So sorry about the long wait, everyone! Many things in my life have been making me CRAY-CRAY for a long while!

I'm just about finished with the next chapter but until it's finished, I'm putting up a preview for that chapter! To everyone following, commenting and adding Serenade of the Swan to your Favorite's list... I CAN'T THANK YOU GUYS ENOUGH!!

Chapter 4.5: First Bite (Ayame/Yui)

(Ayame's POV)

Both Oreo and my dear cousin ended up leaving the classroom for reasons unknown. ...Actually, scratch that - I had a good idea about what would occur soon! Either 'that', or Ayato wants to make out with her~!

In which case, that left me and Kitty being stuck alone with the Shota vampire and his adorable friend. Since we were the only ones in class so far, it felt like now would be a good time to converse with Kanato; after all, it didn't look as though anyone else would walk in at the moment.

With that in mind, I took a chance - abandoning my desk near the window with Kitty in hand, and made my way towards the lavender-haired vampire. He was giggling at something his teddy bear said, most likely a secret joke between the two of them, and had an affectionate smile directed to the little cutie.

Kanato must've noticed that I was staring, because he stopped giggling and his smile became a thin line. The insomniac Shota didn't appear upset or angry, rather... his entire demeanor became poker-faced - absolutely and completely devoid of emotion. To be honest, it made me worry that I probably shouldn't have bothered him, but I eventually sat down in a desk close to his.

"What is it, Ayame?"


...Well, he didn't look pissed off (that's a plus), but I couldn't just sit there and say nothing! Come on, girl, do something!!

Wait a sec...

My amber eyes landed on the stuffed animal in his embrace before turning to my own plushie. "I was wondering if we could talk... and if you could tell me what your friend's name is."

Kanato's blank expression briefly lit up. He looked surprised when I told him that I wanted to talk to him. "...Teddy." The child-like vampire turned his attention to my plushie, asking me, "What's her name?"

I smiled, happy I managed to avoid a tantrum from Kanato! My hands brought the black cat plushie from my lap and up to my chin. "This is Kitty."

The purple-ette tilted his head to the side just as his pale lips curled into a small smile. He surprised me even more by leaning closer to Kitty, and examining her from head to toe. While he was doing that, I too inspected his friend; noting how Teddy's belly, snout, paws and the inside of his ears were a light shade of biege.

Teddy had his adorable, beady brown eye staring at me as I took an interest in the design etched onto the eye patch covering his left iris. Its intricate pattern was of a heart-like key bathed in gold. Now, anyone would call me crazy for this, but I found the accessory to be a unique embellishment for emphasizing Teddy's cuteness~!

It looked like Kanato also finished his examination of Kitty, because he stepped back with his little friend still in his arms; he was about to say something until the remaining students for our class arrived. When they were seated, everyone filled the room with various conversations and gossiping.

I couldn't help but notice how a few girls in the class kept staring at me and whispering to each other. This went on for a few more minutes, and I was about to ask them what the deal was until the teacher walked in.

*A few hours later*

(Yui's POV)

The sound of water bubbling woke me up from my heavy slumber. Despite my groggy and confused state, I was able to summon enough strength to open my eyes. In doing so, I found myself no longer on school grounds but lying close to a very familiar pool. I had no idea why I was back here until I heard someone ask if I was awake.

The person in question was none other than Ayato. He sat across from me with my bow in hand, irritation flashed in his green irises. It was then that the events leading to my current situation hit me: making the snack the redhead happily indulged in, being cornered by him not long after, and the painful, sullied ecstasy I felt as he fed on me*!

Remembering the incident which led to my now anemic condition put me in a state of panic; making me crawl back farther into the loveseat I've lain on, hoping to put some distance between me and the sadistic bad boy.

In response to my attempt to flee, he stood up and walked close to where I was lying.

(Ayato's POV)

Considering how Pancake's still frail from my first feeding, she's less than likely to escape from me in her current state. As I towered over her pitiful form, the platinum blonde had the gall to inquire why I drank her blood.

So she still hasn't processed - through that thick, stupid head of hers - how this works out!

Even though it was only a question, the fact remained that Pancake was getting herself - unknowingly - into hot water if she keeps up this defiant facade of hers! That stupid girl's beginning to piss me o-

My lime green irises blinked just as an epiphany struck me.

Actually... If she wants to keep up that shitty act...

Without saying a word, I pulled her into my arms - not giving a damn about how I held her like a groom would to his bride - and held her in a firm grip so the blond Loli wouldn't have a chance at squirming out of my arms. I took slow and methodical steps towards the edge of the pool, all the while Pancake shook like a leaf.

The fear I felt radiating from her would've excited me right now, but I wasn't in the mood to soak in Pancake's anxiety. If she didn't understand after the first time I sampled her, then she DEFINITELY would now.

"Your life is now at my mercy. I can do whatever I see fit to do," With that, I threw Pancake into the pool, "so stop complaining about every. Little. Thing!!"

The girl managed to let out a yelp before plummeting into the deep water. Despite that, it still wasn't enough to lift my sour mood. Pancake struggling in her pitiful attempt to swim back up to the pool's surface was simply pathetic!

"Now, tell me," I growled, "tell me I'm the best! That I'm better than my brothers, better than anyone else... And that you belong to ME alone!"

The sounds of coughing became audible as soon as Pancake arose from the water, pitifully waving her arms all over the place. Her wavy locks were just as soaked as the frail girl's school uniform. "Ayato, please I -" The youthful girl struggled to cry out while trying not to sink, "I can't... I CAN'T SWIM!!"

As I stared blankly at her struggling in the aquatic setting, the image of a small hand in water came to mind, forcing me to look back on a memory - an infernal memory I so desperately wanted to forget...


It was outside of my childhood home and closer to the lush trees surrounding the castle. I had my hand outstretched as I tried not to sink underwater; my large peridot eyes were filled with fear while screaming and crying for help.

However, none of my pleas or my tear-stained face won any pity from HER. All the pale woman did was watch me in apathy with a cruel expression on her beautiful face. By the time I sank into the lake, she was long gone and I thought I was going to die that day.

Just as I sank lower into the aquatic abyss, something warm grabbed my wrist -

"Help Me...!"

Hearing Pancake's cry snapped me out of my trance, and I swan dived into the pool without a second thought. It didn't take long for me to reach her at the bottom of this watery environment and pull her passed out form closer to me.

But what I did next, even if it was done only so she wouldn't die on me, would unsettle me for quite a while.