This is my first TWD fanfic! I hope everyone likes it! It takes place in Season 2 instead of season 1 and it takes place after the time skip where Clementine is 11 now. This is a rewrite of my fanfic. Some stuff are still the same while other things aren't

WARNING: Clementine is very scumbaggish in this story and the story has changed a little bit, some parts are skipped here and there, and does contain spoilers, so leave now if you don't want either and I don't want to hear any complaints.

I shivered as Christa poked at the small fire we had going. I wish we could have found a nice cabin or something to sit in while the stupid weasel (at least I think it was a weasel) cooked over the fire. It was lighlty raining where we were, so the fire was pretty low. I wanted to say that it was useless to keep the fire going, but I was afraid she would snap at me or something. Even though I've repeatedly said I was sorry for somewhat causing Omid's death, I felt like Christa was still blaming me for what happened. I hated myself for letting him die, but it was an accident! If anything, they're kind of to blame too! Someone should have been keeping watch! But what does it matter anymore.

"Is it going to be done soon?" I asked.

"Not even close. The flames are too low and it might not be done until morning."

Morning?! I would starve by that time! I barely have meat on my bones. I need food!

"I'm going to go look for more wood." Christa went off by herself.

"I might as well try to keep this fire going while she's gone." I sighed. I went around our little campsite, searching for anything that'll burn. After finding nothing that would burn a long time, I decided to look through my things. I wish I hadn't.

The very first thing I saw was Lee, my best friend. Why had didn't I just stay with him? Every time I looked at the photo, I wonder, what if he was here. Everything was better with Lee. Ever since Omid died, Christa's a bit cold, but she's the only one I have left. Lee's dead, Kenny's...well Christa told me he was probably dead...Ben's dead, Kenny's family is dead, Lily's off on the RV, although I heard Kenny said the thing ran out of gas or something, and parents are dead too. Would it be long before I died too?

Next was a picture Duck drew. I felt really bad. Holding a dead kid's picture of his probably equally dead family made me want to cry. Yeah Duck was a little annoying, but I didn't hate him. I never did. At least he was a nice kid that I could play with and mess around with when Lee was busy. Katjaa was really nice and I was really shocked when she died. Why did she have to leave poor Kenny? Kenny was really messed up after both of them died. I wonder if she feels bad that she left him all alone and angry. I wonder if he's okay now or is he with his family?

After digging around some more, I found a lighter. I dared not to burn Lee's torn photo or Duck's picture. It would be both disrespectful and an insult to their memories. Luckily I found a log and added it to the fire. Now our weasel thing would cook just a little faster. Suddenly, I heard loud talking from the woods. It sounded like Christa was in trouble! When I arrived on the scene, I saw that she was indeed in danger and I needed to help her out. They were both hassling her about her group, which we don't really have. I was caught between two choices. Do I run or do I help? Seeing as they had weapons and we were outdone by weapons, size, and number, I decided, "Fuck that," and threw a rock.

"RUN, YOU IDIOT!" I yelled when she just stood there looking all confused. When she saw me, she bolted off and so did I, although I heard some noises that indicted that she had either gotten hit or shot.

After a while some large guy started chasing after me too. In the end I ended up floating down a river and waking up somewhere completely new. I was scared out of my freakin' mind. Besides the time when I was with my bitten babysitter, I had never really been alone before. I've always had someone with me and nowadays it was even more dangerous for someone like me to be alone. I had no one to watch my back or talk to me or look out for me. Being alone kind of scared me.

"Hello?" I called out. I wish I had someone to call out to. Christa was probably miles away from where I was and everyone I knew was either dead or not here. Where was Molly when you needed her? I wish she was here...or Lee...or Kenny...or my parents... I kept walking, feeling even more scared by the minute. I had no gun and my backpack was nowhere to be seen and I wish I still had it. A few minutes later a dog popped out of the bushes. I smiled at him. Sure he was a little dirty, but he was still cute.

"Hey there boy!" I said smiling. I looked around. I didn't hear or see anyone. Was he alone too? I checked his collar carefully. His name was Sam. "Hello, Sam. I'm Clementine!"

"Woof!" he barked, as if to say hello too.

Great! Now I had a useful companion now! I've never had a dog before...or a pet. Heck, it had been quite some time since I've seen a dog. The last time I saw a dog, he was dead. I can still smell him now. Well that wouldn't happen to my dog! Yeah, my dog...except if his owners were still living I mean.

He walked away with me on his tail. Maybe he knew where some food was! I followed behind him to a small camp. After looking around, I found a doll (it's been awhile since I've played with one), but it wasn't really what I needed...or wanted. I didn't have time to play with toys anymore.

There were zombies walking around!

Suddenly Sam started barking. I got a little scared and slowly walked over. There was a zombie tied to a tree with a knife in his arm. Was he trying to cut his bit out and tied himself to a tree just in case? Well, I didn't have a gun to shoot him, so a massive branch had to work. After bashing in his head (thank goodness I didn't have to do this to Lee), I quickly took the knife out (just in case) and had to wipe it on my leg. Without running and clean water, I had too. Nothing was useful enough to clean the knife off with and my pants were close enough.

"There. Clean enough." I noticed a barrel. "Let's look in there. Maybe there's something to eat in there...hopefully."

After digging around a little while, I found a can of beans which were thankfully not expired...yet. I settled myself on a log and cut the can open. I really didn't wanna cut it with the bacteria covered knife, but I had no choice. Once I opened it, I quickly dug in. Sam sat down and looked at me with those big brown eyes. I glared at him. "Tough titties, Sam. I'm hungry! Go find yourself a rabbit or something."

Sam didn't seem to like that since he growled and bit my arm. I screamed in pain and beat him on the head, terrified. What if he had the rabies?! I can't let him kill me when I've come so far! I managed to get him off of me and kicked him over a large rock, which was followed by whimpers. I looked down at my arm. He had bitten pretty me pretty deeply. It could have worse though. I could have been bitten by a walker. When I went over to the dog, he had impaled in some torn parts on the tent. As much as the asshole deserved to be left there, I couldn't. I should have fed him. Sighing, I took out my knife and finished him off before heading off. I was feeling a little dizzy and needing some rest. I tried climbing a tree, but ended up falling on my butt inside of a bush. When I looked up, I found that some walkers had heard the noise and shuffled on over. I quickly got up and ran, often bumping into some trees. Why did Virginia have to have so many trees?!

I managed to trip over a large tree branch onto my arm and stomach. I winced as whimpered, grabbing my arm. I was doomed. They were coming closer and closer when suddenly one got hit in the head. Pretty soon all of them were down. Before I even knew what was going on, I got scooped up by someone. It was a tall brunette man who had scooped me up and an older man with white hair. Once we got a good bit away from, I thanked them.

"No problem." said the man carrying me.

"What are you doing out here?" asked the older guy.

"Where are the people you were with?" added the guy carrying me. "There's no way you survived this long on your own."

As much as I wanted to say, "You don't know me, asshole! I've been through shit you couldn't even imagine! I can handle myself just fine!" but I didn't want them to leave me, so I said, "M-me and my attacked."

"Really?" they both looked at each other.

"Yeah...they wanted to know where the rest of our group was. They probably wanted some food or something." I said shaking my head. "She's gone now..."

"Oh...uh, sorry about that." I quickly noticed at the two of them looked at each other. "Uh...I'm Luke and this is Pete."

"I'm Clementine." I said rubbing my arm.

"Nice to meet you, Clementine. You look like you're in pretty bad shape. We have a doctor back at the cabin, so he could...OH SHIT!" Before I knew what was happening, I got dropped on my butt AGAIN! Now I probably have a bruise there now.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" I yelled angrily. "You just don't drop people, asshole!"

"You're bit!" He yelled looking at my arm.

"Duh, idiot, but it was a dog, not a freakin' walker! See! Look!" I showed him my arm...well tried to. He was too busy panicking about my "walker" bite.

"I didn't see any dog back there." said Pete sternly.

"I...I killed it. You can go back there and see! I'll even show you."

"You killed it?!" Luke looked horrified, as if it was some kind of sin to kill a dog.

"HE ATTACKED ME!" I snapped as Pete took a look at my arm. "What the heck was I supposed to do!? Let it keep attacking me and eventually kill me!? Excuse me for wanting to live another day, asshole!"

I shook my head. Meanwhile the older guy frowned. "Hm..."

"Well..." Luke said nervously. "Does it look like a dog bite? I wouldn't know a lurker bite from a mosquito bite."

"Really? That's sad." I rolled my eyes.

"I can't really tell." I rolled my eyes. Of course...then again, Pete does look old and it was a bit bloody and messy, so at least he had an excuse. He looked me in the eyes. "Are you sure it was a dog?"

"I'm not blind! I know what happened!" I said looking him straight in the eyes.

He looked at Luke. "She's not lying."

"How can you tell?"

"See looked me straight in the eyes...probably why you can never beat me at poker."

"So you'll help me?" I asked, feeling slightly hopeful.

"Sure...the others might not like it, but we can't just leave you here."

"You're gonna have to walk though. I'm not carrying you with that lurker bite on your arm."

I glared at him. "Oh"

I stopped, feeling dizzy then everything went black.

I hope liked the chapter! More on the way!