She will be loved

Renee's pov

I woke up in a lot pain but not like I was yesterday. I looked to my left and saw Seth spread eagle on a cot snoring loudly with his foot pressed against Roman's face who was fast asleep next to him not snoring which was surprising since he was a 6'3, 265lb. Samoan, and Dean looked as though he threw himself on top of both of them with his butt in Seth's face. It made me laugh at the sight but I immediately stopped when I felt a dull ache in my ribs.

"Renee?" I looked at the door and Hunter standing there which surprised me

"Hi Hunter." I said attempting to sit up but immediately regretting it when I felt a sharp pain in my ribs again

"Relax. Don't make any sudden movements." He told me readjusting my pillows trying to make me as comfortable as possible

"Thanks for coming here. I know you're a very busy man."

"I care about all of my employees Renee. And I don't like when one of them is hurt. Especially the female ones. I have a soft spot for all of the Divas believe it or not but it's true. Its my responsibility to take care of you and yet you still ended up hurt." Hunter looked stressed but I didn't know why I mean… I'm just another Diva whose check he signs

"Its okay Mr. H. I'll be all set and ready to get back to work in no time." I reassured him and he smiled gratefully at my reassurance. We fell into a comfortable silence as I closed my eyes intent on getting more rest.

The comfortable silence was broken by a loud, obnoxious sound that came from the side of the room where the boys were sleeping. Hunter and I whipped heads towards them just in time to see Seth scrunch his nose up as he opened his eyes only to come face to face with Dean's butt. Well, face to butt.

"Ahhh!" Seth yelled pushing Dean off the bed which resulted in him pushing Roman off as well. Both men landed with a loud thud and groan which made me and Hunter laugh, this time I held my ribs in order to prevent any more pain

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Dean shouted pulling himself up from the floor


"SHUT UP!" This time it was Roman who yelled shoving both Dean and Seth to the floor, "Who pushed me?" He asked looking between the two men who were sitting on the floor glaring at one another

"Stupid." "Ugly." "Crazy." "Ass-kisser." "Lunatic." "Diva." "Butt-munch." (Shout out to whoever came up with that name. J)

"Take that back!" Dean gasped

"Nope." Seth said back smirking

"Stop acting like two year olds before you get us kicked out." Roman told them both

"He started it!" Dean exclaimed folding his arms in a childish manner

"I don't care. Quit it. Now." Roman's tone let the boys know he wasn't playing around with their childish antics

"Now that I've seen what you do outside the ring, I'm starting to wander why I hired you three." Hunter said chuckling to himself

"I still hate you." Seth said standing up and that's when Hunter and I took in all three men's attire.

Seth was standing there in nothing but Power Ranger themed boxers, Dean was in Joker themed boxers, and Roman- well Roman was in Superman themed briefs. They all turned around and when they realized we were staring they looked down at their underwear and back up at us with deep red blushes painting their cheeks.

"I'm gonna go put my clothes back on. Come on butt-munches." Roman said gathering his clothes from the pile on the floor and going into the bathroom as Seth and Dean followed

"They are such man-babies." Hunter said causing me to smile

"Yeah. They are." I agreed

Hunter's POV (Boo-yah. New POV people.)

Its all my fault. If I hadn't told Kevin about Renee she wouldn't be in here. I watched as she played with her fingers while staring at me with her head tilted. She does it a lot when she's thinking.

"Hunter… why do you care about me so much? I mean all I do is interview Superstars and Divas. I'm not that important." She told me looking down at her nails

"You are important, Renee. More important to me than you'll ever realize." I told as she looked at me confused

"DEAN! Give me back my shirt!" We both heard Seth yell

Seth's POV

Renee fell back asleep a few hours after Hunter left to go take care of some business but he said he'd be back later. Roman had gone to the airport to pick up Galina and JoJo while Dean… well I didn't know where Dean went. The doctors said that she needed her rest so I was glad she was sleeping. The doctor said she should be cleared to go home in a few days if everything went as planned. I was so glad I got to her when I did. I don't think I would survive if I lost her. I looked up at her beautiful sleeping face. She looked like an angel when she slept. She always asked me what I loved about her. I always told her there was a certain way she did things that made me love her. I don't know how Kevin could ever hurt her. She was the sweetest person you could ever know yet he beat her like she was a monster. I wish I could have stopped him but I didn't know.

"Seth?" I heard her soft voice whisper. I looked over and saw her sleepy smile as she held her hand out to me

"Hey baby." I said kissing the top of her hand gently

"Why are you still here?" She asked yawning

"Because I love you." I told her and she looked at me with a smile

"I know." That was always her response. I knew she wasn't ready to trust anyone yet so I accepted that she wasn't ready to say I love you.

A/N- Short chapter. I know. The net one will be longer. Enjoy!