Note: Thank you so much for all your reviews. Another thank you to Wenwalke for all her help. So here is the last chapter. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter Seven

"What the hell?" Steve flew into his friend's ICU room, quickly followed by the rest of the team. Both Chin and Lou grabbed Steve and held him back.

"Steve, don't." Chin warned.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" The ex-SEAL growled at the two FBI agents. He was cursing himself for leaving Danny and allowing them to enter his friend's room.

After their brief conversation, the night doctor had checked Danny over and reassured them both that Danny was doing well. The blonde detective had then slept for the rest of the night until the morning, when he woke complaining of pain in his abdomen. A strong dose of pain relief had settled it, but also sent him back off to the land of nod. The team had arrived and persuaded Steve to leave his friend's side and go get some breakfast. Now returning to Danny's room he was infuriated to see the two men he blamed for Danny's injuries stood either side of his partner's bed.

"Stand down Steve, it's ok." Danny attempted to cool his friend's temper.

"No Danny, it's not ok. You're in the ICU. You're not well, and it's all these guys fault. Now they turn up to question you."

"Commander McGarrett, I can assure you we checked with his doctor first, and Detective Williams consented to our visit." Agent Smith stood his ground.

"Steve, it's ok. I said I would talk to them, and they were just leaving." Danny shifted uncomfortably and Steve hurried to his side, barging past Agent Wesson so he could help arrange Danny's pillows to better support him.

"Yes, we were just leaving. Detective Williams, thank you for your help, and again we are sorry for what arose from the situation." Agent Wesson started to retreat as he felt the anger of all the team start to rise.

"Just make sure you follow through on that promise you made me. I'll forward you my report once I'm feeling up to it, and able to type." The splints were going to delay his ability to type for some time, and part of Danny was grateful for that, he wasn't in a rush to re live his attack.

"I'll take care of it, Detective. Our office will forward the details to you." Agent Smith followed his partner out of the room.

Danny smiled at Steve. "That's quite a shiner Agent Wesson is sporting. Your handiwork I presume?"

"He had it coming." Steve shrugged. "What did they promise you? Do I need to go after them?"

Danny attempted to raise the head of the bed so he could sit up more, but failed miserably with his hands still in splints for his wrists. "No, you don't. Sit down will you and relax, I'm fine."

Steve took the bed control and slowly elevated Danny's head. None of the team missed how Danny suddenly braced his stomach, and was obviously in pain from his abused stomach muscles.

"So what did they promise you, Danny?" Kono was intrigued.

Taking a few deep breaths, and waiting for the pain to die down, Danny finally started to explain. "The FBI seized all of Ivonov's assets. I persuaded them to sell me one off those assets."

"Sell you what? You getting Steve an early Christmas present from Ivonov's armoury?" Lou joked.

"Not quite. It's more a present for Gracie."

Chin realised immediately what Danny was talking about. "Well I guess he really is Ohana now then."

"Who?" Kono looked back and forth between her cousin and Danny.

"Gracie always wanted a pony. Now she gets a black stallion."

"The horse, you bought the horse?" Kono asked amazed.

"He saved my life. The FBI are gonna sign him over to me and sort out stables for him. Gracie will have to wait until he is fully healed to ride him, but he deserves a good life."

"Danny that was a thoroughbred animal, how the hell are you gonna afford him? Stables aren't cheap, Samantha wanted riding lessons when she was little and they cost enough, but her own horse." Lou wasn't sure Danny had thought this through.

"Don't worry, the FBI are selling him to me for a dollar. And I have an idea for the stable fees. Agent Smith is sorting it for me."

"What I want to know is how did you manage to get free?" Chin couldn't help but flash back to Danny charging out of the stable on the back of the horse.

Danny sighed, ready to tell his story, but Steve protectively spoke up, "you don't have to tell us if you're not ready."

"No, it's fine. I'm just not sure you'll believe me." Danny wasn't sure himself how he had managed to pull off such an acrobatic feat, he didn't think the others would believe it either.

"Of course we'll believe you." Kono carefully perched on the end of Danny's bed.

"The big guy, Puka, was coming at me with the hoof knife again and I saw my chance. I kicked the knife away, choked him out with my legs then managed to get the knife with my feet. Once I got the knife in my hands I could cut through the rope, and then the only way out was the door."

"You're right we don't believe you." Lou dead panned back causing the others to chuckle.

"Well if I'd have known you guys were about to turn up, I'd have stayed hanging out in the stable and awaited rescue."

"Well however you managed it, I'm grateful that you are ok. Well, will be ok." Kono corrected herself. Saying Danny was ok being far from the truth. He was after all still in the ICU, with monitors, central lines and a catheter, and he would likely be left with permanent scars on his back.

"Me too, babe. Thank you all for finding me, I knew you would have my back. I was just... just worried it might not be in time." Danny was obviously starting to falter. This was the most he had been awake since the surgery, and his eyes were starting to droop.

"Hey man, you look tired. The FBI has worn you out. We should let you rest." Lou knew Steve wouldn't leave, but Danny would rest with Steve by his side. But if he and the cousins stayed, their stubborn friend would fight it and make himself sicker.

Kono leaned over and gently kissed Danny's forehead. "We'll come back later."

"We'll bring food." Chin added.

"Thanks, guys." Danny smiled then nodded to Steve who had picked up the bed control again ready to lower Danny down.

The team left, pleased to have been able to speak to Danny, even if he was still weak and spending most of his time asleep.

Steve watched his friend's eyes slip shut, and his breathing even out. Minutes later he was sure he was asleep again, so settled back in the chair and decided to get some sleep himself.


"Danny are you sure you are up to this? I'm sure Grace wouldn't mind waiting a few more days until you're doing better." Steve was concerned as he watched his friend climb out of the truck. His posture was hunched, walking stooped over helped with the pain in his abdomen. A heavy limp caused Danny to grimace with every step. His thigh wound was healing well, and the wounds to his feet from scraping across the floor were almost completely healed. But he wasn't up to walking long distances just yet.

"Yes I'm sure. I'm fine. Come on, the others are over there."

"Are you sure Danno, I can wait, I really can." Grace came closer to her dad and put her arm around him to support him.

"Danny, you just spent six days in hospital. Two of those in the ICU. You were only discharged yesterday. Grace only just got back into town, and... I'm talking to myself." Steve sighed as Danny was already on the move, slowly making his way other to where the cousins, and Lou, were talking to an older man by the fence to a large field.

"Awe, no Charlie?" Kono looked disappointed.

"No, sorry guys. His immune system isn't quite up to this yet." Danny straightened a little as he reached his friends. "Arthur, good to see you again. Thank you so much for taking him." Danny shook the hand of the older man.

"Are you kidding me? It's a pleasure to have a horse of his quality."

"You guys already know each other?" Chin asked confused. He prided himself on his knowledge of the island, but he was surprised that he didn't know about the stables that was located so close to Danny's house. If he didn't know about it, he was surprised Danny did.

"Yeah. I met Arthur at the hospital while Charlie was a patient. We got talking and realised we didn't live too far away from each other. Arthur owns the livery, but they don't just stable people's horses. They run a community program that helps children with disabilities. The kids come for riding lessons, and get so much from it." Danny explained.

"Wow, that sounds great. I bet it's very rewarding." Steve said in admiration.

"It is. Seeing a child with autism that doesn't usual speak come to life, and say a few words, is all the thanks that I need." Arthur beamed with pride.

"Arthur has kindly agreed to stable the horse for me for free, in return for being able to use him in the program. Grace and Charlie will be able to ride him whenever he's not being used. I can't thank him enough."

"I'm the one that can't thank you enough. With an extra horse we can now take on extra children."

"It's a win win situation then." Danny beamed.

"Danno, which one is he?" Grace looked out into the field excitedly. All she had been told was that Danny had been hurt on a case and he had used the horse to get away. Her dad had been so grateful he had bought the horse.

"He's the black one, over there." Danny pointed to a stunning black horse at the far side of the field grazing along size a grey and white mare, that looked familiar to Danny, and he looked at Arthur.

"You recognize her?" Arthur smiled. "The FBI felt it would be a shame to split them up. They donated her to the program too."

"Wow, I guess Agents Smith and Wesson weren't all bad then." Chin smiled.

"I guess not." Steve agreed.

Danny moved closer to the fence, leaning on it to take some of the weight off his injured leg. As if by some sixth sense the horse looked up. Suddenly it started to gallop over.

"Wow, he looks like he's moving ok." Danny was relieved to see the horse wasn't too badly hurt.

"He's healing up just fine. Not long till we can start riding him." Arthur stated.

The horse started to slow, and trotted over to the fence where he immediately nudged Danny, almost knocking him off his unsteady feet. "Whoa, take it easy buddy. It's good to see you too."

Grace reached out and stroked the beautiful horse. "He's amazing, Danno. What's he called?"

"Err…, I don't actually know." Danny suddenly realised.

"FBI didn't know either." Arthur explained.

"Looks like you're gonna have to name him, Danny." Kono joined in stroking the horse.

"Looks like I am." Danny thought for a second, then started to smile when he settled on the perfect name. "His name is, Koa."

Everyone smiled, it was the perfect name, the horse even nudged Danny as if in approval.

"I like it Danno, but what does it mean?" Grace asked.

Chin placed a hand on Danny's shoulder. "It means brave. It's the perfect name for him."

"It sure is." Steve helped Grace to climb the fence so she could stroke Koa's mane.

"I can't wait to ride him."

"Just make sure you have all the right protective gear on. Hat, boots..."

"Cotton wool?" Steve suggested, which gained small giggles all around.

"Ha, ha. So I'm over protective. Which is why you are getting proper lessons." Danny insisted.

"My granddaughter will be happy to teach her, Danny." Arthur offered. "And once you're up to it, I'll show you the ropes."

"That would be great, Arthur."

"Oh this I got to see." Lou smirked.

"Hey, I can teach you to ride." Steve offered.

"Err, thanks for the offer but I think I'll stick with Arthur. I've seen your riding before, it's almost as scary as your driving." Danny responded.

"There is nothing wrong with my driving, Danny." Steve moved forward and admired Koa.

"We'll agree to disagree on that one. Oh and don't get any ideas about riding him. I may let you steal my car, but you're not stealing my stallion."

"A beautiful car like that is meant to be driven fast, Danny. Just like a beautiful horse is meant to be ridden fast." Steve reasoned.

"Not gonna happen, buddy. Arthur don't let him anywhere near Koa. The repair bills for the Camaro are bad enough. I'm not paying vet bills as well."

"Hey, you're the one that got him shot." Steve pointed out, just as Koa rubbed his head against Danny's arm.

Danny ran his hand up and down Koa's neck, admiring the powerful muscles. "I guess Koa and I have something in common then. We still love the idiot that gets us shot."

Everyone broke out laughing, except Arthur who was unaware of Steve's tendency to be a bullet magnet.

The team spent a little longer admiring Koa, and chatting to Arthur, before Steve called an end to the visit when Danny was obviously starting to struggle with standing. Securing Danny and Grace back in the truck, Steve paused for a second to admire Koa in the field. That horse was one of the reasons his best friend was still alive, and he made a mental note to make sure he sent a bag of carrots, or apples his way, once a week.