easier to do that if you live here."

Blaine didn't speak, watching Kurt closely, as if judging how honest he was being before he nodded, "Give me the night to decide. But until then I'm going to bed, I'm beat."

Author's Apology.

I'm sorry this is so late. I have been working on this, and my other fics, just... life.

Here's the thing, don't expect a timely upload from me, it sucks but its life. About four years ago i started losing sight in my eye, now I'm legally blind (will eventually be fully blind), I have this odd condition that doesn't really have a name, I can use a computer some days, using the accessible tools to magnify pages and have my documents set to size 60, but some days my vision is just too blurry and the thought of typing alone will give me a headache. But I will promise you, I am trying, I will get this story complete, even if it takes another five years. It won't take another five years.

Until next time.

And if you have any questions, feel free to pm me.