
I died.

I died and was born again.

I'm mean I don't mind much. Sure I was scared when I realized I was reborn but I've come to terms with it, for the most part.

Being born again and able to remember my past life including how I died isn't all that great. At times I wish I wasn't able to remember my old life, they bring me down if I think too much on it. Other times I'm glad because I don't want to forget, I don't want to lose that little part of me that used to be who I was before I was reborn.

My new life is different from my old one but no less filled with love. My father's a businessman and my mother's a florist. They're very nice and caring, always making sure I'm okay or if I need anything. I'm very grateful to have them as parents, so I do my best to help them with whatever problems they have and make sure they're happy. They worry about me sometimes, say I'm too quiet or too reserved at times. I can't help it, in my past life I wasn't much of a bubbly person and I tended to steer clear of anything that required too much interaction with people. The only times I was ever open was with my family and the few friends I had. My mother keeps saying that I need to get out more and make some friends. My father's been tempted to take me to work with him, which no.

So as to ease their minds, I've taken up babysitting the kids in my neighborhood and doing little odd jobs here and there. My mother thinks it's brilliant (and another way to keep an eye on me) and my father finds it useful that I'm making connections at such a young age, good qualities for a businessman to have so he says. They're happy that I'm doing something other than just going to school, doing chores, or just lazing about the house. I'm content with what I'm doing, I used to babysit for family in my old life, so kids are no problem for me. However, the odd jobs I do are interesting I've never done that before in my old life and it's interesting. Also, it's nice meeting new people, except the eccentric ones but they're nice too, most of the time.

I'm doing okay, I suppose. I could do without being a middle schooler again and the fact my hair is pink AND that I'm a boy, I mean, pink really, am I in some kind of anime or something, yeesh. Bad enough that I'm a boy, god I fear for when puberty hits me, but having pink hair, really, talk about bully magnet, but I digress.

This second chance in life is quite nice, minus the few changes to my person but I'll live, life is normal which is good. Although I can't help but get this feeling that something big is going to happen…Ah well, a thought for another time.

So yeah…idk where I'm going with this but I have an idea, somewhat. This has been in my head for a while now and I know it's been done a million times already but what's one more SI or OC fic gonna hurt. It kinda hit me when I was reading one piece. I was like, 'what's going on in bleach? Last thing I remember is ichigo trying to regain his powers again or something.' So that lead me to looking for what's been going on in bleach and…yea got me pumped up to read bleach again (haven't started yet). Also these good fanfics I discovered while I was wondering what's been going on, so yeah this fic was born.

The gist of this fic (gonna need to iron out some ideas, I mean I'm all over the place with this) is going to be the SI taking care of ichigo and his little rag tag group. He's gonna be their little safe haven, their go to person that they can confine in, their advice guru who doesn't know how to give advice for these kinds of situations but tries his best anyway, their go-to for comfort and shit.

(I mean who lets kids go about doing this kind of shit, I mean he's fifteen too young bro, too young. I mean it was fun reading it when I was younger but now that I look back at what I can remember shit, someone please hug these children, comfort them tell them what the heck is going on their still young, I mean they can't figure everything out themselves. Like I want to swamp them in blankets and hot chocolate and pillows.)

Anyway, I haven't decided if I want to give him powers or not, but he will be able to see hollows and spirits later on since he spends time with ichigo (since he release so much reiatsu it kinda rubs off on the people around him. Idk if this is canon or fanon but whatevs.) Also the first few chapters are going to be before ichigo mets rukia, so it's going to be a slow start.

As always, comment, review, critique or whatever just hit me with what you got for this.

As a safe precaution I don't own bleach or any of its characters, if I did they would probably be older so I can ship them with other characters and I won't feel like some kind of pedo for liking them.