Hello. I have recently gotten infatuated with both the idea of Stefonnie and Bonkai. This is the result.
By the way, the stories will be separated according to ships. Maybe one day I'll mix them.
"Open this door, Stefan! Open it right now!" Bonnie pounded her tiny fists with desperate urgency.
This wasn't what she was used to, she was usually so understanding and rational. She could find the maturity in her to knock politely, to wait, and address him like the elder he clearly is, but she didn't quite want to. It had been a dreary Sunday when Elena Gilbert ran up to her house, tears welled up in her doe eyes, sniffling about Stefan breaking her heart. She had to ditch her weekly magic lessons she was getting from her cousin and transform into 'super best friend', providing the ice cream and shoulder to cry on. It was a long weekend.
Not even two days later, Caroline bombarded her in the girls bathroom. Mascara dripped down her chin and onto her designer pink jacket. She looked like a cracked porcelain doll. Bonnie could barely ask what happened before she was pulled into a giant squeeze and had the name Stefan sniffled to her once again. And that's when she knew that he had to have turned his humanity switch off. Two crying girls in two days? She wouldn't give him the pleasure of making it three. She kicked the door.
"Stefan Salvatore!" Bonnie shouted. Being fairly new to yelling at someone, she decided to use the only yelling tone she knew by heart; her grandmother's. The door swung open the next second.
"Yes, mom?" Stefan answered. If she hadn't had the ability to smell the strong liquor laced on his lips, she would've figured that he was perfectly normal. He still proudly strut the classic 'hero hair', as Damon continuously calls it, and he looked well dressed, another outfit variation including a v-neck. His smile did not quite meet his hazel eyes, which Bonnie took immediate notice of. He crossed his thick arms and leaned on the door frame.
"Really, Stefan? The humanity switch? What, were you bored or something?" Bonnie questioned, turning her face up at the emotionless monster before her. He towered over her significantly, but she'd be damned if she let a vampire intimidate her.
"I guess you could say that. Elena is boring, isn't she?" He snickered under his breath. Bonnie rolled her eyes. "What do you care, Bon? It's not like I'm out murdering the town."
Bonnie couldn't help but to remember the last time Stefan had his humanity turned off. He murdered hell of a lot more than a town. And she's seen him, bloodied fangs and all, losing himself to the temptation of blood. He was a ripper and that couldn't just change overnight.
"Knowing you, that was probably the next thing in your planner." She sassed him. Stefan smirked as he pushed himself from the door frame, closer to Bonnie. She tensed, but never showed a sign of weakness. The front of his shoes hit hers.
"You know what's always confused me?" He asked. Bonnie raised an arched brow. "How Jeremy is the only fucker in this town to get with you. It's mind blowing." He made a fake explosive noise while pointing to his brain. Bonnie scoffed.
"Is that you calling me easy?"
"That's me calling you sexy. Take it as a compliment, Bon, I can tell you don't get a lot of those." He laughed, earning him a series of blood vessels bursting in his head. He groaned, clutching his head.
"If you so much as breath in another one of my friend's or any other innocent citizen's direction again, I will burn you to ashes. Do you understand me, Stefan?" She threatened, closing her outstretched hand into a fist. Stefan's shouts intensified, then diminished into a manic laugh as he looked her in the face.
"Savior Bonnie to the rescue, right?" He choked out. Bonnie eased up slightly, still glaring. "Rescue from what? Did I hurt them physically? Is it suddenly my fault that Elena and Caroline have weak tear ducts? Are you seriously gonna kill me because their feelings got hurt?" He questioned. Bonnie released her magical grip on his internal organs. "That's dedication, Bonnie. They whistle; you attack."
"No one forced me to do this. I'm trying to stop you from spinning out of control."
"Here's a plot twist for you. I didn't flip my humanity switch. I just don't care. That so hard to believe?"
In that moment, Bonnie realized how completely vulnerable he seemed. As if she hid the truth, that he did have feelings, behind his mask of a Ripper. It was Stefan, a tight lipped, drunk, immature, uncaring Stefan, but still completely Stefan - puppy dog eyes and all. And it made her wonder why in the world he would say these terrible things: tell Elena that he didn't love her anymore and he wasn't interested in her, tell Caroline that she should find a real friend of hers to vent her childish problems to, and tell her that she's...well, sexy. Stefan continued staring at her, eyes sparkling like chandeliers and lips set into a frown. She eyed him just as intensely.
"Yes." She breathed. There was a pause.
"Don't tell them." He finally said, sounding more normal than ever.
"That you still possess humanity and just decided to be a dick? How about no?"
"I get it, I'm the bad guy in all of this. I'm the guy who has no reason to be upset when his supposed girlfriend is out kissing his brother. I'm supposed to show zero emotion to that, right? I was just telling the truth! I don't love her anymore. Is that so hard for you kids to wrap your tiny brains around, that I couldn't possibly move on with my life after Elena? I've been moving on from girls for almost two hundred years! Elena made her choice, so now she can kiss Damon all she wants without the guilt of cheating on me." Stefan explained to a shocked Bonnie. The girl sure did leave out that key component of the story. "And Caroline. All that girl wants in her life is for my unfaithful girlfriend and I to be together. It's annoying, you know, to have everyone push you onto someone you don't love anymore."
By this time, Bonnie had been convinced enough to show him mercy. Stefan had every right to be irritated, she understood that more than ever. After Jeremy cheated on her with his ghost girlfriend, she felt so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Was it her personality? Was it the way she despised public displays of affection? Where had she went so wrong with her boyfriend that he had to turn to the undead to cheat on her with? It was humiliating, even more so once her friends found out and still pushed her towards the younger Gilbert. Had they really expected her to take him back? She sighed at Stefan, rubbing her palm across her face.
"Alright. I get it. I just...I'm sorry, it was none of my business." She turned to leave, but he whooshed in front of her. His head tilted ever so slightly and his eyes shined with a mischievous glow.
"You don't have to leave. We could just talk and have a drink. I mean, you are the only one who knows my secret identity." He suggested eagerly. Bonnie nearly laughed, shaking her head. The last real conversation she's ever had with Stefan Salvatore was nearly one year ago, after one of the towns famous dances for some decade - she could never keep up with which one was which. Elena had gone home early, looking feverish and more pale than usual. Bonnie had later found out that she caught the stomach flu from someone at the event. Caroline was with Tyler, probably fighting or having sex. Damon said that he went out for a drink, but it was fairly obvious to Bonnie that he was really going to check up on Elena. And Stefan was too drunk to actually care - drunk Stefan seemed to have always been that way. He found his way to her in The Grill, smiling like a child who found a fresh dollar on the ground. She was just waiting on Matt to get back with her drink.
"I love this song. And that's a huge compliment you know, coming from someone who favors that classic late seventies early eighties rock and roll." He practically slurred. Bonnie rolled her eyes. She could recognize the familiar chord melody as a song from The XX.
"I'm sure it is." She replied, scanning the crowd for Matt to return. Stefan turned to her, smiling more subtly.
"I'm serious. What's your favorite music era?" He asked. She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to figure out why he was talking to her.
"Did you need anything, Stefan?" She asked, truly confused. He shook his head, almost pouting now.
"I really want to know. It's truly an enigma, Ms. Bennett. You have an earthy style, as if you're embodying the cool essence of a sixties love song, but you also have that natural fighting spirit of an eighties rock song. Yet, you carry around that nineties angst like it's nobody's business. So...what is it, Bonnie?" He asked, resting one arm on the bar. Bonnie smiled up at him, surprised. His attention to details has always been amazing, but never did she know that they were also focused on her.
"If you must know, I have a certain weakness for nineties music. It reminds me of a simpler time, when the most traumatizing things that happened to me included the Spice Girls breaking up and Aaliyah's plane crash." Bonnie reminisced. Stefan nodded.
"Simpler times..." He chuckled. "Simpler times for me was...searching for food to hunt in wooded areas, playing with sticks by the lake with Damon, and sneaking into colored music shows in the bars the next town over." His smile disintegrated. "But...nothing is worse than the present."
Bonnie could see him losing his buzz from the liquor, slipping back into 'depressing Stefan', so she decided to take his mind off of it. She asked him about his favorite musicians and it was like she snapped him out of it. He shared stories of compelling himself into concerts and she shared her stories of trying to sneak into concerts and getting busted. They were having such a good laugh, she hadn't even noticed that Matt had long ago came and went.
"Seriously, Bonnie? You'd pick Green Day over Nirvana?" He asked in disbelief. She laughed relentlessly at his purely disgusted face. She shrugged.
"I had every Green Day album, even the live tracks, and I probably have only heard a dozen or so Nirvana songs. I'm picking based solely on who I identify with better, no need to get your vampire panties in a bunch." Bonnie scolded him. He shook his head, mouthing 'no' the entire time.
"No, no, no. We're going to have to sit down and listen to every Nirvana song ever so you can make the right decision. We'll also listen to Guns and Roses and Pearl Jam while we're at it. You don't even know the world you're missing!" Stefan exclaimed, gesturing wildly. She chuckled, standing up from her seat to stretch. Stefan watched her body extend itself out as any other guy would. But he had a girlfriend, which he had to remind himself of.
"I'm pretty sure I have an idea, old man." She teased with a hit to his shoulder. He winced as if she had really hurt him and she rolled her eyes, which had just happened to catch sight of the clock above them. "Woah! We've been here for so long..." She giggled. If she hadn't drank that last shot, she probably would've left already.
"Then I guess no one would care if we stayed a bit longer." He smirked. Bonnie pressed her face into her palms and mumbled what sounded like a curse. She raised her glass to Stefan before sipping it. She knew she'd regret bonding with him, yet she did it anyway.
"You ran all your buddies away, so I guess I'm the last choice. Right?" She placed both hands on her hips, looking cattier than ever before. Stefan chuckled under his breath.
"Damon is my last choice. You are the first person I've asked." He smiled. Bonnie eyed him curiously before a subtle tint of pink infected her cheeks. She immediately looked to the carpet.
"I, uhm, I guess. I mean, I could definitely use a drink right now. But that's the only reason I'm agreeing to this." She smirked. Stefan nodded, gesturing to his bedroom.
"Go on then." He said. She hesitantly walked in front of him towards his room. He took the moment to appreciate the backside of Bonnie Bennett - an ass that the doppelganger could only get through plastic surgeons. Yeah, Bonnie was absolutely sexy; with her beautiful brunette hair that caressed her shoulders, the perfect complexion of her glowing skin, her bubbly laugh that was seldom heard, and her piercing glares that could literally bring anyone to their knees. Stefan would be lying if he told anyone that he hadn't thought about it, being with Bonnie Bennett. He couldn't deny that often times her face would pop up in his mind as Elena finished him off or when he was flying solo at night because Elena wasn't in the mood.
"You coming, Salvatore?" She turned back around, nearly catching his gaze on her. Stefan nodded, following her path closely.
"Yes, dear." He said mockingly before disappearing behind the bedroom door with Bonnie. He hoped the door wouldn't open again until the next morning.