Guest- Thanks for telling me. I'm probably not going to play it, but I can always watch a playthrough of it.

The next day Pete, Nick, and I went out to the river for some fish. Not even 5 minutes into the walk to the river, Nick announced that he had to pee. Pete and I rolled our eyes while Nick off to go pee. We decided to leave his ass and continue on.

"Won't Nick get mad that we're leaving him?"

"He knows where the river is and he's got a gun. He can take care of himself…sort of." A few minutes into the walk, Pete started telling me about how big of a pussy Nick was. When Nick was around my age, Pete took him on a hunting trip and the pussy couldn't shoot the deer.

"Ha! What a baby!" I smirked. Pete just smiled and then said pussy showed up.

"Why did you wait for me?" Nick glared at Pete.

"Do you think we wanna stand around and wait while you piss on a tree? You know where the river is boy."

"You still could have waited." he mumbled as we started walking again.

"Pete, do you know if they're going to be any fish?"

"I hope so. With Rebecca eating like she does, we'll need a lot of food."

"Why not just kill her and take out the baby?" they looked at me. "What? She's obviously a bitch.

I'll happily make her death slow and painful."

"You're evil." said Nick looking at me strangely.

"And you smell like ass most of the time." I walked on ahead.

Soon we arrived to the stream, but there were bodies everywhere, dead. We all looked in horror. "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph..."

"Wow! What happened here?" I looked a little scared. "Who did this?"

"I'll bet it was Carver." said Pete.

"Well what do you expect from someone like him?" said Nick.

I remember them saying something about Carver when they were trying to decide what to do about me. "Who the heck is Carver?"

They just glanced at each other. Pete walked away toward a body. "Let's get a quick look around."

"What? Oh hell no! I'm not sticking around!" Nick backed up a bit, clearly terrified.

"Don't act like a pussy, Nick." I said even though I was kind of thinking the same thing. "Someone might have some ammunition or might be alive."

"She's right, Nick." Pete pointed to some bodies. "You two can go look over there. I'll check over here."

We both nodded and checked the bodies. All dead and shot in the head. "These are dead."

"Shot in the head?"

"Yeah..." I looked across the stream. "There's more over there!"

Pete nodded. "Nick, you keep a look out while Clementine and I look over there."

"Okay, but hurry up." Nick said.

Pete and I looked around finding nothing until I spotted the asshole that attacked me and Christa and my backpack. He reached out for my back, which had water in it. I pushed the bottle inside of my bag and closed it, glaring at him. I refused to let this asshole drink my water after taking away my dinner...oh and Christa. Suddenly I heard fires being shot and Pete groaning in pain. I turned and saw Pete's ankle. He was bit! looked over at Nick who was shooting at some zombies.

"Damn it...get both your asses over here!" he called at us. Meanwhile Nick was calling us too. I hesitated before running towards Nick. Just then we heard Pete scream and when I looked he was getting bitten by walkers. Nick then proceeded to give me shit about not helping him as were running. "What the hell was I supposed to do, asshole?! Shoot at them? With what? A GUN I DON'T HAVE!?"

"Well you could of…you should…dammit…"

"The fucker was bit anyways. There was no helping him!" I yelled as we ran. "He was going to die anyways."

Nick looked back, looking sad. We were soon trapped inside of some sort of shed. I sighed, looking around. I noticed some jars and picked one up.

"What's that?"

I shrugged and handed him the jar. He opened it up, sniffed it, and drunk it.

"What the hell? That could be pee, dummy!"

"It's whiskey."

"Too bad it wasn't rat poison. We could have used it." I yawned.

"Want some?"

"W-what?" I looked down at the bottle. "Do you have cooties?"

"You still believe in that shit?" Nick smirked.

"Well duh! You have cooties or not?"

"Of course not." I lied grabbed the bottle from his hand and drunk some. It was nasty as hell, but being thirsty as hell, I still drunk it. After a few minutes, we went through a couple more jars. For some reason, I even found him sexy as hell and felt a little fuzzy inside. "Oooooh, Luke. Have I ever told you how good you look?"

"You're just saying that..." he slurred. "And it's Nick.

"Right...anyway, I mean it..." I giggled. "You're really remind me of someone I really liked once."

"Oh?" he drunk some more whiskey.

"He was pretty cute...too bad he died." I sat on Nick's lap. "You know...nobody's around. How about a little kiss? Or maybe you and I could make like you and Luke and do like they do on the Discovery Channel!"

"Wait, what?"

"I'm kidding, stupid boy." I thought for a full minute, before smirking. "Hey, Nick. A grown man like you should be hydrated. Drink some more."

"Happily." Nick slurred and drunk more and more. After a few more drinks, I popped the questioned on him.

"What do you think about Sarah?" I asked.

"Man, what don't I think about that nice piece of sexy ass."

"Oh?" I held out the recorder I had hidden. "Can you repeat that a little more for me?"

"I said she has a nice ass. Man, I would love to plow that ass all night." Nick had a dreamy look on his face. "I'd bust all kinds of nuts inside of her all night long and all year long."

"Would you creampie her?"

"Oh yeah I would. As matter of fact, I'd creampie her so bad, we'd have enough 'cream' to fill up a fucking cake."

"Interesting." I made a face. Nick then went into great detail about what he would do to Sarah if he ever got the chance. After even 2 minutes in, I started to fear for Sarah. What Nick wanted to do was beyond insane. If he ever got Sarah alone and drunk, she'd be ruined forever. Maybe Sarah shouldn't get with this nut that wanted to do all of this perverted shit.

"…and then I'd make her suck on it like it was a piece of candy." Nick licked his lips.

"That's disgusting, Nick." I made a face.

"Like you would even know what I'm talking about, kid."

"You keep saying that." I rolled my eyes as I stopped the tape. I got up and peeked outside. The walkers had cleared out a bit and now only a few walkers were outside just chilling…uh standing and walking around as walkers usually do. "We can leave now, Nick."

"Naaaaaaaaah…" Nick drunk some more whiskey. "I'm just gonna hang here and masturbate. That means I'm gonna have my fucking dick out."

"I didn't need to know that." I felt sick in the stomach as Nick unzipped his pants. "Well I'll go back and get the others to get you because I'm not gonna…HEY!"

I had barely managed to dodge the whiskey jar he threw at me. "GET OUT SO I CAN JERK OFF, KID!"

"Geez, don't have to tell me twice." I quickly gathered up a few more jars along with a sack. "See ya, asshole."

Looking around, I watched to see if any walkers were close and I took off running. I was relieved when I finally saw the house. I turned the doorknob to the back door because none of the idiots had even thought to lock the door for some reason and I saw Carlos and Rebecca.

"Clementine!" said Carlos urgently.

"Yo, Carlos." I said waving.

"Where are the others?" he asked quickly.

"Who? Oh! Uh...Pete got bit and..."

"What?" Carlos and Rebecca said at the same time.

"Yeah. When we were down by the stream, Pete got bit and Nick and I took off for safety. Nick's in the woods in a shed by himself."

"Where?" asked Carlos.

"How should I know? Down by the fucking woods somewhere in a shed somewhere near the stream." I shrugged.

"Well where are the others?!" asked Rebecca.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked looking confused. "It was only me, Nick, and Pete...unless..."

"Alvin and Luke went looking for you three." said Rebecca grabbing a gun from Carlos. "Damn it...I told him not to go..."

"Well shit! What are you guys waiting for? GO! GO!" Rebecca and Carlos took off.

"Selfish bitch..." I mumbled to myself as the two of them ran out the door, but I was a bit relieved. Suddenly the doctor poked his head into the house.

"Clementine, take care of Sarah while we're gone."

"What? Why?! We should come with you!"

"No. It's too dangerous. Just don't let anyone into the house." he then left. I sighed. Why did I have to look after that girl? She was older than me! I'm still at the age where I need a babysitter! "Dumb ass mother fucker...I can't believe the stupid bastards took forever to try and find us...assholes!"

When I opened up the door to our shared room, Sarah took a picture of me, almost blinding me. Sarah showed me my picture. "Look!"

"Don't fucking do that! You scared the heck outta me!" I said grabbing my picture from her.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"I was just taking pictures. See!" she showed me a camera. "Take a picture of me, now."

"I don't see why not." I snapped a picture of her.

"That's pretty good." Sarah said observing her picture. "How many fish did you guys catch?"

"None cuz Pete got bit and we didn't get anything."


"Yeah. Nick and I had to go hide because there were too many walkers." I explained. "Rebecca and your dad went off to go look for them."

She turned and started sniffling. She probably didn't want me to see her crying. I started to comfort her, but decided against it. She then calmed down and looked at me. "I'm okay now…you wanna see what I found?" Sarah reached underneath her bed and pulled out a gun and held it sloppily. "I found it under the house!"

"Why the hell were you under the...AH!" She was pointing the gun at me. "DON'T DO THAT, IDIOT!"

"I-I-I'm sorry!"

"Gimme that!" I grabbed it from her. "These aren't toys...or plastic! These will kill you! Fucking moron! Listen, if you don't tell your dad, I'll teach you how to use it. 'kay?"

"Yeah!" I then began teaching her about how to properly hold a gun. "Remember, these kill and you should never use them except on people who wanna hurt you or kill you...or rape Nicolas Cage."

"Why would he wanna hurt me? Isn't he some big movie star?"

"I'm talking about Nick." I rolled my eyes.

"We can go practice aiming on that tree outside." she said pointing at a tree outside. "Oh! Luke's back!"

She left the room. I followed behind her. Once I saw her downstairs, I saw she looked scared. "What's wrong? Your nerves got the best of you?"

"T-that's not, Luke!" she whispered.

"Who the hell is it then?"

"I-I don't know! H-he can't see me!" Sarah looked at me. "Make him go away!"

"Oooookaaaaay..." I walked over to the door and opened it up. It was a tall guy with a stubby kind of mustache. He looked like a creepier. "Yo."

"Oh hello there." he raised a brow at me.

"What brings you here? Are you here for one of my bitches?"

"I'm just looking around the neighbor...wait what?"

"Are you here for one of my hoes? You know, prostitutes? If not, get the hell outta unless you wanna be one."

"Are you trying to say you're a pimp?" he looked incredibly amused as he kind of smirked.

"Wipe that damn look off your damn face before I do it for you asshole. I've got a whip and ball gag upstairs and I'm not afraid to use them." I glared at him.

"Cute." He stepped inside.

"Come right on in, mister. I'm in no way going to slap that flat ass and shove a piece of wet soap up your ass." I said rolling my eyes. "I'm also not going to in no way going to make you participate in an orgy."


"Nothing!" I hummed.

"So...what's your name little girl?"


"Carley, huh? That's a sweet name."

"Yep." I said staring at his ass he went into the living room.

"You here alone?" he asked looking at me.

"Duh. You seeany of my bitches here?" I gestured around the room. "Of course you don't. They're out getting some in exchange for some supplies as they should be."

"What happens if they don't return with anything?"

"You don't wanna know...but it involves that fireplace over there and something really hot near a certain place." When he looked at me funny, I shrugged. "I've gotta keep my bitches in line."

"Riiiiiiiiight..." he took a look around the living room. "Hm...I knew a guy who wore a shirt like that. He was a real smart son of a bitch. He's a doctor. He ran with a group that used to be in mine own...his daughter...a pretty little pregnant lady..."

He was looking at a shirt Carlos apparently likes to wear. I crossed my arms. "I don't care."

"That's a very rude thing to say."

"Does it look like I care?" I raised a brow.

"Hm..." he went into the kitchen. "Wow. There's a lot of dishes here."

"Like I said, I've got a lot of whores."

"And none of them know how to clean up?"

"They do...or do they...hmmm...I guess they only know how to clean up certain messes. Never mind that. They'll do it when they come back." I noticed a knife beside him and looked at him.

"You know, you've got a pretty good body build. Have you ever thought about being a stripper?"

"Noooo..." he looked at the knife I was eyeballing and picked it up. "Where does this go?"

"Up someone's ass. There's a guy that likes that type of shit that stops by every Mon...oh you mean where it belongs when we're done with it? Over there." I pointed over to a drawer. He placed the knife back into the drawer and went back into the living room. "You done yet? If you ain't here to be a whore, you need to fucking leave. If you're here for pleasure or pain or both, then I'm not your girl. I'm just the hostess. You can wait if you want. I've got plenty of varies. A MILF, at least three submissive types, although you might have trouble with one of them..."

Suddenly a loud creak was heard from upstairs. We both looked at each other. "Nice asshole...rea lnice...don't you know it's rude to fart in front if a lady?"

"That wasn't..."


He sniffed the air. "OH GOD! WHAT THE...?!"

I smirked as he covered up his nose and then glared at me. "What the heck have you been eating?!"

"Don't look at like that bitch! You know you're the one who dealt it, so deal with it." I rolled my eyes. Suddenly a door closed. He looked up.

"I thought no one was here..." He looked at me.

"How the hell should I know? Could be a robber or rapist...or I said, how the hell should I know? What am I? A security camera?" I rolled my eyes as he went upstairs. 'Stupid whore...can't she keep more quiet if she's scared of him?!'

I followed him upstairs as he looked around and was looking in Sarah's room. He rubbed his chin and picked something up and smirked. "Well...well...what's this?"

He showed me the picture. I looked at it and then at him. "So? It's just some loser."

He didn't seem all too convinced. "You don't know who these people are, do you?"

"What are you talking about...did one of my whores bite your dick off or something?!"

He merely left the room and started to leave. "I'll let myself out."


"You have a good day now." he simply said.

Once I made sure he was gone, I went into Sarah's room. "Hey, Sarah!"

"I-is he gone?" she whispered from underneath the bed.

"Yeah. Get your ass from under there, dumbass." I called out to her. She came from underneath the bed looking scared.

"I-is he coming back?"

"Nope...maybe...I really don't give a shit. He's not after me." I looked out the window.

"We have to tell dad!" the older girl whimpered looking around nervously.

"NO. WAY."

"Why?! He might come back here and kill us!"

"Don't be so dramatic. It's not like he has a bunch of people with him. What kind of dumbass comes to look for someone or some people alone?"

"True…but I think we should still tell dad. He could be coming back." Sarah looked nervous.

"Let him come back! I really don't care about majority of the people here to be honest."

Sarah seemed to only to listening a little bit. I glared at her, went to the kitchen, and drunk some apple juice until the others poured in. "DAD!"

"Oh. You people are back. For a minute there, I thought Sarah'd be stuck with me." I said in relief and half jokingly.

"A man was here." I looked over at Sarah. That fucking snitch! I glared at her.

"What?" Carlos looked at me. "Did you let him in?"

"Well duh. He was going to come in anyway. You left the fucking door unlocked, you asshole!" I glared at him. I turned to Sarah. "And next time, keep your mouth shut Sarah, plain and tall."

"I told you not to let anyone in the house!"

"Did you not hear what I said, dammit?!" I yelled. "The door was unlocked! If you fuckers had locked the damn door, the mother fucker wouldn't have come in!"

"H-he...he talked about you dad."

"Did he say what his name was?" Rebecca asked looking suspicious.

"No. Why would he give his name? I don't want it." I said crossing my arms.

"Why the hell didn't you ask his name?!"

"Why the hell do you care so much?" I asked raising a brow. Was he the father of her baby? He did call her pretty, which she wasn't.

"What did he look like?" questioned Carlos.

"He had a brown coat with some white fur around the collar."

Carlos looked frustrated. "Everyone get your things. We have to leave. NOW."

I looked confused as Carlos approached me while everyone ran for their things. "Clementine, William Carver is a very dangerous man. You'd be a lot safer if you came with us."

"I really don't have a choice." I said. I looked around. "Where's Nicolas...I mean Nick? Didn't you get him…I mean if you guys left him on purpose, let's go before that idiot catches up."

"We couldn't find him." said Luke. "Could you show us where he is?"

"I guess so." I shrugged. After everybody was done packing up their things, we headed out to find the idiot.

*Sarah, Plain and Tall is a name of a book I used to love reading as a kid. I don't think Sarah's plain, but I did it as a play on words.

As a side note, I'm starting a Q & A fanfic where you can ask the characters of Scumbag Clementine questions and stuff. I would say Scumbag Lee too, but that is yet to be finished/have more than 2 chapters up. You can still ask things though to people from Season 1 though. You can ask anything you want. I may also upload the full story of the previous version of this story. See you guys in the next chapter!