I don't own Harry Potter or Naruto, though I wish I did.

Naruto Uzumaki was not having a good day. It had started off relatively ok, but had steadily gotten worse. The old bag from down the street had overcharged him for groceries again, and the shopkeeper in the square had refused to even look at him when he had asked where the eggs were. Some jackass had tripped him, and another idiot called him a demon. Yeah. This day wasn't going to even be close to good.

You would think that after basically winning the Fourth Great Shinobi War, people would treat him a little better. Hell, after he had defeated Nagato, people had been treating him almost nicely! But no. People gave Sasuke all the credit, and had completely ignored his contribution in the war. Nevermind that he had literally fought until his heart stopped being, and willingly worked with his old team-mate, who had shoved a freaking CHIDORI into his chest!

At first, he at least still had his friends. But Kakashi had once again started to focus more on Sasuke, and Sakura had reverted back to her old ways, once again starting to think that Sasuke shit out bricks of rainbows and unicorns. The rest of his friends had been the same as they always had, but that attitude threw itself right out the window after he told them of his greatest secret. After that, he was lucky if he could pass them on the street without getting a disgusted look thrown his way.

You see, Naruto Uzumaki, Konoha's Number-One-Knuckleheaded-Ninja, was gay. He had known for a while, but had denied it up until he had seen Neji die. He tried to convince himself that he liked girls, and was in love with Sakura. He had ignored the feelings kissing Sasuke had brought on, and desperately repressed how hot he thought Kiba was when shirtless. But the moment he felt Neji go limp in his arms during the war, he knew the grief he felt was not for someone who was a friend, or maybe even a brother. It was for someone who you loved dearly, and wanted to be with. It was for someone you wanted to take on dates, someone to tell even your darkest secrets to, and someone to maybe even make love to. One of his greatest regrets was not admitting to himself that he liked Neji before he had died.

He had eventually worked up enough courage to tell his friends about his sexuality, but that had gone badly. The only ones who stuck by him now were Sia, (who just didn't give a shit) Iruka, (who considered him his son) and, surprisingly, Sasuke. Naruto thought for sure that he would beat the others to the when he told them, but he didn't even move. He had tucked his one hand into his pocket, smirked, and said, " No wonder you wore such bright colors, Dobe." His smirk promptly vanished when Naruto had burst into tears, threw himself at him, and used him as a living snot-rag/human tissue for the next hour. The only other people who besides them who had stuck with him were the Konohamaru corps, who didn't care if Aniki liked it up the ass (Konohamaru's words), Baa-chan, and the Ramen stand owners.

So, considering how much had been going on lately, while adding one really shitty day to the mix, it was pretty understandable when Naruto's naturally hot temper finally exploded. To give him credit, he had managed to wait until he had reversed-summoned himself to Mount Myoboku and found a deserted forest before he let himself go. And when I say go, I mean go. Towering trees flew in all directions, earth rising in a tsunami in face of the power being exerted. The wind howled in the sky, dirt compacting due to the pressure of the chakra pushing down on it. It was a complete cyclone of power. And it stopped as abruptly as it started. The trees fell to the ground, and the dirt settled with a cloud of dust. The wind gently stopped in its ferocity, and the dirt gave a sigh of relief when the pressure vanished. The biggest thing that had happened though was this: Naruto was no longer in the clearing he had created. In fact, he was no longer even in the Elemental Countries at all, or even anywhere near it!

You see, all that power plus the fact that you were in a pocket dimension equaled one thing. An incredibly mixed up math equation, with enough variables to make the even the smartest person's head spin. So, in other words, a giant mess.

I know it short! I just wanted to see what you thought of my writing before I continue, even though there isn't much to go by. Review!