I know that guy….
An AU where Dan is married to (oc) Yasha (short name) he has to cope with his occupation in special ops. Yasha sees a familiar face on T.V and Dan gets excited. So enjoy this little tid bit and more will be on the waaaaaaaaaaay!
"Hey, I know that guy." He points to the T.V, Emma sleeping in his arms. Her wavy black hair tickling his nose.
"Who? Bucky Barnes?" Dan asks, voice in disbelief and eyes wide. He's sitting on the edge of the sofa, watching the news regarding Iron Man's latest battle with The Doom Bots. He's currently standing next to the recovered Bucky Barnes. His metal arm wrapped tightly around the billionaire's waist. His face a permanent scowl that keeps the cameramen away.
"That's his name?" He raises a brow. His hair is tied in a neat bun so his long fringe doesn't cover his normally stoic face. His stubble is growing out, he needs to shave a little, as his daughter mumbles out in her sleep. He bounces her in his arms and she lets out a quiet yawn. He goes to the couch and asks his son to move a little.
"How come you don't know Bucky Barnes, dad? He's like as old as you are!" He exclaims, arms flailing.
"I didn't know 35 years old is already considered a senior citizen." He grumbles out a bit, a pout present. His son giggles at his father's antics and proceeds to carefully climb on his lap. Trying not to disturb his sleeping little sister. He snuggles to his father's larger frame and Yasha wraps an arm around his abdomen.
"So, what you're saying is that you've never read any comics about Captain America." Dan asks him incredulously. His smirk is wide and cheeky. Yasha sighs in frustration, "No, I've never read any comics before in my life." He grumbles out, his son bringing his hand up to press his palm against his father's larger palm as he hums a tune. Dan pats Yasha's back in sympathy and went back to the news. A thought came to him then.
"So how did you meet him? Bucky?"
Yasha hums in thought, "It was when I was caught during a sweep." His voice a little grave and Dan snuggles up to his side. "You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to." He whispers out. Remembering those three weeks of anxiety and fear of never seeing his husband again. Yasha waves off his concern and turns his head to give a kiss to Dan's forehead. His black glossy hair tickling his nose. "Nah, it's just another walk in the park for me." He mumbles out, he unwraps his arm around his son and places them around his smaller husband's shoulders.
"When I was caught, I was brought into a cell. I didn't think that there would be anybody else in that place. But when I found out that there was someone else, I noticed that he had some kind of muzzle on. He didn't speak, but we manage to grunt out a few words. He found me looking at you and the kids' picture and he asks me about you guys. I told him, "My husband's going to kill me when I'm back." …"
"And I did just that." Dan cuts in. Nose turned up and he scoffs.
"Sure ya did, котёнок." His Russian slip and Dan blushes. "So, back to the story?" He snuggles into his husband's side.
"So, after he knew that I was married to a man, he became a little more open. He has a guy back home too and he doesn't plan to have any kids, yet. When he told me this we came to trust each other. Then we make up a plan and escaped. Gotta say, that guy saved my behind more than I can take them out with a grenade." He chuckles a bit, censoring the more gruesome details.
"After that we parted ways and the last time I saw him, he was taking out half a dozen HYDRA soldiers and I stole a jeep and I was outta there. Didn't even looked back when that base exploded." He smiles smug and he has this shit eating grin on his face. Dan rolls his baby blue eyes and playfully punches his husband's shoulder.
"Well, I gotta thank him for saving my husband's ass. Think they'll accept gift baskets at the Stark Tower?" He laughs when Yasha rolls his eyes skyward. They turn to look at the T.V to see Tony Stark being kissed on live television by Bucky Barnes and Yasha sends a mental salute to the guy.
"Wow, I always thought that he'd end up with Captain Spanglepants. Welp, I guess I owe Danny 20 bucks. Thanks Tony." The sarcasm rolls off his tongue.
"Who's Captain Spanglepants?"