I started this little collection of Miraculous Ladybug oneshots. It definitely won't be updated regularly, but I needed a place to post my drabbles and thought it would be best to contain them all in one spot. These short little stories won't always be focused on the main pairing either. It's really fun to write about some of the side characters because I love them all so much. I never loved a cast of characters this much aside from Detective Conan.

As you can see, this fic is about Kim and Alix. For some odd reason, I want this to become real so bad. I'm not sure why, but they do seem perfect for each other. :D

"Hey, Kubdel," Kim shouted in a gruff voice. The entire class turned their heads to see what he was yelling about this time. Class had just ended and Kim couldn't even wait until everyone had left before issuing another dare. Kim approached the pink-haired girl at her table and slammed his hand down in front of her. "You vs. me, outside right now in a race around the park. Since I'm feeling generous, I'll even let you use your skates." Kim crossed his arms with a satisfied grin. Alix looked up at Kim with a raised eyebrow. Could this guy not back off with the competitions for a single day? Just yesterday, he challenged Alix to an eating contest to which she politely declined. That wasn't up her alley.

"You're on, Kim," Alix agreed, allowing herself succumb to her competitive spirit. "I'll meet you out there in 10 minutes." Kim gave her a cheeky smile and left the classroom with his trusty companion, Max, right behind him. As per usual, Max would officiate Kim and Alix's race. The duo disappeared, leaving Alix behind. She put her books in her bag and stood up with a loud sigh. Marinette and Alya noticed that Alix looked a little down and walked over to her. "Is something wrong?" Marinette asked as she placed her hand on Alix's shoulder. "You don't look very good." Alix had a hesitant look in her eye. It was clear she was hiding something, but was debating whether or not to tell Marinette and Alya. "It's okay," Alya smiled. "You can tell us. We won't tell anyone, especially not Chloe." By now, everyone else had left the classroom, so there was no one left to hear what Alix had to say.

"It's about… Kim," Alix mumbled. Her face turned red like a tomato and both Marinette and Alya's faces lit up. They knew what that reaction meant from their own romantic experiences. Well, mostly Marinette's awkward romantic experiences. It meant Alix had a crush on Kim. Marinette gave Alix a tight hug, making Alix slightly uncomfortable. "Umm… Marinette," she said. "You're squishing me."

"Sorry," Marinette squeaked, letting go. "I'm just so excited for you. I never thought you'd be one to fall in love."

"Neither did I," Alix admitted. "And with a complete and utter loser at that. All that idiot ever wants to do is compete with me. I'm just his rival and nothing more than that. I doubt I'm even on his radar. He prefers pretty girls like Chloe and not tomboys like me." Alix looked hurt and her eyes were full of despair. Marinette and Alya knew this couldn't stand. "Don't say that," Marinette smiled. "You're pretty too, Alix. Just in a different way than Chloe and I think I like your way much better. You just need to show Kim your feelings and I'm sure everything will work out just fine. Have faith in yourself." Alya rolled her eyes at her best friend's words. If only she knew how much of a hypocrite she was being. Alix balled her hand into a fist and punched the air. "You're right!" she exclaimed. "I'll go at him with everything I've got. This is one competition I refuse to lose. Thanks guys!"

Alix sprinted out of the room at full speed. She planned to kick Kim's ass in the race around the park and show him her true charm. She was going to win him over no matter what. Marinette and Alya watched Alix run away. "I think she might have misunderstood what you were saying," Alya remarked. Marinette leaned onto Alya's shoulder and gave her a small smile. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Alix needs to show off her love in her own way. All we can do from here is watch."

"That means we can focus on your love problems now, right?" Alya smirked. "Let me call Adrien real quick." Alya took her phone out of her bag and Marinette quickly grabbed it from her hands. "N-no! I'm fine!" Marinette stammered. "Now, let's go watch that race!" Alya laughed loudly and agreed. The two girls headed outside to see the showdown between Kim and Alix.

Outside in the park, most of the class had already gathered to witness the race. Alix had laced up her skates and Kim was stretching along the fence. Both had a look of determination in their eyes, but for different reasons. Max took a stick and drew a starting line in the dirt. He asked all spectators to step back as Alix and Kim approached the line. "What will be wagered on today's dare?" Max asked Kim. "If I win, Kubdel has to buy me lunch for a week." Alix nodded to signal that she agreed to these terms. Max turned to Alix to ask her what she wanted to wager. "If I win," Alix said, staring Kim straight in the eyes. "You have to let me do whatever I want to you for one day." Kim gave her a suspicious glare. He wondered what kind of horrors Alix had in mind for him if he lost. "Don't lose! Don't lose! Don't lose!" he whispered to himself. He glanced over at Alix and noticed that she looked particularly determined this afternoon. Her eyes radiated confidence and her figure was imposing and strong. If it hadn't been Alix, Kim definitely would've been attracted to a girl like that.

"Rules are 3 laps around the park. First person to finish is the winner," Max explained. He pushed his glasses up his nose. "Get ready! On your marks! Get set!" Alix and Kim leaned forward in starting position. "You're going down," Kim said to Alix. "Get ready to eat those words," Alix retorted.


And they were both off. Kim ran off in a mad dash to the corner of the park. He felt like he had a limitless supply of energy. There was no way Alix was beating him. Alix, on the other hand, propelled herself forward on her skates, trying to make up ground behind Kim. It was difficult to skate on the park's grassy earth. The ground was uneven and she could lose her balance at any moment. If she fell down, the race was all over. Alix managed to catch back up with Kim, entering the second lap. She could hear the cheers of her classmates, especially those of Marinette and Alya. "C'mon, Alix! Show him what you've got, girl!" Alya chanted. Marinette yelled, "You can do it!" As Alix skated by, she caught a short glimpse of Adrien standing right behind Marinette. He was almost touching her, he was close. Alix giggled to herself. Marinette was so dedicated to cheering on Alix, she hadn't even noticed her crush standing right behind her. It made Alix happy to know that she had friends as great as Marinette and Alya. She definitely had to win this race now.

She and Kim came through on their second lap, entering their third. Both of them were neck and neck. This last lap would determine the victor. Kim and Alix turned the last corner with the finish line in sight. Kim was breathing heavily, ready to give a final push to victory. Alix was prepared to shoot herself forward. She was so focused on the finish that she didn't see the tree branch sticking out in her path. She skated over it, causing her to be airborne for a brief moment and then plummet to the ground. She fell onto the dirt, getting it all over her pants. Thank goodness she has been wearing a helmet or she could have seriously hurt her head. Her arms and legs were scratched up. There was a cut on her leg that stung and was beginning to bleed. Alix let out a cry in pain, but remained motionless. She didn't want to get up. She knew she had lost.

"Damn it," she cursed. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" She slammed her fist on the ground as a few tears fell from her eyes. This was the one time she needed to win and she had completely failed instead. Alix heard footsteps running towards her. They belonged to her worried friends. She expected Marinette and Alya to come help her up, but instead she saw a large shadow fall over her. Alix looked up and saw Kim hovering over her. He reached out his hand to her. He looked worried, something Alix had never seen from him before. "Are you okay?" he asked. Alix took his hand and Kim pulled her to her feet. She attempted to brush some of the dirt of and adjusted her helmet. "I'll be fine," she replied quietly. "I guess you win. You better figure out what for you want for lunch the rest of the week." Alix began to walk away, trying to hold back tears. This wasn't the time to cry. She didn't want Kim to think she was a pathetic, little wimp and a sore loser. She had to keep herself pulled together. Alix felt a hand wrap around her wrist. It was Kim's.

"You don't owe me anything since I didn't finish the race…" Kim trailed off. He immediately let go of Alix's arm after realizing what he had done. He didn't know why he felt the urge to suddenly grab her. "It's just that…" he continued on. "It wouldn't be fair since you fell and all." By now, everyone had gathered around Alix to make sure she was okay. Rose had pulled out some band-aids and was ripping off the packaging. Marinette wanted to ask Alix if she was okay, but didn't want to ruin her little moment with Kim. She watched them patiently.

"Thanks," Alix smiled. "Let's have a rematch then tomorrow, but maybe not in the park." Kim nodded in agreement. "You're on."

"One more thing, Kim," Alix said. She gestured for Kim to lean in close to her. He bent down and moved his face close to hers. "What is it, Kubdel?" Alix grinned and leaned forward on her toes. She gave Kim a small kiss on the cheek. "That's for being a gentleman today. I appreciate it." Everything went silent around them. Their friends couldn't believe what they had just witnessed. Alix had just kissed somebody and it had been Kim. Alix turned around and walked towards a nearby bench. She sat down and said, "Rose, can you bring those band-aids here? This cut is starting to get real nasty!" Rose hurried over to help her friend with her wound. Marinette and Alya looked at each other and started to laugh. They gave Kim a wink and walked over to talk to Alix.

Kim was left standing, speechless. His brain was trying to comprehend what just happened. "Kim?" Max said, waving his hand in front of Kim's face. "Are you there?" Kim slapped Max's hand away and growled, "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." He turned away from everyone, so his back was facing the crowd. It was to hide his bright red face. "Since when did Alix get so cute?" he whispered so softly that no one else could hear.