One year later

Arthur walks into the royal chambers, eyes darting about. "Guinevere?"

"I'm here," she calls, her voice floating from behind a screen near one of the windows. "We both are."

He quickly makes his way over. "She's still eating?" he asks. "The ceremony is going to start soon!"

"You know she has always been a slow eater," she answers, looking up from the tiny bundle in her arms. "And it's not like they can start the princess' blessing ceremony without the princess."

He purses his lips, knowing she is right. He just hates being late, even though he is king, even to his own events. He exhales, blowing out a long breath. "I know."

"Arthur," she gently says, smiling up at him. "The people will understand. They already love her."

He smiles down at his daughter. His daughter. So much has happened in a year. He and Guinevere married a month after her return to Camelot, to no one's surprise. Queen Annis made the journey, and came very close to admitting she had hoped that he and Guinevere would find their way together.

Perhaps the most surprising thing was that Guinevere became pregnant almost immediately. The midwife even said it was possible that she could have conceived on their wedding night, which made Guinevere blush slightly as she remembered their post-nuptial activities. When she told Arthur that bit of information, he merely grinned and said, "Well, we certainly made enough attempts that night."

Because of the new queen's age and history, the midwife kept her on heavy restrictions throughout her pregnancy. It was a very stressful time for both Arthur and Guinevere. The new court physician, a strange but brilliant man called Alator, would look in on her from time to time, but never interfered with the midwife's responsibilities. The princes would visit regularly as well, telling their mother (they had a meeting and decided they wished to call Guinevere "Mother", if she was agreeable. She was.) about their training sessions and lessons with their new tutor.

When princess Eleanor Ygraine was finally born, healthy and without complications, the entire castle seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"There now," Guinevere softly says, lifting the baby to her shoulder.

"I'll take her," Arthur offers, reaching for his daughter and the cloth to put on his shoulder. He has already attended a Council meeting with a white splotch down the back of his shoulder, he does not wish to attend his daughter's blessing ceremony with one.

"Thank you," Guinevere answers, fixing her garments so she is covered and presentable. Her new maid hurries over to assist, making certain her mistress looks perfect.

"Merlin and Freya will be waiting just outside the doors," he says, patting Eleanor's back. "They will have us announced after they enter."

"Yes, I remember," Guinevere answers. Merlin married Freya a few months prior, and Freya is now Guinevere's lady in waiting. "She needs changing first."

Arthur sniffs. "Indeed. I thought I smelled something," he chuckles. The princess lets out a very undignified burp and he laughs more. "Come on, you," he says to her as he takes her to change. "We can't have you being a stinky princess or the people might start calling you 'Princess Smellanor'," he says, laughing at his own joke.

"Arthur! That's terrible!" Guinevere says, but she cannot help laughing with him. "And don't you dare let the boys hear you say that!"

"They would never," he replies. "They love her more than anyone. Well, except for you and me." He finishes changing Eleanor, and tells her, "Yes, because no one loves you more than we do," before kissing her plump cheek.

"Are you ready?" Guinevere asks, walking over.

"Are you?" Arthur counters, raising an eyebrow.

"Do I not look ready?"

He lets his eyes wander over her. "You look beautiful, my love."

"Thank you," she replies, looping her hand into the elbow of his unoccupied arm.

They are just about to step out, but then Arthur stops.

"Arthur?" Guinevere asks, looking up at him.

He bends down and kisses her lips, lingering over them in a way that suggests he has all the time in the world. "Do you remember when I said I hoped Mithian was not the great love of my life?"

She smiles and nods. "Of course I do."

"I can do more than hope now. I know she definitely was not." He kisses her again. "It's you, Guinevere. It has always been you."

"We just had to find each other," she agrees, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I'm so glad we did," he replies, kissing the top of her head before they walk out of their chambers and down to introduce their daughter to Camelot.
