Chapter 35 - The Evil Queen

Okay, so this is kind of a two-parter in a way. I know some of you were anticipating a new Belle chapter, and it is coming, but I wanted to do this flashback thing first as it works as sort of a precursor to that. Once I finish the Belle chapter, I think I will mash them together and reupload this with the rest of the chapter with Belle attached, but it seems to be a long chapter and could take some time to write and put together so I thought I would give you guys this thing first to ease the anticipation. Enjoy :)

To move forward with our story, we once again need to move back. 10 years back to be precise, to another kingdom far from Agrabah where a very popular king had just passed away. Shortly after the funeral, the coronation of the one who should later be known as The Evil Queen took place. This was followed by a feast in which many of the kingdom's citizens attended, not just the noblemen. The Evil Queen sat in her throne at the end of the ballroom, looking over the banquet. She had made sure that there was plenty of food and alcohol to go around for the occasion.

Many of the men had gone up to her after the coronation to congratulate her or offer their condolences. Late in the evening, a man came to her with a single very red rose. The Evil Queen took the flower and placed it beside her without changing her cold facial expression or saying thanks.

"Such a tragedy what happened to your husband," the man said and bowed. "And so shortly after your wedding. After the former queen's passing in childbirth, he had been declining for years. Many of us believed that he would get better after marrying again. And then to choke on an ordinary apple…" The man shook his head in despair.

"Yes, such a tragedy," The Evil Queen said with a monotone voice. She knew very well the apple the King choked on was not ordinary as she had poisoned it and made it seem like he choked to death. "But this is not a time to mourn," she continued in a more upbeat tone. "This is a time for celebration! A new beginning under new leadership! Go back to the feast and enjoy yourself."

The man bowed again and retreated to the party. Behind him, a younger man stepped forward and bowed.

"Your Majesty," he said humbily. "My name is Lumiere. I've been sent as a representative of Prince Adam."

"Is that so?" The Evil Queen said, not seeming to be interested in the slightest.

"He wants to let you know that he wishes to ask for the King's-"

"Former King," The Evil Queen corrected sternly.

"Yes, of course, Your Majesty," Lumiere said flustered. "He wants to let you know that he wishes to ask for the former King's daughter, Snow White's, hand in marriage."

Lumiere looked over at a beautiful young girl at about 8 or 9 years old, crying into the shoulder of a maid. Snow White had been inconsolable since her father died.

"When she is of age of course," Lumiere then said.

The Evil Queen's face gave nothing away, but she was clenching her fists hard.

"Thank you for the information," she said coldly. "Now fuck off."

Lumiere bowed and backed away. The Evil Queen had had enough of this. She stood up and banged a fork against her wineglass to get everyone's attention. The whole ballroom was quiet.

"I will sleep with anyone in this room tonight," she declared loudly. "As long as they agree to be executed in the morning."

The room stayed silent for a few moments, before several of the drunken men one by one raised their hands and shouted: "I'll do it!"

"You," The Evil Queen said and pointed at a random volunteer. "Come with me."

The Evil Queen grabbed him by the hand and led him out of the ballroom and showed him the way to her chambers.

Half an hour or so later, the sound of the man moaning loudly: "Fuck! That is good! Fuuuuck!" was heard from the room as the Evil Queen was riding him senselessly. When he came, his pupils went inside his skull and he squealed like a pig.

"Wow, that was amazing," he sighed as The Evil Queen got off his cock.

She smiled for a second, but then turned her head to the door and yelled from the top of her lungs.


Two giant thugs came into the room and dragged the man out of the bed.

"Take him to the dungeons," The Evil Queen said as she put a classy black bathrobe on. "He shall die in the morning."

As he was dragged out of the room, he had a look on his face that said: "it was worth it".

"A decent fuck though," The Evil Queen said to herself when they had left.

But the night wasn't over for her. After that, she left her chambers to go to a gloomily lit room where her massive magic mirror was placed.

"Slave in the magic mirror, come from the farthest space, through wind and darkness I summon thee. Speak! Let me see thy face," she said as she raised her arms.

The wind became wild and flames burst within the mirror frame. A lavender and green theatrical mask with hollowed eye sockets and mouth appeared floating in the middle of the frame with purple smoke around it.

"What wouldst thou know, my Queen?" it said.

"I have a question for you," she said in her cold menacing voice. "If Prince Adam marries Snow White, what will happen then?"

"He shall take thy place as ruler of the kingdom," the mirror answered in its calm manner.

"No!" the Queen screamed furiously and punched the mirror so hard a piece fell off and landed on the cold stone floor. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself, before she spoke again in a more composed voice. "Show him to me."

The mask disappeared from the mirror and instead a young boy throwing a tantrum at a maid who was trying to teach him how to read appeared in the frame.

"Look at this brat," The Evil Queen said and snorted. "I think I'm gonna pay him a little visit."

"What is thy plan?" the mask asked after appearing in the mirror again.

"My plan?" The Queen said and a smile grew on her face. "I will disguise myself as a haggard old beggar woman and offer him…" She paused and touched her chin pensively. Then she thought of just the thing. "…a rose in exchange for shelter. And when he turns me away, I will turn back into my usual beautiful self and curse him."

The Evil Queen sneered evily.

"What if he doth not turn thou away?" the mask asked skeptically.

"He's 11 years old! If he's raised any proper, he ought to turn an ugly old strange woman away. And when he does, I will turn him into a hideous beast; the kind no one could ever love. I'll even torture him even more by enchanting the rose to break the spell within 10 years if he earns a woman's love. Like that's gonna happen," she said sarcastically and laughed maniacally. "And I will curse his entire kingdom so he and his servants can't leave and no one will remember or even realize it exists outside of its walls. That should wake care of the problem."

The Evil Queen rubbed her hands together. It was almost too good! But something was still missing from her plan… Then her eyes fell on the broken mirror piece on the floor. She picked it up and examined it.

"And lastly, I will give him this magic mirror as a window to the outside world that he can never go to, just to torment him a bit more."

The Evil Queen left the kingdom that night to go to Prince Adam's castle and change his life forever.

10 years later, at that very castle, a scared girl named Belle was walking across a long hallway to the West Wing.