"Lydia?" Stiles asked questioningly when he sees the red head, dripping water everywhere from the storm outside, throw her bag on the floor just inside the living room before heading upstairs silently.

"Lydia!" he called again completely thrown by her arrival at his house. His dad had to work late that night so he wasn't expecting anyone to come in. He especially wouldn't have thought it would be Lydia.

He looked around his living room as if an answer to her arrival would suddenly appear. Yes, they were friends, they were best friends, and yes Lydia had a key, but she had never once come over un-announced. She had been given a key so she could come over when her mum was out and crash in the Stilinski's guest room if she wanted, but she always called before hand.

Whilst Stiles was still trying to figure out what was going on, Lydia reappeared wearing nothing but Stiles' lacrosse sweatshirt that went down to her mid thighs and plopped herself down on the couch next to him with her feet tucked under her so her bare knees touched his leg and she grabbed the TV remote that was dangerously located on Stiles' crotch before flicking through the channels to find something more interesting to her to watch.

Stiles just stared at her open mouthed in awe of her spontaneous actions. He had even forgotten to flinch when she grabbed the remote. He couldn't see her face because of her sopping wet hair hanging down graciously down the side of her face tickling the top of her knees and Stile's leg.

"Um, Hi?" Stiles said trying to draw her attention to his existence, which she didn't seem to be aware of since she hadn't even acknowledged him yet.

"Hi" she replied without looking away from the TV. "You had dinner yet?"

"What? Uh, yea- I mean no, I, er, what? What the hell just happened?" he asked determined to get a logical explanation and knowing Lydia is the only source of one.

"What? You gave me a key remember?" she stated so matter of factly that Stiles didn't know what he was missing, because clearly he wasn't on the same page. Its not that he was complaining about having Lydia around, its just that this had never happened before, and he needed to know what was going through her head.

"It's pouring down outside, I was driving home when I broke down at the top of your road. What would you rather I'd have done? Stood outside in the freezing cod rain for an hour waiting for AAA or come here where its warm and dry." She gave him such a challenging look he was going to accept it and drop the subject, but Stiles can never just drop something.

"But why my sweatshirt? You have spare clothes in the guest room for when you stay sometimes." He persisted; trying to get her to acknowledge this was a strange situation.

"I thought you'd been trying to get a girl to wear your sweatshirt ever since you joined the team. Its not like Malia ever did." She threw back knowing how to push his buttons. Stiles and Malia may have split up a few months ago, but it was still a touchy subject. Stiles felt guilty about how things ended, and even though she'd moved on, he wasn't done punishing himself.

From the look on his face, Lydia decided to move the conversation along herself.

"No Malia talk, got it, look none of the clothes I have to sleep here in are very warm and this" she gestured to her only item of clothing "is very, very warm. I used to sleep in Jackson's." She said before she could stop herself, making her look down instinctively.

Stiles fell right back into normality, knowing how to make Lydia feel better when she let herself remember her mistakes from the past.

"Well it isn't Jackson's Sweatshirt, its mine, and if you want, yours."

She looked up from her fingers fiddling with the hem on her lap at that. She had a goofy grin on her face that only Stiles has ever been able to bring out in her. It made him smile to himself knowing that.

She shivered involuntary bringing stiles back to the fact that she had just been in the freezing cold rain.

"I'll get you a blanket." He said beginning to stand up but before he could get fully of the couch Lydia has her fingers wrapped around the end of his tee shirt pulling him back down towards her landing a little closer than he had been before.

"It's okay Stiles, your warm enough." She explained before pulling her legs out from under her and laying them across Stiles' lap. She wriggled forward slightly to get more comfortable causing the sweatshirt to ride up to just cover what is necessary before she rested her head on his shoulder.

For a split second, Stiles didn't know what to do. They'd been close before, hell Lydia had full right planted herself down on his lap before, another time she climbed on his back and refused to get off, and just last week she'd traced patterns all up his arm with her finger for over an hour, but each time she'd been intoxicated. Other times involved her falling asleep next to him during study sessions, but she hadn't been touching him. This is the first time sober Lydia had been this comfortable and physical with him.

His hands just hovered above her legs before Lydia piped up.

"I'm not gunna warm up if don't at least try and help me." She was still facing the TV until she realised he wasn't going to move on his own.

She grabbed his arms gently lowered them onto her legs. The left hand was around her calves, but the right was on her thigh. Stiles was still shocked, but Lydia couldn't have given her anymore consent to his touch if she tried, so he moved his hands gently warming her up and giving her a light massage at the same time. He would have been more surprised if it wasn't for how well he knows Lydia. The most predictable thing about her, is that you can never predict what she'll do next, but Lydia hadn't expect Stiles to be the one to surprise her. She wasn't expecting his touch to be so skilled. He seemed to know every inch of her legs to memory, as if he's studied them. He was able to move in such a way she forgot where she was, and she let out a slight moan.

She hoped he hadn't heard it, but when his fingertips tightened ever so slightly, she knew he had. How had she slipped up so quickly? She knew everything she was doing was so out of her usual character, but it could still be seen as friendship. She needed it to still be seen as friendship, after all, Stiles only saw her as friendship, didn't he? Why else did he date Malia?

She buried her head into his shoulder so her cheek was against the thin fabric of his tee shirt in an attempt to cover it. Stiles didn't know what was going through Lydia's head, but he did know she'd just moaned at his touch. Had she just moaned at is touch? It was so quiet he wasn't certain. She seemed so vulnerable right now. It had been a while since she'd been this vulnerable with him. Not since before Malia. Stiles was suddenly feeling more confident. He always did when Lydia was like this, because she wasn't fully in control, meaning she wanted him to take some control. Lydia didn't let her walls come down for just anyone, and not for just any reason.

He ventured an attempt at moving his right hand further up her leg, just an inch or two, continuing the gentle movements his fingers did all too well. This time, Lydia's moan was louder, more audible.

Stiles knew for sure this time that he was in fact making Lydia moan from his touch. He had the power. He was in full control of the situation as it was up to him as to whether he was going to keep moving his hand further up Lydia's leg, or leave her just two moans in. He wasn't used to the power with her, but he was revelling in it, well, he was before Lydia decided to take some of the power back. God forbid her be left without her power over Stiles.

She took her head off his shoulder and leaned completely back resting her hands above her head. This caused the Sweatshirt to ride even further up showing stiles exactly what he'd only dreamed of. She had a simple lace pair of panties on in a royal blue that made his heart skip a beat. His eyes went wide as he looked away before looking back again. He couldn't help himself. Her eyes were closed so she could see him, he should be the one with his eyes closed he thought, but Lydia knew what she was doing, and he knew that.

Why was she doing this? They were friends, just friends, they'd always just been friends. Why was Lydia suddenly changing things? She hated change.

"I didn't tell you to stop" she let out in the most innocent voice she could muster trying not to smile. She knew she had him. He wouldn't know what to do next, its not like he's really going to go any further is he?

He is.

Stiles moved his hand so far up her thigh his fingertips began to tempt the hem of her panties to let him inside. He draws patterns around her leg like she had to his arm the week before, starting small in one spot, then venturing a little further.

Lydia wasn't expecting that. She moved one of her hands to her mouth to bite down on her finger to repress any more moans from coming. She opened her eyes slowly seeing Stile's eyes fixed fully on hers. He caught her off guard, and in that moment, he knew he was seeing Lydia for the first time with her walls fully down. She was about to put them back up when she saw the recognition in his eye. He's not taking advantage of the situation. He's not doing any more than she's said he can. Part of her thought this was just her friend, playing along with some game, but another part of her thought this could be what she wanted it to be, and that's the larger part, so before she could think her actions through, she launched herself upright straddling Stiles.

She rested her hands on his shoulders and he rested his on her thighs, not wanting to move anywhere else just yet. She didn't kiss him, didn't say anything, and neither did he. They just stared at each other trying to figure out what was happening and how they suddenly got into that situation without actually doing anything.

After five minutes of silence and neither of them moving, Stiles ventured an attempt to get some sort of a conversation going. "You still hungry?" It may not have been the best thing to ask in that moment, but they couldn't stay like that forever.

Lydia blinked rapidly breaking out of her trance before practically leaping off of Stiles and heading for the Kitchen saying, "Yes" as she went.

Stiles had a feeling this was going to be a long night.